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Chaos Constructions 2006. All Works

ZX Demo Compo
  Demo Name Author
  1 CPU ducks you CPU
  2 The miracle of you CPU
  3 ElectroGodzilla and Pink Socks 4d+Triebkraft
512b Intro Compo
  Intro Name Author
  1 the speaking flowers of happy tomorrow alff/CPU
  2 Urbanic Ra7
  3 Clouds hedj
  4 isosurf lvd/mayhem
  5 Multi Chaos tiboh/debris
  6 Point5 icabod/Raww Arse
ZX Music Compo
  Music Name Author
  1 yuya got nkue n1k-o/skrju
  2 Turtle of my head rkluch
  3 emo kawai
  4 Night of dancing cats scalesmann/March cats
  5 CrashCORE Crash/rmc
  6 Pomidor na dereve Ryurik
  7 Funny Poc kyv/Triumph
  8 Win Soul mmcm/Sage
  9 Heart Pain (Lyric Song) Silent
  10 Essay S.A.V.
ZX TurboAY Music Compo
  Music Name Author
  1 Banana Cucumber karbofos/Drink Lover's
  2 Phantasy _ch41ns4w_/Drink Lover's
  3 The Night Splinter/Trinitrocode
  4 moveryourass'moreandless riskej/simbols
  5 autumn_rain olly_bfox
  6 kju'bical bore-more-tedium n1k-o & C-jeff
ZX Gfx Compo
  Picture Name Author
  1 A to! Surfin Bird
  2 Where rion
  3 Kiwi KASik
  4 Мы с тобой одной крови Liza
  5 Alone Again diver/4d
  6 math teacher ^moo-moo^
  7 Pragmatic_Period RayNoa
  8 Kind Wizard moroz1999
  9 Dead cities promo Surfin Bird
  10 Swastika tiboh/debris
  11 verge moran/CPU
  12 needle$ newart/n-Discovery
  13 two's company moran/CPU
  14 mf scalesmann/March Cats
ZX Realtime Coding Compo
  Work Name Author
  1 Live at CC6 elfh/CPU
  2 uenk alff/CPU
  3 dontCit! Зайцев К.
  out No signal newart/n-Discovery
ZX Realtime Graphics Compo
  Picture Name Author
  1 Камень KASik
  2 Light? In the darkness tronyx/MMCG
  3 Dragon Shumnaya
  4 Raynoa Cyberfish meets CC logo diver/4d
  5 Diver rion
  6 Underwater newart/n-Discovery
ZX Realtime Music Compo
  Music Name Author
  1 Realtime Music by Me 4 CC'2006 MmcM/Sage
  2 Backup forever! n1k-o/skrju
  3 Wonna sleep? Crash/RMC
ZX Realtime Hacking Compo
  Work Name Author
  1 ? Kurles/HorrorSoft/CPU
  2 ? alx/bw
Invitation Intro Compo
  Work Name Author
  4 Invitation to Chaos Constructions'2006 Vega