GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  K.O. Whist16/48 Tape Magazine'84tiboh'1631
  Kai TempleFirebird Software Ltd'86SG-Team'07118
  KamerunJaroslav Hnat'88tiboh'2039
  KamikazeBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91Code Busters'94164
  KamikazeBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91Phantom Family106
  Kamikaze (128k only)Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91Kano'94224
  KamikazeBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91SG-Team'08169
  KaneMastertronic Ltd'86MSoft'98112
  Kane (48/128k) (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'86Slider, tiboh'24139
  KaneMastertronic Ltd'86AmoNik'0165
  KaratekaDro Soft'90Anton Vasilyev331
  KarnovMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'88Image Crew'97618
  KarnovMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'88LAKS'93866
  KarnovMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'88Power of Sound'97624
  KarnovMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'88AVF&CH'91915
  KarnovMr. Micro Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'88SG-Team'08, Slider'22615
  Kat Trap (Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men)Design Design Software, Streetwise'86BrokImSoft'98, Slider'22131
  Kat Trap (Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men)Design Design Software, Streetwise'86Prophecy'97131
  Kat Trap (Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men)Design Design Software, Streetwise'86Phantom Ltd101
  Kat Trap (Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men)Design Design Software, Streetwise'86Flash Inc114
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Anton Ermak'95227
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86^m00h^'00139
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Immortal Boneman'95202
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Viktor Drozd138
  Kayleth (txt)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86LAKS'94163
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Step Creative Group'94194
  KemshuCult Games'89Phantom Ltd42
  Kemshu (mod)Cult Games'89Lone Wolf'9688
  KemshuCult Games'89Max Iwamoto'9359
  KemshuCult Games'89MT-Soft'9450
  KemshuCult Games'89AmoNik'0036
  Kendo Warrior (128k only) (mod)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Pavel Nikitin'93183
  Kendo WarriorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Digital Reality'97, Slider'22208
  Kendo Warrior (48k only)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89John North'00141
  Kendo Warrior (128k only) (mod)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Daniel'95180
  Kendo Warrior (48/128k) (mod)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Olegsoft, Smasher'94195
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk)Cognito Software'89Omega Hackers Club'96181
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk)Cognito Software'89LAKS'95131
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk)Cognito Software'89Power of Sound'97160
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk)Cognito Software'89Viktor Drozd121
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk)Cognito Software'89FFC Computers177
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk) (mod)Cognito Software'89Alexander Maryshev'95181
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchConsult Software Ltd, Impressions Ltd'90Mafia Private Corporation'96139
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchConsult Software Ltd, Impressions Ltd'90Phantom Ltd126
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchConsult Software Ltd, Impressions Ltd'90Viktor Drozd107
  Kentilla (txt) (dsk)Micromega'84Viktor Drozd110
  Kentucky RacingBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91FFC Computers'9697
  Kentucky RacingBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91BrokImSoft'0275
  Kesha Was Bird Remaster (txt)whoozle'19tiboh'19111
  KGB SuperspyZeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89S.Bitman, I.Byteman'93193
  KGB SuperspyZeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89Paul Nosikov'91170
  KGB SuperspyZeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89Condorsoft179
  KGB Superspy (pentfix)Zeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89SG-Team'08147
  KGB SuperspyZeit Corporation, Code Masters Ltd'89Flash Inc'97144
  Khazzad-DumIdealogic S.A.'87Slider'15174
  Kick Box Vigilante (pentfix)Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Slider'22123
  Kick OffAnco Software Ltd'89Jupiter 77105
  Kick Off (dsk)Anco Software Ltd'89Softstar'96197
  Kick Off (dsk)Anco Software Ltd'89Perestroika Software'94196
  Kick OffAnco Software Ltd'89Welcome Corporation96
  Kick OffAnco Software Ltd'89Another World Software'95134
  Kick Off 2Enigma Variations Ltd, Anco Software Ltd'90Andy Chernikov'92242
  Kickboxing (128k only) (mod)Soft Design, Firebird Software Ltd'87FFC Computers193
  KickboxingSoft Design, Firebird Software Ltd'87LAKS, Smasher'93121
  Kikstart 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88X-agon117
  Kikstart 2Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88MiS Studio128
  Kikstart 2Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Phantom Ltd100
  Kikstart 2Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Cosmosoft'91136
  Kikstart 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Navy Syndicate of Dungeon Fantasy'96120
  Killed Until DeadCanvas, US Gold Ltd'87Immortal Boneman'95444
  Killed Until DeadCanvas, US Gold Ltd'87Andy Chernikov'92445
  Killed Until DeadCanvas, US Gold Ltd'87^m00h^'01414
  Killer BeesGary James'14debris'1453
  Killer Ring (K-Ring)Reaktor'87Flash Inc'9782
  Killer Ring (K-Ring)Reaktor'87D-Love49
  Kilopede (1k)Jonathan Cauldwell'03tiboh'225
  KinetikFirebird Software Ltd'87Step Creative Group'97151
  Kinetik (Spheroid) (ita)Firebird Software Ltd'87G.B.Max, Gotef'93162
  KinetikFirebird Software Ltd'87Step Creative Group, Power of Sound'97132
  Kinetik (Spheroid) (ita)Firebird Software Ltd'87G.B.Max, Kamikaze'92149
  King Arthur's Quest (txt) (dsk)Five Ways Software Ltd, Hill MacGibbon'84Power of Sound'97237
  King Arthur's Quest (txt) (dsk)Five Ways Software Ltd, Hill MacGibbon'84Cat-House'95202
  King Leonard (Leonard)Ganimides, Mind Games Espana S.A.'86Phantom Ltd89
  King Leonard (Leonard)Ganimides, Mind Games Espana S.A.'86SG-Team'08115
  King of PongTeam Siglo XXI'10SG-Team'10117
  King Tut's TreasureSoft Option Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'85SG-Team'08138
  King's KeepFirebird Software Ltd'86Swood'9580
  King's Ransom (txt) (dsk)Incentive Software Ltd'86tiboh'19134
  King's ValleyRetroWorks'09SG-Team'09128
  Kingdom of Kull (txt) (dsk)ZX Computing'87DimikSoft'96155
  Kingdom of Kull (txt)ZX Computing'87DimikSoft'96144
  KirelAddictive Games Ltd'86Phantom Ltd103
  KirelAddictive Games Ltd'86Slider'14132
  Kirel (Spectrox) (ita)Addictive Games Ltd'86John Ivanov'94103
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90Phantom Ltd190
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90J.U. Trubinov'91498
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90Monsters Productions'95423
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90Surdakar Group'95458
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90AmoNik195
  Kliatba Noci (Curse of the Night) (eng)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'93Pavel Pliva'12, Slider'13205
  Kliatba Noci (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'93Viktor Drozd173
  Kliatba Noci (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'93FLP'96205
  Kliatba Noci (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'93Style Group [ua]'97193
  KlimaxHewson Consultants Ltd'90Zer0 International Association134
  KlimaxHewson Consultants Ltd'90MiS Studio'9993
  KlimaxHewson Consultants Ltd'90Phantom Ltd108
  Knight ForceTitus'90Amiga Must Die'97237
  Knight ForceTitus'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'21340
  Knight ForceTitus'90Ilchenko Y&E356
  Knight GhostJuliet Software'87BrokImSoft'0392
  Knight HeroJaime Grilo'17Slider'18188
  Knight Lore (mod)Ultimate Play The Game'84Slider'05, 15167
  Knight LoreUltimate Play The Game'84Phantom Ltd105
  Knight RiderOcean Software Ltd'86Mike Blum89
  Knight RiderOcean Software Ltd'86Flash Inc'98111
  Knight RiderOcean Software Ltd'86Himik's ZxZ93
  Knight TymeMastertronic Added Dimension'86Laptevsoft455
  Knight Tyme (dsk)Mastertronic Added Dimension'86Chen Mandl'95557
  Knight Tyme (dsk)Mastertronic Added Dimension'86Robert'94470
  Knight Tyme (dsk)Mastertronic Added Dimension'86Monsters Productions'20333
  Knight TymeMastertronic Added Dimension'86Softstar'93651
  Knight's Quest, The (txt)Phipps Associates'83n/a200
  KnightmareActivision Inc'87M.M.A'95161
  KnightmareActivision Inc'87Step Creative Group139
  KnightmareActivision Inc'87tiboh'20168
  KnightmareActivision Inc'87Alx107
  Knightmare 2 ZXClimacus, KgMcNeil'15Slider'16138
  Knightmare ZXClimacus'12SG-Team'12261
  KnightsDarryl Sloan'18tiboh'18127
  KnockaboutBob Fossil'17Slider'1866
  Knot in 3DNew Generation Software'83Dio-Gen'9847
  Knuckle BustersMelbourne House'87LAKS'9491
  Knuckle BustersMelbourne House'87Phantom Ltd70
  Kobyashi Naru (txt) (dsk)Mastertronic Ltd'87Freddy Kruger'95126
  Kobyashi Naru (txt) (dsk)Mastertronic Ltd'87Power of Sound'97111
  Kobyashi Naru (txt) (dsk)Mastertronic Ltd'87Ray Software'95127
  Kokotoni WilfElite Systems Ltd'84Flyman512'1799
  Kokotoni WilfElite Systems Ltd'84Himik's ZxZ'96116
  Kokotoni Wilf (pentfix)Elite Systems Ltd'84Slider'12149
  KokyProxima Software'92Viktor Drozd46
  KolaceJosef Pokornytiboh'1548
  Kolko i KrzyzykKrajowa Agencja Wydawnicza'87Phantom Ltd50
  Kolko i KrzyzykKrajowa Agencja Wydawnicza'87Softstar100
  Kolko i KrzyzykKrajowa Agencja Wydawnicza'87A.S.100
  Komando 2 (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Welcome Corporation'96216
  Komando 2 (Commando 2) (eng)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Softhouse Ltd'11, Slider'19133
  Komando 2 (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92FLP, Auryn Creative Group'96156
  Komando 2 (slk)Microtech, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Magic Soft'97180
  KomplexLegend'85Flash Inc'98152
  Komplex CityLegend'85tiboh'1989
  Konami's GolfChoice Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86Hellchild'93189
  Konami's GolfChoice Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86SG-Team'12107
  Konami's GolfChoice Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'95107
  Konami's Tennis (Tennis)Choice Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86Mike Blum86
  Konami's Tennis (Tennis)Choice Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86Slider'2279
  KongOcean Software Ltd'83Omego Corporated'93179
  KongOcean Software Ltd'83tiboh'1873
  Kong Strikes BackOcean Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd84
  Kong Strikes BackOcean Software Ltd'84Mike Blum86
  Kong's Revenge 1Zigurat Software'91Orside128
  Kong's Revenge 1, 2Zigurat Software'91Seamans'96276
  Kong's Revenge 1, 2Zigurat Software'91Style Group [ru]'99200
  Kong's Revenge 1, 2Zigurat Software'91Red Limited Drunkards Group'95269
  Kong's Revenge 1, 2Zigurat Software'91Slider'16252
  Koronis RiftMr. Micro Ltd, Activision Inc'87Delta Hackers Group'98177
  Koronis RiftMr. Micro Ltd, Activision Inc'87Flash Inc'96213
  Korth Trilogy, The 2: Besieged Part 1 Alpha BasePenguin Books Ltd'83n/a44
  Kosmic KangaMicromania'84M.D.V.168
  Kosmic Kanga (Kangaroo) (ita)Micromania'84G.B.Max'84, Max Iwamoto'93155
  Kosmic KangaMicromania'84Triumph'0080
  Kosmic KangaMicromania'84Phantom Ltd90
  KosmosThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Dr.Shura115
  KosmosThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Slider'14105
  KosmosThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd106
  KraalHewson Consultants Ltd'90Prophecy'97189
  Kraal (mod)Hewson Consultants Ltd'90Omega Hackers Group'96192
  KraalHewson Consultants Ltd'90Power of Sound'97119
  KraalHewson Consultants Ltd'90tiboh'20136
  Krakatoa (Escape from Krakatoa)Instant Products, Abbex Electronics Ltd'84Phantom Ltd46
  Krakout (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Grand'99214
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd118
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Vladimir Saveliev181
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Nicolas Rodionov, Kirill Panyushkin'90194
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87eYe-Q'00101
  Krakout 1, 2Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Firefly Software'88G.R.191
  Krakout 1, 2Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Firefly Software'88Rom Corp'96250
  Krakout 1, 2Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd, Firefly Software'88VAD'98131
  Krakout 2 (mod)Firefly Software'88Grand'03156
  Krakout 2Firefly Software'88Phantom Ltd108
  Krakout 2Firefly Software'88Vladimir Saveliev164
  Krakout 2Firefly Software'88Phonex, AmoNik'0199
  Krakout 2Firefly Software'88Phonex'88183
  Krap ParkJaime Grilo'19tiboh'19108
  Krazy KongPSS'83Destr'0990
  Krolewna JebaczkaX-Prog'84Phantom Ltd'9549
  Krtek a autickoProxima Software'90Triumph'02160'13tiboh'13199
  Krypton Factor, TheConsult Computer Systems, TV Games'87Flash Inc'97269
  Krypton RaidersFuture Stars'85BrokImSoft'0372
  Kuiper PursuitJonathan Cauldwell'09tiboh'20103
  Ku-KuMicro Value'88SG-Team'08132
  KuliliPavel Popelkatiboh'1940
  Kung Fu KnightsTop Ten Software'88Andy Steeler'9493
  Kung Fu KnightsTop Ten Software'88D-Love'9970
  Kung Fu KnightsTop Ten Software'88Triumph'0077
  Kung Fu KnightsTop Ten Software'88AmoNik'0066
  Kung Fu KnightsTop Ten Software'88M.I.R.'93195
  Kung-FuBug-Byte Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd76
  Kung-Fu MasterUS Gold Ltd'86SG-Team'15139
  Kung-Fu MasterUS Gold Ltd'86Studio Horrosoft'94192
  Kung-Fu MasterUS Gold Ltd'86D-Love105
  Kung-Fu TobaTacha'13tiboh'20163
  Kurashiku Nihongo Monsuta Shiro 3The Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'09Slider, Yuri Polukarov'0983
  Kwah!Silhouette Software, Melbourne House'86Triumph'00125
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90LAKS299
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Dr.Bars'95254
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94287
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Reanimator'95275
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Recly Company'92195
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Al Heather'95253
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Alexey Ermakov191
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Code Busters'95242
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Codemonsters Hackers Group270
  Kwik Snax (2 in 1) (mod)W.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Kristall'95160
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90NRS Soft'91159
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90FFC Computers, Softstar297
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Recver'00216
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Zart Arn160
  Kwik SnaxW.A.S.P., Code Masters Ltd'90Andy Solovarov159
  Kyd Cadet 1, 2, 3Paul Jenkinson'10-14Slider'15245
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 236 of 10615 filez