GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  F'n BallsAndrew Dansby'19tiboh'1992
  F.A. Cup FootballVirgin Games Ltd'86Phantom Ltd76
  F.A. Cup FootballVirgin Games Ltd'86Triumph'0295
  F.I.F.O. (First In First Out)Klub Fifo'89BrokImSoft'0288
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88LZB/Jupiter 77'97100
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Mike Blum'99141
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Alexey Ermakov'93237
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Omega Hackers Group'96139
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Chung Software128
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Power of Sound'99139
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Anton Vasilyev163
  F-1 (G.P. Formula 1 Simulator)Diabolic Software, Zigurat Software'91Power of Sound'9897
  F-1 (G.P. Formula 1 Simulator)Diabolic Software, Zigurat Software'91Aleksey Dupanov'92141
  F-1 (G.P. Formula 1 Simulator)Diabolic Software, Zigurat Software'91SG-Team'12145
  F-1 (G.P. Formula 1 Simulator)Diabolic Software, Zigurat Software'91Mike Blum141
  F1 Pitstop Simulator (256b)Dr. BEEP'23tiboh'236
  F1 Tornado SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'91Sliders Creative & Hackers Group106
  F1 Tornado SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'91Perestroika Software'94133
  F1 Tornado Simulator (pentfix)Zeppelin Games Ltd'91Speed Company'96115
  F1 Tornado SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'91Surdakar Group'94137
  F1 Tornado Simulator (pentfix)Zeppelin Games Ltd'91SG-Team'12122
  F1 Tornado SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'91Mafia Private Corporation'95136
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87Wellsoft'93128
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87Softstar176
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87Die Krupps Group'9768
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87Joker's Club'95136
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd'9568
  F-15 Strike Eagle (pentfix)MicroProse Software Ltd'87tiboh'1680
  F-15 Strike EagleMicroProse Software Ltd'87AmoNik'0076
  F-16 Combat Pilot (dsk)Digital Integration'91Anton Vasilyev347
  F-16 Combat PilotDigital Integration'91B.I.V.'94318
  F-16 Combat Pilot (dsk)Digital Integration'91Stalker [ua]'93374
  F-16 Combat Pilot (dsk)Digital Integration'91Dmitriy Kulikov'93367
  F-16 Combat Pilot (dsk)Digital Integration'91Phantom Ltd'96226
  F-16 Fighting FalconCode Masters Ltd'89Stutterius114
  F-16 Fighting FalconCode Masters Ltd'89Andy Nik'97108
  F-16 Fighting FalconCode Masters Ltd'89Phantom Ltd96
  F-16 Fighting FalconCode Masters Ltd'89Slider'17117
  F-16 Fighting FalconCode Masters Ltd'89VT Master'96117
  F-19 Stealth Fighter (Project Stealth Fighter) (dsk)MicroProse Software Ltd'90Hacker Cris'95551
  F-19 Stealth Fighter (Project Stealth Fighter) (dsk)MicroProse Software Ltd'90Mortal Kombat Hackers Group552
  F-19 Stealth Fighter (Project Stealth Fighter) (dsk)MicroProse Software Ltd'90LAKS, Smasher'95576
  Factory BreakoutPoppy Soft'84Odysseus'95152
  Factory DazeBob Smith'09Flyman512'13133
  Factory DazeBob Smith'09Slider'09128
  Fahrenheit 3000Softstone Ltd'84n/a95
  FairlightThe Edge'85LeoSoftware'94357
  FairlightThe Edge'85Phantom Ltd182
  FairlightThe Edge'85ShiSoft'93180
  FairlightThe Edge'85Michael Makarevich'91357
  FairlightThe Edge'85Universe Software'97150
  FairlightThe Edge'85Night Hunter'96184
  FairlightThe Edge'85V. Bogoslavsky'92168
  FairlightThe Edge'85Immortal Boneman'95232
  FairlightThe Edge'85Monsters Productions'19252
  FairlightThe Edge'85MegaStars Hackers Group'96224
  Fairlight I, IIThe Edge'85-86Phantom Ltd277
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86Night Hunter'96188
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86Jack O'Lantern169
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86Phantom Ltd207
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86ZDW'94394
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86Michael Makarevich, Evgeny Koprov'92394
  Fairlight II (dsk)The Edge'86Monsters Productions'19442
  Fairlight IIThe Edge'86LAKS, Smasher'93273
  Falcon Patrol 2Virgin Games Ltd'85Sliders Creative & Hackers Group92
  Falcon Patrol 2Virgin Games Ltd'85Intense'1767
  Falcon Patrol 2Virgin Games Ltd'85Phantom Ltd76
  Falcon Patrol 2Virgin Games Ltd'85Mike Blum'9591
  Falcon: The Renegade Lord (pentfix)Virgin Games Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'21153
  Falklands 82PSS'86Alex Norman'96108
  Falklands 82PSS'86Serge205
  Falklands 82PSS'86Phantom Ltd93
  Fall GuyElite Systems Ltd'85Power of Sound'97130
  Fall of Rome, TheASP Software Ltd'84tiboh'16119
  Falldown Forever (1k)Fikee'04Omega Hackers Group'045
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Power of Sound'97226
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Walsoft199
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Maksim Maksimov'94358
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Immortal Boneman, T-101'95551
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89LFA'92327
  Fallen AngelEmerald Software Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89LAKS'93256
  Falling BlocksPeter McQuillan'15tiboh'1519
  Fanky Punky (Funky Punky)Genesis Soft, Grupo Editorial SYGRAN S.A.'87Slider'22115
  Fantastic American FootballZeppelin Games Ltd'90Delta Hackers Group'98104
  Fantastic American Football (dsk)Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Slider'18139
  Fantastic Four - Part One (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'86Freddy Kruger'95126
  Fantastic Mister Fruity, TheJonathan Cauldwell'05Slider'06122
  Fantastic VoyageQuicksilva Ltd'84Andrew Sckachek'94134
  FantasyR'n'H Microtec'87Phantom Ltd75
  FantasyR'n'H Microtec'87Magic Soft117
  FantasyR'n'H Microtec'87YuCo'90152
  Fanty (mod)Emilio Jose Grao Benedi'92krt17'17, Slider'02, 1969
  Farmer Jack 1: in Harvest Havoc!Bob Smith'06Triumph'06148
  Farmer Jack 2: and the Hedge Monkeys!Bob Smith'08SG-Team'08147
  Farmer Jack 3: Treasure TroveBob Smith'08SG-Team'08138
  Fase Bonus The GameThe Mojon Twins'16Slider'18102
  Fase Bonus The GameThe Mojon Twins'16krt17'17154
  Fast and the Furious, TheGo!'87Max Iwamoto'92173
  Fast and the Furious, TheGo!'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group118
  Fast and the Furious, TheGo!'87Yuri Grigoryev'92158
  Fast and the Furious, TheGo!'87Prophecy'97152
  Fast and the Furious, The (pentfix)Go!'87SG-Team'12, Slider'22194
  Fast Food (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Himik's ZxZ, Phantom Ltd'95170
  Fast Food (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Golden Code Software'95142
  Fast Food (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'89AmoNik107
  Fast Food (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'89Atomic Destruction Group'96188
  Fast Food (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Brainwave'05115
  Fast Food (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'89Silicon Brains'95220
  Fat Worm Blows a SparkyDurell Software Ltd'86MiS Studio'00114
  Fat Worm Blows a SparkyDurell Software Ltd'86Prophecy'97156
  Fat Worm Blows a SparkyDurell Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd128
  Fat Worm Blows a SparkyDurell Software Ltd'86VS Prog Group'97113
  Fearless FrankSt. Michael'84Flash Inc'97108
  Fearless FrankSt. Michael'84MiS Studio69
  Federation ZFurillo Productions'20tiboh'20104
  Feed the WormAlchemist Researchtiboh'1818
  Fernandez Must Die (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Image Works'88FFC Computers'95152
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Digital Lords Software, JMS Ultragroup113
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Another World Software'95136
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Perestroika Software'93133
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88AmoNik'00108
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Flash Inc'97142
  Fernandez Must DieProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Power of Sound'99132
  Fernandez Must Die (+3dos)Probe Software Ltd, Image Works'88Slider, goodboy'05155
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Golden Code Software'95195
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87SG-Team'1294
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87AmoNik92
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Phantom Ltd97
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Centronics Group'95142
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Perestroika Software'94194
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87VGN-Soft'93186
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Hacker Nick'9696
  Fernando Martin Basket Master (Nick Galis The Basket Master) (mod)Dinamic Software'87The Terminator, Theo Devil'88, tiboh'22100
  Ferret BusterGabriele Amore'16tiboh'1653
  Feud (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87X-agon, Triumph'04172
  Feud (48/128k) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87goodboy, tiboh'18150
  Feud (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87Fuxoft, Moment Records116
  Feud (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87Musicsoft'94173
  Feud (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87Phantom Ltd133
  FeudBinary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87Rapeware Corporation'95151
  Feud (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87X-agon143
  FidoFirebird Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd51
  Fido 2: Puppy PowerFirebird Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd56
  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'FunMindscape International Inc'90Fatality1512
  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'FunMindscape International Inc'90Antares'981292
  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'FunMindscape International Inc'90Flash Inc'971260
  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'FunMindscape International Inc'90Megacode'971928
  Fifth Quadrant, The (5th Quadrant)Bubble Bus Software'87Fatality132
  Fifth Quadrant, The (5th Quadrant)Bubble Bus Software'87Phantom Ltd129
  Fifth Quadrant, The (5th Quadrant)Bubble Bus Software'87AmoNik'00114
  Fig Chess16/48 Tape Magazine'85Odysseus50
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90C.C., JK Soft'91851
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command) (dsk)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Viking'98452
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Vladimir Belyaev'91523
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command) (dsk)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Chaos A.D.'96562
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Delta Ltd813
  Fighter Bomber (Bomber - Tactical Air Command) (dsk)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Alpha Centaur Group'98516
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83VALSoft'9395
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83MSD Group'0077
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83Ershsoft'93134
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83Energy Star Company'95167
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83TomCaT'06159
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83Phantom Ltd90
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83Logros Software'93164
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89New Group'96248
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89Anton Vasilyev'92409
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89Andy Mokrushin261
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89Phantom Ltd230
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89Vitsoft367
  Fighting WarriorStudio B Ltd, Melbourne House'85AmoNik'00154
  Fighting WarriorStudio B Ltd, Melbourne House'85Phantom Ltd126
  Fighting WarriorStudio B Ltd, Melbourne House'85T&S Soft'93154
  Final AssaultUS Gold Ltd'88Flash Inc'97302
  Final Fight (128k only)US Gold Ltd'91Magic Soft790
  Final Fight (128k only)US Gold Ltd'91Phantasy, BrokImSoft'97794
  Final Fight (128k only)US Gold Ltd'91Phantasy847
  Final Fight (128k only)US Gold Ltd'91Softstar, Seamanstrd
  Final Fight (128k only) (mod)US Gold Ltd'91Monsters Productions, tiboh'23, 24805
  Final Frontier, TheGadtek Games'87Slider'05211
  Final Matrix, The (Nimrod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd117
  Final Matrix, The (Nimrod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87^m00h^'01114
  Final Matrix, The (Nimrod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Slider'15164
  Find the Green RoomRob Southworth'14tiboh'1436
  Finders KeepersMastertronic Ltd'85Triumph'00108
  Finders KeepersMastertronic Ltd'85Robert173
  Finders KeepersMastertronic Ltd'85Softstar'93176
  Finders KeepersMastertronic Ltd'85Himik's ZxZ117
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88Fanat'93130
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88Perestroika Software'93143
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88AmoNik81
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88goodboy, tiboh'19234
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88Phantom Ltd'9591
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88goodboy'02107
  Fire and ForgetTitus'88Kano'93131
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd135
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Smash Hackers Band'98164
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88KDF Software'95230
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Pro Hackers Dynasty'97165
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Real Imagines Programmers Group'96162
  FireflySpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Surdakar Group'94168
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86Fancy'94193
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86IG-Soft'95182
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86DIM194
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86Perestroika Software'94225
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86Phantom Ltd152
  Fireman SamBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'92Flash Inc'98174
  Fireman SamBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'92Fatality162
  FirestormNexus Productions Ltd'86n/a102
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87tiboh'1882
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Max Iwamoto'9373
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Dak Soft Ltd'9574
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Dr.Shura82
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Phantom Ltd74
  FirewolfCybexlab Software'86Captain Mutabor'9440
  Firing at Objects (sd)Ozzyoss'96tiboh'20102
  First MovesLongman Software'85Odysseus72
  First Past the PostCult Games'88Mike Blum133
  First World ProblemsZXstudio'14tiboh'14218
  Fist 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3Melbourne House'85-88Slider'13507
  Fist 1, 2.1, 3Melbourne House'85-88Golden Trio Group'94536
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85AmoNik'01118
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85Power Group'96124
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding Fist (mod)Melbourne House'85Galaxy Force'95155
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85KZS Corporation'96143
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding Fist (128k only) (mod)Melbourne House'85Micrus Software'93244
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85Perestroika Software'93194
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85Assa Grapshic'01161
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding Fist (cvx) (mod)Melbourne House'85Omega Hackers Group'97197
  Fist 1: The Way of the Exploding FistMelbourne House'85Phantom Ltd133
  Fist 2: The Legend ContinuesBeam Software, Melbourne House'86Fancy'94174
  Fist 2: The Legend ContinuesBeam Software, Melbourne House'86Phantom Ltd145
  Fist 2: The Legend ContinuesBeam Software, Melbourne House'86Mike Blum130
  Fist 3: Exploding Fist +Beam Software, Firebird Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd116
  Fist 3: Exploding Fist +Beam Software, Firebird Software Ltd'88AmoNik'00104
  Fist 3: Exploding Fist +Beam Software, Firebird Software Ltd'88Eugen Tsalapov115
  Fist-RO FighterRetrobytes Productions'16Slider'16116
  Five Doctors, The (txt) (dsk)Kevin O'Shea'86Poyo'21126
  Five Treasures of Ryzar, The (txt) (dsk)Space Age Software'84Poyo'18125
  Five-a-Side Footy (European 5-a-Side)Silverbird Software Ltd'88Softstar87
  Five-a-Side Footy (European 5-a-Side)Silverbird Software Ltd'88Himik's ZxZ'96100
  Five-a-Side Footy (European 5-a-Side)Silverbird Software Ltd'88^m00h^'0185
  FlakUS Gold Ltd'84Triumph'0279
  FlakUS Gold Ltd'84Phantom Ltd'9582
  Flame Princess Adventure TimeRadastan'16Slider'16115
  FlappyKVL Software'90BrokImSoft'0275
  Flappy Bird ZXRalf'14tiboh'1422
  Flappy CliveFurillo Productions'20tiboh'2088
  Flash Beer Trilogy 1Weird Science Software'03Triumph'04107
  Flash Beer Trilogy 1, 2, 3Weird Science Software'03tiboh'22134
  Flash Beer Trilogy 2Weird Science Software'03Triumph'04123
  Flash GordonIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Fanatic Stas'93299
  Flash GordonIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Power of Sound'95261
  FlashpointDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd86
  FlashpointDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'87Step Creative Group104
  Flight SimulationPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83AmoNik60
  Flight SimulationPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Phantom Ltd'9568
  Flintstones, TheGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Silver Soft'94358
  Flintstones, The (128k only)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev'92327
  Flintstones, The (128k only)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Phantom Ltd221
  Flintstones, The (128k only)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Tarzansoft'98255
  Flip ItMikropol'91Zer0 International Association'97128
  FlunkyPiranha'87Power of Sound'98113
  Flyer FoxGame Gems'84Alexey Zavyalov'91172
  Flyer FoxGame Gems'84AmoNik98
  Flyer FoxGame Gems'84Phantom Ltd93
  Flying Formula, TheZX Computing'86Hacker John'9488
  Flying Formula, TheZX Computing'86Power of Sound'9749
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Eternity Industry'99139
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Ligasoft199
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87AmoNik118
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Overmaster'93202
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Power of Sound'99122
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87TAW104
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87VAD'9895
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Sergey Krutyko177
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Amiga Must Die'98118
  Flying Shark (km)Graftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Velesoft, TomCaT'06216
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Rom Corp'96129
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87VMG217
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87DIM158
  Flying Shark (48/128k) (km) (mod) (pentfix)Graftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87goodboy, Slider, tiboh'22245
  Flying Shark (mod)Graftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Silicon Brains'94291
  Flynn's Adventure in BomblandTom Dalby'11SG-Team'11, Slider'2184
  Foggy's Quest: To Narg and Back Again!Rucksack Games'17Slider'17104
  Football ManagerAddictive Games Ltd'82tiboh'17167
  Football Manager 2Addictive Games Ltd'88Fanatic Stas'92160
  Football Manager 3 (dsk)Addictive Games Ltd'91Viktor Drozd116
  Football Manager: World Cup EditionAddictive Games Ltd'90Triumph'02148
  Footballer of the Year (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Laser Dream Technology'97150
  Footballer of the Year (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Power of Sound'97129
  Footballer of the Year (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Softstar'93202
  Footballer of the Year 2 (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Phantasy217
  Footballer of the Year 2Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Fanatic Stas'92168
  Footballer of the Year 2 (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93134
  Footballer of the Year 2 (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd125
  Footballer of the Year 2 (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Softstar'93202
  Footballer of the Year 2Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Jirinovsky's Falcon'93171
  Forbidden PlanetDesign Design Software'86Perestroika Software'95140
  Forbidden PlanetDesign Design Software'86Phantom Ltd102
  Forest of Doom, ThePuffin Books'84G.R.255
  Forest Raider CherryTimmy'10SG-Team'1085
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89A.S.Koln374
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Brainwave'02280
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Galaxy Inc'94317
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Amiga Must Die'98331
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Andy Chernikov'91367
  Forgotten Worlds (bugfix) (pentfix)Arc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89SG-Team'11, Lethargeek, Shadow Maker, tiboh'20378
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Power of Sound'97305
  Forgotten WorldsArc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Hacker VBI'93396
  Forgotten Worlds (48/128k) (mod)Arc Developments, US Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94379
  Formula One (dsk)CRL Group PLC'85Auryn Creative Group'96272
  Formula OneCRL Group PLC'85Rob Stinger'93185
  Formula One (dsk)CRL Group PLC'85Nikosoft'96112
  Formula One (dsk)CRL Group PLC'85Igreksoft106
  Formula OneSpirit Software'84Phantom Ltd60
  Formula OneSpirit Software'84Mike Blum70
  Formula One (dsk)CRL Group PLC'85Phantasy215
  Four Minutes to Midnight (txt) (dsk)8th Day Software'85Power of Sound'9789
  Four Minutes to Midnight (txt) (dsk)8th Day Software'85Hacker Stinger'93172
  Four Minutes to Midnight (txt) (dsk)8th Day Software'85Crack Soft'94156
  Fourth Protocol 1, 2, 3, The (dsk)Hutchinson Computer Publishing'85Code Busters'96308
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Phantom Family'0099
  Fox Fights Back (pentfix)Denton Designs, Image Works'88Brainwave'01143
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Softaxel'95171
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Code Reingers Group'95132
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Golden Disk Corporation'94199
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Andrey Malyshev'93136
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Phantom Ltd115
  Fox Fights Back (bugfix) (pentfix)Denton Designs, Image Works'88SG-Team'11153
  Frank Bruno's Boxing (dsk)Elite Systems Ltd'85Viktor Drozd274
  Frank N SteinPSS'84n/a175
  Frank N Stein (Mr. Dracula) (ita)PSS'84Special Program'8488
  Frankenstein 2000Icon Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd'9596
  Frankenstein 2000Icon Software Ltd'85Serge144
  Frankenstein 2000 (mod)Icon Software Ltd'85Simsoft'94204
  Frankenstein 2000Icon Software Ltd'85TomCaT'0983
  Frankenstein Jnr.Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'90Flash Inc'97122
  Frankie Goes to HollywoodDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'85Beermanz'99168
  Frankie Goes to Hollywood (2 in 1) (mod)Denton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'85Alexander Maryshev'95156
  Frankie Goes to HollywoodDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'85Perestroika Software'94233
  Frankie the RescuerSteve A.J. Broad'16tiboh'2134
  Fred (2 in 1) (mod)Indescomp S.A., Investronica S.A.'84TAW, NAA122
  FredIndescomp S.A., Investronica S.A.'84AmoNik65
  Freddie Laker's Airline CapersRutlemore Games'12SG-Team'12149
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87Tron z'03110
  Freddy Hardest 1 (mod)Dinamic Software'87Kristall'96146
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93140
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87Mike Blum111
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group108
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87AmoNik'00108
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2Dinamic Software'87Code Reingers Group'95241
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2; en Manhattan SurDinamic Software'87-89Andrew Sckachek'94393
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2; en Manhattan SurDinamic Software'87-89BrokImSoft'02335
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2; en Manhattan SurDinamic Software'87-89Dr.Bars'95400
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2; en Manhattan Sur (128k only) (mod)Dinamic Software'87-89Omega Hackers Group'96425
  Freddy Hardest 1, 2; en Manhattan SurDinamic Software'87-89Phantom Ltd363
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Dmitriy Kulikov'93127
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Sergey Rowsan153
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Tron z'03106
  Freddy Hardest 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'87Kristall'96207
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Grodnosoft171
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Nicolas Rodionov, Kirill Panyushkin173
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group120
  Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur (Guardian Angel) (48/128k) (mod)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'89goodboy, tiboh'18162
  Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur (Guardian Angel)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'89Sliders Creative & Hackers Group134
  Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur (Guardian Angel)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'89Mike Blum119
  Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur (Guardian Angel)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'89Flash Inc'98144
  Free Climbing 1, 2, 3 (bugfix)Zafiro Software Division'88BrokImSoft'02, Slider, tiboh'23269
  Freedom FighterThe Power House'88Flash Inc75
  Freedom FighterThe Power House'88Slider'1972
  Freez'Bees (Frozen Pengiun)Silversoft Ltd'84n/a48
  Freez'BeesSilversoft Ltd'84King of Time'9464
  Freez'BeesSilversoft Ltd'84Phantom Ltd37
  Freez'BeesSilversoft Ltd'84Triumph'0034
  FrenzyQuicksilva Ltd'82Power of Sound'9719
  Friday the 13thDomark Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'97106
  Fridge FrenzyBug-Byte Software Ltd'85Mike Blum166
  FrightfulCrom Software, NF Stars'89Slider'05181
  FrightmareCascade Games Ltd'88Power of Sound'96165
  FrightmareCascade Games Ltd'88Andrew Leslie'92150
  FrightmareCascade Games Ltd'88Universe Software'97144
  Frightmare (48/128k) (bugfix)Cascade Games Ltd'88SG-Team'12260
  FrightmareCascade Games Ltd'88CDS Soft'96173
  FrightmareCascade Games Ltd'88Phantom Ltd'94167
  Fro (512b)dox'18tiboh'183
  FroggerRabbit Software Ltd'83DimikSoft'9539
  Frogger (pentfix)Deanysoft'92SG-Team'09, Slider'23117
  FrontiersAction Software, Zafiro Software Division'88BrokImSoft'0298
  Front-Line (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88FFC Computers'94244
  Front-Line (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Phantom Ltd137
  Front-LineZeppelin Games Ltd'88Andrey Malyshev'93130
  Front-LineZeppelin Games Ltd'88Power of Sound'97101
  Front-LineZeppelin Games Ltd'88Surdakar Group'95149
  Front-LineZeppelin Games Ltd'88Triumph'03159
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86YuCo'8995
  Frost Byte (48/128k) (mod)Mikro-Gen Ltd'86goodboy, tiboh'18102
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86Hyson'94121
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86Power of Sound'9979
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86Andrew Sckachek'9595
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86D-Love84
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86WAR Group'01100
  Fruit MachineDK'Tronics Ltd'83tiboh'1661
  Fruit Machine SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Flash Inc116
  Fruit Machine SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Phantom Ltd110
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90DATA soft'95272
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90S.Bitman, I.Byteman'92172
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90Phantom Ltd115
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90D-Love120
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2 (Vegetables Machine Simulator) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'90A.S.Koln'93196
  Full ThrottleMicromega'84Universe Software'9786
  Full ThrottleMicromega'84Phantom Ltd76
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90The Hot Heads'97120
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Perestroika Software'93152
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90BrokImSoft'99113
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Phantom Ltd'94117
  Funky FungusAlessandro Grussu'13tiboh'13470
  Funky FungusAlessandro Grussu'13Slider'13364
  Funky Fungus ReloadedAlessandro Grussu'19author1064
  Funky Fungus Reloaded (128k only)Alessandro Grussu'19Slider'20398
  Fury, TheCreative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'88Vitsoft'97147
  Fury, TheCreative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'88Fatality139
  Future Bike SimulatorHi-Tec Software Ltd'90Immortal Boneman'95500
  Future Bike Simulator (mod)Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Dream Team, Starfire Hackers Group'95286
  Future Bike SimulatorHi-Tec Software Ltd'90Power of Sound'96236
  Future Bike SimulatorHi-Tec Software Ltd'90SG-Team'12227
  Future Bike SimulatorHi-Tec Software Ltd'90Aleksey Popushin349
  Future Games 1Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Triumph'00135
  Future Games 1Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd126
  Future Games 1Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Max Iwamoto'93196
  Future Games 1, 2Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Viktor Drozd207
  Future Games 2Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Triumph'00130
  Future Games 2Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd120
  Future Games 2Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Max Iwamoto'93196
  Future KnightGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86SG-Team'11140
  Future KnightGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Anton Vasilyev209
  Future KnightGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86A.S.Koln143
  Future KnightGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd115
  Future Knight (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Rastan Ltd'93265
  Future LooterTimmy'11SG-Team'12104
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 447 of 10495 filez