GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  P.H.M. PegasusLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Ros Ltd'94141
  P.H.M. PegasusLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Roversoft'95139
  P.H.M. PegasusLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Max Iwamoto119
  P-47 ThunderboltSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90Anton Vasilyev'91334
  P-47 ThunderboltSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90Jupiter 77193
  P-47 ThunderboltSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions'94300
  P-47 ThunderboltSource Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90Power of Sound'97219
  P-47 Thunderbolt (+3dos) (2 in 1) (mod)Source Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'90goodboy, Slider, tiboh'22298
  Pac-Hack Plus (Pac-Man)HighriseSlider'22112
  Pac-LandGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Viktor Drozd114
  Pac-LandGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev201
  Pac-LandGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Another World Software'95254
  Pac-Land (2 in 1) (mod)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Ralf, Slider'14269
  Pac-LandGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89VAD'99102
  Pac-ManAtarisoft'84Sergey Morozov'1946
  Pac-ManAtarisoft'84Rom Corp'9562
  Pacman's RevengeIdem Soft'88BrokImSoft'0261
  Pacman's RevengeIdem Soft'88Paradox Crew'9965
  Pac-Mania (mod)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Die Krupps Group'97226
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Rom Corp'96129
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Power of Sound'97126
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev, Dmitriy Kulikov'93176
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Diamond Software'97134
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Flash Inc'97, Phantom Family'00117
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Slider'14148
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev'91, Microspace'93174
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88G.A.V.'90135
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Grand'94155
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Sergey Morozov'19200
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88T&S Soft'93139
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Dr.Shura86
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Famous Faces Factory'94126
  Pac-Mania (cze) (mod)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Luxus Software Ostrava'89, tiboh'2387
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88ZDW'94181
  Page 1, 2David Pagett'14-15tiboh'16179
  PainterZX Incorporated, A'n'F Software'83AmoNik'0059
  Paleto Jones 1, 2 (2 in 1)Mananuk'21,22Slider'22203
  Pamela the Zombie HunterRalf'07SG-Team'0897
  Panama Joe (mod)Parker Software, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Hyson64
  Panama JoeParker Software, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Oleg Balashoff'9474
  Panama JoeParker Software, Sinclair Research Ltd'84DlN'9256
  Panama Joe (2 in 1) (mod)Parker Software, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Arcadiy Gobuzov'9568
  PandemoniaCRL Group PLC'83tiboh'1650
  Pandemonia (Cosmopolis) (ita)CRL Group PLC'83CGS, Power of Sound'9745
  PangArc Developments, Ocean Software Ltd'90FFC Computers, Softstar394
  PangArc Developments, Ocean Software Ltd'90Digital Reality'96331
  PangArc Developments, Ocean Software Ltd'90SG-Team'11311
  Panic (Sheer Panic)Mikro-Gen Ltd'83V.Pomelov'9236
  Panic (Space Panic) (mod)Mikro-Gen Ltd'83King of Time'9478
  Panic DizzyCode Masters Ltd'91A.S.Koln124
  Panic DizzyCode Masters Ltd'91LAKS'93190
  Panic DizzyCode Masters Ltd'91Avela Software'95204
  Panic DizzyCode Masters Ltd'91Max Iwamoto'93192
  PantherMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'89D-Love62
  PantherMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'89Flash Inc'9794
  PantherMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'89Fatality86
  PantherMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'89Mike Blum65
  Panther (2 in 1) (mod)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'89tiboh'22153
  PanzadromeThe RamJam Corporation, Ariolasoft UK Ltd'85Softstar'93172
  PaperboyElite Systems Ltd'86Alexey Vagin, Artem Surunov'95171
  PaperboyElite Systems Ltd'86Immortal Boneman'95224
  PaperboyElite Systems Ltd'86Power of Sound'98138
  Paperboy 1, 2 (pentfix)Elite Systems Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'86-SG-Team'10236
  Paperboy 2Mindscape International Inc'92Code Busters'95145
  Para AcademyZeppelin Games Ltd'90BrokImSoft'0276
  Para AcademyZeppelin Games Ltd'90Mike Blum72
  Para Assault CourseZeppelin Games Ltd'88Triumph'03150
  ParabolaFirebird Software Ltd'87King of Time116
  ParabolaFirebird Software Ltd'87Robert198
  Parabola (pentfix)Firebird Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'03, tiboh'1962
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85Magic Soft123
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85tiboh'1589
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85Phantom Ltd94
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85Cyberdemon'9983
  Paradise Cafe (mod)Damatta'85D.J.(R)Ltd166
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85Andrew Sckachek'93145
  Paranoia Complex, TheGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89SoftLight'23179
  Parap ShockMicroHobby'89BrokImSoft'03110
  ParatroopersRabbit Software Ltd'83tiboh'1641
  Paris to DakarW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'91Dr Titus, Softstar'95168
  Paris to DakarW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'91Russian Prestige'95180
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Power of Sound'97194
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Eric'93231
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88HorrorSoft'98235
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Phantom Family'97211
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Decsoft'92227
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Alex Porfiryev268
  Paris-DakarMade in Spain, Zigurat Software'88Syndrome'98226
  Park PatrolFirebird Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'03, tiboh'1999
  Park PatrolFirebird Software Ltd'87Robert196
  Party WormsTotal Computer Gang'09Triebkraft, skrju'0975
  Paso, ElCrom Software, Ciudadela Software'87Slider'05120
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Mike Blum137
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Pavel Nikitin'93, Perestroika Software'94150
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Techno Lab'01156
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Paradox Crew'99151
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Pavel Nikitin'93150
  Passing ShotTeque Software Development Ltd, Image Works'89Rezon Soft140
  Pasteman Pat (Billboard)Silverbird Software Ltd'89Flash Inc'98269
  Pat the PostmanMikro-Gen Ltd'83Welcome Corporation58
  Pathetic Pablo Bros, TheYour Sinclair'93Triumph'0249
  PatienceYour Spectrum'85n/a45
  Patience 2: 8 Cards PatienceZX Computing'84LCD59
  Patience 3: 11-Up PatienceZX Computing'84LCD28
  Patience 5: PairsZX Computing'85LCD33
  PatnactkaProxima Software'93g0blinish'19164
  PawsArtic Computing Ltd'85DimikSoft'95169
  Paws (Miao) (ita)Artic Computing Ltd'85Phantom Ltd114
  Pecinski HerojSuzy Soft'87SG-Team'08111
  PedroImagine Software Ltd'84LAKS'9750
  Pedro (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'84Lone Wolf'9682
  Pedro (2 in 1) (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'84tiboh'2364
  PedroImagine Software Ltd'84ZX_Novosib'1846
  Pedro 1, 2, 3 (bad)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92-93BrokImSoft'02575
  Pedro 1, 2, 3 (3 in 1) (eng) (pentfix)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92-93Pavero'11, Slider, tiboh'24579
  Pedro 1, 2, 3 (bad)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92-93Slider'05560
  Pedro na Ostrove PiratovGold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Mafia Private Corporation'96166
  Pedro na Ostrove PiratovGold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92FLP'96156
  Pedro na Ostrove PiratovGold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Beermanz, Magic Soft'97162
  Pedro na Ostrove Piratov (eng)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Pavero'11, SG-Team'12160
  Pedro v Strasidelnom Zamku (eng)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'93Pavero'11, SG-Team'12163
  PeepshowAwk Software'85Vladimir Yanovsky'90187
  PeepshowAwk Software'85AmoNik'00117
  PeepshowAwk Software'85Andrew Sckachek'93185
  PekingYour Sinclair'91Flash Inc'97126
  PekingYour Sinclair'91FFC Computers, Softstar166
  Penalty SoccerGamebusters'90SG-Team'1034
  PendragonGadtek Games'84Viktor Drozd75
  PenetratorBeam Software, Melbourne House'83Studio Olimp93
  Pentacorn Quest (128k only)NightWolf'15Slider'15204
  Pentagram (Magicland!) (ita)Ultimate Play The Game'86G.B.Max'86, Pavel Nikitin'92128
  PentagramUltimate Play The Game'86Flash Inc119
  PentagramUltimate Play The Game'86Slider'05142
  PentagramUltimate Play The Game'86AmoNik89
  People from Sirius (Mundo Perdido, El) (spa)US Gold Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Flash Inc'97159
  People from SiriusUS Gold Ltd, Your Sinclair'87LAKS225
  People from SiriusUS Gold Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Softstar'93193
  Pepsi ColaMiami-Soft'88Alx117
  Percy Penguin in the Present PalaverJohn Davies'19tiboh'19129
  Percy the Potty PigeonGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd73
  Percy the Potty PigeonGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'84tiboh'2293
  Percy the Potty Pigeon (Jo il Piccione) (ita)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'84ZK-Soft'94176
  PerestrojkaGenial Computing Company, Proxima Software'92SG-Team'1063
  Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo (2 in 1) (mod)Topo Soft'89, 21Slider, tiboh'22345
  Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo (eng) (mod)Topo Soft'89Cybertronic Software'96402
  Perico Delgado Maillot AmarilloTopo Soft'89Andy Chernikov'91560
  Perico Delgado Maillot AmarilloTopo Soft'89Power Hackers Group'97325
  Perico Delgado Maillot AmarilloTopo Soft'89AmoNik296
  Perils of Bear GeorgeCheetahSoft Ltd'84Phantom Ltd90
  Perils of Bear George (Zio Bear) (ita)CheetahSoft Ltd'84AmoNik72
  Perils of Willy, The (2 in 1)Highrise'20Slider'22161
  Periscope UpAtlantis Software Ltd'89SoftLight'1065
  Peter Beardsley's International FootballGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Alexey Ermakov'93169
  Peter Beardsley's International FootballGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Fatality109
  Peter Pack RatSoftware Creations, Silverbird Software Ltd'89Fantazm'97145
  Peter Pack RatSoftware Creations, Silverbird Software Ltd'89Fatality150
  Peter Pack RatSoftware Creations, Silverbird Software Ltd'89Virtual Vision Group'98134
  Peter Pack RatSoftware Creations, Silverbird Software Ltd'89Sliders Creative & Hackers Group120
  Peter Pack RatSoftware Creations, Silverbird Software Ltd'89Brainwave'01146
  Peter Shilton's Handball MaradonaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'86Alexey Ermakov'93163
  Peter Shilton's Handball MaradonaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'86Slider'12122
  Petulant Poogslay Powerful ParadeThe Mojon Twins'10SG-Team'1096
  Phaeton (pentfix)Ralf'10SG-Team'11103
  Phantis 1 (Game Over 2.1)Dinamic Software'87Triumph190
  Phantis 1Dinamic Software'87Alexey Lyulin'94162
  Phantis 1, 2 (Game Over 2.1, 2.2)Dinamic Software'87Slider'16460
  Phantis 1, 2Dinamic Software'87Mafia Private Corporation'95251
  Phantis 1, 2Dinamic Software'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group226
  Phantis 1, 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'87goodboy, tiboh'20275
  Phantis 1, 2 (Game Over 2.1, 2.2) (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'87goodboy, tiboh'20237
  Phantis 2 (Game Over 2.2)Dinamic Software'87Triumph190
  Phantis 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'87Twinsoft'95211
  Phantis 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'87Integer'99156
  Phantis 2Dinamic Software'87AmoNik116
  Phantom Club (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'88Create Soft'94210
  Phantom ClubOcean Software Ltd'88Alexey Ermakov'93196
  Phantom Club (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'88tiboh'19175
  Phantom F4 IMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Microspace'94122
  Phantom F4 IMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Brutal Games'94146
  Phantom F4 I, II (eng) (mod)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95303
  Phantom F4 IIMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Microspace'94127
  Phantom F4 IIMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Brutal Games'94148
  PhantomasDinamic Software'86Namor Corp'94174
  PhantomasDinamic Software'86Paul Avilov196
  Phantomas 1, 2Dinamic Software'86SAW'94319
  Phantomas 1, 2Dinamic Software'86BrokImSoft'02238
  Phantomas 2Dinamic Software'86LAKS'94158
  Phantomas 2Dinamic Software'86Paul Avilov194
  Phantomas 2 (Vampire) (eng)Dinamic Software'86Slider'07169
  Phantomas 2 (Vampire) (eng)Dinamic Software'86Code Busters'96146
  Phantomas en el MuseoThe Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'12SG-Team'12100
  Phantomas Saga: InfinityComputer Emuzone'06Slider'06118
  Phantomas Tales #1: MarsportThe Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'09SG-Team'09199
  Phantomas Tales #4: Severin Sewers (2 in 1)The Mojon Twins'11,24Slider'24287
  Phantomasa 1: Parts 1&2Computer Emuzone'07Slider'07248
  Phantomasa 2: In the Land of the Grunge Wizards v1WOPR2K'06Slider'06140
  Phantomasa 2: In the Land of the Grunge Wizards v2The Mojon Twins, Computer Emuzone'07riskej'07184
  Phantomasa 2: In the Land of the Grunge Wizards v2 (2 in 1)The Mojon Twins, Computer Emuzone'07SG-Team'07190
  Phantomasa 3 (Fundamentally Loathsome)The Mojon Twins'11SG-Team'11128
  Pharaoh's Shadow, TheDigital Brains'09SoftLight'1068
  Pharaoh's Tomb, The (txt) (dsk)Phipps Associates'83DimikSoft'96147
  Phase of the Moon (128k only)Argon Software'87Slider'22139
  PheenixMegadodo Software'83BrokImSoft'0230
  PheenixMegadodo Software'83tiboh'1847
  Phileas Fogg's Balloon BattlesZeppelin Games Ltd'91Flash Inc'97137
  Phileas Fogg's Balloon BattlesZeppelin Games Ltd'91Alex Platonov'93136
  Phileas Fogg's Balloon BattlesZeppelin Games Ltd'91Step Creative Group'97123
  PhobosProxima Software'93tiboh'20108
  Pi in the SkyAutomata UK Ltd'85Flash Inc'9875
  Pi-BalledAutomata UK Ltd'84AmoNik63
  Pick 'n' PileUbi Soft Ltd'91Flash Inc'9786
  Pick 'n' PileUbi Soft Ltd'91D-Love'99107
  Pick Out 2Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'93Flash Inc'96107
  Pickaxe PeteGazJ82'17tiboh'17121
  PictionaryOxford Mobius, Domark Ltd'89Moment Records489
  Picture PuzzleSpectrum Computing'85Triumph'0036
  Pi-DentityFusion Retro Books'20tiboh'21266
  Pieces of EightSinclair User'92MiS Studio88
  Pieces of EightSinclair User'92Fatality123
  Pieces of EightSinclair User'92Vadim, tiboh'14120
  Pietro BrosCristian M. Gonzalez'16tiboh'17108
  Piggy (eng)Excellent Spectrum Aces'97Phantasy'99, Maddy Vins'01110
  PiggyExcellent Spectrum Aces'97Daniel'98102
  PiggyBug-Byte Software Ltd'88DimikSoft'95190
  PiggyExcellent Spectrum Aces'97tiboh'0092
  Piggy PunksSinclair User'90Mike Blum82
  Piggy PunksSinclair User'90Anton Vasilyev165
  Pi-In'EreAutomata UK Ltd'84Andrew Sckachek'94166
  Pilot AttackMisfit'17tiboh'1763
  Pimeval ManAutomata UK Ltd'85Flash Inc'9894
  PinballSagittarian Software Ltd'83AmoNik'0029
  PinballSagittarian Software Ltd'83Hacker Sanek'9464
  Pinball IIJiri Filous'90tiboh'2042
  Pinball Power (3D Pinball)Mastertronic Plus'89Power of Sound'97127
  Pinball Power (3D Pinball) (km)Mastertronic Plus'89Velesoft'06, tiboh'1498
  Pinball Power (3D Pinball)Mastertronic Plus'89Phantom Family94
  Ping Pong (Konami's Ping Pong)Imagine Software Ltd'86Battletech Inc.'9697
  Ping Pong (Konami's Ping Pong)Imagine Software Ltd'86Phantom Family'0078
  Ping Pong (Konami's Ping Pong)Imagine Software Ltd'86AmoNik80
  Pink PantherMicro-Partner, Magic Bytes, Gremlin'88Roversoft'96449
  Pink PantherMicro-Partner, Magic Bytes, Gremlin'88Condorsoft'92354
  Pink PantherMicro-Partner, Magic Bytes, Gremlin'88Triumph'05221
  Pink Panther (2 in 1) (mod) (pentfix)Micro-Partner, Magic Bytes, Gremlin'88Triumph'05, Slider, Tiboh'22314
  Pink Pills: Manic Moritz and the MedsSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'17tiboh'22247
  Pipe ManiaEmpire Software'90Queen Software Inc'97106
  Pipe ManiaEmpire Software'90Walsoft123
  Pipe ManiaEmpire Software'90Triumph'0397
  Pipes (4k)Zack'03tiboh'2215
  PipeworkJonathan Cauldwell'91n/a90
  Pippo (pentfix)Mastertronic Ltd'86debris'1495
  Pi-R SquaredBinary Design Ltd, Mind Games'87Rom Corp'95143
  Pi-R SquaredBinary Design Ltd, Mind Games'87E&M Red Army159
  Pi-R SquaredBinary Design Ltd, Mind Games'87Power of Sound'97121
  Pi-R Squared (256k) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Mind Games'87Black Valley Corp'95202
  Pi-R Squared (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Mind Games'87Delta Hackers Group'00138
  Piskvorky (Gomoku)Ivo Guderna'85Triumph'0243
  Piskvorky (Gomoku)Ivo Guderna'85Welcome Corporation'0135
  Piso ZeroZigurat Software'91Viktor Drozd123
  Pitfall II: Lost CavernsSoftware Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84tiboh'1951
  Pitfall III: Wrath of KingcrockGabriele Amore'13tiboh'1997
  Pitfall ZXComputer Emuzone'03tiboh'19134
  Pit-FighterTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'91Mafia Private Corporation'96345
  Pit-FighterTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'91tiboh'15320
  Pitman SevenVisions Software Factory Ltd'83DimikSoft'95107
  Pixel QuestEinar Saukas'15Alex Rider'15147
  Pixel Quest 2000Einar Saukas'17tiboh'17127
  Pixy the MicrodotYour Sinclair'87tiboh'1753
  Pixy the Microdot 2Your Sinclair'92Fatality134
  Pixy the Microdot 2 (mod)Your Sinclair'92Shock Brigade'97154
  Pixy the Microdot 2Your Sinclair'92Light Future Group'98135
  Pizza BarThe Shaw Brothers, Redwood Designs'93BrokImSoft'0297
  Pizza BarThe Shaw Brothers, Redwood Designs'93Alexey Ermakov'9399
  Planet 10Mastertronic Ltd'89Amiga Must Die'97137
  Planet of ShadesCybexlab Software'86BrokImSoft'0279
  Planet PatrolMacmillan Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Phantom Ltd126
  PlanetoidsPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Phantom Ltd28
  Planets, TheMartech Games Ltd'86Andy Chernikov'92345
  Planets, The (2 in 1) (dsk)Martech Games Ltd'86tiboh'22606
  Plasma BallAtlantis Software Ltd'88BrokImSoft'04, Slider'2294
  PlatoonChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88LAKS, Smasher'93470
  Platoon (128k only)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Daniel'95267
  PlatoonChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev'91433
  PlatoonChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Viktor Drozd262
  Platoon (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88SG-Team'11314
  PlatoonChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88X-Poject Association'98288
  Play Ball! (4k)EvilPaul'03Triumph'0478
  Play Ball! (4k)EvilPaul'03tiboh'2216
  Play for Your LifeImagine Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'88SG-Team'1086
  Play for Your LifeImagine Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'88Welcome Corporation88
  Play It Again, Sam (txt) (dsk)Mastertronic Added Dimension'86Power of Sound'97179
  PlaydaysFriendly Learning'93tiboh'18206
  Plexar (Roads of Plexar, The)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Mike Blum118
  Plexar (Roads of Plexar, The)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Light Future Group'00118
  Plexar (Roads of Plexar, The)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Triumph'00119
  Plot, The (2 in 1) (bugfix) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'22112
  Plot, TheFirebird Software Ltd'88Rapeware Corporation'95141
  Plot, TheFirebird Software Ltd'88ZX-Legion138
  Plot, TheFirebird Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'97159
  PlottingTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'90D-Love'98163
  PlottingTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'90Codemonsters Hackers Group152
  PlottingTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'90Code Busters'95110
  PlottingTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'90Technoman Group112
  PlottingTwilight, Ocean Software Ltd'90World Eyes Group'96130
  Plum DuffBug-Byte Software Ltd'85BrokImSoft, Triumph'03179
  Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (txt)PROSM Software'18tiboh'19156
  PlummetInterceptor Software'84D-Love84
  PlummetInterceptor Software'84Triumph'0080
  PlummetInterceptor Software'84TAW, SAW'9583
  Plus D Blue PeterJim Waterman'20author1283
  Pneumatic HammersFirebird Software Ltd'87Triumph'0074
  Pneumatic HammersFirebird Software Ltd'87Pavel Nikitin'92113
  Pobble (1k)Zack'02tiboh'225
  PodderCentral Solutions'86BrokImSoft'0386
  Poder Oscuro, ElArcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'88Flash Inc'97153
  Poder Oscuro, ElArcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'88Energy Minds'99160
  Podraz 3 (txt)Fuxoft'86Phantom Ltd'9551
  PogoOcean Software Ltd'83Andrew Leslie'93131
  Pogostick Olympics (2 in 1) (mod)Silverbird Software Ltd'88tiboh'2050
  PogotronData Design Systems, Gamebusters'89Slider'05129
  Poker AbertoAstor Softwaretiboh'18196
  Poker Club, TheGeorge Calvere'85tiboh'16106
  Poker Dice (48k only)Gilsoft International'82Rasoft37
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Hackers United'95155
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86^m00h^'0495
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Alexey Ermakov'93146
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Black Valley Corp'95161
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Power of Sound'9879
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Andy Mokrushin111
  Pole PositionAtarisoft'84tiboh'17178
  Pole PositionAtarisoft'84Grand'93186
  Poli DiazCande Software, Opera Soft S.A.'90Slider'20130
  Poli DiazCande Software, Opera Soft S.A.'90Ershsoft'93173
  Poli DiazCande Software, Opera Soft S.A.'90Bioman'92173
  Poli DiazCande Software, Opera Soft S.A.'90Ironsoft'95128
  PontoonContrast Software'83tiboh'1661
  PoogabooOpera Soft S.A.'91Welcome Corporation'97118
  PoogabooOpera Soft S.A.'91BrokImSoft'02109
  PoogabooOpera Soft S.A.'91Flash Inc'98137
  PoolBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Fikus'9517
  Pool (Spectrum Pool)CDS Microsystems'83Rasoft39
  PoolBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Stasoft'9325
  Pool (Spectrum Pool)CDS Microsystems'83Vladislav Baliasov, DimikSoft'9542
  Pop StarsHellenic Software'91Fatality'97119
  Pop StarsHellenic Software'91Andrew Strikes Code'91108
  Pop StarsHellenic Software'91New Life Corporation'94108
  Popas Si Sania Lui Mos-CraciunAMS Soft'96Slider'2269
  Popas Si Savantul XAMS Soft'96Slider'2280
  PopeyeGabriele Amore'15tiboh'1687
  PopeyeDK'Tronics Ltd'85Yoda Software Company167
  Popeye 1, 2, 3DK'Tronics Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'85-92Flash Inc'97593
  Popeye 3: Wrestle CrazyAlternative Software Ltd'92Sat'98272
  Poseidon: Planet Eleven (mod)Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90KSA, Andy 2'94205
  Poseidon: Planet ElevenHi-Tec Software Ltd'90DIM134
  Poseidon: Planet ElevenHi-Tec Software Ltd'90Max Iwamoto'93142
  Poseidon: Planet Eleven (pentfix)Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90SG-Team'12125
  Poseidon: Planet ElevenHi-Tec Software Ltd'90BrokImSoft'99128
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89LAKS232
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'99129
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Max Iwamoto'93182
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Die Krupps Group158
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Petr, Michael'93135
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93190
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Mad Code Hacker Group139
  Postman Pat 1, 2Alternative Software Ltd'89Merlin'97241
  Postman Pat 1, 2Alternative Software Ltd'89Battletech Inc.'95320
  Postman Pat 1, 2Alternative Software Ltd'89Syndrome280
  Postman Pat 1, 2Alternative Software Ltd'89Vadim Lotysh'95246
  Postman Pat 1, 2, 3Alternative Software Ltd'89-92SG-Team'10294
  Postman Pat 2Alternative Software Ltd'89LAKS210
  Postman Pat 2Alternative Software Ltd'89Max Iwamoto'93163
  Potsworth & Co.Visual Impact, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'92Code Busters'95499
  Potsworth & Co. (pentfix)Visual Impact, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'92SG-Team'10278
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89LAKS'95185
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89Kamilsoft231
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89C.C.'91357
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89Softstar231
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89Zer0 International Association'96261
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89goodboy, tiboh'22411
  Power DriftSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89Michael Patlis'93296
  Power MagicGamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Viktor Drozd130
  Power MagicGamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Light Future Incorporation'96161
  Power PyramidsQuicksilva Ltd, Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Jupiter 77'96103
  Power PyramidsQuicksilva Ltd, Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Alexey Ermakov152
  PoweramaThe Power House'88Grodnosoft'9795
  PoweramaThe Power House'88Viktor Drozd61
  PoweramaThe Power House'88D-Love70
  PowerplayPlayers Software'88FFC Computers, Outland Corporation353
  PowerplayPlayers Software'88Prophecy'97394
  PowerplayPlayers Software'88Crash Team, Comcod Ltd, Skyr'&Co'94345
  PowerplayPlayers Software'88Prophecy'97, Slider'17433
  PowerplayPlayers Software'88Digital Reality'97437
  Poxoft Tatriz Special EditionPoxoft'11tiboh'1165
  Prayer of the Warrior 1, 2, The (2 in 1)Restos Software, Zigurat Software'91Slider'13554
  PredatorActivision Inc'87Alexander Maryshev'95416
  PredatorActivision Inc'87Andy Chernikov590
  PredatorActivision Inc'87Black Star Group'95414
  Predator 1, 2Activision Inc, Image Works'87-91Slider'12603
  Predator 2Image Works'91THD315
  Predator 2Image Works'91Anton Vasilyev509
  Predator 2Image Works'91Andy Chernikov'91492
  Predator 2Image Works'91Mafia Private Corporation'96507
  Prelude to Chaos, AEgoTrip'15debris'1597
  Price of Magik, The (txt) (dsk)Level 9 Computing Ltd'86Energy Minds144
  Prince ClumsyCode Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'90Universe Software'97115
  Prince Clumsy (2 in 1) (mod)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'90Slider, tiboh'23325
  Prince ClumsyCode Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'90BrokImSoft'02, Slider'23154
  Prison RiotPlayers Premier'90Overmaster'93167
  Prison RiotPlayers Premier'90Triumph'03139
  Prison Riot (mod)Players Premier'90goodboy, tiboh'19143
  Prison RiotPlayers Premier'90Slider'07164
  Prison Riot (Joe Blade 4)Players Premier'90Phantom Ltd131
  Prize, The (Premio, El) (spa)Arcade Software'84Flash Inc'9763
  Pro Golf (dsk)Atlantis Software Ltd'86Flash Inc'99125
  Pro Golf IIAtlantis Software Ltd'86Max Iwamoto'93329
  Pro Golf SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'90Mike Blum'99195
  Pro Golf SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'90Flash Inc'97136
  Pro Golf SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'90Fatality139
  Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Another World Software'95150
  Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Fanatic Stas'93125
  Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Mike Blum125
  Pro Pinball (Zipper Flipper)R.E.D. Sunshine'83Phantom Ltd50
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89Dr.Bars'95133
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89Immortal Boneman'96151
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89Tornado Inc.'95238
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89TAW'95123
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89M.M.A'95156
  Pro PowerBoat SimulatorOptimus Software, Code Masters Ltd'89Mike Blum'94146
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Eternity Industry'99141
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Real Software'97129
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Dr.Bars'95151
  Pro Skateboard Simulator (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'89Silicon Brains'94226
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Condorsoft160
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Alexander Maryshev'95143
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Merlin'9798
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Hacker Nick'96118
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Universe Software'97122
  Pro Tennis Simulator (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'90goodboy'0365
  Pro Tennis TourESP [2], Ubi Soft Ltd'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95146
  Pro Tennis TourESP [2], Ubi Soft Ltd'90Hacker Nick'96102
  Pro Tennis TourESP [2], Ubi Soft Ltd'90Paul Nosikov'91154
  Pro Tennis Tour (pentfix)ESP [2], Ubi Soft Ltd'90SG-Team'12126
  ProdigyMD Software, Electric Dreams Software'86Slider'08100
  Professional BMX SimulatorCode Masters Plus'88Fanatic Stas'93341
  Professional BMX SimulatorCode Masters Plus'88Pavel Nikitin'92198
  Professional BMX SimulatorCode Masters Plus'88Universal Company Incorporated'94285
  Professional BMX SimulatorCode Masters Plus'88Slider'17318
  Professional BMX SimulatorCode Masters Plus'88Anton Vasilyev264
  Professional Coat Getting SimulatorRussell Tayler'01tiboh'1836
  Professional Go-Kart SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'90Max Iwamoto'93140
  Professional Go-Kart SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'90AmoNik'0097
  Professional Go-Kart SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'90debris'15130
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Alexey Ermakov'93137
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Dr.Shura135
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Ershsoft189
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87LZB/Jupiter 77'97112
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Phantasy222
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87SI Soft'94161
  Professional Soccer (dsk)CRL Group PLC'89Triumph'02173
  Professional SoccerCRL Group PLC'89Softstar192
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90Omega Hackers Club'95249
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90Dr.Shura149
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90MegaStars Hackers Group'95178
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90Softstar'95234
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis) (eng)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90tiboh'20133
  Professional Tennis Simulator (Simulador Profesional de Tenis)Alucine Software, Dinamic Software'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95183
  ProhibitionInfogrames'87Smash Hackers Band'98134
  ProhibitionInfogrames'87Megasystem Group'94201
  Project FutureMicromania'85Triumph'00104
  Project FutureMicromania'85AmoNik103
  Project VaeliusTOKU Soft'21Slider'21141
  Proof of Destruction (P.O.D.)Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88BrokImSoft'0370
  Proof of Destruction (P.O.D.)Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Andy Solovarov115
  Proof of Destruction (P.O.D.)Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88AmoNik68
  ProtectorPAL Developments, Mastertronic Plus'89Welcome Corporation'9891
  ProtectorPAL Developments, Mastertronic Plus'89Flash Inc'9890
  ProwlerIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Ros Ltd'93135
  ProwlerIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88SG-Team'20115
  Prva AkciaMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Fatality118
  Prva AkciaMicrotech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Flash Inc'98135
  Psi Chess (dsk)The Edge'87Arcadiy Gobuzov'9496
  Psi ChessThe Edge'87Universe Software'97103
  Psi Chess (dsk)The Edge'87Maxsoft'95118
  Psi ChessThe Edge'87Alexander Loginov'92194
  Psi Chess (dsk)The Edge'87RSSoft'92217
  Psi ChessThe Edge'87VAD'9885
  PssstUltimate Play The Game'83Slider'0590
  PssstUltimate Play The Game'83Grand'1869
  PssstUltimate Play The Game'83Intense'1746
  PssstUltimate Play The Game'83Andrew Sckachek'9457
  Psycho CityPlayers Software'89Perestroika Software'96160
  Psycho HopperMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Plus'90Mafia Private Corporation'96135
  Psycho Hopper (2 in 1) (mod) (pentfix)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Plus'90goodboy, tiboh'2291
  Psycho Pigs U.X.B.Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'88Andy Nik'97134
  Psycho Pigs U.X.B.Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'88Flash Inc'96134
  Psycho Pigs U.X.B.Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'88BrokImSoft'98121
  Psycho Soldier (2 in 1) (kemp8bit) (mod)Source Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'24265
  Psycho SoldierSource Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87goodboy, Slider'17221
  Psytraxx (CPU Destroyer) (ita)The Edge'84Jupiter 77'01141
  PsytraxxThe Edge'84DimikSoft'95177
  PsytronBeyond Software'84DimikSoft'95153
  Pub GamesDollarsoft, Alligata Software Ltd'86CZ'93915
  Pub Games: Bar BilliardsDollarsoft, Alligata Software Ltd'86AmoNik39
  Pub Trivia (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90Flash Inc'97, tiboh'17309
  Pub TriviaSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90Flash Inc'97309
  Pub TriviaSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90Softstar234
  Pub Trivia (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90M.M.A'95236
  Pub TriviaSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90^m00h^'00275
  Pud PudOcean Software Ltd'84Korund95
  Pud PudOcean Software Ltd'84SG-Team'12133
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Energy Minds'99370
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Alexey Ermakov'93382
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Andy Steeler'94388
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Softstar'93437
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'98352
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Eternity Industry'99362
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89goodboy, tiboh'20384
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89Reanimator'94405
  Puffy's SagaUbi Soft Ltd'89AmoNik'00322
  Puffy's Saga (cvx) (mod)Ubi Soft Ltd'89Omega Hackers Group399
  PulsatorMartech Games Ltd'87Flash Inc'97130
  PulsatorMartech Games Ltd'87Fatality'97133
  Pulse WarriorSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88TAW, SAW'9586
  Pulse WarriorSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88BrokImSoft'0279
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Cure Soft'92143
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88The Hot Heads'9959
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Energy Star Company'95127
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88John North'9977
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88LZB/Jupiter 77'9951
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Mike Blum61
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Sirius'9593
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88Vladimir Saveliev138
  PulsoidsSilhouette Software, Mastertronic Ltd'88AmoNik'0063
  Pumpkin PoePoe Games'17tiboh'1893
  Punch & JudyClockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89Max Iwamoto'93157
  Punch & JudyClockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89BrokImSoft'9893
  Punch & JudyClockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89Phantom Family120
  Punch & JudyClockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89TAW, SAW'95116
  PunchyMr. Micro Ltd'83Fikus'95172
  Punk StarGenesis Soft, Iber Software'88Max Iwamoto'93105
  Punk StarGenesis Soft, Iber Software'88Fatality91
  Punk StarGenesis Soft, Iber Software'88AmoNik'0070
  Purple Saturn DayExxos'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93678
  Purple Saturn DayExxos'89Sav Corp465
  Purple Saturn DayExxos'89Chip666
  Purple Saturn Day (+3dos)Exxos'89goodboy, tiboh'18437
  Purple Saturn DayExxos'89Phantasy655
  Push OffSoftware Projects Ltd'83n/a38
  Puta Mili (Fucking Mili)EJVG'20Slider'20105
  PuzzleTriton Software, MicroHobby'91tiboh'1845
  Puzznic (pentfix)Ocean Software Ltd'90Brainwave'04101
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Cure Soft'93129
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Dr.Dash'95191
  Puzznic (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90Golden Eagle'94134
  Puzznic (mod)Ocean Software Ltd'90Omega Hackers Group'96117
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Paul Nosikov'91126
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90KZS Corporation'96106
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Reanimator'94116
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Stasoft'92108
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Vladimir Saveliev111
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Tornado Inc.107
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Velsoft'9788
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90AmoNik'0077
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90SAW'95146
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84TomCaT'06139
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84^m00h^'00179
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84eYe-Q'00102
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84AIS'93140
  Pyjamarama (mod)Mikro-Gen Ltd'84Dak Soft Ltd'95119
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84Slider'16101
  Pyracurse (dsk)Hewson Consultants Ltd'86Power of Sound'97163
  Pyracurse (dsk)Hewson Consultants Ltd'86tiboh'15151
  PyracurseHewson Consultants Ltd'86eYe-Q'00113
  Pyramania16/48 Tape Magazine'84tiboh'2366
  Pyramid PatienceLCD'96Flash Inc'99110
  Pyramid, TheFantasy Software [1]'83tiboh'1896
  Pyromania 1, 2Gabriele Amore'13-14tiboh'15111
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 589 of 10479 filez