GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Style Group [ru]132
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Victor V.S.'93164
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Hacker Olav'95154
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Slider'14148
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev164
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Style Group [ru], Welcome Corporation136
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88Power of Sound'99137
  G.I. HeroBlitter Animations, Firebird Software Ltd'88KZS Corporation, Master Home Computers Group'97144
  Galactic GamesTigress Marketing Ltd, Activision Inc'88Welcome Corporation'97662
  Galactic GamesTigress Marketing Ltd, Activision Inc'88Prophecy'97383
  Galactic GunnersCybexlab Software'87Viktor Drozd106
  Galactic Gunners (km)Cybexlab Software'87Velesoft'07, tiboh'1389
  Galactic PatrolCRL Group PLC'83Power of Sound'9732
  Galaxians (mod)Artic Computing Ltd'82M.M.A'9663
  GalaxiansArtic Computing Ltd'82Boss Software Limited65
  GalaxiansArtic Computing Ltd'82AmoNik'0141
  GalaxiansArtic Computing Ltd'82Phantom Ltd40
  Galaxias (txt) (dsk)Delta 4 Software'86Dio-Gen'98105
  Galaxy AttackSunshine Books Ltd'83Power of Sound'9776
  Galaxy ForceActivision Inc'89Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94422
  Galaxy ForceActivision Inc'89Power of Sound'97426
  Galaxy ForceActivision Inc'89MegaStars Hackers Group419
  Galaxy ForceActivision Inc'89Andy Chernikov'91458
  Galaxy ForceActivision Inc'89Brainwave'03349
  Galivan - Cosmo PoliceImagine Software Ltd'86Viktor Drozd116
  Galivan - Cosmo PoliceImagine Software Ltd'86Mike Blum131
  GalletronMastertronic Ltd'87Phantom Ltd90
  GalletronMastertronic Ltd'87AREASoft'98102
  Gallipoli (dsk)CCS'86Viktor Drozd132
  Game About SquaresSinDiKat'14Shadow Maker'1452
  Game Over 1.1Dinamic Software'87LFA'91159
  Game Over 1.1Dinamic Software'87AmoNik119
  Game Over 1.1Dinamic Software'87Bill Gilbert'87180
  Game Over 1.1Dinamic Software'87Phantom Ltd122
  Game Over 1.1 (eng) (mod)Dinamic Software'87PlayGear Company'96143
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2 (mod)Dinamic Software'87Slider'13, 22441
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2 (128k only)Dinamic Software'87Dmitry Gavrilenko262
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87Reanimator'95240
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87A.S.Koln227
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87Flash Inc'97259
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87Freddy Kruger'93304
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87Power Hackers Group'97220
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 (-oldvers)Dinamic Software'87Slider'06439
  Game Over 1.2Dinamic Software'87Phantom Ltd119
  Game Over 1.2Dinamic Software'87Kamikaze'92172
  Game Screen 1Software Rebelstiboh'2089
  Game Screen 2Software Rebelstiboh'2099
  Games - Summer Edition, TheSentient Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89Fatality718
  Games - Winter Edition, TheSentient Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88KSA644
  Games - Winter Edition, TheSentient Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Power of Sound'97387
  Games - Winter Edition, TheSentient Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Fanatic Stas'92542
  GamexJonathan Cauldwell'06Triumph'06180
  Gamex 2: Playing DividendsJonathan Cauldwell'15tiboh'19113
  GandalfCristian M. Gonzalez'18tiboh'18220
  GANG (txt)PNSoft'92tiboh'19149
  GangplankPirate Software Ltd'87n/a82
  Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy DealThe Edge'88Sliders Creative & Hackers Group119
  Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy DealThe Edge'88Universe Software'98132
  Garfield - Winter's TailThe Edge'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95205
  Garfield 1, 2The Edge'88-90SG-Team'07307
  Garfield 1, 2The Edge'88-90Phantom Ltd245
  Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88SG-Team'08156
  Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov'93163
  Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Andy Mokrushin110
  Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Create Soft200
  Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd93
  Gary Lineker's Superskills (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Power of Sound'97242
  Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Code Busters'96165
  Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Triumph'02165
  Gasman LifeGasman'97Zer0 International Association'9846
  GatecrasherQuicksilva Ltd'84Kordial'90122
  Gatecrasher (Kule) (pol)Quicksilva Ltd'84Atomica128
  GatecrasherQuicksilva Ltd'84Max Iwamoto104
  Gateway to Hell (Dark Castle)Image Design, Summit Software'87BrokImSoft'0272
  Gato, ElVideoSpectrum'86Flash Inc'98111
  GauntletGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Victor'93549
  GauntletGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Queen Software Inc'96449
  GauntletGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Slider'16910
  GauntletGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Alexey Ermakov'93428
  GauntletGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Paul Nosikov'91710
  Gauntlet IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88SG-Team'10450
  Gauntlet IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Paul Nosikov'91, Dmitriy Kulikov602
  Gauntlet IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Monsters Productions491
  Gauntlet IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Paul Nosikov'91597
  Gauntlet III: The Final QuestSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'91Max Iwamoto'95774
  Gauntlet III: The Final QuestSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'91Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'941308
  Gauntlet III: The Final QuestSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'91FFC Computers, Softstar'951656
  Gauntlet III: The Final Quest (pentfix)Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'91Code Busters, Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95781
  Gazza IIActive Minds, Empire Software'90MSoft'9894
  Gazza IIActive Minds, Empire Software'90Power of Sound'9855
  Gazza IIActive Minds, Empire Software'90Triumph'00, Slider'2268
  Gazza IIActive Minds, Empire Software'90AmoNik57
  Gazza IIActive Minds, Empire Software'90Fanat'9374
  Gazza II; Gazza II DemoActive Minds, Empire Software'90D-Love'98117
  Gazza's Super SoccerEmpire Software, Crash'89KSA'93166
  GBA Championship BasketballSoftware Studios, Gamestar'87Triumph'02114
  GeeBee Air Rally (2 in 1) (mod)Activision Inc'88LAKS'95325
  GeeBee Air Rally (2 in 1) (mod)Activision Inc'88FFC Computers, Softstar'95325
  Gem Chaser 1, 2 (dsk)Bob Smith'13tiboh'13174
  Gem SliderMoNsTeR'18tiboh'18114
  Gemini WingImagitec Design Ltd, Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89C.C.'91554
  Gemini WingImagitec Design Ltd, Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89Cleopatra Ltd'91516
  Gemini WingImagitec Design Ltd, Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89Anton Vasilyev'91558
  Gemini WingImagitec Design Ltd, Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89Power of Sound'97304
  Gemini Wing (pentfix)Imagitec Design Ltd, Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89SG-Team'08303
  Genehtik 1, 2PixelSoftware'14debris'14156
  Generacio DigitalCatalunya Radio'19tiboh'1974
  GeneralaGustavo Bachrach'87Flash Inc'98100
  Genesis: Dawn of a New Day (128k only)RetroWorks'10SG-Team'10285
  Genghis KhanCrom Software, Positive'91Profi Code Computers Club114
  Genghis KhanCrom Software, Positive'91Anton Vasilyev165
  Genghis KhanCrom Software, Positive'91BrokImSoft'02115
  GenusAndrew Mark Daly'88Slider, goodboy'05150
  Geoff Capes Strong ManMartech Games Ltd'85Fatality106
  Gerry the GermFirebird Software Ltd'85Himik's ZxZ120
  Gerry the GermFirebird Software Ltd'85TAW, SAW99
  GFL Championship FootballSoftware Studios, Gamestar'87Triumph'02210
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86SB Soft144
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Phantom Ltd122
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86AmoNik'00140
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Casanova'94190
  Ghost 'n Goblins (pentfix)Elite Systems Ltd'86SG-Team'20204
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Andrey Plakuschev172
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Delta Hackers Group'95164
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Eugen Tsalapov121
  Ghost 'n GoblinsElite Systems Ltd'86Depredator'95310
  Ghost Castle 1, 2, 2 SEThe Bog Brothers'11Slider'20272
  Ghost CastlesWeird Science Software'05Slider'05172
  Ghost Hunters (Terrometer)Code Masters Ltd'87Z-Zero Systems Inc.'98470
  Ghost Hunters (Terrometer)Code Masters Ltd'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93181
  Ghost Hunters (Terrometer)Code Masters Ltd'87Slider'17201
  Ghost Hunters (Terrometer)Code Masters Ltd'87Firefly Software, Immortal Boneman'95195
  Ghost Hunters (Terrometer)Code Masters Ltd'87AmoNik116
  Ghost's RevengeMicromania'83Phantom Ltd'9433
  GhostbustersJames Software Ltd, Activision Inc'84Unreal Corporation'04150
  GhostbustersJames Software Ltd, Activision Inc'84AW Studio'92160
  GhostbustersJames Software Ltd, Activision Inc'84YAM Software Systems'90125
  GhostbustersJames Software Ltd, Activision Inc'84Phantom Ltd101
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89Power of Sound'97497
  Ghostbusters II (128k only)Activision Inc'89Alex Art'00348
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89Ticklish Jim'96428
  Ghostbusters II (128k only)Activision Inc'89Ninja Master, Denis Gavrilenko'93678
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89AVF&CH'91665
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89Hardware Wizard'97386
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89Silicon Brains478
  Ghostbusters II (48/128k)Activision Inc'89Oldman'95436
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Pavel Nikitin'93513
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Universal Company Incorporated'95367
  Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (128k only)Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'89NKS'95387
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Alex Platonov'93484
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89A.S.Koln392
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Lazy442
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Old Friends'93564
  Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (128k only)Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Oldman'95375
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Silicon Brains'95425
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Fanatic Stas'92442
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89M&U Sinclair Club'95392
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Alex Art'98342
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Shock Brigade'97360
  Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (128k only)Software Creations, US Gold Ltd'89SinnerSoft'95401
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89IndSoft'93362
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Slider, Shadow Maker, Dr.Bars'13575
  Giant's RevengeThor Computer Software'84n/a82
  Gift from the Gods (Il Potere Del Destino) (ita)Denton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'84AmoNik'01130
  Gift from the GodsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'84AmoNik'00129
  Gift from the GodsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'84Dmitriy Kulikov'93156
  Gift from the GodsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd'95142
  Gift from the GodsDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'84Slider'16201
  Gilbert: Escape from Drill (48/128k)Again Again'89BrokImSoft, Triumph'03, Slider'22287
  Gilligan's GoldOcean Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd114
  Gilligan's GoldOcean Software Ltd'84Robert195
  Gilligan's GoldOcean Software Ltd'84Alx99
  Gilligan's GoldOcean Software Ltd'84Bedazzle'94185
  Gilligan's GoldOcean Software Ltd'84V.Rogachev196
  Gimme BrightClimacus'11SG-Team'11107
  Gimmick! Yumetaro OdysseyGreenweb Sevilla'18tiboh'19273
  Give My Regards to Broad StreetConcept Software Ltd, Mind Games'85tiboh'1691
  GladiatorDomark Ltd'86Softstar280
  Gladiator (mod)Domark Ltd'86Beermanz'96186
  GladiatorDomark Ltd'86AmoNik91
  GladiatorDomark Ltd'86Phantom Ltd127
  Gladiator (48/128k)Domark Ltd'86SG-Team'12222
  GlassQuicksilva Ltd'85Phantom Ltd116
  GliderMacmillan Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'84Flash Inc'97101
  Glider RiderBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Anton Vasilyev'92212
  Glider RiderBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Smasher'94140
  Glider RiderBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Famous Faces Factory'94138
  Glider RiderBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Andy Steeler'95237
  Globular TroublesJorgen Bech'87Flash Inc'97112
  Globular Troubles (pentfix)Jorgen Bech'87tiboh'1575
  Globular TroublesJorgen Bech'87Smokers Team'97102
  GlobusPaco Lafuente'87tiboh'1758
  G-LOC (128k only)Images Ltd, US Gold Ltd'92Welcome Corporation'98437
  G-LOC (128k only)Images Ltd, US Gold Ltd'92Monsters Productions, tiboh'24389
  G-LOC (128k only)Images Ltd, US Gold Ltd'92Flash Inc'98393
  GloopJonathan Cauldwell'94Slider'0694
  Gloop Troops; Gloop Troops: The Lost CrownLittle Shop of Pixels'10-11SG-Team'12216
  Glug Glug (Abissi) (ita)CRL Group PLC'84Oleg Degtyar'0075
  Glug Glug (mod)CRL Group PLC'84Hacker KAY'9696
  Glug GlugCRL Group PLC'84Hacker KAY'9676
  Glug GlugCRL Group PLC'84I'Max75
  Glug GlugCRL Group PLC'84Phantom Ltd53
  GnasherR&R Software Ltd'83LAKS34
  GnoniBiei Software, MicroHobby'88BrokImSoft'0156
  Gnoni 2020Azimov'20Slider'2168
  Go Bear Go! (dsk) (mod)Oxford Digital Enterprises, Sinclair User'88Damage Inc, Omega Hackers Club'96100
  Go Bear Go! (dsk)Oxford Digital Enterprises, Sinclair User'88Jirinovsky's Falcon'9359
  Go Bear Go! (dsk)Oxford Digital Enterprises, Sinclair User'88Alx98
  Go to HellTriple Six'85Phantom Ltd104
  Go to Hell (2 in 1) (mod)Triple Six'85SAW136
  Go to HellTriple Six'85Smokers Team'97106
  Go to Hell (2 in 1) (mod)Triple Six'85Siberian Group'01125
  Gobble a GhostCDS Microsystems'82Himik's ZxZ'9619
  GobblemanArtic Computing Ltd'82Phantom Ltd16
  Goblin, TheHicks'22Slider'22142
  Godkiller 1 (128k only)APSIS'14Slider'17147
  Godkiller 1 - New Timeline Edition (128k only)APSIS'19Slider'20215
  Godkiller 2: Exile (128k only)APSIS'15Slider'17193
  Godkiller 2: Exile - New Timeline Edition (128k only)APSIS'20Slider'20230
  Goku-MalThe Mojon Twins'13Slider'14274
  Gold Finder ManFactor6'86Restore Team'2317
  Gold Rush (mod)Thorn EMI Video Ltd'83Shock Brigade'9742
  Gold RushThorn EMI Video Ltd'83AmoNik29
  Gold RushThorn EMI Video Ltd'83Jupiter 77'9631
  Gold RushThorn EMI Video Ltd'83LAKS28
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94456
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90V. Bogoslavsky689
  Golden Axe (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Ralf'15, SoftLight'16427
  Golden Axe (+3dos)Probe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90SG-Team'08456
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Power of Sound'97427
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Golden Disk Corporation'94753
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Alcoholica Software735
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Andy Chernikov'91691
  Golden AxeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Anton Vasilyev721
  Golden Axe (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'25666
  Golden BasketOpera Soft S.A.'90Code Bastards Hackers Group'95135
  Golden BasketOpera Soft S.A.'90Welcome Corporation'98172
  Golden Cobra, The (txt) (dsk)Chezron Software'85Poyo'19183
  Gommy, Defensor MedievalRetroWorks'09Shadow Maker'2095
  Gonzzalezz 1Opera Soft S.A.'89Phantom Ltd122
  Gonzzalezz 1Opera Soft S.A.'89Initsoft, Kano167
  Gonzzalezz 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Stream Hackers'97269
  Gonzzalezz 1, 2 (pentfix)Opera Soft S.A.'89SG-Team'12237
  Gonzzalezz 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89The Legacy'99255
  Gonzzalezz 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Captain Mutabor'94161
  Gonzzalezz 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Phantom Ltd130
  Gonzzalezz 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Mike Blum117
  Gonzzalezz 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Initsoft, Kano163
  Good Night KangaGabriele Amore'16tiboh'1680
  Goody (Ladro, Il) (ita)Opera Soft S.A.'87Phantom Ltd130
  GoodyOpera Soft S.A.'87Spectrum World from Rossia, KPcorp.315
  GoodyOpera Soft S.A.'87Grodnosoft138
  Goody (eng)Opera Soft S.A.'87Delta Hackers Group'99128
  Goody (eng)Opera Soft S.A.'87FFC Computers, Softstar210
  Goody (eng)Opera Soft S.A.'87Cooper'95198
  GoodyOpera Soft S.A.'87Pavel Nikitin'93164
  GoodyOpera Soft S.A.'87OverPower Soft'95152
  Goody (-oldvers)Opera Soft S.A.'87Ralf, SG-Team'12264
  Goody (bugfix) (bw/col) (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'87Ralf'12, Slider, tiboh'25215
  GoodyOpera Soft S.A.'87AmoNik'00111
  Goonies, The (mod)Paragon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Accept Corp'96132
  Goonies, TheParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Delta Hackers Group'95122
  Goonies, TheParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Varp'93190
  Goonies, TheParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86AmoNik96
  Goonies, TheParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86TAW, SAW'94140
  Goonies, TheParagon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Phantom Ltd107
  Goonies, The (mod)Paragon Programming Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Visual Boys Group135
  GotchaBlaby Computer Games'83debris'0851
  GotchaBlaby Computer Games'83AmoNik48
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'01117
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'93112
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87Triumph'0096
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd99
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87tiboh'1443
  Graeme Souness Soccer Manager (dsk)Zeppelin Games Ltd'92Triumph'02144
  Grand NationalElite Systems Ltd'85tiboh'18217
  Grand Prix CircuitAccolade Inc'90Phantom Ltd193
  Grand Prix CircuitAccolade Inc'90Laptevsoft290
  Grand Prix DriversJonathan Cauldwell'92Slider'05148
  Grand Prix SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87MiS Studio, Style Group [ru]142
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89LeoSoftware'93214
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Mafia Private Corporation'95163
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Power of Sound'95180
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Ascendancy Creative Labs'97147
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Black Eagle Company'95180
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Amber Computers Company Ltd'95211
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Petr, Michael'93132
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Pavel Nikitin'93208
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Eugene Kuzmin'94178
  Grand Prix Tennis (Lawn Tennis)Mastertronic Added Dimension'88Phantom Ltd55
  Grange HillBinary Design Ltd, Argus Press Software Ltd'87Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94300
  Grange HillBinary Design Ltd, Argus Press Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd177
  Grange HillBinary Design Ltd, Argus Press Software Ltd'87Fanatic Stas'93191
  Great Britain LtdHessel Software'82Step Creative Group'9496
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Siberian Group'03136
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86ZDW'93194
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Maks Corp.'96154
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Slider'13182
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Ershsoft198
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Velsoft146
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86E&M Red Army194
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'95140
  Great Gurianos (2 in 1) (mod)Hit-Pak'87ZDW'95224
  Great GurianosHit-Pak'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group112
  Great Gurianos (bugfix) (pentfix)Hit-Pak'87SG-Team'11, Slider'22194
  Green Beret (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'86SG-Team'08184
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Phantom Family126
  Green Beret (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'86Intense'16118
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86SBaH'90170
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86AmoNik'00129
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Battletech Inc.'95130
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Igor Sekan201
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Merlin'98137
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd142
  Green Beret (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'86Intense'16, Slider'17149
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Andrew Sckachek'94189
  Gregory Loses His ClockMastertronic Plus'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93155
  Gregory Loses His ClockMastertronic Plus'89Light Future Incorporation'96123
  Gregory Loses His ClockMastertronic Plus'89Cleopatra Ltd'91158
  Gregory Loses His ClockMastertronic Plus'89Phantom Ltd118
  Grell and FellaBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'92Dr Titus, Softstar'95248
  Grell and FellaBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'92Russian Prestige'95255
  Gremlins (Folletti) (ita)Thor Computer Software'84Foglia Edizioni'85, LAKS62
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt)Adventure International'85LAKS'94148
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'85Destroy'er'94132
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'85Freddy Kruger'93191
  Gremlins - The Adventure (48/128k) (dsk) (mod) (txt)Adventure International'85goodboy, tiboh'23144
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'85Hagger'93188
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'85Hacker Stinger'93199
  Gremlins - The Adventure (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'85Shock SoftWare131
  Gremlins 2: The New Batch (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Topo Soft'90SG-Team'19, Slider, tiboh'23644
  Gremlins 2: The New Batch (48/128k) (mod)Topo Soft'90Russian Prestige'95409
  GreyfellStarlight Software'87G.R.177
  GreyfellStarlight Software'87Slider'22221
  Grid Iron 2Clockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89LAKS147
  Grid Iron 2Clockwize, Alternative Software Ltd'89Recly Company'92149
  Grime Z80Akuyou'18tiboh'1817
  Ground Attack (Air Fire) (ita)Silversoft Ltd'82Rebit Soft Bank, Flash Inc'9942
  Ground AttackSilversoft Ltd'82Phantom Ltd14
  Ground AttackSilversoft Ltd'82Sergey Terskih'9630
  Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The 1, 2, 3, 4 (txt) (dsk)Level 9 Computing Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'87Eclipse Soft668
  Grumpy Gumphrey SupersleuthGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Triumph140
  Grumpy Gumphrey SupersleuthGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd139
  Grumpy Gumphrey SupersleuthGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'85LAKS'94147
  Grumpy SantaPaul Jenkinson'17tiboh'1768
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev, Pavel Nikitin'93557
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Softstar, Dmitriy Kulikov'93524
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Shock Brigade'97314
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Stream Hackers'97337
  Gryzor (pentfix) (kemp8bit)Ocean Software Ltd'87tiboh'21548
  Gryzor (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev'91547
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Power of Sound'96320
  GryzorOcean Software Ltd'87Universal Company Incorporated'95342
  GTI SimulatorAndrew SwannSlider'2282
  Guadalcanal (dsk)Software Studios, Activision Inc'87Serg R.'92, AmoNik141
  Guadalcanal (dsk)Software Studios, Activision Inc'87Michael Patlis'93146
  Guadalcanal (dsk)Software Studios, Activision Inc'87Himik's ZxZ137
  Guadalcanal (dsk)Software Studios, Activision Inc'87Serg R.'92184
  Guerrilla WarSentient Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'88Decsoft'92485
  Guerrilla WarSentient Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'88Digital Reality'97311
  Guerrilla WarSentient Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'88Power of Sound'96355
  GulpmanCampbell Systems'82Phantom Ltd19
  Gunboat (128k only) (dsk)Accolade Inc'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'23270
  GunboatFive Ways Software Ltd, Piranha'87Zak'96189
  GunboatFive Ways Software Ltd, Piranha'87Step Creative Group123
  GunfighterRedwood Designs'88Slider'05160
  GunfighterRedwood Designs'88Phantom Ltd104
  GunfrightUltimate Play The Game'85Slider'05136
  GunfrightUltimate Play The Game'85AmoNik'0092
  GunfrightUltimate Play The Game'85Phantom Ltd110
  Gunhead (Gunhed, Solaris 2)Hellenic Software'90Phantom Family110
  Gunhead (Gunhed, Solaris 2)Hellenic Software'90Global Pro Group'96127
  Gunhead (Gunhed, Solaris 2)Hellenic Software'90Phantom Ltd113
  Gunpowder, Treason and PlotRedwood Designs'88Slider'06135
  Gunpowder, Treason and PlotRedwood Designs'88Phantom Ltd100
  Gunpowder, Treason and PlotRedwood Designs'88Another World Software'95135
  Gunpowder, Treason and PlotRedwood Designs'88T&S Soft'94155
  GunrunnerCybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Andrew Sckachek'93179
  GunrunnerCybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Real Software'97119
  Gunrunner (kemp8bit) (mod)Cybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'23162
  GunrunnerCybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Phantom Ltd113
  Gunship (dsk)MicroProse Software Ltd'87C.C.'91492
  Gunship (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87Delta Hackers Group'97344
  Gunship (dsk) (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87C.C.'91638
  Gunship (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd328
  Gunship (dsk) (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87Hardware Wizard'96301
  Gunship (128k only) (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87S.K.Soft'95359
  Gunship 2000 (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87Mortal Kombat Hackers Group344
  GunstarSoftware Creations, Firebird Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'0291
  GunstarSoftware Creations, Firebird Software Ltd'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93147
  GUPJoe Burton'87tiboh'18113
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Alexey Ermakov177
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Universe Software'97148
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd135
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Queen Software Inc'97160
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'95139
  Gutz (pentfix)Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88tiboh'15141
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88AmoNik'01122
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88eYe-Q'00128
  Gwiezdne ImperiumWarszawskie Wydawnictwo Prasowe'88author90
  Gyron 1, 2Torus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Fatality274
  Gyron 1, 2, 3Torus, Firebird Software Ltd'85-86Vadim'12466
  Gyron AtriumTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Power of Sound'99114
  Gyron AtriumTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Alex Rex'95189
  Gyron AtriumTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Eternity Industry'98127
  Gyron NecropolisTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd130
  GyroscopeMelbourne House'85LAKS'9479
  GyroscopeMelbourne House'85King of Time'94161
  GyroscopeMelbourne House'85Jack O'Lantern169
  GyroscopeMelbourne House'85Phantom Ltd68
  Gyroscope IIColor Magic'87LAKS183
  Gyroscope IIColor Magic'87Phantom Ltd112
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 418 of 10615 filez