GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Flash Inc'99132
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Jupiter 77136
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Power of Sound'97123
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Fatality'99134
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust) (-oldvers)Players Software'90Triumph'02136
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Triumph'02, Slider'23169
  LA Drugs Bust (International Drugs Bust)Players Software'90Welcome Corporation'97142
  LabyrinthAxis Software'83Phantom Ltd21
  LabyrinthionBudgie Budget Software'86Slider'06179
  LaetitiaJaime Grilo'19tiboh'19432
  Lafix 2Simon Mark Ferre'19tiboh'19107
  Lala LahThe Mojon Twins'13Slider'13108
  Lala Prologue (Lala the Magical)The Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'10SG-Team'1091
  Land of Mire MareLuca Bordoni'14Slider'17159
  Lap of the GodsMastertronic Ltd'86Triumph'0071
  Lap of the GodsMastertronic Ltd'86AmoNik71
  Lap of the GodsMastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd82
  Las Vegas CasinoZeppelin Games Ltd'89Flash Inc'98133
  Las Vegas Casino (pentfix)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89tiboh'1994
  Laser SnakerPoppy Soft'83Odysseus60
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Korp840
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Hacker Stinger720
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Neighbors Masters369
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Kamikaze823
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88MegaStars Hackers Group'95385
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Technosoft718
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Shoorick'93491
  Laser Squad (cvx) (mod)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Mafia Private Corporation'96843
  Laser SquadTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Step Creative Group'96407
  Laser Squad (mod)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Mikhail Banderin, Vasim V.'94, Kirill Smelkov480
  Laser Squad (mod)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'88Mikhail Banderin, Vasim V.'94462
  Laser WarGladius Software, Vinsoft'90Slider'0598
  Laserbirds (pentfix)Teknamic Software'20goodboy, tiboh'2089
  LaserwarpMikro-Gen Ltd'83Unreal Corporation'0478
  Last Arkanoid, TheLuis Esteves, Paulo Sousa'87Flash Inc'97110
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Cleopatra Ltd'91691
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Fantomassoft'94423
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Universe Software'96589
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Fancysoft'92559
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Delta Hackers Group'99431
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94666
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Andrew Sckachek'94479
  Last Duel (48/128k) (mod)US Gold Ltd'89goodboy, Slider'18374
  Last MissionProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Fatality109
  Last MissionProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87LAKS'93261
  Last MissionProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87D-Love99
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87AVF&CH'91153
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87Phantom Ltd102
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87Rest In Peace Software'95206
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87Triumph'0088
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87AmoNik'0188
  Last Mission, TheOpera Soft S.A.'87Slider'02100
  Last Mohican 1CRL Group PLC'87Flash Inc'97112
  Last Mohican 1, 2, 3 (mod)CRL Group PLC'87BrokImSoft'04, krt17'17, Slider'23251
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Dr.Shura235
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Microspace'93944
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Viktor Drozd568
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88LAKS'94965
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Code Gangsters Group'96944
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Global Corporation'99601
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Studio ITR'95969
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88NAA903
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Adept'95776
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Andy Chernikov'91918
  Last Ninja 2MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'88Oldman'95732
  Last Ninja Remix (Last Ninja 2 Remix)MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'90Dr.Bars'14, ZX_Novosib'18, Slider'24730
  Last Ninja Remix (Last Ninja 2 Remix)MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'90Dr.Bars'14, ZX_Novosib'18633
  Last Vampire, TheThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90Flash Inc106
  Last Vampire, TheThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90BrokImSoft'98, Slider'15100
  Last Vampire, TheThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90LAKS'9494
  Lazer TagProbe Software Ltd, Go!'87D-Love'98111
  Lazer TagProbe Software Ltd, Go!'87Phantom Ltd74
  Lazer TagProbe Software Ltd, Go!'87Slider'14137
  Lazer WheelMr. Chip Software, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Jupiter 7783
  Lazer WheelMr. Chip Software, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Phantom Ltd85
  Lazy JonesTerminal Software'84Phantom Ltd'9386
  Lazy Jones (128k only) (mod)Terminal Software'84Reflection Group, Squizzlebond'95125
  Lazy Jones (128k only) (mod)Terminal Software'84Reflection Group'95119
  Leader BoardCanvas, US Gold Ltd'86Phantom Ltd107
  LED Storm (128k only)Software Creations, Go!'88Siberian Group'03186
  LED Storm (48k only)Software Creations, Go!'88AVV318
  LED Storm (128k only)Software Creations, Go!'88Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94292
  LED Storm (128k only)Software Creations, Go!'88FFC Computers'95322
  LED Storm (128k only) (mod) (pentfix)Software Creations, Go!'88Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95240
  LED Storm (48k only)Software Creations, Go!'88TAW'95313
  LED Storm (128k only)Software Creations, Go!'88Scorpion Soft'94244
  LED Storm (48/128k) (bugfix) (pentfix)Software Creations, Go!'88SG-Team'15310
  LED Storm (48k only)Software Creations, Go!'88Wal'91372
  LED Storm (48k only)Software Creations, Go!'88Fucksoft'93292
  Lee Enfield Space Ace (mod)The Programming Partnership, Infogrames'88LPV'94251
  Lee Enfield Space Ace (pentfix)The Programming Partnership, Infogrames'88Slider'15153
  Lee Enfield Space AceThe Programming Partnership, Infogrames'88Another World Software'95202
  Lee Enfield Space AceThe Programming Partnership, Infogrames'88Phantom Ltd106
  Lee Enfield Space Ace (mod)The Programming Partnership, Infogrames'88LPV'94, Phantom Ltd'97144
  Left Behind: Escape from MarsR-Tape'17Slider'1740
  Legend of Apache Gold, The (txt) (dsk)Incentive Software Ltd'86Odysseus150
  Legend of Apache Gold, The (txt)Incentive Software Ltd'86LAKS151
  Legend of Bocatapuesto, TheXtremely Xplicit'15tiboh'1583
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Universe Software'97106
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Survivor'97104
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Golden Dreams Group'96186
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd93
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86AmoNik'0183
  Legend of the Amazon WomenUS Gold Ltd'86Mike Blum124
  Legend of the Amazon Women (pentfix)US Gold Ltd'86Slider'15167
  Legend of the Amazon WomenUS Gold Ltd'86Phantom Ltd130
  Legend of Traxtor,'14tiboh'1540
  Legions of Death (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd'87Alex Nikiforov'95186
  Legions of Death (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd'87Jupiter 7791
  Legions of Death (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd'87Softstar'93135
  Legions of Death (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd'87Himik's ZxZ100
  Lemez LogikaC.C.Guys'87tiboh'2051
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91O.Komarov2150
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91AW Studio'932298
  Lemmings (aym)DMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Enigma Group526
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Power of Sound'97545
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Condorsoft'932320
  Lemmings (128k only) (mod)DMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Russian Prestige'95255
  Lemmings (128k only) (kemp8bit) (km) (mod)DMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91goodboy, tiboh'23391
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91IN Company'922298
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Alex Platonov'922188
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Rok Software'942095
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91ShiSoft'922138
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Sudden Prodigy Incorporated'97659
  Lemmings (128k only) (mod)DMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Russian Prestige'95, New Group276
  Leonardo's Lost Last InventionGabriele Amore'14tiboh'15302
  Leovigildo!The Mojon Twins, Eightbiter'14Slider'15336
  Les FlicsPSS'84n/a91
  LetrisProxima Software'91Slider'05133
  Level 5Blue Text, Mastertronic Ltd'87E&M Red Army126
  Level 5Blue Text, Mastertronic Ltd'87Alexey Ermakov'93155
  Leviathan (128k only)English Software'87MiS Studio'99170
  Leviathan (128k only)English Software'87Jupiter 77'97195
  Leviathan (128k only)English Software'87Syndrome448
  LiberatorP.J. Software'89ABS Group'0187
  Liberator (Mango Jones 2)Andy Remic'90Mike Blum101
  Liberator (Mango Jones 2)Andy Remic'90Flash Inc'98127
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Bitmunchers'95104
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Brainwave'01124
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89John North'0099
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Andrey Malyshev189
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89New Group'96115
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Power Project'97131
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Bob Klubov'94186
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89Phantom Ltd101
  Licence to KillDomark Ltd'89tiboh'16197
  Light Corridor, The (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)New Frontier, Infogrames'91FFC Computers, Softstar'95220
  Light Corridor, The (dsk) (pentfix)New Frontier, Infogrames'91tiboh'20152
  Light CyclePSS'83Phantom Ltd'9728
  Light ForceFaster Than Light'86D-Love'99138
  Light ForceFaster Than Light'86SG-Team'12113
  Light ForceFaster Than Light'86Phantom Ltd101
  LightbulbSinclair User'84n/a21
  Lightning SimulatorSilverbird Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'97149
  Lil'AlienEssential Consultants Ltd, Nationsoft'85Flash Inc'99102
  Lila Diva (Spanner)Hands On Software'84tiboh'15186
  Lila Diva (Spanner)Hands On Software'84S.T.Sam'92154
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90AVL'95431
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Andy Chernikov'92672
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90CyberPunks Unity'99357
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Monsters Productions'98624
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Scorpion Soft'94382
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90LAKS683
  Line of Fire (128k only)Creative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Starfire Hackers Group'95406
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Comcod Ltd658
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Drive Example Corporation728
  Little Computer People (dsk)Activision Inc'87Flash Inc'97284
  Little Computer People (dsk)Activision Inc'87Welcome Corporation'97292
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Brutal Games123
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89^m00h^'0189
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Max Iwamoto, Kano126
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Power Project135
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Softstar'94104
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Dr.Dash'96121
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Phantom Ltd103
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Perestroika Software'9297
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89AmoNik92
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89Max Iwamoto103
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland) (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89SG-Team'12, Slider, tiboh'23181
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88tiboh'16275
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88Phantom Ltd111
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88KSA'94158
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88Kamikaze138
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88AmoNik'00100
  Live and Let DieElite Systems Ltd, Domark Ltd'88LeoSoftware'94182
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87Smokers'97138
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87Accept Corp'96147
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87MISoft'93169
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87Phantom Ltd115
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87tiboh'16143
  Livingstone Supongo (-oldvers)Opera Soft S.A.'87Slider'13283
  Livingstone SupongoOpera Soft S.A.'87Slider, tiboh'25317
  Livingstone SupongoOpera Soft S.A.'87Mike Blum119
  Livingstone SupongoOpera Soft S.A.'87G.R.168
  Livingstone SupongoOpera Soft S.A.'87Chip176
  Livingstone SupongoOpera Soft S.A.'87Phantom Ltd119
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1Opera Soft S.A.'89Alx'05182
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1 (128k only) (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'89Alx'05219
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1Opera Soft S.A.'89Mega Byte Group221
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1Opera Soft S.A.'89Fenomen'98180
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1, 2.2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'89Monsters Productions, tiboh'24471
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1, 2.2 (+3dos) (48/128k)Opera Soft S.A.'89Slider'13493
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1, 2.2Opera Soft S.A.'89Green Slimers401
  Livingstone Supongo 2.1, 2.2Opera Soft S.A.'89Phantom Ltd267
  Livingstone Supongo 2.2 (128k only) (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'89Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95204
  Loads of Midnight 1, 2 (txt) (dsk)CRL Group PLC'87Jupiter 77221
  LocoAlligata Software Ltd'86Slider'13103
  Loco BingoJonathan Cauldwell'05Triumph'06151
  Loco-MotionMastertronic Ltd'85Delta Hackers Group'9990
  Loco-MotionMastertronic Ltd'85Viktor Drozd66
  Loco-MotionMastertronic Ltd'85Phantom Ltd74
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Anton Vasilyev'92290
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Bad Boys Company'95210
  Lode Runner 1 (dsk)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Fantomassoft'94135
  Lode Runner 1 (dsk)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Power of Sound'96471
  Lode Runner 1 (dsk)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84LZB/Jupiter 77121
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Fucksoft'93188
  Lode Runner 1 (dsk)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Himik's ZxZ'96174
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Andrey Malyshev'93166
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Tron z'0384
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Tera Software Group'89188
  Lode Runner 1, 2 (dsk) (mod)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Systematic Group'95193
  Lode Runner 1, 2Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Graf'91215
  Lode Runner 1, 2Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84FD'95348
  Lode Runner 2Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Bad Boys Company'95209
  Lode Runner 2 (dsk)Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Himik's ZxZ'96138
  LogicUltrasoft [sk]'91Bioman117
  LogicUltrasoft [sk]'91Power of Sound'9859
  LogicUltrasoft [sk]'91Queen Software Inc'9793
  LogicUltrasoft [sk]'91AmoNik60
  Logo: Part 1Rainbow Dreams'91IN Company'93148
  Logo: Part 1Rainbow Dreams'91Perestroika Software'94172
  Logo: Part 1Rainbow Dreams'91Mr.Ltd'95115
  Logo: Part 1Rainbow Dreams'91^m00h^'0075
  Logo: Part 1Rainbow Dreams'91Phantom Ltd93
  Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Lone Wolf 3) (48k only)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Aleksey Dupanov'92180
  Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Lone Wolf 3) (48k only)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Fanatic Stas'92176
  Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Lone Wolf 3) (48k only)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Phantom Ltd152
  Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Lone Wolf 3) (48k only)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Prophecy'97164
  Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Lone Wolf 3) (48/128k)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91SG-Team'10342
  LoopzAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Kamikaze'96114
  LoopzAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Red Limited Drunkards Group'97124
  LoopzAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Flash Inc'97128
  Lop Ears (48/128k)Players Software'91Code Busters'95144
  Lop Ears (48/128k) (mod)Players Software'91SG-Team'07157
  Lop Ears (48k only)Players Software'91Studio 7186
  Lord of the Rings 1 (txt)Beam Software, Melbourne House'86Bioman'92205
  Lord of the Rings 1, 2 (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'86Power of Sound'97488
  Lord of the Rings 1, 2 (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'86Freddy Kruger481
  Lord of the Rings 2 (txt)Beam Software, Melbourne House'86Serge192
  Lords of Chaos (dsk)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'90Arcadiy Gobuzov'95258
  Lords of Chaos (dsk)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'90Hacker Stinger'93253
  Lords of Chaos (dsk)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95529
  Lords of Chaos (dsk)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'90Alexander Maryshev'95637
  Lords of Chaos - Expansion Kit 1 (dsk)Target Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'91Alexander Maryshev'95, Shadow Maker'13616
  Lords of Midnight, The (dsk)Beyond Software'84Power of Sound'97226
  Lords of Midnight, The (dsk)Beyond Software'84ZX-Legion'97200
  Lords of Midnight, TheBeyond Software'84G.R.178
  Lords of Midnight, The (dsk)Beyond Software'84Hacker Stinger'93223
  Lords of Time (txt) (dsk)Level 9 Computing Ltd'83n/a119
  LornaTopo Soft'90Flash Inc'97294
  LornaTopo Soft'90Eugen Tsalapov262
  LornaTopo Soft'90SG-Team'20342
  Los Angeles SWAT (48/128k) (mod)Entertainment USA'87tiboh'2488
  Lost Caves (Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom) (128k only)Players Premier'89Code Busters'9693
  Lost Caves (Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom) (128k only)Players Premier'89Diamond Software'97108
  Lost Caves (Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom) (128k only)Players Premier'89Phantasy'97116
  Lost Caves (Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom) (48/128k)Players Premier'89Slider'22175
  Lost In My SpectrumAlessandro Grussu'12, Zankle Soft'21Slider'18, 21296
  Lost In My SpectrumAlessandro Grussu'17author2502
  Lost Tapes of Albion, TheStonechat Productions'12tiboh'1652
  Lost Treasures of Tulum, The (128k only)RetroWorks'20tiboh'22188
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90^m00h^'01403
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Shock Brigade'96339
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Stream Hackers'97242
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions'97511
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Laptevsoft519
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90TMA'96302
  Lovecraft MythosAncient Bytes'19Slider'19131
  LoxleyWorld XXI Soft Inc'22author570
  LUDO_2009Hugh Gammon'09tiboh'1734
  LumASCIIBob Smith'12goodboy, tiboh'1289
  LumASCIIBob Smith'12pinny'19187
  Luna CrabsMicromega'83LAKS'9328
  Luna CrabsMicromega'83Power of Sound'9726
  Luna CrabsMicromega'83Destr'0657
  Luna CrabsMicromega'83Profi Code Computers Club'9555
  Lunar JetmanUltimate Play The Game'83Intense'1795
  Lunar JetmanUltimate Play The Game'83Slider'05140
  Lunar JetmanUltimate Play The Game'83Phantom Ltd110
  Lunar RescueCRL Group PLC'83tiboh'1635
  LunarisJonathan Cauldwell'04Slider'0599
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 295 of 10604 filez