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Forever 2002. All Works

ZX Demo Compo
  Demo Name Author
  1 AlterEgo Hooy Program
  2 Reject Factor6/PHT+K3L
  3 Laya 3SC
  4 Missing in fun UVS
  5 Be Quick As Your Dick Hooy Program
  6 Codephobia ZeroTeam
  7 Dupa Biskupa Hooy Program
1k Intro Compo
  Intro Name Author
  1 Intro that goes ping Gasman/Hooy Program
  2 Galatrax SerzhSoft
  3 Mahnung Key-Jee / TBK
AY Music Compo
  Music Name Author
  1 Exonique Gasman / Hooy-Program
  2 Improvisation #8 Ivan Roschin
  3 Theme from Navstevnici Factor6 / PHT+K3L
  4 Improvisation #10 Ivan Roschin
  5 Happy Hardcore 2 Ravager / CRG
  6 I'm Fine X-Agon / PHT
  7 Fall Klim
  8 Planetary2002 Ahim / CPU
  9 Black Rain Ahim / CPU
  10 Remix Klim
  11 Simple N1k-O
  12 Unexceptable TDM
  13 Parazmer Risk / Original CA
  14 Fluff Key-Jee / TBK
  15 Silence Key-Jee / TBK
  16 Flying Risk / Original CA
  17 Ghost Miguel / CPU
  18 Dominion Moran / CPU
  19 Durdom Voo / XTC
  20 Hegemony of Earth Moran / CPU
  21 Blah-Blah-Gal Factor6 / K3L + PHT
Gfx Compo
  Work Name Author
  1 Springtime Feelings Forever Diver / 4D
  2 In time Syanley Stall
  3 Walter LCD
  4 Heart Mash / CPU
  5 Sectoid Depsy Stall
  6 Arcard LCD
  7 Creation Relict
  8 Dream Kabuko
  9 Nemesis Divina Cannibal / Techno Lab
  10 Girl's Heat SerzhSoft
  11 Ron Hellboj
  12 Tower of the Humped God Berg
  13 Oni Voo / XTC
  14 Matrix Yerzmyey / Hooy Program
  15 Bart2 Shimi
  16 4ever Shimi
  17 Akua Baze / 3SC
  18 Be more human you bastard!!! Yerzmyey / Hooy Program
  19 Licos2 OHG1 Dimon
  20 Licos2 OHG2 Dimon