GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  O.K. Yah!Pirate Software Ltd'88Slider'13121
  Oberon 69Diabolic Software, G.LL. Software S.A.'90Code Busters'95189
  Obliterator (48k only)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Copy Masters208
  Obliterator (128k only)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Welcome Corporation'98173
  Obliterator (48k only)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Dmitriy Kulikov155
  ObliteratorIcon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Ros Ltd'94175
  Obliterator (48k only)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Rapeware Corporation'95146
  Obliterator (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Slider'07, tiboh'23337
  Obliterator (48k only)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Alexey Vagin'94245
  ObliteratorIcon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Flash Inc'97159
  Ocean Conqueror (Nautilus)OCTA Soft'86Delta Hackers Group'98150
  Ocean ConquerorOCTA Soft'86Fancy'93184
  Octagon SquadMastertronic Ltd'86Code Reingers Group'9671
  Octagon Squad (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'86Lone Wolf'96157
  OctanSilverbird Software Ltd'87Smokers Team'97125
  OctanSilverbird Software Ltd'87Universe Software'98111
  Octan (pentfix)Silverbird Software Ltd'87tiboh'14122
  Octopussy (eng)Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92FFC Computers, Softstar215
  Octopussy (slk)Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Mafia Private Corporation'95171
  Octopussy (slk)Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Another World Software'95138
  Octopussy (eng) (mod)Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92tiboh'18192
  Odd BallThe Power House'87BrokImSoft'0249
  Odd Job EddieStrobe [A Flash of Brilliance]'85Flash Inc'98129
  Oddi the VikingDigital Brains'10SG-Team'10178
  Official Father Christmas Game, TheEnigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Fatality121
  Official Father Christmas Game, TheEnigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Syndrome'98147
  Official Father Christmas Game, The (48/128k) (mod)Enigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89goodboy, tiboh'22112
  Oh MummyGem Software'84Korund23
  Oh Shit! (txt) (dsk)Zack'91tiboh'19106
  Oink!CRL Group PLC'87Flash Inc'97174
  Ole, ToroDinamic Software'86Flash Inc'97115
  Ole, ToroDinamic Software'86Jupiter 77110
  Ole, ToroDinamic Software'86D-Love88
  Ole, ToroDinamic Software'86Mike Blum99
  Olli & Lissa 1, 2, 3Ionis Software International'86-89DBA'94466
  Olli & Lissa 1, 2, 3Ionis Software International'86-89Flash Inc'98376
  Olli & Lissa II: HalloweenSilverbird Software Ltd'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group113
  Olli & Lissa II: HalloweenSilverbird Software Ltd'87Brissoft'93157
  Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore CastleFirebird Software Ltd'86Sliders Creative & Hackers Group97
  Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore CastleFirebird Software Ltd'86Brissoft'93228
  Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'86Megahackers Group'94207
  Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore CastleFirebird Software Ltd'86Oleg Moskalenko'93183
  Olympicon (dsk)Mitec'84tiboh'2097
  OlympimaniaAutomata UK Ltd'84AmoNik'0078
  Omega Dimension 1 (Dimension Omega 1)Positive'89T&S Soft'93186
  Omega Dimension 1 (Dimension Omega 1)Positive'89AmoNik109
  Omega Dimension 1 (Dimension Omega 1)Positive'89King of Time'94183
  Omega Dimension 1 (Dimension Omega 1)Positive'89Anton Vasilyev189
  Omega Dimension 1, 2 (Dimension Omega 1, 2)Positive'89Alexander Maryshev'95283
  Omega Dimension 1, 2 (Dimension Omega 1, 2)Positive'89SG-Team'07248
  Omega Dimension 1, 2 (Dimension Omega 1, 2) (eng)Positive'89FFC Computers'95288
  Omega Dimension 2 (Dimension Omega 2)Positive'89LAKS'93167
  Omega Dimension 2 (Dimension Omega 2)Positive'89Battletech Inc.'95204
  Omega OneMastertronic Ltd'87BrokImSoft'04163
  Omega OneMastertronic Ltd'87LAKS221
  Omega RunCRL Group PLC'83Logros Software'93101
  Omega Zone, The (mod)Crash'91Omega Hackers Club'96176
  On CueMastertronic Added Dimension'87tiboh'1577
  On Cue: Snooker (ita)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87G.B.Max, Himik's ZxZ48
  On Cue: Snooker (ita)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87G.B.Max, Mukhortov'94163
  On Cue: Snooker (ita)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87G.B.Max, Triumph'0044
  On the RunDesign Design Software'85Power of Sound'98127
  On the RunDesign Design Software'85Sliders Creative & Hackers Group119
  One for the RoadIJK Software Ltd, Tynesoft'86Flash Inc'9735
  One for the RoadIJK Software Ltd, Tynesoft'86Triumph'0027
  One for the RoadIJK Software Ltd, Tynesoft'86AmoNik24
  One Hundred and Eighty!Mikro-Gen Ltd'83Grand'0743
  One Man and his Droid (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'85Kidson'95117
  One Man and his DroidMastertronic Ltd'85Kidson'95135
  One Man and his DroidMastertronic Ltd'85Mike Blum61
  One Man and His Droid 1, 2Clive Brooker, Mastertronic Ltd'85-01tiboh'17133
  One on OneAriolasoft UK Ltd'85Phantom Ltd72
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Mike Blum175
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Pavel Nikitin'93238
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Hell Raisers'98182
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Alexey Ermakov'93176
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Energy Minds'98162
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89BrokImSoft'02123
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Stutterius'01142
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev206
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Alx206
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89Codemonsters Hackers Group'96167
  Operation GunshipCode Masters Ltd'89S.Bitman, I.Byteman'93171
  Operation Hanoi (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Players Premier'90Slider, tiboh'23224
  Operation HanoiPlayers Premier'90Russian Prestige'95181
  Operation HanoiPlayers Premier'90Code Busters'95181
  Operation HormuzDurell Software Ltd, Again Again'89tiboh'15267
  Operation HormuzDurell Software Ltd, Again Again'89Ascendancy Creative Labs'97163
  Operation Nightingale (txt) (dsk)Softly Softly'85Hacker Stinger'93168
  Operation Nightingale (txt) (dsk)Softly Softly'85Power of Sound'97168
  Operation ThunderboltOcean Software Ltd'89SG-Team'11337
  Operation ThunderboltOcean Software Ltd'89SAW'95601
  Operation ThunderboltOcean Software Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev'91538
  Operation ThunderboltOcean Software Ltd'89Laptevsoft545
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Flash Inc523
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Mike Blum594
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Power of Sound'97378
  Operation Wolf (mod)Ocean Software Ltd'88Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94406
  Operation Wolf (pentfix)Ocean Software Ltd'88SG-Team'11367
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Seamans'96467
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Vladimir Belyaev, Anton Vasilyev'91509
  Operation Wolf (mod)Ocean Software Ltd'88MegaStars Hackers Group410
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Slava Trubinov467
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Black Star Group'95442
  Operation Wolf (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'88Russian Prestige'96310
  Orb (txt) (dsk)Impact Software [1]'82Poyo'21109
  OrbiterSilversoft Ltd'82DimikSoft'9538
  Orbix the TerrorballStreetwise'86Brainwave'01127
  Orbix the TerrorballStreetwise'86Andrew Sckachek'94151
  Orbix the TerrorballStreetwise'86AmoNik'0099
  Orbol Voon (48/128k)The Mojon Twins'23Slider'24191
  Orc Attack (mod)Creative Sparks'84Lone Wolf105
  Order of Mazes, The (dsk) (kemp8bit)Tom Dalby'15tiboh'2088
  Oriental GamesSource Software Ltd, Micro Style'90C.C.'91545
  Oriental GamesSource Software Ltd, Micro Style'90SAW'95551
  Oriental HeroTron Software, Firebird Software Ltd'87tiboh'18100
  OrionKVL Software, Proxima Software'93Energy Minds'98143
  OrionSoftware Projects Ltd'83Stasoft'92102
  OrionSoftware Projects Ltd'83AmoNik'0031
  Ossuary (dsk)Cyningstan'13Reobne'2473
  OthelloERE Informatique'83n/a35
  Out of the ShadowsMizar Computing'84n/a107
  Out of This WorldReaktor'87Fatality107
  Out of This WorldReaktor'87tiboh'21116
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Initsoft, Kano'93462
  Out Run (48/128k)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Monsters Productions, goodboy, tiboh'211020
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Queen Software Inc'96462
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87C.C.'91518
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Jupiter 77388
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Mike Blum442
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94375
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev'92456
  Out Run Europa (2 in 1) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'91Mortal Kombat Hackers Group, Swood'95963
  Out Run Europa (2 in 1) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'91Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95869
  Outcast (pentfix)The Zen Room, CRL Group PLC'87SG-Team'08139
  OutlawPlayers Premier'90Flash Inc'98136
  OutlawPlayers Premier'90Fatality127
  Outlaw (pentfix)Players Premier'90SG-Team'10124
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Russian Prestige'96152
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Max Iwamoto'93173
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88IPL Soft'94239
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Andrey Malyshev175
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Power of Sound'94160
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Phantom Family'98111
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88AmoNik'00113
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Omega Hackers Group'96155
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88Reflection Group'95184
  OverlanderElite Systems Ltd'88SG-Team'12254
  Overlord (dsk)CCS'88Perestroika Software236
  Overlord (dsk)CCS'88Ray Software'9798
  Overlord (dsk)CCS'88THD174
  OverlordsMC Lothlorien Ltd'85n/a116
  Ovocnici (pentfix)MiMi&PeMi'95Slider, tiboh'22124
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 159 of 10576 filez