GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  N.E.I.L. AndroidAlternative Software Ltd'88Flash Inc84
  N.E.I.L. Android (bugfix)Alternative Software Ltd'88Slider'13120
  N.E.X.O.R.Design Design Software'86I'Max179
  N.E.X.O.R.Design Design Software'86Universe Software'9897
  N.E.X.O.R.Design Design Software'86Triumph'0191
  N.E.X.O.R.Design Design Software'86Power of Sound'98113
  N.E.X.U.S.Nexus Productions Ltd'86Eternity Industry'98125
  N.O.M.A.D.Ocean Software Ltd'85Exciter Soft'94165
  N.O.M.A.D.Ocean Software Ltd'85Namor Corp'94175
  N.O.M.A.D.Ocean Software Ltd'85Slider'19177
  N.O.M.A.D.Ocean Software Ltd'85Sage Group'96152
  Nanako Descends to HellThe Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'09SG-Team'09167
  Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster CastleComputer Emuzone'07goodboy'0781
  Napoleon at WarCCS'86Viktor Drozd106
  NARC (N.A.R.C.) (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90Code Busters810
  NARC (N.A.R.C.) (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'221275
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90Jupiter 77291
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90The X-Files Hackers Group'97329
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90Alex Platonov'93434
  Narco Police (+3dos)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'90goodboy, tiboh'18291
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90Olser'94415
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90AmoNik'00294
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90LAKS, Smasher'95330
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90Paul Nosikov'91477
  Narco PoliceIron Byte, Dinamic Software'90PWL-Soft'95358
  NATO AssaultAstros Productions'87tiboh'16230
  NATO Assault Course (dsk)CRL Group PLC'88Phantom Ltd, Slider, tiboh'22121
  Navy Moves 1 (mod)Dinamic Software'88Golden Disk Corporation'94214
  Navy Moves 1 (mod)Dinamic Software'88United Hackers Group'94292
  Navy Moves 1Dinamic Software'88AmoNik123
  Navy Moves 1Dinamic Software'88Another World Software'95169
  Navy Moves 1, 2Dinamic Software'88ShiSoft'93250
  Navy Moves 1, 2Dinamic Software'88Profi Code Computers Club'96284
  Navy Moves 1, 2 (+3dos) (128k only)Dinamic Software'88Triumph'04281
  Navy Moves 1, 2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Dinamic Software'88Slider'13, tiboh'22616
  Navy Moves 1, 2 (128k only) (mod)Dinamic Software'88Alcoholica Software402
  Navy Moves 1, 2 (128k only)Dinamic Software'88Galaxy Inc'94284
  Navy Moves 1, 2Dinamic Software'88Ros Ltd'94315
  Navy Moves 1, 2 (128k only) (mod)Dinamic Software'88Pavel Erikov'96299
  Navy Moves 2 (mod)Dinamic Software'88Golden Disk Corporation'94221
  Navy Moves 2 (mod)Dinamic Software'88Crasher Hacker Group'95208
  Navy Moves 2Dinamic Software'88MDF Hacker'95153
  Navy Moves 2Dinamic Software'88Soft#Code'93165
  Navy Moves 2Dinamic Software'88AmoNik124
  Navy SEALs 1 (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'91Dr Titus, Softstar'95316
  Navy SEALs 1, 2 (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'91Russian Prestige'95506
  Navy SEALs 2 (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'91Dr Titus, Softstar'95316
  Neadeital (!denied)Heavy Spectrum Ltd'20Shadow Maker'21188
  Nebulus (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Hewson Consultants Ltd'87goodboy, tiboh, Slider'24195
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Dmitry Poptsov'91149
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Universe Software'97100
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Alexsoft'93148
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Rescue Rangers, E.Corp'9492
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Energy Minds'99121
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Gogin175
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Power of Sound'98120
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87The X-Files Hackers Group'97120
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87MSoft'98147
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Flash Inc'97131
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87VAD'9878
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Witchcraft Creative Group'99217
  NebulusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Omega Hackers Group'95115
  Nebulus (128k only) (mod)Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Topsoft'94381
  Necro PlasmGrant Jaquest'89Amiga Must Die101
  Nelo & Quqo and the Last ButifarreissonRetroWorks'10SoftLight'10123
  Nemesis the Warlock (bugfix)Creative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'87Slider'13266
  Nemesis the WarlockCreative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'87Alexander Maryshev'94184
  Nemesis the WarlockCreative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'87Triumph'04250
  Nemesis: The Final ChallengeKonami Ltd'87^m00h^'01117
  Nemesis: The Final ChallengeKonami Ltd'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group121
  Nemesis: The Final Challenge (mod)Konami Ltd'87Remix Software, Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94250
  Nemesis: The Final ChallengeKonami Ltd'87Phantom Ltd131
  Nemesis: The Final ChallengeKonami Ltd'87Slider'14174
  Nether Earth (dsk)Argus Press Software Ltd'87Wlodek Black181
  Nether EarthArgus Press Software Ltd'87Wellsoft'93166
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Volga Soft148
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Brainwave'05, goodboy, tiboh'19155
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Flash Inc'98156
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Delta Hackers Group'98118
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Z-Team Association Inc'99164
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Style Group [ua]'96129
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Master Home Computers Group'97147
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev, Softstar'93141
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Cybertronic Software'95224
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Andy Steeler'94148
  Neuron WarriorsA-Soft [uk]'92Amiga Must Die'9857
  Neuron WarriorsA-Soft [uk]'92Flash Inc'9779
  Neverending Story II, TheLinel'90Codemonsters Hackers Group'96483
  Neverending Story II, The (2 in 1) (mod)Linel'90FFC Computers, Softstar506
  Neverending Story, The (txt)Ocean Software Ltd'85Rotfire'91339
  Neverending Story, The (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'85^m00h^'00176
  Neverending Story, The (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'85Famous Faces Factory'94331
  Neverending Story, The (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'85Cat-House'95306
  Neverending Story, The (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'85Freddy Kruger'95206
  Neverending Story, The (txt)Ocean Software Ltd'85Nikolay Shalaev330
  Neverending Story, The (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'85Hacker Stinger'93353
  New York WarriorsBig Red Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Monsters Productions'18389
  New York WarriorsBig Red Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Slider'22208
  New Zealand Story, TheChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Walsoft'91723
  New Zealand Story, The (+3dos) (128k only)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Monsters Productions'18, Slider, tiboh'22409
  New Zealand Story, The (256k)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Romex'95544
  New Zealand Story, TheChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Monsters Productions'18735
  New Zealand Story, TheChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Power of Sound'97411
  NextipedeJonathan Cauldwell'16tiboh'1817
  Nibbles (1k)Gasman'01Constellation International Association'0110
  Nick Faldo Plays the OpenConcept Software Ltd, Mind Games'85tiboh'16115
  Nicotine NightmareAtlantis Gold'85Flash Inc84
  Nifty LiftyVisions Software Factory Ltd'84DEFUSR'9383
  Nifty LiftyVisions Software Factory Ltd'84AmoNik35
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (48k only) (dsk)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Decsoft'92299
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (128k only) (dsk) (mod)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95223
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (128k only) (dsk)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Jupiter 77'97180
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (48k only)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88TAW197
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (128k only)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Max Iwamoto'92241
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (128k only)DJL Software Ltd, Martech Games Ltd'88Power of Sound138
  Nigel Mansell's World Champion (128k only)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'93Flash Inc'97665
  Nigel Mansell's World Champion (128k only)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'93Zer0 International Association'97890
  Night BreedOcean Software Ltd'90Code Busters'96449
  Night BreedOcean Software Ltd'90Zer0 International Association'96773
  Night Breed (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90Prophecy'97468
  Night GunnerDigital Integration'83G.R.176
  Night Hunter (128k only)Ubi Soft Ltd'90Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'941176
  Night Hunter (128k only)Ubi Soft Ltd'90FFC Computers'951138
  Night Hunter (+3dos) (128k only)Ubi Soft Ltd'90goodboy, tiboh'20531
  Night Hunter (128k only)Ubi Soft Ltd'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95661
  Night RaiderGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Mafia Private Corporation'96139
  Night RaiderGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Wellsoft'93179
  Night Raider (km)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'1995
  Night ShiftUS Gold Ltd'91Softstar533
  Night ShiftUS Gold Ltd'91C.C.'91495
  Night ShiftUS Gold Ltd'91Mafia Private Corporation'96385
  Night ShiftUS Gold Ltd'91goodboy, Slider'15285
  Night Stalker ZXAMC Games'18Poyo'2085
  Nightmare on HalloweenRadastan'13Slider'13112
  Nightmare on Robinson Street (mod)Players Premier, Your Sinclair'90Megasystem Group'94167
  Nightmare on Robinson Street (mod)Players Premier, Your Sinclair'90MT-Soft'94143
  Nightmare on Robinson Street (km)Players Premier, Your Sinclair'90Slider'13107
  Nightmare on Robinson Street (km)Players Premier, Your Sinclair'90goodboy'07177
  Nightmare RallyGiga Games, Ocean Software Ltd'86Flash Inc'98161
  Nightshade (48k only)Ultimate Play The Game'85AIS'93152
  NightshadeUltimate Play The Game'85Slider'05151
  Nightshade (Ombre Scure) (ita)Ultimate Play The Game'85BrokImSoft'9787
  NihilistElectric Dreams Software'87n/a76
  NIMImre Ferenczitiboh'20106
  NIM DualisImre Ferenczitiboh'20108
  Ninja (bugfix)Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'87SG-Team'11123
  Ninja Carnage (128k only)Clive Townsend'21tiboh'21549
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'99118
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Gladiators Group'95196
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Grodnosoft'97128
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Accept Corp'96150
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Energy Minds'98138
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Max Iwamoto'93166
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89X-agon137
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89FFC Computers'95164
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Mike Blum103
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Triumph138
  Ninja CommandoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Ut4un'91159
  Ninja Gardening SimulatorAndrew Bunker'19Slider'2198
  Ninja GranniesClockwize'89SG-Team'10205
  Ninja Hamster (Mad Dog) (ita)CRL Group PLC'87Andrey Smirnow178
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87Chip286
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87LAKS'93385
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87Visual Boys Group409
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87Prophecy'97399
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87Power of Sound'97334
  Ninja HamsterCRL Group PLC'87Brainwave'01287
  Ninja MassacreCode Masters Ltd'89Perestroika Software'93201
  Ninja Massacre (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'89Flash Inc'97, Slider'18145
  Ninja MasterTron Software, Firebird Software Ltd'86tiboh'1891
  Ninja Scooter SimulatorSilverbird Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'98109
  Ninja Scooter Simulator (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Silverbird Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'2086
  Ninja Scooter SimulatorSilverbird Software Ltd'88LAKS153
  Ninja SpiritSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'90Flash Inc'97330
  Ninja SpiritSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'90Prophecy'97307
  Ninja Warriors, TheRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev'91452
  Ninja Warriors, TheRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'89Fancy'94526
  Ninja Warriors, TheRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'89Power of Sound'97282
  Ninjajar!The Mojon Twins'14Slider'14407
  Ninjakul 2: The Last Ninja (128k only)Pat Morita Team'20Slider'20346
  Ninjakul in the AUIC TempleGreenweb Sevilla'18goodboy, tiboh'18178
  Nixy and the Seeds of DoomBubblesoft'19tiboh'22349
  Nixy the Glade SpriteBubblesoft, Monument Microgames'18tiboh'22226
  No Man's LandCognito Software'88Slider'22146
  Noche AgitadaTrilog Software'89Triumph'04106
  Nodes of YesodOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Anton Vasilyev'92328
  Nodes of YesodOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'85AmoNik'00127
  Nodes of YesodOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'85Slider'18326
  Nodes of Yesod (Charlie na Ksiezycu) (pol)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'85Atomica164
  Noma della Rosa, IlOrion Software [sk], Perpetum'93tiboh'13532
  Non Compos Mentis (mod)Your Sinclair'91Last Hackers Hope Group'9569
  Non Compos Mentis (mod)Your Sinclair'91Delta Hackers Group'9790
  Non Compos MentisYour Sinclair'91Perestroika Software'94118
  Non Compos Mentis II: Pleasure Beyond PainYour Sinclair'91Flash Inc'97110
  Non Compos Mentis II: Pleasure Beyond PainYour Sinclair'91Viktor Drozd80
  NonamedDinamic Software'87CDS Soft'97133
  NonamedDinamic Software'87D.J.Stepanenko'89174
  NonamedDinamic Software'87BrokImSoft'02104
  NonamedDinamic Software'87AmoNik'00109
  NonocrossDigital Brains'08SG-Team'1080
  NonterraqueousMastertronic Ltd'85AmoNik113
  Nonterraqueous (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'85tiboh'23195
  Norman (Cubitoid)The Power House'88Flash Inc'97125
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Power of Sound'97407
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Triumph'03410
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Silicon Brains'96433
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Andy Chernikov'92688
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Viktor Drozd351
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Megasystem Group'94458
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Vadim Smolianoff'93677
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91AmoNik378
  North & SouthNew Frontier, Infogrames'91Felix'94474
  North & South (+3dos)New Frontier, Infogrames'91Triumph, goodboy'05511
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88BrokImSoft'02106
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88eYe-Q116
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov175
  North Star (48/128k) (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'18124
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Triumph'00128
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tron z'03124
  Nosferatu the VampyrePiranha'86Dmitriy Kulikov164
  Nosferatu the Vampyre (dsk)Piranha'86AmoNik'00127
  Nosferatu the Vampyre (dsk) (mod)Piranha'86Power of Sound'97171
  Nosferatu the Vampyre (dsk)Piranha'86Ice'n'Green'01, Shadow Maker'14139
  NosyJavier Fopiani'20tiboh'2093
  NotorikBytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Odysseus120
  NousHellenic Software, Sinclair User'91SAW'9499
  NousHellenic Software, Sinclair User'91Dmitriy Kulikov'9398
  NousHellenic Software, Sinclair User'91Rapeware Corporation'9562
  Nous (pentfix)Hellenic Software, Sinclair User'91tiboh'2044
  Nowotnik Puzzle, ThePhipps Associates'83tiboh'1633
  Nu, Pogodi!Spectrum Omega Softwaretiboh'1626
  Nuclear BowlsDiabolic Software, Zigurat Software'86BrokImSoft'02102
  Nuclear CountdownAtlantis Software Ltd'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group86
  Nuclear InvadersScainet Soft'13tiboh'1327
  Nuke LearCCS'84Phantom Ltd46
  NyordaxKabuto Factory'16tiboh'1823
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 240 of 10494 filez