GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Macadam Bumper (dsk)Ere Informatique'85Power of Sound'96123
  Mach 3Diabolic Software, Loriciels'89Paul Nosikov'91181
  Mach 3Diabolic Software, Loriciels'89Slider'13126
  Mach 3Diabolic Software, Loriciels'89Pavel Nikitin'92133
  Mach 3Diabolic Software, Loriciels'89Delta Hackers Group'99140
  MacMan 1, 2, 3, 4Macmillan Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'85tiboh'18114
  Mad CarsVentamatic'84tiboh'1879
  Mad Martha (txt)Mikro-Gen Ltd'83DimikSoft'96121
  Mad Martha II (txt) (dsk)Mikro-Gen Ltd'83DimikSoft'96167
  Mad MixTopo Soft'88Mike Blum180
  Mad MixTopo Soft'88Perestroika Software'94153
  Mad MixTopo Soft'88Power of Sound'99133
  Mad Mix 1, 2Topo Soft'88-90Flash Inc'98309
  Mad Mix 1, 2Topo Soft'88-90SG-Team'18379
  Mad Mix 2Topo Soft'90Anton Vasilyev299
  Mad Mix 2Topo Soft'90Power of Sound'97256
  Mad NurseFirebird Software Ltd'87Slider'05118
  Mad NurseFirebird Software Ltd'87Kamikaze'94144
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88Fatality100
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88Pavel Nikitin'93101
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88Slider'14122
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88AmoNik'0080
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov'93143
  MadballsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88Universal Company Incorporated'95115
  Mag Max (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'87KDF Software'94193
  Mag MaxImagine Software Ltd'87Vladislav Baliasov'88164
  Mag Max (48/128k) (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'87goodboy, tiboh'20119
  Mag MaxImagine Software Ltd'87AmoNik'00103
  Mag the MagicianRadastan'17Slider'1850
  Mage RageJoesoft'19tiboh'1984
  Magic Carpet (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'85Lone Wolf69
  Magic CarpetMastertronic Ltd'85Phantom Ltd40
  Magic Carpet (Tappeto Magico, Il) (ita)Mastertronic Ltd'85TAW, SAW'9438
  Magic DiceGenial Computing Company, Proxima Software'93Flash Inc87
  Magic FieldsZack'96Diamond Software'97107
  Magic FieldsZack'96Odysseus'9684
  Magic FieldsZack'96Flash Inc'96100
  Magic Johnson's Basketball (48k only)New Frontier'90Kamikaze'92151
  Magic Johnson's Basketball (128k only)New Frontier'90Softstar'95299
  Magic Johnson's Basketball (48/128k)New Frontier'90SG-Team'07, Slider, tiboh'23355
  Magic Johnson's Basketball (128k only)New Frontier'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94250
  Magic Johnson's Basketball (48k only)New Frontier'90G&G Entertainment'97129
  Magic MeaniesCDS Microsystems'83Aleksey Dupanov'9340
  Magic Mountain (txt) (dsk)Phipps Associates'83DimikSoft'96128
  Magic WordsMecosoft'93tiboh'2328
  Magical Tower Adventure - Mini VersionTimmy'19tiboh'1955
  Magma Man (txt) (dsk)Casventures Ltd, Spectraxx Tape Magazine'87Power of Sound'97143
  Magnetic Moon 1, 2, 3 (txt) (dsk)FSF Adventures'89Power of Sound'96420
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Code Gangsters Group'96150
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Monsters Productions'94133
  Magnetron (kemp8bit) (pentfix)Graftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88tiboh'22118
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88AmoNik'00119
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88ASV Corp'93159
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Gadget Software Unlimited'94160
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Lotus Group'94135
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Velsoft'97119
  MagnetsMacmillan Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Phantom Ltd64
  Mah JonggProxima Software'92Viktor Drozd203
  Mahjong SolitaireUnder4Mhz'21tiboh'21120
  MailstromReptile Industries Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'86Power of Sound'96129
  MailstromReptile Industries Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'86Viktor Drozd118
  Malignant Gore, TheSanctum Games'19Slider'2092
  Mambo (2 in 1) (mod)Crom Software, Positive'89A.S.Koln'93190
  MamboCrom Software, Positive'89BrokImSoft'02133
  MamboCrom Software, Positive'89Welcome Corporation'01109
  Manchester United (dsk)Krisalis Software Ltd'90Kremlin Soft'96233
  Manchester United (dsk)Krisalis Software Ltd'90Anton Vasilyev, Walsoft'91398
  Manchester United (dsk)Krisalis Software Ltd'90Anton Vasilyev399
  Manchester United (dsk)Krisalis Software Ltd'90Red Limited Drunkards Group'95321
  Manchester United Europe (dsk)Krisalis Software Ltd'91Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95251
  Mandarino, ElMananuk'20tiboh'2098
  MandragoreInfogrames'86Power of Sound'97140
  Mango JonesAndy Remic'90Viktor Drozd103
  Maniac SquareTempus'14tiboh'1626
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Phantom Ltd65
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Dmitry Gultyaev'94149
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Konstantin Kalantaj'0177
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83The Hot Heads'9960
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83AmoNik'0065
  Manic MinerBug-Byte Software Ltd'83eYe-Q'99, Slider'15, tiboh'19156
  Manic Miner 2Schultze'85Welcome Corporation66
  Manic Miner 3: Tales from a Parallel UniverseCheese Freak Software'96Korund88
  Manic Miner 4 (Special Edition)Broadsoft'03Triumph'04101
  Manic Miner 4Broadsoft'97Korund69
  Manic Miner 5: Los Peligros del LSDIgnacio Perez Gil'98Viktor Drozd74
  Manic Miner 6: The Buddha of Suburbia (Special Edition)Broadsoft'03Triumph'0498
  Manic Miner 6: The Buddha of SuburbiaBroadsoft'98Korund70
  Manic Miner: Ma joliteBroadsoft'03Triumph'04104
  Manic Miner: The Hobbit (Easy Version)Broadsoft'00Korund66
  Manic Miner: The Hobbit (Hard Version)Broadsoft'00Korund66
  Manic Miner: The HobbitBroadsoft'00Triumph'0497
  Manic Pietro (pentfix)Cristian M. Gonzalez'19tiboh'19248
  Manollo: El CavernicolaGenesis Soft, Iber Software'88BrokImSoft'0287
  Mantronix (Robounty) (ita)Probe Software Ltd'86Immortal Boneman'95181
  MantronixProbe Software Ltd'86SG-Team'11128
  Mantronix (Robounty) (ita)Probe Software Ltd'86Universe Software'97126
  MapsnatchDinamic Software'84Rapeware Corporation'96148
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Remix Software'94164
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Sage Group'96188
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Sergey Kolesnikow'93308
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Silicon Brains'95240
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Ram Software'97229
  Marauder (128k only)Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Daniel'95260
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev211
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Hyson'94200
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Global Pro Group'96224
  MarauderHewson Consultants Ltd'88Andy Steeler'94206
  Marble Madness DeLuxe EditionMelbourne House'86Il_Decameron'17136
  Margot's Magic Colouring BookFirst Class'92Flash Inc119
  Maria vs. Some Bastards (Free Willy)Manic Miner Technologies'03Triumph'03319
  Mariano the Dragon in Capers in CitylandThe Mojon Twins, Computer Emuzone'08Slider'09100
  Mariano the Dragon in Capers in CitylandThe Mojon Twins, Computer Emuzone'08riskej'08155
  Marie Celeste (txt) (dsk)Atlantis Software Ltd'84Desalex143
  Marie Celeste (txt)Atlantis Software Ltd'84Triumph'0078
  Marie Celeste (txt)Atlantis Software Ltd'84LAKS86
  Mario BrosOcean Software Ltd'87Ram Software'96167
  Mario BrosOcean Software Ltd'87Flash Inc'98127
  Mario BrosOcean Software Ltd'87Digital Reality'9691
  Maritrini, Freelance Monster Slayer 1The Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'12SG-Team'12276
  Maritrini, Freelance Monster Slayer 2The Mojon Twins'12Slider'12112
  Marsport (dsk)Gargoyle Games'85LPV'94135
  Marsport (dsk)Gargoyle Games'85Viktor Drozd113
  Marsport (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'85Andrew Sckachek'94190
  MartianoidsUltimate Play The Game'87Flash Inc'98119
  MartianoidsUltimate Play The Game'87Slider'13138
  MASKGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87FFC Computers'95420
  MASK IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Alex Plusov'94384
  MASK IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Brainwave'01176
  MASK IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev316
  MASK IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Andy Steeler'94235
  MASK IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87LAKS'93217
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Computer Service Ltd'92194
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Golden Eagle'94182
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes Back (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Jupiter 77'99152
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Andrey Malyshev'93199
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Softwarrior'94225
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tron z'03195
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Glen'94186
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Alexander Maryshev167
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes Back (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Brainwave'01127
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes Back (128k only)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Daniel'95237
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Rom Corp'96178
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tollysoft'91205
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88JK Soft'91203
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Swajsoft'90182
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes Back (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Universal Company Incorporated'94178
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88AmoNik'00129
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Andrew Leslie'92146
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Overmaster'93181
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Arcadiy Gobuzov111
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Paul Nosikov'91162
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90DBA, TAW'95123
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Phantom Ltd103
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Reflection Group'95156
  Master BlasterCybadyne, Crash'90Andy Steeler'94148
  Master BrainCrash'91Phantom Ltd51
  Master BrainCrash'91Phantom Family'9836
  Master of MagicMastertronic Added Dimension'86Dak Soft Ltd'95114
  Master of MagicMastertronic Added Dimension'86Kamikaze186
  MasterchessMikro-Gen Ltd'82Black Cat'9952
  Masters of the Universe - The Arcade GameAdventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Flash Inc'97125
  Masters of the Universe - The MovieGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Kamikaze'93182
  Masters of the Universe - The MovieGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Universe Software'97128
  Masters of the Universe - The MovieGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Alexey Ermakov'93173
  Masters of the Universe - The MovieGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Grodnosoft'97192
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Hacker Stinger'93195
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Igreksoft145
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Ray Software160
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Viktor Drozd172
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87^m00h^'00145
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87FFC Computers'95181
  Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Freddy Kruger'95158
  Matadero, ElMeatball Theory'17tiboh'1774
  Match DayOcean Software Ltd'84RA3AO189
  Match DayOcean Software Ltd'84AmoNik, Welcome Corporation'00115
  Match Day 1, 2; International Match DayOcean Software Ltd'84-87tiboh'15430
  Match Day IIOcean Software Ltd'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93176
  Match of the DayZeppelin Games Ltd'92Flash Inc'98198
  Match Point (Davis Cup)Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Max Iwamoto'93179
  Match PointPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Triumph'03119
  Match PointPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Phantom Family'0192
  MatrixSalamander Software'84Phantom Ltd34
  Matt Lucas (txt) (dsk)Players Software'86Chaos A.D.139
  Matt Lucas (txt)Players Software'86LAKS153
  Matt Lucas (txt) (dsk)Players Software'86^m00h^'00117
  Max HeadroomQuicksilva Ltd'86Fatality204
  Max HeadroomQuicksilva Ltd'86Flash Inc'97225
  Max Pickles Part I: The Haunted CastleWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author102
  Max Pickles Part II: The Mine Of DoomWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author102
  Max Pickles Part III: The Price of PowerWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author92
  Maxim The CatAsylum Games'14tiboh'1497
  MayhemThe Power House'87BrokImSoft'0284
  MayhemThe Power House'87AmoNik'0080
  Maze Death RacePSS'83Phantom Ltd127
  Maze ManiaHewson Consultants Ltd'89Ars'96114
  Maze Mania (pentfix)Hewson Consultants Ltd'89Slider'16137
  Maze Mania (mod)Hewson Consultants Ltd'89Sergey Krutyko'93196
  Maze ManiaHewson Consultants Ltd'89Die Krupps Group'97151
  Maze, TheClasic Softwaretiboh'16102
  MazezaMMalcolm Tyrrell'02tiboh'1815
  MaziacsDK'Tronics Ltd'83TomCaT'06108
  MaziacsDK'Tronics Ltd'83tiboh'1871
  MaziacsDK'Tronics Ltd'83AmoNik'0056
  Maziacs1 (1k)Paolo Ferraris'03tiboh'225
  MBT Simulator (pentfix)Andrew Swann'88tiboh'2277
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Scorpion Soft'94132
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Ascendancy Creative Labs'97116
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87tiboh'20199
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Phantom Ltd115
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Felix'94132
  Mean StreakDalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Megasystem Group'94252
  Mecki - Winter HibernationTeam Moritz'22Slider'22218
  Mega BucksFirebird Software Ltd'86Softstar'93162
  Mega BucksFirebird Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd267
  Mega MeghanThe Mojon Twins'13Slider'13120
  Mega TronZack'93FFC Computers, Softstar55
  Mega TwinsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'91goodboy'1197
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88D-Love136
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88Alex Platonov'93180
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88Ascendancy Creative Labs'98142
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88Last Bit Unlimited, Omega Hackers Group'99164
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88Flash Inc'98161
  Mega-ApocalypseMartech Games Ltd'88OAV'98148
  Megablast!Your Sinclair'90New Group'96103
  Megablast!Your Sinclair'90BrokImSoft'9964
  MegachessIber Software'88tiboh'2261
  Meganova (mod)Dinamic Software'88LAKS, Smasher'93266
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88Monsters Productions'94240
  Meganova (mod)Dinamic Software'88Star Group'96213
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88Mike Blum231
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88Andrew Sckachek'94213
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88TAW, SAW'94242
  Meganova (48/128k) (mod)Dinamic Software'88SG-Team, tiboh'20183
  MegaphoenixDinamic Software'91BrokImSoft'0294
  MegaphoenixDinamic Software'91Max Iwamoto'94111
  MegaphoenixDinamic Software'91Welcome Corporation'99136
  MeltdownKerian UK Ltd'84Flash Inc'9797
  MercenaryNovagen Software Ltd'87DestWare'94181
  Mercenary (txt) (dsk)Novagen Software Ltd'87Hacker Stinger'94195
  Mercenary (dsk)Novagen Software Ltd'87Denis Oleinik'94163
  Mercenary (dsk) (mod)Novagen Software Ltd'87Delta Hackers Group'99282
  MercenaryNovagen Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd'96134
  MercenaryNovagen Software Ltd'87VAD122
  Mercenary; Mercenary: The Second City (+3dos) (dsk)Novagen Software Ltd'88Shadow Maker'12275
  MercsUS Gold Ltd'91Seamans, Magic Soft'96329
  Mercs (pentfix)US Gold Ltd'91SG-Team'11329
  MercsUS Gold Ltd'91Seamans'97338
  Merlin (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'88Omega Hackers Club162
  MerlinFirebird Software Ltd'88Exciter Soft'94158
  MerlinFirebird Software Ltd'88AmoNik'00110
  Mermaid Madness (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Soft Design, Electric Dreams Software'86goodboy'20, slider, tiboh'24165
  Mermaid MadnessSoft Design, Electric Dreams Software'86Lenin'94222
  Mermaid MadnessSoft Design, Electric Dreams Software'86BrokImSoft'0299
  Merry Christmas From HoraceMy Cat Software'16tiboh'2180
  Message from Andromeda (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84Immortal Boneman188
  Message from Andromeda (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84Ray Software172
  Message from Andromeda (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84Phantom Ltd'95114
  Message from Andromeda (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84Hacker Stinger'93184
  Message from Andromeda (txt)Interceptor Software'84AmoNik105
  Metabolis (Sapphire) (ita)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85G.B.Max'85, Surdakar Group'97133
  MetabolisGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Slider'06156
  Metal ArmyDelos Software, Players Software'88Swajsoft'91103
  Metal ArmyDelos Software, Players Software'88AmoNik'0073
  Metal ArmyDelos Software, Players Software'88Ascendancy Creative Labs100
  Metal Army (bugsfix)Delos Software, Players Software'88Flyman512'1877
  Metal Army (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Delos Software, Players Software'88goodboy, Slider, tiboh'20120
  MetalyxAlternative Software Ltd'87Flash Inc'9883
  MetamorphosisITNL team'21tiboh'21133
  Metaphorical Frog (256b)Gasman'21tiboh'212
  MetaplexAddictive Games Ltd'88Slider'14125
  Meteor ManiaHighrise'18tiboh'1823
  Meteoroids (Meteroids) (mod)DK'Tronics Ltd'82D-Love'9552
  Metro-Cross (mod)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Power of Sound'96127
  Metro-Cross (2 in 1) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Rachel Software'95255
  Metro-CrossProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Power of Sound'98119
  Metro-CrossProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Triumph'0098
  Metro-Cross (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87goodboy, Slider, tiboh'23103
  Metro-CrossProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87 Flash Inc'98131
  MetropolisThe Power House'88Slider'06148
  MetropolisTopo Soft'89Code Busters'96142
  MetropolisTopo Soft'89goodboy'02132
  Mezi Vezemi+Gama'99Viktor Drozd164
  Miami ChaseCode Masters Ltd'91Mike Blum'99149
  Miami ChaseCode Masters Ltd'91SG-Team'16157
  Miami ChaseCode Masters Ltd'91Hackers United'95185
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91John North'99105
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Last Hackers Hope Group'95113
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Brainwave'0281
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Virtual Vision Group'98114
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Digital Reality'9692
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Anton Vasilyev'91205
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91KSA'93177
  Miami Cobra GTPlayers Software'91Andrey Malyshev'93171
  Miami ViceCanvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Viktor Drozd85
  Miami ViceCanvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Slider'20138
  Miami ViceCanvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Mike Blum155
  Miami ViceCanvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Rough's Laboratory Ltd'92185
  Miami ViceCanvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86LAKS'94113
  Mice vs ScientistsFluffy Cushions'15tiboh'1571
  Michel Futbol Master (mod)Dinamic Software'89Phantom Lord'95224
  Michel Futbol MasterDinamic Software'89Softstar'93141
  Michel Futbol MasterDinamic Software'89Anton Vasilyev176
  Michel Futbol Master; Michel Super SkillsDinamic Software'89Power of Sound'96248
  Michel Futbol Master; Michel Super SkillsDinamic Software'89TAW, SAW'94290
  Michel Super SkillsDinamic Software'89Softstar'93148
  Michel Super SkillsDinamic Software'89Anton Vasilyev177
  Mickey Mouse (48/128k) (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88SG-Team'08, Slider'22264
  Mickey MouseGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88M&U Sinclair Club'95291
  Mickey MouseGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88LFA'92323
  Mickey MouseGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Stanislav Gajdukov'94278
  Micro INCreidrac'14tiboh'15133
  Micro MouseMC Lothlorien Ltd, Mastertronic Plus'89Slider'06167
  Micro OlympicsDatabase Publications Ltd'84Shock Brigade'9789
  MicroballAlternative Software Ltd'88Maddy Vins35
  MicroballAlternative Software Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'9372
  Microbot (Microchip) (ita)Softek International Ltd'83G.B.Max'84, Phantom Ltd86
  Micronaut OneNexus Productions Ltd'87Nicolas Rodionov'90, LZB/Jupiter 77'97109
  Micronaut OneNexus Productions Ltd'87THD127
  Micronaut OneNexus Productions Ltd'87Eugene Stepanoff'90189
  Micronaut OneNexus Productions Ltd'87Nicolas Rodionov'90193
  MicroProse Soccer (6-a-Side)MicroProse Software Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'9891
  MicroProse SoccerMicroProse Software Ltd'89LAKS175
  MicroProse Soccer (6-a-Side)MicroProse Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd68
  MicroProse SoccerMicroProse Software Ltd'89Slider'12395
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Black Square Software, Laptevsoft456
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90SG-Team'10613
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Power of Sound'97354
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Amiga Must Die'97423
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90C.C.'91485
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Megaforce Hackers Group'94372
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90LAKS476
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Sergey Smirnov473
  Midnight ResistanceSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90TAW, SAW'95429
  MiG Busters (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Players Premier'89Slider, tiboh'23150
  MiG BustersPlayers Premier'89Triumph'02, Slider'23139
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89Sliders Creative & Hackers Group101
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89Dr.Bars'95150
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89Mike Blum99
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89Grand'94215
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89Slider'17129
  Mighty Magus (dsk)Quicksilva Ltd'85Flash Inc128
  Mighty MagusQuicksilva Ltd'85Alexey Ermakov'93164
  Mijadore Vase, TheJose Luis Garcia EdD'23Slider'23198
  Mike Gunner (light gun)Dinamic Software'88Triumph'03131
  Mike the Guitar - The ShooterSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'19Slider'20102
  Mike, the GuitarSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'18tiboh'20125
  MikieImagine Software Ltd'85HomeSoft'93181
  MikieImagine Software Ltd'85baxter'1294
  MikieImagine Software Ltd'85King of Time'94150
  Mikie (bugfix)Imagine Software Ltd'85Slider'14150
  MikieImagine Software Ltd'85AmoNik97
  Milk RaceIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'87Evgeny Savchuk'95172
  Mind Cross WarThe Smart Soft'93Fatality130
  Mind Cross WarThe Smart Soft'93Flash Inc'98170
  MinderDK'Tronics Ltd'85tiboh'18127
  Mindfighter (txt) (dsk)Abstract Concepts'88Nikolay Shalaev568
  Mindstone (Quest for the Mindstone) (dsk)The Edge'86Power of Sound'97162
  Mindstone (Quest for the Mindstone) (dsk)The Edge'86Wlodek Black213
  Mindstone (Quest for the Mindstone)The Edge'86Softstar'94191
  Mindstone (Quest for the Mindstone) (dsk)The Edge'86KSA160
  MindtrapMastertronic Ltd'89Flash Inc'9782
  Mined-OutQuicksilva Ltd'83tiboh'2099
  MinesNo Operation'94Phantasy'96146
  MinesNo Operation'94Kvazar'97105
  MinesweeperSofthouse Ltd'96g0blinish'1715
  Minesweeper 16/48Blerkotronic Software'17tiboh'1846
  Mini Danmaku ZXCogitare Computing'14tiboh'1423
  Mire MareLuca Bordoni'20Slider'20152
  Misco Jones: Raiders of the Lost Vah-KaRadastan'13Slider'13109
  Misifu la Gatita; Misifu RemeowJordi'19-21Slider, Shadow Maker'21315
  Missile DefenceAnirog Software'83Welcome Corporation56
  Mission CollisionDavid Gommeren'87Jupiter 7725
  Mission ElevatorEurogold, Kixx'88TomCaT'09168
  Mission ElevatorEurogold, Kixx'88Triumph'0095
  Mission JupiterCode Masters Ltd'87Mike Blum90
  Mission Jupiter (dsk)Code Masters Ltd'87Phantom Ltd'95106
  Mission OmegaMind Games'86Ershsoft'93179
  Mission OmegaMind Games'86Viktor Drozd128
  Mister GasXortrapa Soft'90Fatality116
  Mister GasXortrapa Soft'90BrokImSoft'0295
  Moderate RetributionStonechat Productions'13Slider'13104
  MoggyComputer Emuzone'05Slider'07109
  Moggy AdventureThe Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'10SG-Team'10100
  Molar MaulImagine Software Ltd'83tiboh'1840
  Molar MaulImagine Software Ltd'83Welcome Corporation32
  Mole on the DoleGadtek Games'86BrokImSoft'02110
  Molecule ManMastertronic Ltd'86TAW'9592
  Molecule ManMastertronic Ltd'86Slider'1587
  Moley ChristmasGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Slider'05129
  Moley ChristmasGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Killer Toad'96122
  Moley ChristmasGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Dmitriy Kulikov121
  Moley ChristmasGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'87AmoNik'0073
  Moley ChristmasGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'87Fanat'93162
  MononoThe Mojon Twins'13Slider'1395
  MonopolyLeisure Genius'85Alexsoft'93191
  MonopolyLeisure Genius'85Hacker Stinger238
  MonopolyLeisure Genius'85M.M.A'95161
  MonopolyLeisure Genius'85Power of Sound'98139
  MonopolyLeisure Genius'85Walsoft'92241
  Monster Munch (pentfix)Andy Remic'90Slider, tiboh'1599
  Monster MunchAndy Remic'90Profi Code Computers Club'95135
  Monster MunchAndy Remic'90Power of Sound'9797
  Monster MuncherSpectrum Games Ltd'83O.V. Andriychuk42
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Dr.Bars'95150
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Andy Mokrushin138
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Kidson'95212
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'97163
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93138
  Monte Carlo Casino (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89M.M.A'96131
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Eternity Industry'97142
  Monte Carlo Casino (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Andy Nik'97139
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Mike Blum117
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Pro Hackers Dynasty'97158
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Another World Software'95147
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Pro Hackers Dynasty'97158
  Monte Carlo Casino (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Stream Hackers'97157
  Monte Carlo Casino (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Brainwave'01122
  Monte Carlo CasinoSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89T&S Soft'93154
  Monty is Innocent (La Grande Fuga) (ita)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85E&M Red Army171
  Monty is Innocent (La Grande Fuga) (ita)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd147
  Monty is InnocentGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Slider'15135
  Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls (ula+)Bubblesoft'17Slider'17, 22110
  Monty on the RunGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Slider'05154
  Monty Python's Flying CircusCORE Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90SG-Team'10, goodboy, Slider, tiboh'20321
  Monty Python's Flying CircusCORE Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Dr Titus'94302
  Monty's Honey Run (ula+)Bubblesoft'17Slider'17, 22119
  Monty's Last StrikeDazman'14Slider'15159
  Moon AlertOcean Software Ltd'84AmoNik'00112
  Moon AlertOcean Software Ltd'84Makstudio'91181
  Moon and The Piratesiadvd'19tiboh'2285
  Moon BuggyAnirog Software'83Power of Sound'9732
  Moon BuggyAnirog Software'83TAW, SAW'9447
  Moon Cresta (Cosmic Wars) (ita)Incentive Software Ltd'85Triumph'0052
  Moon Cresta (Cosmic Wars) (ita)Incentive Software Ltd'85TAW, SAW'9494
  Moon Cresta (Cosmic Wars) (ita)Incentive Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd64
  Moon CrestaIncentive Software Ltd'85Intense'1565
  Moon CrestaIncentive Software Ltd'85Mike Blum95
  Moon Patrol (dsk) (mod)Atarisoft'84goodboy, tiboh'21112
  Moon PatrolAtarisoft'84Transman'07104
  Moon StrikeBinary Innovations, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93184
  Moon StrikeBinary Innovations, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87CZ'93188
  Moon StrikeBinary Innovations, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Dnieprsoft'93169
  Moon StrikeBinary Innovations, Mirrorsoft Ltd'87Intense'16188
  Moon's Fandom Festivaliadvd'19tiboh'2282
  Moonlight MadnessBubble Bus Software'86Mike Blum138
  MoonshadeComputer Games'87SG-Team'08113
  MoonsweeperSoftsync Inc, CheetahSoft Ltd'83Mike Blum64
  MoontorcThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Beermanz'97145
  MoontorcThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Flash Inc'97159
  MoontorcThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Softstar180
  MoonwalkerEmerald Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89C.C.'91687
  MoonwalkerEmerald Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94673
  MoonwalkerEmerald Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89Power of Sound'97484
  More Tea, Vicar?Jonathan Cauldwell'12SG-Team'12163
  Moritz - The Dog That Caught The CarSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'17tiboh'1895
  Moritz on the AutobahnSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'20tiboh'22135
  Moritz Strikes BackSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'19tiboh'22104
  Moritz the StrikerSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'20tiboh'21298
  Moritz to the MoonSebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'19tiboh'22108
  Moron (txt) (dsk)Atlantis Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'96118
  Morph (mod)Madsoft'13goodboy, tiboh'1333
  Mortadelo y Filemon (Clever & Smart)Magic Bytes'88Flash Inc'96149
  Mortadelo y Filemon 1, 2.1, 2.2Magic Bytes, Dro Soft'88-90Slider'15331
  Mortadelo y Filemon 2.1Dro Soft'90Green Slimers276
  Mortadelo y Filemon 2.1, 2.2Dro Soft'90Red Limited Drunkards Group'95251
  Mortadelo y Filemon 2.2Dro Soft'90Andy Chernikov'92212
  Moscow-Paris (txt)Marek Kiszakiewicz, Jacek Mering'87Serge193
  Mot 1Opera Soft S.A.'89Chip167
  Mot 1, 2, 3Opera Soft S.A.'89TAW, SAW'94445
  Mot 1, 2, 3Opera Soft S.A.'89Dr.Shura'97373
  Mot 1, 2, 3, IntroOpera Soft S.A.'89Grigoryev Bros'94579
  Mot 1, 2, 3, IntroOpera Soft S.A.'89Power of Sound'96459
  Mot 1, 2, 3, Intro (+3dos) (48/128k)Opera Soft S.A.'89Slider'13703
  Moto Cross SimulatorSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Universe Software'97161
  Moto Cross SimulatorSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Dr.Bars'95185
  Moto Cross SimulatorSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Joker's Club'95212
  Moto Cross SimulatorSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Cleopatra Ltd'91203
  Moto Cross SimulatorSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Sliders Creative & Hackers Group136
  Motor MassacreGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Flash Inc'97223
  Motor MassacreGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Fatality203
  Motor Massacre (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89SG-Team'11331
  Motorbike MadnessBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Viktor Drozd132
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Doctor Max'94172
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Action Steel'95112
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Vitaly System'93121
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Yury Buldyk'95157
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Ascendancy Creative Labs'97108
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Eternity Industry'9782
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Sey Soft, AAA107
  Motos (pentfix)Binary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Slider'23146
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87VAD'9878
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87AmoNik'0079
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Softmans Group'98110
  Mountain Bike 500Code Masters Ltd'91Magic Soft'96, Slider'17144
  Mountain Bike 500Code Masters Ltd'91Magic Soft'96141
  Mountain Bike RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'90Phantom Ltd70
  Mountain Bike RacerCrom Software, Positive'90Slider'0288
  Mountain Bike RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'90Zer0 International Association'9892
  Mountain Bike RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'90Ascendancy Creative Labs'97123
  Mountain Bike Racer (pentfix)Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Slider'1578
  Mountain Bike RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'90Viktor Drozd68
  Mountain Bike RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'90SB Soft'96132
  Mountie Mick's Death RideReaktor'87Kano149
  Mountie Mick's Death RideReaktor'87Omega Hackers Club'95127
  Mountie Mick's Death RideReaktor'87Slider'15109
  Mountie Mick's Death RideReaktor'87Power of Sound'9786
  MovieImagine Software Ltd'86DestWare'94182
  MovieImagine Software Ltd'86eYe-Q'00135
  MovieImagine Software Ltd'86Dak Soft Ltd'95162
  MovieImagine Software Ltd'86Slider'15183
  MovieImagine Software Ltd'86ZDW'93194
  Moving TargetPlayers Premier'89Flash Inc'97123
  Moving TargetPlayers Premier'89Phantasy141
  Moving TargetPlayers Premier'89Code Busters'96117
  Mozg Procesor (txt)Computer Adventure Studio'89DimikSoft'96163
  Mr Do!Adrian Singh, Mark R. Jones'19tiboh'19112
  Mr Hair & the Fly (48/128k)BitmapSoft'23tiboh'23219
  Mr Hair and the Kitty Katakombs (ula+)Micro Chops'22tiboh'23228
  Mr Palo T en Escape de Mundo PaloD'Anton'20tiboh'2064
  Mr. FreezeFirebird Software Ltd'84AmoNik53
  Mr. Heli (+3dos) (48/128k)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89Triumph, goodboy, Slider'13428
  Mr. HeliProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89Sergey Smirnov667
  Mr. Heli (48/128k) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89Ralf, Slider'14451
  Mr. HeliProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89Andy Chernikov'92483
  Mr. Heli (128k only) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89VDV Corp, VT Master'96310
  Mr. Heli (128k only) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89VDV Corp, VT Master, New Group'96318
  Mr. Weems and the She VampiresPiranha'87BrokImSoft'0296
  Mr. WimpyOcean Software Ltd'84Welcome Corporation54
  Mr. Wino (Willy Wino's Stag Night)Probe Software Ltd, Silverbird Software Ltd'88tiboh'1984
  Mr. Wong's Loopy LaundryArtic Computing Ltd'84Mike Blum36
  Mr. Wong's Loopy LaundryArtic Computing Ltd'84Welcome Corporation37
  Mrs MoppComputasolve'84Flash Inc'9675
  Mrs MoppComputasolve'84tiboh'1973
  Ms Nam-PacJordi'22Slider'2285
  Ms. Pac-ManDJL Software Ltd, Atarisoft'84The Hot Heads'9974
  Ms. Pac-ManDJL Software Ltd, Atarisoft'84Fancy, Fancy II'94129
  Ms. Pac-ManDJL Software Ltd, Atarisoft'84AmoNik'0077
  Ms. Pac-ManDJL Software Ltd, Atarisoft'84Perestroika Software'9492
  MugsyBeam Software, Melbourne House'84Eternity Industry'98155
  Mugsy's RevengeBeam Software, Melbourne House'86Andy Specman'01128
  Mugsy; Mugsy's RevengeBeam Software, Melbourne House'84-86Welcome Corporation312
  Multi-Player Soccer Manager (dsk)D&H Games'91Golden Disk Corporation'96186
  Multi-Player Soccer Manager (dsk)D&H Games'91HorrorSoft'96165
  Multi-Player Soccer Manager (dsk)D&H Games'91Igreksoft174
  Multi-Player Soccer Manager (dsk)D&H Games'91Max Iwamoto'93278
  Multi-Player Soccer Manager (dsk)D&H Games'91Softstar'93261
  Muncher Compo, The (Mini Pac-Man)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Bill Gilbert, Rasher, Kano'94143
  Muncher Compo, The (Mini Pac-Man)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Bill Gilbert, Rasher, Welcome Corporation'0052
  Muncher Compo, TheGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88tiboh'1545
  Muncher!Silversoft Ltd'82DimikSoft'9533
  Muncher, The (T-Wrecks)Beam Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'96, Slider'16256
  Muncher, The (T-Wrecks)Beam Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'96259
  Mundial de Futbol (dsk)Opera Soft S.A.'90FFC Computers, Softstar'95225
  Mundial de Futbol (dsk)Opera Soft S.A.'90tiboh'20276
  Mundial de Futbol (dsk)Opera Soft S.A.'90LAKS'95225
  Mundo de Mister Emulator, ElTony Brazil'98krt17'17115
  Munsters, TheTeque Software Development Ltd, Again Again'89Golden Eagle'94261
  Munsters, TheTeque Software Development Ltd, Again Again'894 Gangsters'93326
  Munsters, TheTeque Software Development Ltd, Again Again'89Alex Plusov, Valera'93346
  Munsters, TheTeque Software Development Ltd, Again Again'89Tollysoft'91327
  Munsters, TheTeque Software Development Ltd, Again Again'89SG-Team'10213
  MurphyPirate Software Ltd'88Triumph'0071
  Murray Mouse Supercop (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'92Red Limited Drunkards Group'95196
  Murray Mouse Supercop (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'92Red Limited Drunkards Group'95, Squizzlebond201
  Murray Mouse Supercop (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'92tiboh'22141
  Murray Mouse Supercop (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'92Dr Titus, Softstar'95, Slider'17131
  Murray Mouse Supercop (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'92Dr Titus, Softstar'95142
  Murray Mouse SupercopCode Masters Ltd'92Another World Software'95129
  Mushroom ManHajo Spuunup'09Dr BEEP, baxter'11150
  MusoJim Bentley'19tiboh'19156
  Mutan Zone 1Opera Soft S.A.'89Ticklish Jim128
  Mutan Zone 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Seamans'96288
  Mutan Zone 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89BrokImSoft'02, Slider'23282
  Mutan Zone 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Mortal Kombat Hackers Group305
  Mutan Zone 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Recly Company'92207
  Mutant Fortress (128k only)Players Premier'89Mike Blum'99186
  Mutant Fortress (128k only)Players Premier'89Flash Inc'98174
  Mutant Fortress (48/128k) (mod)Players Premier'89SG-Team'08, tiboh'23183
  Mutant Fortress (128k only)Players Premier'89Triumph'04179
  Mutant MontyArtic Computing Ltd'84AmoNik'0061
  Mutant Monty and the Temple of DoomArtic Computing Ltd'86tiboh'1557
  Mutants (mod)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87Accept Corp'97166
  MutantsChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87SG-Team'08147
  MutantsChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87Stasoft'92196
  MutantsChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87Ascendancy Creative Labs'97124
  MutantsChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87Mike Blum'99150
  MutantsChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'87Max Iwamoto'93189
  MutationsIJK Software Ltd, Tynesoft'86Flash Inc43
  My Rendition of Horace to the RescueSteve A.J. Broad'13tiboh'2269
  Mysterious Adventures 01: The Golden Baton (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83n/a96
  Mysterious Adventures 02: Arrow of Death Part 1 (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83n/a99
  Mysterious Adventures 03: Arrow of Death Part 2 (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83n/a103
  Mysterious Adventures 04: Escape from Pulsar 7 (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Mike Blum'96114
  Mysterious Adventures 04: Escape from Pulsar 7 (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83n/a71
  Mysterious Adventures 05: Feasibility Experiment (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83n/a164
  Mysterious Adventures 06: The Time Machine (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Fatality92
  Mysterious Adventures 06: The Time Machine (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Ray Software'9699
  Mysterious Adventures 06: The Time Machine (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Freddy Kruger'95100
  Mysterious Adventures 07: Circus (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Excess Team71
  Mysterious Adventures 08: The Wizard Akyrz (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Excess Team'9788
  Mysterious Adventures 09: Perseus & Andromeda (txt)Digital Fantasia'83Belousov Bros.'95116
  Mysterious Adventures 09: Perseus & Andromeda (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Cat-House'94159
  Mysterious Adventures 10: Ten Little Indians (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'84Excess Team'9791
  Mysterious Adventures 11: Waxworks (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Desalex135
  Mysterious Adventures 11: Waxworks (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Siv Blader97
  Mysterious Adventures 11: Waxworks (txt) (dsk)Digital Fantasia'83Freddy Kruger'9598
  Mysterious DimensionsHooy-Program'16tiboh'16315
  Mystery of Arkham Manor, TheMelbourne House'87n/a121
  Mystery of the Indus Valley (txt) (dsk)Alternative Software Ltd'88tiboh'19141
  Mystery of the Nile (Misterio del Nilo, El)Made in Spain, Zigurat Software'87LAKS'93143
  Mystery of the Nile (Misterio del Nilo, El)Made in Spain, Zigurat Software'87Alexander Maryshev'95181
  Mystery of the Nile (Misterio del Nilo, El)Made in Spain, Zigurat Software'87Perestroika Software'94224
  Mystery of the Nile (Misterio del Nilo, El) (2 in 1) (mod)Made in Spain, Zigurat Software'87FFC Computers180
  Mystery of the Nile (Misterio del Nilo, El)Made in Spain, Zigurat Software'87Felix'93141
  Mystic TowerAardvark Software of Hartlepool'83tiboh'1658
  Mystical (+3dos) (48/128k) (pentfix)New Frontier, Infogrames'91SG-Team'11608
  Mystical (128k only)New Frontier, Infogrames'91Concern Chaos'97447
  Mystical (128k only)New Frontier, Infogrames'91Crushers'98337
  Mystical (128k only)New Frontier, Infogrames'91X-Poject Association'98277
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89C.C.'91909
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Andy Chernikov'91757
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Sergey Krutyko'94856
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Aleksey Popushin'95720
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Cybertronic Software541
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Alexey Ermakov'93791
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Firestarter'94738
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Gold Graphic, DJ Viper'03681
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group512
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Rain Group Inc'97475
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Power of Sound'97478
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89AmoNik'00418
  Mythos (Mithos) (48k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90Andrew Sckachek'93193
  Mythos (Mithos) (+3dos) (48/128k)Opera Soft S.A.'90BrokImSoft'01306
  Mythos (Mithos) (48k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90goodboy'02123
  Mythos (Mithos) (48k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90Triumph'00134
  Mythos (Mithos) (48k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90Power of Sound'98130
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 643 of 10508 filez