GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  H.A.R.D. (Heavy Armed Roboid Destroyer)Tynesoft'86Phantom Ltd38
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89John North'00103
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Digital Reality'9699
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Universe Software'9797
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89A.Savenkoff'94173
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89goodboy, tiboh'19119
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89OAV'98166
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Perestroika Software'94198
  H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation)Software Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84M.M.A'9571
  H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation)Software Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84Phantom Ltd67
  H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation)Software Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84SG-Team'1090
  H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation)Software Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84AmoNik68
  HabilitGenesis Soft, Iber Software'88Flash Inc'98, Slider'2271
  HackerActivision Inc'85Step Creative Group'95187
  HackerActivision Inc'85Phantom Ltd113
  Hacker 1, 2Activision Inc'85-87Alexander Maryshev'94247
  Hacker 2Activision Inc'87Step Creative Group'96103
  Hacker 2Activision Inc'87Phantom Ltd97
  HadejProxima Software'93tiboh'2056
  Hades NebulaParanoid Software, Nexus Productions Ltd'87Black Eagle Company'95156
  Hades NebulaParanoid Software, Nexus Productions Ltd'87Jupiter 77'01141
  Hades NebulaParanoid Software, Nexus Productions Ltd'87Fatality'97122
  Hades NebulaParanoid Software, Nexus Productions Ltd'87Flash Inc'96138
  Hades Nebula (bugfix) (pentfix)Paranoid Software, Nexus Productions Ltd'87SG-Team'11133
  Hair-Raising Adventures of Mr Hair 1, 2, The (2 in 1)Chops'19-22tiboh'22227
  HakkenkastMinilop Retroware'22Slider'23582
  HalagaInterceptor Software'85AmoNik'0073
  HalagaInterceptor Software'85LAKS'94155
  Halls of the ThingsCrystal Computing'83Odysseus78
  Hammer Boy 1Dinamic Software'91Welcome Corporation113
  Hammer Boy 1Dinamic Software'91T&S Soft'94179
  Hammer Boy 1Dinamic Software'91Alex Platonov'93191
  Hammer Boy 1, 2Dinamic Software'91Perestroika Software'94308
  Hammer Boy 1, 2Dinamic Software'91Slider'06243
  Hammer Boy 2Dinamic Software'91T&S Soft'94179
  Hammer Boy 2Dinamic Software'91Alex Platonov'93191
  Hammer Boy 2Dinamic Software'91Power of Sound'97133
  Hammer Boy 2Dinamic Software'91Oleg Pisar'93173
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90SG-Team'09457
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90Hardware Wizard'97449
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90Andy Chernikov'91585
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90MiS Studio'99426
  Hammerfist (128k only) (mod)Vivid Image, Activision Inc'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'22-24779
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90Immortal Boneman'96585
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90LAKS, Smasher'93584
  Hammer-Head (bugfix)Zigurat Software'92Slider, tiboh'25151
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84Siv Blader'96102
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84Phantom Ltd'9790
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84^m00h^'0090
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84Ray Software'95152
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84The Hot Heads'9878
  Hamte DamteCross Technics'88^m00h^'03126
  Hamte DamteCross Technics'88AmoNik128
  Hamte DamteCross Technics'88KSA'94173
  Hamte DamteCross Technics'88Phantom Ltd144
  Happiest Days of Your Life, TheFirebird Software Ltd'86Slider'14132
  Happiest Days of Your Life, TheFirebird Software Ltd'86Beermanz'99132
  Happiest Days of Your Life, TheFirebird Software Ltd'86Flash Inc'97101
  Harbinger 1: Convergence (128k only)APSIS'16Slider'19269
  Harbinger 2: The Void (128k only)APSIS'18tiboh'19434
  Hard Cheese (Caterpilar) (ita)DK'Tronics Ltd'83G.B.Max'84, Rasoft'9837
  Hard Cheese (Caterpilar) (ita)DK'Tronics Ltd'83G.B.Max'84, Hacker Sanek32
  Hard Drivin'Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89Overmaster'93168
  Hard Drivin' (2 in 1) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89tiboh'21222
  Hard Drivin'Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89Zer0 Guys'98109
  Hard Drivin'Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89Another Reality194
  Hard Drivin'Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89Serge149
  Hard Drivin'Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89Studio TB'97102
  Hard Drivin' (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Domark Ltd'89ART'98207
  HardBall!Advance Software Promotions Ltd'86TAW, SAW'94125
  HardBall!Advance Software Promotions Ltd'86Phantom Ltd122
  HardBall!Advance Software Promotions Ltd'86Welcome Corporation'01112
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83Marchy33
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83Melted Snow'9439
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83Phantom Ltd28
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83DeadMan'9847
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83TAW, SAW'9432
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83Grand'1752
  Harry Hare's LairArtic Computing Ltd'85Slider, tiboh'1578
  Harvey HeadbangerFirebird Software Ltd'86tiboh'1853
  Harvey HeadbangerFirebird Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'9742
  Haunted HedgesMicromega'83n/a26
  Haunted Hedges (Fantomas) (ita)Micromega'83G.B.Max'84, DimikSoft'9649
  Haunted House (Adventures of W Scribo, The)Your Sinclair'92Slider'05, 22100
  HavocPlayers Premier'90Prophecy'97251
  HavocPlayers Premier'90BrokImSoft'99151
  Havoc (2 in 1) (mod)Players Premier'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95157
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Skylark'94195
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Alexander Maryshev'94133
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91OAV'98156
  Hawk Storm (pentfix)Players Premier'91BrokImSoft, Triumph'04, tiboh'19149
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Pavel Lu'95204
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Maksim Maksimov186
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Phantom Ltd'95121
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Sergey Krutyko'95196
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91FLP'95173
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Inferno Software Inc'95152
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Topsoft'93210
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Aleksey Popushin190
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Golden Max'97221
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Bitmunchers'96174
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Brissoft'93228
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Viktor Drozd145
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Light Future Group151
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87DAB Laboratory'95221
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Brain'94290
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87Mosh Soft185
  Head over Heels (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'87Aleksey Shevchenko'98221
  Head over Heels (mod)Ocean Software Ltd'87Gladiators Software'95273
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87OYSoft'92153
  Head the Ball (km)Crash'92Flash Inc80
  HeadstartBug-Byte Software Ltd'87Stack'93119
  Heart Stealer 1 ((with One Key Version also))Timmy'10-12Slider'13127
  Heart Stealer 2Timmy'13Slider'1387
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd119
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Exciter Soft'94185
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89AmoNik109
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Brainwave'03128
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Arkan Soft126
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Phantom Family'97151
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86D-Love'98181
  Heartland (Kimera) (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86SG-Team'17138
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Power of Sound'99110
  Heavy Metal (dsk)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Ruslan166
  Heavy Metal (dsk)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Monsters Productions'24239
  Heavy on the Magick (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'86Andrew Sckachek'94259
  Heavy on the Magick (dsk)Gargoyle Games'86Bedazzle'96215
  Heavy on the Magick (128k only) (bugfix) (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'86Bedazzle'24216
  Heavy on the Magick (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'86Real Software'97177
  Heavy on the MagickGargoyle Games'86MV Soft'92170
  Heavy on the Magick (dsk)Gargoyle Games'86Cat-House'95199
  Heavy on the Magick (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'86Real Software'97, Slider'16238
  Hell Yeah! (kemp8bit)Presh'20Monsters Productions, tiboh'21160
  HellfireMelbourne House'85TAW, SAW'94125
  HellfireMelbourne House'85Megus167
  HellfireMelbourne House'85Phantom Ltd122
  Hellfire AttackMartech Games Ltd'89LAKS'93298
  Hellfire AttackMartech Games Ltd'89Phoenix'96180
  Hellfire AttackMartech Games Ltd'89SG-Team'08316
  Helm, The (txt) (dsk)Firebird Software Ltd'85Power of Sound'97145
  Helter SkelterAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Omega Hackers Group'96149
  Helter Skelter (dsk)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Flash Inc'98208
  Helter SkelterAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Reflection Group'95137
  Helter SkelterAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Light Future Incorporation'95140
  Helter Skelter (dsk)Audiogenic Software Ltd'91Sergey Smirnov231
  Helter SkelterAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Triumph'04132
  Henrietta's Book of SpellsScetlander'90tiboh'17417
  Henry's HoardAlternative Software Ltd'85BrokImSoft'02114
  Herbert the TurbotBob Smith'08Slider, tiboh'20189
  Herbert's Dummy RunMikro-Gen Ltd'85Phantom Ltd117
  Herbert's Dummy RunMikro-Gen Ltd'85AmoNik100
  Herbert's Dummy RunMikro-Gen Ltd'85Slider'16105
  Hercules: Slayer of the DamnedCygnus Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Andy Solovarov177
  Hercules: Slayer of the DamnedCygnus Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88TAW, SAW'94161
  Hercules: Slayer of the DamnedCygnus Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88AmoNik126
  Hero Quest (128k only) (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Smasher'94307
  Hero Quest (dsk) (km)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91SMT'98313
  Hero Quest (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Robert'94498
  Hero QuestGames Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Code Busters'94492
  Hero QuestGames Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Andy Chernikov303
  Hero Quest 1, 2 (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Mayhem'97, Slider'19569
  Hero Quest 1, 2 (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Mayhem'97575
  Hero Quest 1, 2 (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Fancy'94546
  Hero Quest: Return of the Witch Lord (128k only) (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Smasher'94268
  Hero Quest: Return of the Witch Lord (dsk) (km)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91SMT'98241
  Hero Quest: Return of the Witch Lord (dsk)Games Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Robert'94509
  Hero Quest: Return of the Witch LordGames Workshop, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91Code Busters'94499
  Heroes of Karn (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84r0m'95203
  Heroes of Karn (txt) (dsk)Interceptor Software'84Cat-House'94206
  Heroes of MagicJosep Coletas Caubet'11tiboh'15165
  Heroes of the Lance (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Walsoft'92651
  Heroes of the Lance (+3dos) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88TomCaT, goodboy'12344
  Heroes RescueDefecto Digital Studios'16Slider'1865
  Hidden CityBytewell'83Odysseus56
  HideousAlternative Software Ltd'92Fatality77
  Higgledy PiggledyJonathan Cauldwell'05Slider'06113
  High FrontierActivision Inc'87Battletech Inc.'95149
  High FrontierActivision Inc'87Phantom Ltd82
  High FrontierActivision Inc'87Kordial'90165
  High Mountains, The (txt) (dsk)Personal Computer News'84Poyo'18168
  High NoonWork Force'83AmoNik20
  High NoonWork Force'83tiboh'1518
  High Steel (2 in 1) (mod)Intelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Gus, Korund'02134
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89VGN-Soft'94241
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Denis Korshunov175
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Phantom Ltd91
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Jupiter 7794
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89SG-Team'12184
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Triumph'0290
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89TAW, SAW'94111
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89AmoNik'0094
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Phantom Ltd95
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Another World Software'95136
  Highlander 1Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Dmitriy Kulikov'93160
  Highlander 1, 2Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86TAW, SAW'94458
  Highlander 1, 2, 3Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86SG-Team'18265
  Highlander 1, 2, 3Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd263
  Highlander 2Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Dmitriy Kulikov'93155
  Highlander 3Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Softstar189
  Highway EncounterVortex Software'85Dale148
  Highway EncounterVortex Software'85Phantom Ltd112
  Highway Encounter (48/128k) (mod)Vortex Software'85Dak Soft Ltd'95115
  Highway Encounter (128k only) (mod)Vortex Software'85FFC Computers218
  Highway EncounterVortex Software'85Power Project'98106
  Highway EncounterVortex Software'85Sage Group'96134
  Highway Encounter; Alien HighwayVortex Software'85-86Merlin'98200
  Highway Encounter; Alien HighwayVortex Software'85-86Phantom Ltd186
  HijackParadise Software [2], Electric Dreams Software'86TAW, SAW'94158
  HijackParadise Software [2], Electric Dreams Software'86TomCaT'11157
  HijackParadise Software [2], Electric Dreams Software'86Phantom Ltd122
  Hit Squad, TheBinary Dynamics, Code Masters Ltd'88Slider'12164
  Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The (txt) (dsk)Estuary Software Products'83Poyo'18152
  HiveFirebird Software Ltd'86Black Helmet'93150
  HiveFirebird Software Ltd'86Bioman150
  Hobbit, The (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'82Freddy Kruger'94168
  Hobbit, The (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'82Alexey Berezin'94179
  Hobbit, The (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'82Crystal Dream163
  Hobbit, The (txt) (dsk)Beam Software, Melbourne House'82Cat-House'93186
  Hobbit, The (txt)Beam Software, Melbourne House'82Viator'95159
  Hobbit, The. Vah-ka's Cut (ula+)The Mojon Twins'12Slider'21100
  Hobgoblin (mod)Pantheon Software, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95160
  HobgoblinPantheon Software, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Power Hackers Group'98122
  Hobgoblin (mod)Pantheon Software, Atlantis Software Ltd'91KSA'95107
  HobgoblinPantheon Software, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Stutterius'0199
  HobgoblinPantheon Software, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Another World Software'95118
  Hocus FocusBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86tiboh'19147
  Holiday in SumariaPirate Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'03118
  Hombre Que Susurraba a Las Balas, ElRadastan'13Slider'14129
  HomebrewJonathan Cauldwell'09Slider'09104
  Honba za poklademProxima Software'93Viktor Drozd72
  Hong Kong PhooeyPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Kamikaze'93130
  Hong Kong Phooey (mod)PAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Slavjack Software'96197
  Hong Kong PhooeyPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Phantom Ltd107
  Hong Kong PhooeyPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90M.M.A'96106
  Hong Kong Phooey (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)PAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90goodboy, Slider, tiboh'23145
  Hong Kong PhooeyPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Amiga Must Die'98132
  Hooray for HenriettaScetlander'90tiboh'17322
  Hop 'n' Chop v1Redwood Designs'95Omega Hackers Group'05139
  Hop 'n' Chop v1Redwood Designs'95Viktor Drozd112
  Hop 'n' Chop v2Redwood Designs'95Viktor Drozd117
  Hop'n'FrogGabriele Amore'15tiboh'1752
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88Softstar147
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88Phantom Ltd102
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88TAW, SAW'9492
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88Mike Blum136
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88BrokImSoft'99124
  Horace & The RobotsReptilia Design'17krt17'17101
  Horace & the SpidersPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Hackerz' Design Software'0340
  Horace & the SpidersPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Power of Sound'9736
  Horace and the BouldersRef'09tiboh'2243
  Horace and the VikingsKerl'21tiboh'2233
  Horace Goes PeeingLee Tonks'14tiboh'2230
  Horace Goes SkiingSinclair Research Ltd'83tiboh'2236
  Horace Goes to the TowerThe Mojon Twins'11SG-Team'1192
  Horace in the Mystic WoodsBob Smith'10SG-Team'10140
  Horace MinerSteve A.J. Broad'14tiboh'2276
  Horace Miner 2Steve A.J. Broad'14tiboh'2267
  Horace to the Rescue 2Steve A.J. Broad'14tiboh'2270
  HostagesNew Frontier, Infogrames'90Andy Chernikov'91537
  HostagesNew Frontier, Infogrames'90Anton Vasilyev502
  HostagesNew Frontier, Infogrames'90KSA, Andy 2'93412
  HostagesNew Frontier, Infogrames'90Maddy Vins368
  Hostages (+3dos)New Frontier, Infogrames'90Triumph, Mayhem'09496
  Hot Dot SpotterLongman Software'83DimikSoft'9568
  Hot RodWalking Circles, Activision Inc'90Softstar417
  Hot RodWalking Circles, Activision Inc'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95476
  Hot RodWalking Circles, Activision Inc'90Dr.Dash, Next-Stop Studio591
  Hot RodWalking Circles, Activision Inc'90LAKS417
  Hot TyreAnthraxx Developments'90tiboh'22104
  Hotch PotchHindleppe Software, Mastertronic Ltd'85DimikSoft'95187
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Gas 13'96185
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Initsoft'9398
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Mike Blum88
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Phantom Ltd93
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88TAW, SAW'9497
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Pro Hackers Dynasty'97163
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88SG-Team'0993
  House Jack Built, TheThor Computer Software'84BrokImSoft'03102
  House Jack Built, The (Nasolo Story) (ita)Thor Computer Software'84Surdakar Group'97109
  House Jack Built, The (Nasolo Story) (ita)Thor Computer Software'84Phoenix89
  House of Shadows, The (txt) (dsk)Shadow Software'83Poyo'21161
  House of the Living Dead (Casa Dei Morti Viventi, La) (ita)Phipps Associates'83n/a76
  How to Be a Complete BastardSentient Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'87Mafia Private Corporation'95150
  How to Be a Complete BastardSentient Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'87Rapeware Corporation'95113
  How to Be a Complete BastardSentient Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'87D.A.V.'95114
  How to be a Hero (128k only) (dsk) (mod)Xcel, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Monsters Productions'95327
  How to be a Hero (dsk)Xcel, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Fatality270
  How to be a Hero (dsk)Xcel, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Phantom Ltd314
  How to be a HeroXcel, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Dream Team246
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Phantom Ltd120
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Fanat'93151
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Ros Ltd'93156
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Fatality144
  Hudson Hawk (128k only)Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91Code Busters, Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94319
  Hudson Hawk (128k only)Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94400
  Hudson Hawk (-oldvers)Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91Max Iwamoto'94327
  Hulk, The (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'84Energy Minds132
  Hulk, The (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'84Freddy Kruger'95151
  Hulk, The (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'84Phantom Ltd'97134
  Hulk, The (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'84Hagger191
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88ABS Group'97239
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88Alex Porfiryev'95450
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88Power of Sound'97295
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88SG-Team'08252
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88Cleopatra Ltd'91443
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88IN Company'92453
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88Condorsoft'92356
  Humans, The (128k only)Gabriele Amore'21tiboh'21115
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Andy Steeler'94162
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Fantomassoft'94197
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Power of Sound'98109
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Alexey Vagin'94229
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Research195
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Viktor Drozd106
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88AmoNik'00111
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Stutterius'01133
  Humpty Dumpty 1, 2, 3Artic Computing Ltd'84tiboh'19185
  Humpty Dumpty in the GardenArtic Computing Ltd'84Phantom Ltd65
  Humpty Dumpty Meets the Fuzzy Wuzzies (Gravity Game) (ita)Artic Computing Ltd'84n/a182
  HunchbackOcean Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd87
  Hunchback - The Adventure 1, 2, 3 (txt) (dsk)Ocean Software Ltd'86Immortal Boneman'95334
  Hunchback - The Adventure 1, 2, 3 (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod) (txt)Ocean Software Ltd'86Andrew Sckachek'95319
  Hunchback 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'84Slider'07205
  Hundir la FlotaCanadul'09tiboh'14101
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Ascendancy Creative Labs'97157
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88A.S.Koln156
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Pavel Nikitin'92198
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Accept Corp'97170
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Andrew D.'94194
  Hundra (pentfix)Zeus Software, Dinamic Software'88BrokImSoft'00167
  Hundra (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Zeus Software, Dinamic Software'88goodboy, tiboh'20148
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Rilar Soft198
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Syndrome'98180
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Himik's ZxZ143
  Hungry HoracePsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Triumph'0027
  Hungry Horace (mod)Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Z-Team Association Inc45
  Hungry HoracePsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Hackerz' Design Software'0326
  Hungry HoracePsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Phantom Ltd26
  Hungry HoracePsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82AmoNik'0026
  Hungry Horace 2Ref'10tiboh'2253
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the Book (dsk)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88LAKS'94149
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the Movie (mod)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'91Oleg Moskalenko'93493
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the MovieGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'91ZX Best Hackers Group'97385
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the MovieGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'91New Group'95396
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the MovieGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'91Anton Vasilyev536
  HunterScope Designs'91World Eyes Group'96122
  HunterScope Designs'91Chasm'94107
  HunterScope Designs'91Studio Horrosoft'94137
  Hunter-KillerProtek Computing Ltd'83Lotus Group'94221
  Hunter-KillerProtek Computing Ltd'83tiboh'1971
  Husband ChoresSebastian Mihai'16tiboh'1634
  Huxley Pig 1, 2Bizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91Flash Inc'97173
  HybridStarlight Software'87Slider'06, 22222
  HybridStarlight Software'87AmoNik'00106
  HybridStarlight Software'87Power of Sound'97106
  HydraDomark Ltd'91Welcome Corporation'98544
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Phantom Ltd131
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Andy Steeler'94164
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87SG-Team'11152
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Anton Vasilyev'91189
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Delta Hackers Group'98139
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Anton Vasilyev'91, Andrew Leslie'93154
  Hypa RaidAtlantis Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd83
  HypaballOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Phantom Ltd88
  HypaballOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Exciter Soft'94121
  HypaballOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Fikus'94115
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88OAV'9899
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Max Iwamoto'92100
  Hyper Active (pentfix)Special FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88SG-Team'08112
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88S.V.S.96
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Alexey Vagin'94157
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Himik's ZxZ'94117
  Hyper ActiveSpecial FX Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88Jupiter 77'0075
  Hyper Space Postal ServiceLubiterum Studio'14tiboh'1475
  Hyper SportsImagine Software Ltd'85Survivor'97183
  Hyper SportsImagine Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd132
  Hyper SportsImagine Software Ltd'85Mike Blum142
  Hyper Sports (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'85tiboh'15150
  Hyperaction (Formica, La) (ita)Silversoft Ltd'84Load 'n' Run'85, Welcome Corporation54
  Hyperaction (2 in 1)Silversoft Ltd'84tiboh'1687
  Hyperaction (Formica, La) (ita)Silversoft Ltd'84Load 'n' Run'85, SB Soft'9673
  HyperbowlBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd75
  HyperbowlBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'86Triumph'0078
  HyperbowlBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'86Green Bit Group'0371
  HyperbowlBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'86AmoNik'0168
  HyperkillPsytronik Software'17Slider'17109
  HyperlaneEnigma Software Developments, Crash'89tiboh'1758
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Fanat'93100
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Triumph'00107
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Pavel Nikitin'92180
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Anton Vasilyev185
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Phantom Ltd91
  Hypsys 1Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Omega Hackers Group138
  Hypsys 1, 2Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Studio VIKS'94376
  Hypsys 1, 2 (bugfix) (kemp8bit)Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Slider, tiboh'24217
  Hypsys 1, 2Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Sage Group'96223
  Hypsys 1, 2Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Max Iwamoto'93309
  Hypsys 1, 2 (2 in 1)Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Korund255
  Hypsys 2Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89Multisoft Company'94213
  Hypsys 2Techno Arts, Dro Soft'89KipSoft, i.Soft'98127
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Andy Steeler'94184
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Another World Software'95202
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87LZB/Jupiter 77'96121
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87r0m'95150
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87eYe-Q'00130
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87BrokImSoft'98125
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Unicum Group'97126
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87AmoNik'00125
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Andrey Malyshev'93184
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Phantom Ltd120
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87OAV'98146
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87VGN-Soft'94259
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 416 of 10576 filez