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Dizzy 4: Classic+ Edition 2024 (Волшебный мир Диззи) (2 in 1) (mod) (rus)


Made by Code Masters Ltd'90
Release by Dr Titus, Dr.Bars'24

Game type: English
General sound: Absent
Size in sectors: 254


* Screen rendering has been greatly accelerated.
* Added two attribute brightness levels. In addition, it is possible to place hidden solid surfaces and hidden transparent ones.
* Small graphic changes to improve overall screen layout.
* The fire sprite was taken from Dizzy-6 and now looks more beautiful.
* It is prohibited to place items below the level of the bottom familiarity of the screen.
* AY player has been optimized and adjusted.
* Added alternative AY music (by bfox). You can switch music modes with the 'M' key.
* Translated into Russian.
* Added Easter egg and something else.
* Multiple bugfixes