Date  EntryTypeInfo Version
  11 mar 25  Twin World (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Game // EnglishUbi Soft Ltd'90Slider, tiboh'23,25
  08 mar 25  Athena (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'23
  04 mar 25  Dragon SpiritGame // EnglishConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Dmitry Sharov
  04 mar 25  SkateballGame // EnglishUbi Soft Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov
  04 mar 25  Psycho Pigs U.X.B.Game // EnglishSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov'93
  04 mar 25  Fox Fights BackGame // EnglishDenton Designs, Image Works'88Dmitriy Kulikov
  04 mar 25  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkGame // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'91Dmitriy Kulikov
  04 mar 25  Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingGame // EnglishGamestar'85Dmitriy Kulikov'93
  04 mar 25  River CrossingGame // EnglishZarsoft'24Bedazzle'25
  04 mar 25  Maze Walls - TessellationGame // EnglishZarsoft'24Bedazzle'25
  04 mar 25  Flexuous AvifaunaGame // exUSSRPoopiestbutt'23Bedazzle'25
  04 mar 25  Fair SharesGame // EnglishZarsoft'24Bedazzle'25
  02 mar 25  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (128k only) (pentfix)Game // EnglishBinary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'25
  02 mar 25  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (48/128k) (pentfix)Game // EnglishBinary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'25
  01 mar 25  Thanatos (128k only)Game // EnglishDurell Software Ltd'86Power of Sound'95, Eskiz'96
  01 mar 25  Magnetic Moon 1, 2, 3 (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishFSF Adventures'89Eskiz'96
  01 mar 25  X-OutGame // EnglishArc Developments, Rainbow Arts'90SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  XenophobeGame // EnglishVisage, Microstyle'89SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  Sirwood 1, 2, 3, IntroGame // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'90SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  Mr. Heli (128k only)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  Midnight Resistance (128k only)Game // EnglishSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  Game Over 1.1, 1.2 (128k only)Game // EnglishDinamic Software'87SHIPsoft'98
  01 mar 25  PasapantallasGame // EnglishKrappyGamez'24Bedazzle'25
  01 mar 25  Blue DiamondGame // EnglishStarsoft'24Bedazzle'25
  27 feb 25  Sound Tracker Song Compiler v1.2Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомBzyk'90, ED'92, Oleg Moskalenko'93
  27 feb 25  Sound TrackerМузыкальные редакторы для AYBzyk'90, Oleg Moskalenko'93
  27 feb 25  Sound TrackerМузыкальные редакторы для AYBzyk'90, Rayden
  27 feb 25  Sound Tracker v2.0 DemoМузыкальные редакторы для AYBzyk'90, Himik's ZxZ
  27 feb 25  Pro Tracker v3.32Музыкальные редакторы для AYGolden Disk Corporation'97, Energy Minds
  27 feb 25  ASC Sound Master v0.12Музыкальные редакторы для AYAndrew Strikes Code'92, JM, Restore Ltd'95
  27 feb 25  Leader BoardGame // EnglishCanvas, US Gold Ltd'87Red Cross'97
  27 feb 25  Pit-Fighter (128k only)Game // EnglishTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'91Scorpion Soft'95
  27 feb 25  Ninja Warriors, The (128k only)Game // EnglishRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'89Scorpion Soft'94
  27 feb 25  Golden Axe (128k only)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Scorpion Soft'94
  27 feb 25  Ramon RodriguezGame // EnglishErbe Software S.A.'86King of Time'94
  27 feb 25  720 DegreesGame // EnglishTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87King of Time
  27 feb 25  NonterraqueousGame // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'85ANS Soft Ltd'90
  27 feb 25  Mutant MushroomsGame // EnglishThe Death Squad'24Bedazzle'25
  27 feb 25  MinesweeperGame // EnglishUnder4Mhz'24Bedazzle'25
  27 feb 25  Cattivik 2024 DemoGame // Demo versionGabriele Amore'24Bedazzle'25
  25 feb 25  AY_Emul v3.0 betaРабота с AY, FM и beep - звуком на PC
  25 feb 25  SpaceGame // EnglishSoonrich'24Bedazzle'25
  25 feb 25  DrumsМузыкальные редакторы для beeperEinstein Software'85, Papir'91
  25 feb 25  Sound Tracker Song DecompilerМузыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомESV'96
  25 feb 25  Sound Tracker Cracker & PlayerМузыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомAnton Ermak
  25 feb 25  Sound Cracker v1.4Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомResearch'95
  25 feb 25  The Flash Module Convertor + STR Block Decompiler v1.1Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомPhantom Family'97
  25 feb 25  SmailyGame // EnglishNF Stars, Zigurat Software'91LFA'92
  25 feb 25  Midnight ResistanceGame // EnglishSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90LFA'92
  25 feb 25  Gunship (dsk)Game // EnglishMicroProse Software Ltd'87LFA'91
  25 feb 25  Gryzor (48k only)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'87LFA'92
  25 feb 25  Fairlight II (128k only)Game // EnglishThe Edge'86Michael Makarevich, Evgeny Koprov, LFA'92
  25 feb 25  F1 Tornado SimulatorGame // EnglishZeppelin Games Ltd'91LFA'92
  25 feb 25  Eidolon, TheGame // EnglishP.A.W. Software, Activision Inc'86LFA'92
  25 feb 25  ZX-ShoplifterGame // EnglishgazJ82'24Bedazzle'25
  25 feb 25  ARLO (128k only)Game // EnglishPackobilly'24Bedazzle'25
  25 feb 25  AntiairGame // EnglishInufuto'24Bedazzle'25
  21 feb 25  Soul of a Robot (Nonterraqueous II)Game // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'85Roversoft'96
  21 feb 25  Operation Nightingale (txt)Game // EnglishSoftly Softly'85Roversoft'96
  21 feb 25  OctanGame // EnglishSilverbird Software Ltd'87Plaid'96
  21 feb 25  MikieGame // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'85Roversoft
  21 feb 25  Jumping Jack (mod)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'83Plaid'96
  21 feb 25  Bubble BobbleGame // EnglishSoftware Creations, Firebird Software Ltd'87Roversoft'95
  21 feb 25  Black BeardGame // EnglishTopo Soft'88Plaid'96
  21 feb 25  Jet Bike SimulatorGame // EnglishCode Masters Plus'88Sergey Smirnov
  21 feb 25  Hercules: Slayer of the DamnedGame // EnglishCygnus Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Oleg Klauson'92
  21 feb 25  Athena (128k only)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'87Oleg Klauson'92
  21 feb 25  Dr. AculaGame // EnglishColin Stewart'24Bedazzle'25
  18 feb 25  Draughts GeniusGame // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'87A.V. Pankratov'90
  18 feb 25  Sweevo's World (Gipsy) (ita)Game // TranslatedGargoyle Games'86Mike Studio'91
  18 feb 25  RygarGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Hacker Killer, Crazysoft'94
  18 feb 25  Monty on the RunGame // EnglishGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Hacker Killer, Norton
  18 feb 25  Bubble Buster (mod)Game // EnglishHudson Soft, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Hacker Killer, Mad Max
  18 feb 25  Neverending Story, The (txt) (128k only) (dsk)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'85Hacker Han Solo'93
  18 feb 25  Super Scramble SimulatorGame // EnglishGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Hacker Han Solo'92
  18 feb 25  Mario Bros (mod)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'87Hacker Han Solo'92
  18 feb 25  TrazGame // EnglishGamebusters'89Alexsoft'93
  18 feb 25  No FutureGame // EnglishMy Cat Software'24Bedazzle'25
  18 feb 25  Lambs to the SlaughterGame // EnglishThe Death Squad'24Bedazzle'25
  18 feb 25  Flappy DevilGame // EnglishKerl'24Bedazzle'25
  18 feb 25  Beyond the Ice Palace (-oldvers)Game // EnglishElite Systems Ltd'88BrokImSoft'98
  18 feb 25  Mystical (-oldvers) (+3dos) (128k only) (pentfix)Game // EnglishNew Frontier, Infogrames'91SG-Team'11
  17 feb 25  Livingstone SupongoGame // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'87Slider, tiboh'25
  16 feb 25  TerminationGame // EnglishAndy Remic'91Fanatic Stas'92
  14 feb 25  Hobbit, The (txt)Game // EnglishBeam Software, Melbourne House'82Max Lebedev
  14 feb 25  Sound Tracker's Musics Taker v1.1Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомAlex Crush'97
  14 feb 25  Recompressor v4.1Графические УтилитыAlex Crush'96
  14 feb 25  New Elite ServiceРедакторы игрAlex Crush'98
  14 feb 25  Dihlofos Sprite Cruncher v1.0 DemoГрафические УтилитыUFO Group'96
  14 feb 25  Game Over 1.1, 1.2 (128k only)Game // EnglishDinamic Software'87Dmitry Gavrilenko
  14 feb 25  Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off RoadGame // EnglishGraftgold Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90AREASoft'99
  13 feb 25  OsotosGame // EnglishInufuto'24Bedazzle'25
  13 feb 25  Elvisandro el Rockabilly (eng/esp)Game // TranslatedPedro Fernandez Lopez'24Bedazzle'25
  13 feb 25  Adventures of Spud the Piggy, TheGame // EnglishKaroly Cseh'24Bedazzle'25
  11 feb 25  Ultimate Combat Mission (U.C.M.)Game // EnglishMastertronic Added Dimension'87Maks Corp.'96
  11 feb 25  Mugsy; Mugsy's RevengeGame // EnglishBeam Software, Melbourne House'84-86Maks Corp.'96
  11 feb 25  MarauderGame // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'88Maks Corp.'96
  11 feb 25  Great Escape, TheGame // EnglishDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Maks Corp.'96
  11 feb 25  FantasyGame // EnglishR'n'H Microtec'87Maks Corp.'95
  11 feb 25  E-motionGame // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'90Maks Corp.'96
  11 feb 25  BattyGame // EnglishHit-Pak'87Maks Corp.'95
  11 feb 25  GoodyGame // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'87Spectrum World from Rossia, KPcorp.
  08 feb 25  Rescue on Fractalus!Game // EnglishDalali Software Ltd, Activision Inc'86Machine Head'92
  08 feb 25  DraconusGame // EnglishZeppelin Games Ltd'88MKsoft'94
  08 feb 25  Rick Dangerous (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishCORE Design Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89Sergey Gavrilenko'95
  08 feb 25  Miami Cobra GTGame // EnglishPlayers Software'91Sergey Gavrilenko'95
  08 feb 25  Flying SharkGame // EnglishGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Sergey Gavrilenko'95
  08 feb 25  Удав ЦифроедGame // exUSSRAlexander KornienokBedazzle'93
  08 feb 25  Gilligan's GoldGame // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'84Bedazzle'94
  08 feb 25  Pitman Seven (Africa)Game // TranslatedVisions Software Factory Ltd'83WIN'87, Bedazzle'94
  08 feb 25  Manic RobotGame // EnglishXave'24Bedazzle'25
  08 feb 25  Johnny Danger y el Talisman de FuegoGame // EnglishTxarlyBoy Games'24Bedazzle'25
  08 feb 25  GlulanderGame // Englishgluon81'24Bedazzle'25
  08 feb 25  Escape from Aliens' MazeGame // EnglishFrancesco Forte'24Bedazzle'25
  30 jan 25  Quadrax (48/128k) (bugfix) (eng/rus) (mod)Game // EnglishSintech, Ultrasoft'94Fatality'98, OLN/Jupiter77'25
  30 jan 25  Donum (txt) (eng/spa)Game // EnglishBitfans'22Shadow Maker'23
  29 jan 25  EliteGame // EnglishTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Telkov'94
  27 jan 25  Sex Minesweeper DemoGame // Demo versionUFO Group'96author
  26 jan 25  Viewer v2.0Универсальные просмотрщикиSergey Arykov'97
  26 jan 25  Visual Boot v2.4БутыElectric Flash Group'98
  26 jan 25  Firestarter v1.1Операционные системыLynx'99
  26 jan 25  Scary ThingsGame // EnglishDF Design'24Bedazzle'25
  26 jan 25  DestronadoGame // EnglishConrado Badenas Mengod'88Bedazzle'25
  26 jan 25  Deep ZoneGame // EnglishAzimut Soft'88Bedazzle'25
  26 jan 25  Vixen (Ralf's Mod)Game // EnglishRalf'24Bedazzle'25
  25 jan 25  Golden Axe (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'25
  24 jan 25  Dragon BreedGame // EnglishActivision Inc'90Fancysoft'92
  24 jan 25  Red Moon (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishLevel 9 Computing Ltd'85K&Ssoft'95
  24 jan 25  Head over HeelsGame // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'87Mosh Soft
  24 jan 25  Death StalkerGame // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'89Pavel Nikitin, Mosh Soft
  24 jan 25  Shadow of the BeastGame // EnglishGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Mosh Soft'93
  24 jan 25  Bomb Jack IIGame // EnglishElite Systems Ltd'87Black Eagle Co'93
  24 jan 25  Soldier of FortuneGame // EnglishGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Megasoft'99
  24 jan 25  Samurai WarriorGame // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Kingdom Dreams'95, Stream Hackers
  24 jan 25  ExolonGame // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'87Kingdom Dreams'95
  24 jan 25  Defender of the CrownGame // EnglishThe Cat'89Kingdom Dreams'95
  24 jan 25  Trantor: The Last StormtrooperGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Go!'87Alexander Myasoedov'93
  24 jan 25  Rex 1, 2Game // EnglishThe Light, Martech Games Ltd'88Mikesoft'92
  24 jan 25  Lode Runner 1, 2Game // EnglishPlatinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Graf'91
  24 jan 25  Stunt Car Racer (128k only) (dsk) (mod)Game // EnglishMicro Style'89r0m'94
  24 jan 25  Power PyramidsGame // EnglishQuicksilva Ltd, Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Ros Ltd'94
  24 jan 25  TempestGame // EnglishElectric Dreams Software'87Sam Sobi Software'91
  24 jan 25  Ground AttackGame // EnglishSilversoft Ltd'82Sergey Terskih'96
  24 jan 25  Neverending Story, The (txt) (128k only) (dsk)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'85Pavel Bobrovnikov
  24 jan 25  Super Trux (128k only)Game // EnglishGargoyle Games, Elite Systems Ltd'88Pavel Bobrovnikov'95
  24 jan 25  Fernandez Must DieGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Hacker Zadiran
  24 jan 25  ZombiGame // EnglishUbi Soft Ltd'90Smasher'93
  24 jan 25  Task ForceGame // EnglishPlayers Premier'89Smasher'93
  24 jan 25  Kendo Warrior (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishMC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Olegsoft, Smasher'94
  24 jan 25  Hero Quest: Return of the Witch Lord (128k only) (dsk)Game // EnglishGames Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Smasher'94
  24 jan 25  Hero Quest (128k only) (dsk)Game // EnglishGames Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Smasher'94
  24 jan 25  Glider RiderGame // EnglishBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Smasher'94
  24 jan 25  Adventure B: Inca Curse (txt) (dsk) (mod)Game // EnglishArtic Computing Ltd'82SKL-Keeper
  24 jan 25  Terramex (48/128k)Game // EnglishGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'87Pavel Lu'95
  24 jan 25  ReptonGame // EnglishSuperior Software Ltd, Alligata Software Ltd'89Pavel Lu'95
  24 jan 25  Hawk StormGame // EnglishPlayers Premier'91Pavel Lu'95
  24 jan 25  Lode Runner 1, 2Game // EnglishPlatinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84FD'95
  24 jan 25  Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, The (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishAdventure International'85Hagger'93
  24 jan 25  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishAdventure International'85Hagger'93
  24 jan 25  Tank (48k only)Game // EnglishChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87KSA'93
  24 jan 25  LED Storm (48k only)Game // EnglishSoftware Creations, Go!'88Fucksoft'93
  24 jan 25  Lode Runner 1Game // EnglishPlatinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Fucksoft'93
  24 jan 25  Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-OpGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'91Fire Angel Studio'93
  24 jan 25  Sabre Wulf (48k only)Game // EnglishUltimate Play The Game'84Chasm'94
  24 jan 25  HunterGame // EnglishScope Designs'91Chasm'94
  24 jan 25  LiberatorGame // EnglishP.J. Software'89ABS Group'01
  24 jan 25  Human Killing MachineGame // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'88ABS Group'97
  24 jan 25  Chuckie Egg 1, 2 (mod)Game // EnglishA'n'F Software'83-85ABS Group
  24 jan 25  Donkey KongGame // EnglishArtonapilos'24Bedazzle'25
  21 jan 25  HromisGame // exUSSRCrystal Chaos'93tiboh'25
  21 jan 25  Hedgehogs 2 (Ёжики 2)Game // exUSSRKas29'24tiboh'25
  21 jan 25  TransformersGame // EnglishDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Himik's ZxZ'94
  21 jan 25  Rex 1, 2Game // EnglishThe Light, Martech Games Ltd'88Himik's ZxZ'94
  21 jan 25  Fridge FrenzyGame // EnglishBug-Byte Software Ltd'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Sex CrimeGame // EnglishOmycron Software'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Specventure (bugfix)Game // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  FarspaceGame // exUSSRMayhem'01Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  AliensGame // exUSSRSyndrome'00Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Devil's Curse (bugfix)Game // exUSSRStellar Company Inc., Black Widow Group'98Flyman512'17
  21 jan 25  DecipherGame // exUSSRAnarchia'01Flyman512'17
  21 jan 25  Karlos und Schatze der AztekenGame // exUSSRMayhem, SAM style'10Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  ChaserGame // exUSSRImage Crew'97Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  New Time PacmanGame // exUSSRShiru'00Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Sacred Armour of Antiriad, TheGame // EnglishPalace Software'86Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Metal Army (bugfix)Game // EnglishDelos Software, Players Software'88Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  PhantomasGame // EnglishDinamic Software'86Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Jaws (128k only)Game // EnglishIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  StarquakeGame // EnglishBubble Bus Software'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Soul of a Robot (Nonterraqueous II) (bugfix)Game // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Nonterraqueous (bugfix)Game // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'85Flyman512'18
  21 jan 25  Chicken Attack Music Editor v1.01Музыкальные редакторы для AYFlyman512'23
  21 jan 25  Suudoku Rikai (Sudoku Understanding)Game // exUSSRFlyman512'24author
  21 jan 25  GryzzlesGame // exUSSRFlyman512'23author
  21 jan 25  Klad/Labyrinth (Клад/Лабиринт)Game // exUSSRFlyman512'23author
  20 jan 25  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (128k only)Game // EnglishTom Prosser, Storm Software'91Monsters Productions, tiboh'25
  20 jan 25  SheepishGame // EnglishGabriele Amore'24Bedazzle'25
  20 jan 25  Everest ChallengeGame // EnglishMustard Tiger'24Bedazzle'25
  19 jan 25  Goody (bugfix) (bw/col) (mod)Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'87Ralf'12, Slider, tiboh'25
  11 jan 25  Hammer-Head (bugfix)Game // EnglishZigurat Software'92Slider, tiboh'25
  11 jan 25  Smuggler's Cove (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishQuicksilva Ltd'83Bedazzle'94
  11 jan 25  Heavy on the Magick (dsk)Game // EnglishGargoyle Games'86Bedazzle'96
  11 jan 25  Elite (dsk) (mod)Game // EnglishTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Dmitry Gavrilenko, Oleg Klauson'92
  11 jan 25  Saboteur 2 (rus)Game // TranslatedDurell Software Ltd'87Bedazzle'94
  11 jan 25  Saboteur (rus)Game // TranslatedDurell Software Ltd'85Bedazzle'94
  11 jan 25  Green Beret vs Aliens DemoGame // Demo versionSnizA'24Activator'25
  07 jan 25  Heavy on the Magick (128k only) (bugfix) (dsk) (mod)Game // EnglishGargoyle Games'86Bedazzle'24
  07 jan 25  NectarGame // EnglishLuny'24Bedazzle'25
  07 jan 25  HeartlightGame // EnglishRalf'24Bedazzle'25
  06 jan 25  Плутония (2024 Edition) (txt)Game // exUSSRTwin Peaks Group'97, 24author
  05 jan 25  From MASM to ZX Word ConvertorУтилиты для работы с текстомBob Klubov'96
  05 jan 25  fWord for Gens v1.0Текстовые редакторыAndrey Demidov
  05 jan 25  Fast Tracker v1.15fМузыкальные редакторы для AYDigital Reality'98, Mayhem'24
  05 jan 25  BMPviewer v0.2Конвертеры ЭкрановAREAsoft'99
  05 jan 25  ACNews 77Electronic Media
  05 jan 25  Dizzy XX DemoGame // Demo versionMegacode'95Kot'97
  05 jan 25  Dragon SpiritGame // EnglishConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89SNS Group'94
  05 jan 25  Луч надеждыСофт для клона ZX-Evolutionby Rurkmurk'24 - игра ...
  30 dec 24  Dizzy 4: Classic Edition (Волшебный Мир Диззи) (48/128k) (bugfix) (eng/rus) (mod)Game // exUSSRCode Masters Ltd'90, Dr Titus'24tiboh'24
  30 dec 24  Silent Shadow (48/128k) (bugfix) (kemp8bit) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishTopo Soft'88goodboy, Slider, tiboh'24
  30 dec 24  Orbol Voon (48/128k)Game // EnglishThe Mojon Twins'23Slider'24
  28 dec 24  Bignose's American Adventure (Bignose in the USA) (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'91tiboh'22, 24
  26 dec 24  Ancient Worlds PreviewGame // Demo versionQAOP interactive'24author
  26 dec 24  InDev Tester ZX v0.1.0Системные тестыpastbytes'24
  24 dec 24  Paradise Cafe (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Game // EnglishDamatta'85TheSnich, tiboh'24
  24 dec 24  Complete 'Microchops' Package in One FileСборники игрушек, не вписывающиеся в мои таблицыby tiboh'24 - сборник ...
  24 dec 24  ИмператорGame // exUSSRI.B. Klokov'91Slack Den'95
  24 dec 24  ZXM-Flasher v1.01.625Прошивки ПЗУPLM'24
  24 dec 24  TASM (Turbo Assembler) v3.5АссемблерыRst7'94, Alex Raider
  24 dec 24  SnareGame // EnglishEnigma Software Developments'92Volga Soft
  24 dec 24  Black Magic 1, 2 (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'24
  18 dec 24  Boid (bugfix)Game // EnglishGadtek Games'87BrokImSoft'02, Slider'24
  16 dec 24  Formatter ASCII Text v2.0Утилиты для работы с текстомDaddy Karlo'99
  16 dec 24  Win to Dos Text Сonverter v1.3Утилиты для работы с текстомGood Guys Hackers Group'00
  09 dec 24  Restore 03Electronic Media
  09 dec 24  Gold Finder ManGame // EnglishFactor6'86Restore Team'23
  06 dec 24  UlisesGame // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89BrokImSoft'98, Slider'24
  04 dec 24  A to Z 2Game // EnglishIEC Software'85g0blinish'24
  04 dec 24  A to Z 1Game // EnglishIEC Software'85g0blinish'24
  01 dec 24  Exolon (bugfix)Game // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'87Slider'21, tiboh'24
  01 dec 24  ZX Spectrum Tracker Music v6.7Сборники разной музыкиby Sergey Bulba'24 - а...
  01 dec 24  Scramble RX DemoGame // Demo versionMidnight Brew'24tiboh'24
  01 dec 24  Quake 48 DemoGame // Demo versionDragons Lord'24tiboh'24
  01 dec 24  Daggerfall DemoGame // Demo versionDragons Lord'24author
  28 nov 24  Blond, The (+Tuco o Trato Edition)Game // EnglishTomasiano74'24Slider'24
  15 nov 24  Abuse ZX Showcase PrototypeGame // Demo version.koval'24tiboh'24
  12 nov 24  Tower of Evil (Башня Дьявола)Game // TranslatedThorn EMI Video Ltd'84Stranger Software Ltd'97
  12 nov 24  Pulsoids (Пульсоид)Game // TranslatedSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Stranger Software Ltd'98
  12 nov 24  N.O.M.A.D. (НомаД)Game // TranslatedOcean Software Ltd'85Stranger Software Ltd'97
  12 nov 24  Game Over 1.2 (Финал-2)Game // TranslatedDinamic Software'87Stranger Software Ltd'97
  12 nov 24  Game Over 1.1 (Финал)Game // TranslatedDinamic Software'87Stranger Software Ltd'96
  12 nov 24  Exolon (Эксолон) (rus)Game // TranslatedHewson Consultants Ltd'87Stranger Software Ltd'98
  12 nov 24  Cyrox (Сайрокс)Game // TranslatedThe Power House'86Stranger Software Ltd'98
  12 nov 24  Cop-Out (Безумный Коп)Game // TranslatedMikro-Gen Ltd'86Stranger Software Ltd'97
  12 nov 24  Commando (Коммандо)Game // TranslatedElite Systems Ltd'85Stranger Software Ltd'97
  12 nov 24  Operation WolfGame // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'88Vladimir Belyaev, Anton Vasilyev'91
  12 nov 24  Flying SharkGame // EnglishGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Overmaster'93
  12 nov 24  Pusher Crack Music System v6.4Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомHimik's ZxZ'24
  12 nov 24  Saboteur 2 RemakeСофт для ATM Turbo компьютераby Alone Coder'24 - иг...
  12 nov 24  Daggerfall DemoСофт для ATM Turbo компьютераby Dragons Lord'24 - д...
  12 nov 24  Inferno / Info Guide 14Electronic Media
  09 nov 24  Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Go!'87goodboy, Slider, tiboh'18, 24
  04 nov 24  Synergy 2024Demo Party
  30 oct 24  Road Blasters (48/128k)Game // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'88Monsters Productions'24
  30 oct 24  Cauldron 1, 2Game // EnglishPalace Software'85-86Shadow Maker'00
  24 oct 24  Nebulus (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'87goodboy, tiboh, Slider'24
  24 oct 24  Xecutor (bugfix) (pentfix)Game // EnglishCybadyne, ACE Software'87Slider, tiboh'24
  23 oct 24  RLE-Compressor v1.21 HomeУпаковщики данныхDr.Dash'97
  23 oct 24  ProCompressor v1.0iУпаковщики данныхDi-All'96, Cradinal'98
  23 oct 24  AMX File Compressor v2.04Упаковщики данныхSergey Podstrigaylo'94
  23 oct 24  V (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'86DBA'95
  23 oct 24  Arkanoid 1, 2Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'87-88DBA'94
  23 oct 24  LZX Packer v02dКомпрессоры
  23 oct 24  AYFX Editor v0.7Работа с AY, FM и beep - звуком на PC
  23 oct 24  inTRD v6.52Работа с ZX файлами на PC
  23 oct 24  inSCL v6.52Работа с ZX файлами на PC
  16 oct 24  Thunder BladeGame // EnglishTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Monsters Productions'94
  16 oct 24  Shackled (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishChoice Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Monsters Productions'95
  16 oct 24  Saga DarkGame // EnglishTriton Software'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'24
  16 oct 24  Street FighterGame // EnglishGo!'88Monsters Productions'94
  16 oct 24  Sonic BoomGame // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Activision Inc'90Monsters Productions'95
  16 oct 24  P-47 ThunderboltGame // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions'94
  16 oct 24  Last DuelGame // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94
  16 oct 24  How to be a Hero (128k only) (dsk) (mod)Game // EnglishXcel, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Monsters Productions'95
  16 oct 24  Forgotten Worlds (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94
  16 oct 24  Eidolon, The (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishP.A.W. Software, Activision Inc'86Monsters Productions'96
  14 oct 24  Mermaid Madness (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Game // EnglishSoft Design, Electric Dreams Software'86goodboy'20, slider, tiboh'24
  04 oct 24  Utok Bile Mysky (pentfix)Game // EnglishJousoft HKK, Proxima Software'93BrokImSoft'99, Slider'24
  04 oct 24  Wiking (48/128k) (bw/col) (cvx) (mod) (sd)Game // EnglishMarcin Konczakowski'87Slider, tiboh'24
  03 oct 24  SovietGame // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'90Anton Vasilyev
  03 oct 24  Sonic BoomGame // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Activision Inc'90Anton Vasilyev
  03 oct 24  Winter GamesGame // EnglishSentient Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Anton Vasilyev
  03 oct 24  Untouchables, TheGame // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev'91
  03 oct 24  Shanghai Karate 1Game // EnglishOne Week Productions, Players Software'88Anton Vasilyev
  03 oct 24  Yie Ar Kung-Fu (128k only)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'85Anton Vasilyev
  03 oct 24  Renegade (128k only)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev'92
  03 oct 24  Lemmings (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Russian Prestige'95, New Group
  03 oct 24  ZX Word v3.00 GMXТекстовые редакторыPLM'24
  03 oct 24  Phanes GMX Gfx Editor v1.00Графические РедакторыPLM'24
  03 oct 24  Proteus File Manager v2.00КомандерыPLM'24
  03 oct 24  Demeter Partition Manager v1.20Дисковые утилитыPLM'24
  03 oct 24  ASC Sound Master v1.13+Музыкальные редакторы для AYAndrew Strikes Code'94, Himik's ZxZ'24
  03 oct 24  BasinC v1.794Работа с ZX файлами на PC
  03 oct 24  Xenium 2024Demo Party
  02 oct 24  Tintin on the Moon (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Infogrames'89Slider, tiboh'24
  28 sep 24  3D-Tanx (Танк)Game // TranslatedDK'Tronics Ltd'82Studio K&S'92
  28 sep 24  Strip-DiceGame // TranslatedS&S Software, Load 'n' Run'86Studio K&S'92
  28 sep 24  Space RaidersGame // TranslatedPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Studio K&S'92
  28 sep 24  Abu Simbel ProfanationGame // TranslatedDinamic Software'85BSN'91
  22 sep 24  Kane (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishMastertronic Ltd'86Slider, tiboh'24
  19 sep 24  Posadas 2024Demo Party
  15 sep 24  Digital Masters v1.2f (for AY)Цифровые музыкальные редакторыAlex Vishev'99
  15 sep 24  AlfavitРедакторы ШрифтовConver'91
  15 sep 24  Dizzy Editor v1.0 DemoРедакторы игрSergey Yakovlev'95
  15 sep 24  Scorpion BootБутыSanyok'10
  15 sep 24  Wild Disk Copier v1.62Копир MS-DOS - TR-DOSBudder'15
  08 sep 24  Scrolling Text Editor v2.1Текстовые редакторыRam Software'97
  07 sep 24  Блокнот v1.01Записные книжкиQueen Software Inc'95
  07 sep 24  Guitar Note Editor v1.00Редакторы звуковRoman Savchenko'99
  07 sep 24  AY Sound Editor v2.30Редакторы звуковAiR'98
  07 sep 24  Xenon 2: Megablast Demo (128k only)Game // Demo versionDavid Spicer'91tiboh'24
  06 sep 24  Turrican 1, 2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Game // EnglishRainbow Arts'90-91goodboy, Slider, tiboh'21,24
  06 sep 24  Dizzy 3: Extended Edition (Мир Фантазий Диззи) (48/128k) (eng/rus) (bugfix) (mod)Game // exUSSRCode Masters Ltd'89, Dr Titus'23tiboh'24
  25 aug 24  PearlsGame // exUSSRg0blinish'24author
  25 aug 24  Adventure A: Planet of Death (txt) (dsk) (rus)Game // TranslatedArtic Computing Ltd'82Desalex
  25 aug 24  Renegade 2 (Target Renegade)Game // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'88S.T.A.S.
  25 aug 24  NebulusGame // EnglishHewson Consultants Ltd'87Gogin
  25 aug 24  Black Lamp (128k only)Game // EnglishFirebird Software Ltd'88Gogin'99
  25 aug 24  Terramex (128k only)Game // EnglishGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'87Serg Graphics'92
  25 aug 24  Seymour Goes to Hollywood (Seymour at the Movies) (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91Serg Graphics'94
  25 aug 24  Jungle WarriorGame // EnglishTrue Soft, Zigurat Software'90Serg Graphics'92
  25 aug 24  Video PoolGame // EnglishOxford Computer Publishing'85LeViS'94
  25 aug 24  Inspector Gadget and the Circus of FearGame // EnglishBeam Software, Melbourne House'87Fikus'94
  25 aug 24  HypaballGame // EnglishOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Fikus'94
  25 aug 24  Erik: Phantom of the Opera (Henry) (ita)Game // TranslatedCrysys'87Fikus'95
  25 aug 24  Saint DragonGame // EnglishStorm Software'90Viktor Kaplinski'93
  25 aug 24  CHIPNSFX v20240727Работа с AY, FM и beep - звуком на PC
  19 aug 24  Tony: Montezuma's Gold PreviewGame // Demo versionMonochrome Productions'24tiboh'24
  19 aug 24  Telemark Warrior DemoGame // Demo versionSilicon Games, Dro Soft'90tiboh'24
  19 aug 24  Old Fred Demo (128k only)Game // Demo versionGamesoft [3]'24tiboh'24
  19 aug 24  Aliens: Neoplasma II Demo (128k only) (kemp8bit)Game // Demo versionSanchez Crew'24author
  19 aug 24  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Game // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'91Studio Spectrum'94
  19 aug 24  Spitting ImageGame // EnglishWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'88Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Pro Tennis TourGame // EnglishESP [2], Ubi Soft Ltd'90Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Narco PoliceGame // EnglishIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Mach 3Game // EnglishDiabolic Software, Loriciels'89Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  KGB SuperspyGame // EnglishZeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Iron LordGame // EnglishAshminster Computing Ltd, Ubi Soft Ltd'89Paul Nosikov'91, Walsoft
  19 aug 24  GauntletGame // EnglishGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Dragon BreedGame // EnglishActivision Inc'90Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Aliens US VersionGame // EnglishMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Paul Nosikov'91
  19 aug 24  Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore CastleGame // EnglishFirebird Software Ltd'86Oleg Moskalenko'93
  19 aug 24  Jumping JackGame // EnglishImagine Software Ltd'83Oleg Moskalenko
  19 aug 24  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the Movie (mod)Game // EnglishGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'91Oleg Moskalenko'93
  19 aug 24  DraconusGame // EnglishZeppelin Games Ltd'88Oleg Moskalenko'93
  19 aug 24  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (Краiна Див Дiзi) (48/128k) (ukr)Game // TranslatedCode Masters Ltd'90Crudesoft'92, Oleg Moskalenko
  19 aug 24  Sim City (dsk)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Infogrames'90DCN Corporation'93
  19 aug 24  West BankGame // EnglishDinamic Software'85Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  Dam Busters, TheGame // EnglishPlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85Max Iwamoto'93
  19 aug 24  SurvivorGame // EnglishTopo Soft'87Max Iwamoto'93
  19 aug 24  StardustGame // EnglishTopo Soft'87Max Iwamoto'92
  19 aug 24  Seas of Blood (txt) (dsk)Game // EnglishFighting Fantasy, Adventure International'85Max Iwamoto'92
  19 aug 24  Snare Demo 2Game // Demo versionEnigma Software Developments'92Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  RollaroundGame // EnglishMr. Chip Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  Rebelstar 1.1Game // EnglishFirebird Software Ltd'86Max Iwamoto'93
  19 aug 24  P.H.M. PegasusGame // EnglishLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (128k only)Game // EnglishDJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Max Iwamoto'92
  19 aug 24  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Game // EnglishCode Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  Hudson Hawk (-oldvers)Game // EnglishSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91Max Iwamoto'94
  19 aug 24  Gauntlet III: The Final QuestGame // EnglishSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'91Max Iwamoto'95
  19 aug 24  GatecrasherGame // EnglishQuicksilva Ltd'84Max Iwamoto
  19 aug 24  FireTrapGame // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Max Iwamoto'93
  19 aug 24  Fast and the Furious, TheGame // EnglishGo!'87Max Iwamoto'92
  19 aug 24  Code, The (txt)Game // EnglishInterceptor Software'86Max Iwamoto'92
  19 aug 24  BobsleighGame // EnglishDigital Integration'87Max Iwamoto'94
  19 aug 24  Phantom F4 IIGame // EnglishMicrotech, Ultrasoft'92Brutal Games'94
  19 aug 24  Phantom F4 IGame // EnglishMicrotech, Ultrasoft'92Brutal Games'94
  19 aug 24  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Game // EnglishCode Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Brutal Games
  18 aug 24  Termination (pentfix)Game // EnglishAndy Remic'91Slider, tiboh'24
  15 aug 24  Угадай МелодиюGame // exUSSRn/aauthor
  15 aug 24  Отгадай СловоGame // exUSSRKristall'96author
  12 aug 24  Prince of Persia (128k only)Game // exUSSRNicodim'96Oleg Moskalenko'96
  12 aug 24  ASC Sound Master -> Pro-Tracker v3.72 Convertor Final v6Музыкальные Утилиты для работы с AY-звукомHimik's ZxZ'24
  11 aug 24  Death Drive Destruction Demo v0.6.38 (256k)Game // Demo versionDeadly'24author
  11 aug 24  Ossuary (dsk)Game // EnglishCyningstan'13Reobne'24
  10 aug 24  AC Edit v1.08Текстовые редакторыAlone Coder'23
  10 aug 24  Vortex Tracker II v1.0Работа с AY, FM и beep - звуком на PC
  10 aug 24  Turbo Sound Music Collection v3.0Сборники разной музыкиby Sergey Bulba'24 - а...
  10 aug 24  Cutter for TCE and 3-color screens v1.02Графические УтилитыLine Software, J.D. Software'98
  10 aug 24  Three Color Editor v2.01Графические РедакторыLine Software, J.D. Software'98
  10 aug 24  Grand Screen Viewer v1.13Просмотрщики графикиGrand'22
  10 aug 24  X-Melody (Угадай Мелодию) (cvx)Game // exUSSRKarlo Computer Software'04Hackersoft'23
  10 aug 24  Head over Heels (dsk)Game // EnglishOcean Software Ltd'87Aleksey Shevchenko'98
  10 aug 24  Warlord Fantasy (Полководцы Фентези)Game // exUSSRBoris Makurin'24author
  10 aug 24  Saboteur RemasteredGame // EnglishTeknamic Software'23Hackersoft'24
  10 aug 24  R-Type Playable Demo (mod)Game // Demo versionSoftware Studios, Electric Dreams Software'88Hackersoft'24
  05 aug 24  YetiGame // EnglishCybadyne, Destiny Software'88Slider'24
  30 jul 24  Darius+ (mod)Game // EnglishThe Edge'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'24
  29 jul 24  Livingstone Supongo 2.1, 2.2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89Monsters Productions, tiboh'24
  27 jul 24  Z-Player v4.1GSEvgeny Muchkin'23
  27 jul 24  ZX MIDI player v3.0Музыкальные ПлейерыUzix'24
  27 jul 24  The Story Writer v3.00Текстовые редакторыVladimir Rubts0FF'21
  27 jul 24  RLE Screen Archiver v1.0Упаковщики экрановSkill Master'23
  27 jul 24  S98_Player r0059Музыкальные ПлейерыNeo Spectruman'22
  27 jul 24  NSID_EmuМузыкальные ПлейерыNeo Spectruman'21
  27 jul 24  Last Battle Map GeneratorРедакторы игрRnd.gen'20
  27 jul 24  ZXCPM v0.1Операционные системыCaro'03
  27 jul 24  CP/M v2.2Операционные системыFK0'99
  27 jul 24  GMX Pic View v1.2.1Просмотрщики графикиizzx'21
  27 jul 24  Unicorn Plus, TheGame // exUSSRUriS'24tiboh'24
  27 jul 24  Fatall v0.25Копировщикиsavelij'11
  27 jul 24  ZX Turbo Disassembler v2.04ДебаггерыStranger'96, Vladimir Rubts0FF'20
  27 jul 24  Vel Turbo Copier v1.09КопировщикиProxima Centauri'98
  27 jul 24  Text-Designer v2.32Утилиты для работы с текстомDimka'96
  27 jul 24  Shuffle Player v1.55Музыкальные Плейерыhaywire'22
  27 jul 24  Screen to Text Transformer v1.11Графические УтилитыGreenMan'98
  27 jul 24  Screen Printer v2.95Графические УтилитыSERG'94
  27 jul 24  PGM v2.2ПрограмматорыDj Grisha'99
  27 jul 24  Grand's Boot v3.6БутыGrand'24
  27 jul 24  M.Print v2.4Утилиты для работы с текстомAERsoft'96
  27 jul 24  EDAS v3.3АссемблерыS. Maslov'93
  27 jul 24  Cutter v2.8Спрайтовые РедакторыSkill Master'23
  27 jul 24  Burial GFX Editor v4.0DГрафические РедакторыDelirium Tremens'01, Dart Alver'24
  27 jul 24  Bugay Assembler v1.0АссемблерыIvan Bugay'98
  24 jul 24  ZASM (ZX Turbo Assembler) v3.3АссемблерыVladimir Rubts0FF'21
  24 jul 24  ZASM (ZX Turbo Assembler) v4АссемблерыVladimir Rubts0FF'24
  16 jul 24  Tuerkas the White CatGame // EnglishRetrobensoft'23Slider'24
  11 jul 24  Gluf (128k only) (pentfix)Game // exUSSRRetroSouls'19Slider'24
  10 jul 24  Livingstone Supongo 2.1 (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89Alx'05
  10 jul 24  PulzarGame // exUSSRSnauts'24tiboh'24
  10 jul 24  GrazersGame // exUSSRSnauts'24tiboh'24
  10 jul 24  TetrisGame // exUSSRVladislav Baliasov'86vBv'91
  29 jun 24  Skull & Crossbones (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'91Monsters Productions, tiboh'24
  26 jun 24  Heavy Metal (dsk)Game // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Monsters Productions'24
  25 jun 24  Hammerfist (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishVivid Image, Activision Inc'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'22-24
  23 jun 24  E-SWAT (Elite Special Weapons And Tactics) (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'23, 24
  11 jun 24  Slubberdegullion (!denied)Game // EnglishJonathan Cauldwell'09Slider'24
  09 jun 24  Street Fighter 2Софт для клона ZX-Evolutionby Black Cat, Marie Sl...
  09 jun 24  Another WorldСофт для клона ZX-Evolutionby Kowalski'24 - игра ...
  09 jun 24  Livingstone Supongo 2.1Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89Alx'05
  09 jun 24  Final Fight (128k only) (mod)Game // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'91Monsters Productions, tiboh'23, 24
  05 jun 24  Flood It!Game // exUSSRg0blinish'24tiboh'24
  02 jun 24  Rath-Tha (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishPositive'89Slider, tiboh'24
  31 may 24  Abu Simbel Profanation (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishDinamic Software'85Slider, tiboh'24
  27 may 24  ZlaloxGame // exUSSRSnauts'24tiboh'24
  27 may 24  SokobanGame // exUSSRDmitry Svetlanov'92tiboh'24
  27 may 24  Eat the Fly! DemoGame // Demo versionAdanoliva'24tiboh'24
  27 may 24  Circus Circus Demo (pentfix)Game // Demo versionMartech Games Ltd'89goodboy, tiboh'24
  27 may 24  Aquamoose DemoGame // Demo versionClimacus'16tiboh'24
  27 may 24  MYM to YMРабота с AY, FM и beep - звуком на PC
  27 may 24  Rath-Tha (-oldvers)Game // EnglishPositive'89BrokImSoft'02, Slider'24
  27 may 24  Commando (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishElite Systems Ltd'85tiboh'24
  26 may 24  Dizzy 4: Classic Edition (Волшебный Мир Диззи) (48/128k) (bugfix) (eng/rus) (mod)Game // exUSSRCode Masters Ltd'90, Dr Titus'24Dr.Bars'24
  26 may 24  Dizzy 2: Extended Edition (Остров Сокровищ Диззи) (48/128k) (eng/rus) (bugfix) (mod)Game // exUSSRCode Masters Ltd'88, Dr Titus'23tiboh'23
  13 may 24  Rick Dangerous 1, 2 (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Game // EnglishCORE Design Ltd'89,90SG-Team'10, Slider, tiboh'24
  10 may 24  Hair Trigger DemoGame // Demo versionCrash'24tiboh'24
  10 may 24  Cielo e Infierno Demo (dsk) (txt)Game // Demo versionPsykosis Soft'92tiboh'24
  10 may 24  Blumps DemoGame // Demo versionZeroTeam'24tiboh'24
  08 may 24  Королевство Эфиория 2Game // exUSSRSibLtd'92tiboh'24
  08 may 24  Злые ПещерыGame // exUSSRBeaver, Reobne'24tiboh'24
  08 may 24  CubulusGame // exUSSRg0blinish'24author
  08 may 24  DaDither v1.103Работа с ZX графикой на PC
  08 may 24  Subliminal Extacy 06Electronic Media
  07 may 24  Savage Princess 1, 2 (48/128k)Game // EnglishMonster's Legs Productions'20, 23Slider'24
  01 may 24  Sirwood 1, 2, 3, Intro (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'24
  29 apr 24  Psycho Soldier (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Game // EnglishSource Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'24
  29 apr 24  Thundercats (48/128k)Game // EnglishGargoyle Games, Elite Systems Ltd'87SG-Team'09, Slider, tiboh'24
  22 apr 24  Pedro 1, 2, 3 (48/128k) (eng) (pentfix)Game // EnglishGold Storm, Ultrasoft'92-93Pavero'11, Slider, tiboh'24
  11 apr 24  Super Spekulant (mod) (pol)Game // EnglishM.G.B. Software'85Illusion Group
  11 apr 24  Dallas (mod) (pol)Game // EnglishCCS'83Illusion Group
  11 apr 24  DallasGame // EnglishCCS'83tiboh'24
  10 apr 24  Cliff HangerGame // EnglishNew Generation Software'86#FF Soft, Azzimandius Soft'94
  10 apr 24  Starring Charlie ChaplinGame // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'87#FF Soft'94
  10 apr 24  OverlanderGame // EnglishElite Systems Ltd'88IPL Soft'94
  10 apr 24  Yogi's Great Escape (128k only)Game // EnglishPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Mr.Ltd'95
  10 apr 24  ThorGame // EnglishProein Soft Line'88Mr.Ltd, Evgeny Boyko
  10 apr 24  Logo: Part 1Game // EnglishRainbow Dreams'91Mr.Ltd'95
  10 apr 24  DeviantsGame // EnglishPlayers Software'87Mr.Ltd'95
  10 apr 24  Corsarios 2Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89Expert Computer Company'92
  10 apr 24  Corsarios 1Game // EnglishOpera Soft S.A.'89Expert Computer Company'92
  10 apr 24  TaniumGame // EnglishOne Week Productions, Players Software'88Kamikaze'94
  10 apr 24  Hong Kong PhooeyGame // EnglishPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Kamikaze'93
  10 apr 24  Inside OutingGame // EnglishThe Edge'88Kamikaze'93
  10 apr 24  Destiny MissionGame // EnglishWilliams Technology'90Kamikaze'94
  10 apr 24  Wrestling SuperstarsGame // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'93Softstar
  10 apr 24  Robin of the Wood (128k only)Game // EnglishOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'85Softstar'92
  10 apr 24  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (48k only)Game // EnglishBinary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Softstar
  10 apr 24  Darkman (128k only)Game // EnglishTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91Softstar
  10 apr 24  XeviousGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Grand'94
  10 apr 24  Chess - The Turk (dsk)Game // EnglishOxford Computer Publishing'83Grand'02
  10 apr 24  Tapper (mod)Game // EnglishUS Gold Ltd'85Grand'02
  10 apr 24  Spectrum Voice Chess (dsk)Game // EnglishArtic Computing Ltd'82Grand'04
  10 apr 24  Star WarsGame // EnglishVektor Grafix, Domark Ltd'87Grand'94
  10 apr 24  Slap FightGame // EnglishProbe Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87Grand'94
  10 apr 24  Pac-ManiaGame // EnglishGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Grand'94
  10 apr 24  One Arm BanditGame // exUSSRGrandauthor
  10 apr 24  MiG-29 Soviet FighterGame // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'89Grand'94
  10 apr 24  Terra Cognita (Krion) (ita)Game // EnglishCode Masters Ltd'86G.B.Max, Grand'94
  10 apr 24  Krakout 2 (mod)Game // EnglishFirefly Software'88Grand'03
  10 apr 24  Krakout (mod)Game // EnglishGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Grand'99
  10 apr 24  DeflektorGame // EnglishVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Grand, Timit'94
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database // Last 500 updates