GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  D'veel'ngThe Mojon Twins'13Slider'13120
  D.N.A. Warrior (48k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89Grodnosoft'97130
  D.N.A. Warrior (48k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89Phantom Ltd105
  D.N.A. Warrior (128k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89KSA, Fantomassoft'94229
  D.N.A. Warrior (128k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89Viktor Drozd103
  D.N.A. Warrior (48k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89Viktor Drozd102
  D.N.A. Warrior (48/128k)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89BrokImSoft'04130
  D.N.A. Warrior (128k only)Data Design Systems, Cascade Games Ltd'89KSA, Stever Graphics'94221
  D.O.S.T.A.Thunderstorm Software'94tiboh'1977
  Dalek Attack (Dr Who and the Daleks)Admiral Software'93Digital Reality'97253
  Dalek Attack (Dr Who and the Daleks)Admiral Software'93Zer0 International Association'96289
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon 1Ocean Software Ltd'84Andy Mokrushin116
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'84SG-Team'11207
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon 2Ocean Software Ltd'84Andy Mokrushin117
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon 2Ocean Software Ltd'84MT-Soft'94133
  Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeOcean Software Ltd'88Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94332
  Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeOcean Software Ltd'88Andy Chernikov'92484
  Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeOcean Software Ltd'88Anton Vasilyev477
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1Ocean Software Ltd'85Max Iwamoto'93196
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Beermanz300
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85SG-Team'11482
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Anton Vasilyev'92519
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Glen'94448
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85JK Soft'92501
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd273
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Rom Corp'96342
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Unlimited Land Group262
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Softstar148
  Dallas (mod) (pol)CCS'83Illusion Group107
  Dam Busters, ThePlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85Phantom Ltd128
  Dam Busters, ThePlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85Viktor Kaplinski'93186
  Dam Busters, ThePlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85Welcome Corporation117
  Dam Busters, ThePlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85VAD'98114
  Dam Busters, ThePlatinum Productions, US Gold Ltd'85Max Iwamoto'93169
  Daman/aCondor Soft31
  Damned Forest, The (txt) (dsk)Cult Games'88Unit Design Group'99193
  Dan Dare 1, 2, 3Virgin Games Ltd'86-90Slider'07422
  Dan Dare 1, 2, 3Virgin Games Ltd'86-90Power of Sound'96532
  Dan Dare II: Mekon's RevengeVirgin Games Ltd'88AmoNik115
  Dan Dare II: Mekon's RevengeVirgin Games Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'93163
  Dan Dare II: Mekon's Revenge (2 in 1) (mod)Virgin Games Ltd'88Bitmunchers'95156
  Dan Dare II: SU Edition & Mekon's RevengeSinclair User'88Andrew Sckachek'93154
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Andrew Strikes Code'92119
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Stasoft'92119
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Freddy Kruger'93125
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Flash Inc'97150
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Roversoft'96144
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Alien161
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Amiga Must Die'97139
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the FutureVirgin Games Ltd'86Rof Soft'92163
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future (mod)Virgin Games Ltd'86KipSoft, AmiS, Andy Nik'96163
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future (2 in 1) (mod)Virgin Games Ltd'86Sliders Creative & Hackers Group129
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the FutureVirgin Games Ltd'86Alien Factory'99110
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the FutureVirgin Games Ltd'86L.D.U.'93166
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future (2 in 1) (mod)Virgin Games Ltd'86Golden Disk Corporation'94200
  DandyElectric Dreams Software'86Flash Inc'97208
  DandyElectric Dreams Software'86Fanatic Stas'93324
  Dandy (128k only)Electric Dreams Software'86Digital Reality'97237
  Dandy (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Electric Dreams Software'86Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'23247
  DangerJorge Perez Barreiro'87Viktor Drozd52
  Danger MazeIdealogic S.A.'87Slider'17135
  Danger Mouse in Double TroubleCreative Sparks'84Jonny166
  Danger Mouse in Making Whoopee!Creative Sparks'85Triumph'0093
  Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau (txt)Creative Sparks'84Abeyance100
  Dangerous GardensYour Computer'84n/a21
  Dangerous KissCIHC'88Slider'05138
  Danterrifik 1, 2, 3TOKU Soft'20-21Slider'21364
  Darius+ (128k only)The Edge'90Seamans195
  Darius+The Edge'90C.C.'91761
  Darius+The Edge'90Fatality581
  Darius+ (mod)The Edge'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'24586
  Dark Empire (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd'87Red Cross'97159
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Mafia Private Corporation'95212
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Microspace'94200
  Dark Fusion (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Slider'14249
  Dark Fusion (128k only) (mod) (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'18208
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Laptevsoft220
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Copy Masters'93281
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Flash Inc'96229
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Vitaly System'94305
  Dark FusionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Swajsoft226
  Dark Lore (txt) (dsk)8th Day Software'83Poyo'21162
  Dark SceptreFirebird Software Ltd'87Softstar179
  Dark Side (dsk)Incentive Software Ltd'88Viktor Drozd117
  Dark Side (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Incentive Software Ltd'88Mayhem'99181
  Dark Side (dsk)Incentive Software Ltd'88Stayer'96160
  Dark Star (dsk)Design Design Software'84Digital Reality'96132
  Dark Star (dsk)Design Design Software'84Phantom Ltd'96113
  Dark TricksDazman'14Slider'1563
  Darkman (128k only)Twilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91Seamans, Magic Soft'96474
  Darkman (128k only)Twilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91Russian Prestige496
  Darkman (128k only)Twilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91Mad Elfs'96435
  Darkman (128k only) (pentfix)Twilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91SG-Team'11392
  Darkman (128k only)Twilight, Ocean Software Ltd'91Softstar474
  Darts (Bullseye)Mr. Chip Software'83Grand'0762
  DartsSoft 2000'85Grand'0634
  Davey-Dudds Loves PeasGraham Blake'17tiboh'1940
  DawnssleyTop Ten Software'87n/a57
  Day in the Life, AMicromega'85Captain Nemo184
  Day in the Life, AMicromega'85Power of Sound'97141
  Days of ThunderTiertex Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'90Dmitriy Kulikov167
  Days of ThunderTiertex Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'90MT-Soft'93135
  Days of ThunderTiertex Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'90Aleksey Dupanov'93168
  Days of ThunderTiertex Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'90Code Busters'96216
  Dea TenebrarumSystem 4'88SG-Team'12137
  Dea TenebrarumSystem 4'88Phantom Ltd'97103
  Deactivators (128k only)Tigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86Phantom Ltd126
  Deactivators (48k only)Tigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86Phantom Ltd112
  DeactivatorsTigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86Fanatic Stas148
  DeactivatorsTigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86Delta Corporation'99154
  DeactivatorsTigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86Diamond Software'97161
  Deactivators (Droids) (ita)Tigress Marketing Ltd, Reaktor'86G.B.Max'86, Dmitriy Kulikov'93149
  Dead by DawnMonsterbytes'12goodboy, tiboh'12154
  Dead Flesh BoyVanbsoftware'15debris'15106
  Dead or AliveJonathan Cauldwell'95Slider'06126
  Dead or AliveAlternative Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd104
  Dead SpaceRadastan'17Slider'1741
  Deadly Evil (pentfix)Players Premier'90goodboy'03100
  Deadly EvilPlayers Premier'90Welcome Corporation'98167
  Deadly Labyrinth of Lord XYRXHooy-Program'13TK90XFan'13157
  Death Before DishonourAlternative Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'0250
  Death Before DishonourAlternative Software Ltd'87Power of Sound'9755
  Death Chess 5000Artic Computing Ltd'84n/a163
  Death CruiserNoble House Software'83Power of Sound'9747
  Death CruiserNoble House Software'83AmoNik50
  Death in the Snow 1812MC Lothlorien'86TomCaT'07162
  Death or GloryCRL Group PLC'87SG-Team'08103
  Death PitDurell Software Ltd'84goodboy, tiboh'18130
  Death PitDurell Software Ltd'84Slider'18160
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89Dmitriy Kulikov'93211
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89TAW, SAW'94149
  Death Stalker (Red Hood) (ita)Code Masters Ltd'89Ilchenko Y&E277
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89Famous Faces Factory'94166
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89Phantom Family'97188
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89SG-Team'11149
  Death StalkerCode Masters Ltd'89Pavel Nikitin, Mosh Soft219
  Death Star InterceptorSoftware Conversions Ltd, System 3 Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd119
  Death Star InterceptorSoftware Conversions Ltd, System 3 Software Ltd'85HDL'91, TomCaT'10190
  Death Star Interceptor (mod)Software Conversions Ltd, System 3 Software Ltd'85Accept Corp'97160
  Death Star InterceptorSoftware Conversions Ltd, System 3 Software Ltd'85Namor Corp'94178
  Death Star InterceptorSoftware Conversions Ltd, System 3 Software Ltd'85AmoNik'00104
  Death WakeBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'85Viktor Drozd101
  Death WakeBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'85Phantom Ltd120
  Death WakeBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'85MiS Studio'99104
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Silicon Brains'94254
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Dim Bootram'93170
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87LAKS'95129
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd123
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev214
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Ros Ltd'94215
  Death Wish 3Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87JK Soft'91211
  Death ZoneSinclair User'89tiboh'1972
  DeathchaseMicromega'83Universe Software'9753
  Deathchase (128k only) (mod)Micromega'83Michael Patlis'9387
  DeathchaseMicromega'83Phantom Ltd'9536
  DeathscapeStarlight Software'87Power of Sound'97142
  DeathscapeStarlight Software'87SG-Team'08141
  Decor WreckersScorpio Software'84Phantom Ltd38
  Deep BlueErrazking'17krt17, Slider'1871
  Deep SpacePSS'84Phantom Ltd52
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86Dmitriy Kulikov138
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86Perestroika Software'93254
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86Triumph'0087
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86AmoNik102
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86Power of Sound'98103
  Deep StrikeDurell Software Ltd'86Eric'92136
  Deep ZoneAzimut Soft'88Bedazzle'25127
  Deep, TheUS Gold Ltd'88SG-Team'10194
  DefcomBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'95104
  DefcomBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86isSoft'91134
  DefcomBinary Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86Anton Vasilyev'91146
  Defcom 1Iber Software'89SG-Team'08203
  DefendaInterstella Software'84Phantom Ltd37
  DefendaInterstella Software'84AmoNik'0139
  DefenderSinclair Programs'83tiboh'1666
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89Fatality198
  Defender of the Crown (128k only) (mod)The Cat'89tiboh'21414
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89AIS'93156
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89LCD151
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89K-Soft'95215
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89Kingdom Dreams'95186
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89LAKS128
  Defender of the CrownThe Cat'89Nicodim'94272
  Defenders of the Earth (mod)Enigma Variations Ltd'90Power of Sound'95372
  Defenders of the Earth (pentfix)Enigma Variations Ltd'90SG-Team'11238
  Defenders of the EarthEnigma Variations Ltd'90Jupiter 77249
  Defenders of the EarthEnigma Variations Ltd'90Power of Sound'97254
  Defenders of the EarthEnigma Variations Ltd'90Flash Inc'97269
  Defenders of the EarthEnigma Variations Ltd'90Jurassic Park Hackers Group300
  Defenders of the EarthEnigma Variations Ltd'90Triumph'02261
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Konstantin Kalantaj'9980
  Deflektor (2 in 1) (mod)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Dak Soft Ltd'95126
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Grand, Timit'94172
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94102
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Perestroika Software'94170
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Jupiter 77'99101
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Softstar'9394
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87eYe-Q89
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87^m00h^'0186
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Real Imagines Programmers Group'96145
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Andy Solovarov126
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87S.S.S.'94181
  Deja VuCrash'89Aleksey Dupanov'93137
  Deja VuCrash'89MT-Soft'94142
  Deja VuCrash'89AmoNik'00101
  Deja Vu: The RemixCrash'90Immortal Boneman'95187
  Deja Vu: The RemixCrash'90Phantom Ltd127
  Deja Vu; Deja Vu: The RemixCrash'89-90Slider'13247
  Delfox (mod)Zeus Software, Dinamic Software'88FFC Computers'9494
  DelfoxZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Triumph'0497
  DelfoxZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Phantom Family'9844
  DelfoxZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Power of Sound'97118
  Delta Charge!Twilight, Thalamus Ltd'90Fatality'9799
  Delta Charge!Twilight, Thalamus Ltd'90Digital Reality'97113
  Delta Charge!Twilight, Thalamus Ltd'90Flash Inc'97106
  Delta Charge! (pentfix)Twilight, Thalamus Ltd'90Slider'15112
  Delta Charge!Twilight, Thalamus Ltd'90LAKS'95165
  Delta WingCreative Sparks'84Phantom Ltd120
  DemolitionJonathan Cauldwell'94SoftLight'0966
  DemolitionDorling Kindersley Software'84Maddy Vins'9812
  DemolitionDorling Kindersley Software'84Phantom Ltd14
  Demon Knight (Medieval Adventure) (txt) (dsk)ASP Software Ltd'83Poyo'2197
  Demon SlayerAndy Remic'92Fanatic Stas132
  Demon SlayerAndy Remic'92Himik's ZxZ92
  Demon's Revenge (2 in 1) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88FFC Computers, Softstar169
  Demon's RevengeProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Phantom Family'97142
  Demon's RevengeProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Ascendancy Creative Labs138
  Demon's Revenge (48/128k) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'20109
  Demon's RevengeProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'9599
  Demon's RevengeProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88EVA208
  DemonslairGadtek Games'87BrokImSoft'02103
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Eternity Industry'98271
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Alexey Ermakov'93370
  Denizen (Tron) (ita)Players Software'88Battletech Inc.'95254
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Sliders Creative & Hackers Group234
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Image Crew'97258
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Phantom Ltd267
  Denizen (48/128k)Players Software'88SG-Team'10236
  Denizen (128k only)Players Software'88Toxic Inc'96288
  DenizenPlayers Software'88Glen'94301
  DervishThe Power House'87Odysseus72
  Desert BurnerSparklers'85n/a164
  Desert Hawk (Choplifter)Players Software'86Triumph'0085
  Desert Hawk (Choplifter)Players Software'86Phantom Ltd87
  Desert RatsCCS'85S.N. Wasilkov'90162
  Desert Rats (dsk)CCS'85Chen Mandl'95265
  Desert Rats (dsk)CCS'85THD202
  Desert Rats (dsk)CCS'85Black Eagle Company'95132
  DesolatorSource Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Flash Inc'96228
  DesolatorSource Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Diamond Software'97281
  DesolatorSource Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88SG-Team'11216
  DesolatorSource Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88TAW'95236
  Desperado (Gunsmoke)Topo Soft'87Viktor Drozd355
  Desperado (Gunsmoke) (pentfix)Topo Soft'87SG-Team'11385
  Desperado (Gunsmoke)Topo Soft'87Welcome Corporation'99326
  Desperado (Gunsmoke)Topo Soft'87Power of Sound'97346
  Desperado (Gunsmoke)Topo Soft'87Walsoft'91586
  Desperado 2.1Topo Soft'91Flash Inc'98132
  Desperado 2.1, 2.2Topo Soft'91Slider'05221
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Omega Hackers Group145
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Robus'95170
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90MT-Soft'94166
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90T&S Soft'94134
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Aleksey Dupanov'93134
  Destiny Mission (bugfix) (pentfix)Williams Technology'90SG-Team'17111
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Bitmunchers130
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Kamikaze'94169
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Neodim'93134
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90Digital Reality'9688
  DestronadoConrado Badenas Mengod'88Bedazzle'2548
  Destroyer (Destroyers)Impact Software [1]'83Power of Sound'9713
  DestruxYour Sinclair'90Andy Solovarov'94183
  DestruxYour Sinclair'90tiboh'2086
  Detornator (mod)Impact Software [3]'88krt17'17, Slider'08, 2339
  Deus Ex MachinaAutomata UK Ltd'84Serge174
  Devastating BlowBeyond Belief'91n/a138
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Mr.Ltd'95108
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Slider'02103
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Chemist Soft'94220
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Spectrum World111
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Alex Plusov207
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87BrokImSoft'97122
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87LeoSoftware'94213
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Oldman'93188
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Phantom Ltd106
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Universal Company Incorporated132
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Andy Nik, CDS Soft'96117
  Devil DiverDK'Tronics Ltd'84tiboh'2166
  Devil's CastleJosep Coletas Caubet'11tiboh'15143
  Devil's CrownMastertronic Ltd'85LAKS94
  DiamantesLED Soft'87tiboh'1932
  DiamondDestiny Software'88Prophecy'97143
  DiamondDestiny Software'88AmoNik'0075
  DiamondDestiny Software'88Phantom Ltd95
  Diamond DiggerDave Pierce, Jim Grimwood'15tiboh'15173
  Diamond DungeonTerramare Software'86tiboh'1715
  Diamond Trail (txt) (dsk)Gilsoft International'83Jupiter 7767
  DiceExcellent Spectrum Aces'94Flash Inc44
  Dice (pentfix)Excellent Spectrum Aces'94tiboh'1643
  DiceyZX Computing'85tiboh'1677
  Dick TracyTitus'90SG-Team'11199
  Dick TracyTitus'90Dmitriy Kulikov'93298
  Dick TracyTitus'90Flash Inc'98185
  DictatorDK'Tronics Ltd'83tiboh'1980
  Die Alien SlimeMastertronic Plus'89Welcome Corporation'96145
  Die Alien SlimeMastertronic Plus'89Kamikaze'9682
  Digger DanOxygen Software, Ocean Software Ltd'83Triumph'0029
  Digger DanOxygen Software, Ocean Software Ltd'83Phantom Ltd28
  Digger Dan (mod)Oxygen Software, Ocean Software Ltd'83Lone Wolf'96100
  Dimension DestructorsArtic Computing Ltd'83DimikSoft'9554
  DingoTardis Remakes'15SG-Team'16137
  Dirt Track RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'91Viktor Drozd118
  Dirt Track RacerZeppelin Games Ltd'91Perestroika Software'96178
  Dirt Track Racer (cvx) (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'91Omega Hackers Group'97194
  Dirty DozerMiguetelo'19Slider'20105
  Disaster ParkArthur Van Rooyen'84Mike Blum139
  Disco DanGem Software'84TomCaT'0674
  Disco DanGem Software'84Surdakar Group'9776
  DiscoveryCRL Group PLC'88Slider'13126
  Disks of DeathArtic Computing Ltd'85Phantom Ltd60
  Disposable HeroesThe Power House'87n/a98
  Dizzy (txt)J.H.C.S.'92tiboh'1189
  Dizzy - Magic IslandRenesoft'92tiboh'1293
  Dizzy 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7Code Masters Ltd'87-92The Legacy'001536
  Dizzy 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Dizzy S.A.C.K.) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'87-92Slider, goodboy, Shadow Maker'101555
  Dizzy 1, 2: Crash Special EditionCode Masters Ltd'87-88Digital Reality'97315
  Dizzy 1: Crash Special EditionCode Masters Ltd'87Rapeware Corporation'96180
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Andrey194
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Deadsoft'95239
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Kordial'90194
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Moment Records134
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87SMOK'91191
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87THD149
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Universe Software'96176
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'87Phantom Ltd171
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87eYe-Q'00137
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Softstar'93191
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (mod)Code Masters Ltd'87Pavel Nikitin'93211
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (mod)Code Masters Ltd'87Triumph'99149
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Alex Andreev'93177
  Dizzy 1: The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureCode Masters Ltd'87Sunny Tram Ltd'92187
  Dizzy 2: Crash Special Edition (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'88Mafia Private Corporation'96150
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (128k only) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'88Pavel Nikitin'93197
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k) (cze)Code Masters Ltd'88tiboh'14151
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'88Fion'00151
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k) (pol)Code Masters Ltd'88Marcin Rudnicki, tiboh'14151
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'88Universe Software'96169
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'88Himik's ZxZ, Phantom Ltd'95185
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'88Studio Scorpion Group'95211
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'88eYe-Q'00159
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'88Neonsoft'95219
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'88Softstar'93188
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'88Triumph'99151
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48/128k) (bad)Code Masters Ltd'88Condorsoft'93214
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'88John M.174
  Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov185
  Dizzy 3 and a HalfCrash'91AIS'9396
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (mod)Crash'91Paul O'Melly'94195
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (mod)Crash'91LPV'93132
  Dizzy 3 and a HalfCrash'91Dmitriy Baranov112
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (mod)Crash'91LPV'93197
  Dizzy 3 and a HalfCrash'91Dmitriy Kulikov120
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (mod)Crash'91LAKS'93128
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (mod)Crash'91Maxsoft'9689
  Dizzy 3 and a HalfCrash'91Serge178
  Dizzy 3 and a HalfCrash'91V.I. Tokmachiov96
  Dizzy 3 and a Half (48/128k) (mod)Crash'91Universe Software'96139
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'89KSA'94238
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Maxsoft'95207
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Moment Records186
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'89V.I. Tokmachiov183
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Universe Software'96232
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Microspace'93285
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Phantom Ltd189
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89eYe-Q'00191
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Softstar'93254
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Triumph'99193
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89Recly Company'92247
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Bill Gilbert'91, tiboh'14166
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'90KSA'94253
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Maxsoft'95188
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Recver'00227
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'90SMOK'92, tiboh'14152
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Swajsoft'94226
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Universe Software'96208
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Anton Vasilyev'91230
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Microspace'93254
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Phantom Ltd172
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90eYe-Q'00172
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Softstar'93228
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90AmoNik'01169
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Dmitriy Baranov240
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'90Dr.Shura170
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k) (cze)Code Masters Ltd'90Martin Sulak'99, tiboh'14183
  Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'90Tollysoft'91222
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91TAW, SAW'94181
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Evgeny Koprov'93401
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Aleksey Dupanov'92190
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Ershsoft'93185
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Evgeny Koprov200
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Dmitriy Kulikov'93199
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Maxsoft'98243
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Pavel Nikitin'92186
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91THD339
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Phantom Ltd296
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91SIM186
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Softstar'93193
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Eugen Tsalapov282
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Studio Spectrum'94399
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Serge192
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Softstar'93377
  Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91C.D.L. Laboratory'99236
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Evgeny Koprov'93177
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Ershsoft'93177
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Expert Computer Company'92166
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Fanatic Stas145
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Evgeny Koprov167
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Dmitriy Kulikov'93171
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91LFA'92165
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Maxsoft'96149
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Pavel Nikitin'92171
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91THD165
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Universe Software'96173
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (128k only) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Code Blasters'95226
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Softstar'93234
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Grigoryev Bros'94233
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Serge190
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the YolkfolkCode Masters Ltd'91Softstar'93168
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Damage Inc'95180
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'92n/a164
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Studio Scorpion Group'95223
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Softstar'95216
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Studio 7'94160
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92ZSV'94228
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Dr.Bars'95191
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (+Dizzy 2) (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95425
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Perestroika Software'95203
  Dizzy 8: Wonderful Dizzy (128k only)The Oliver Twins'20author465
  Dizzy and the Y2K PredicamentYSK'99tiboh'14325
  Dizzy DicePlayers Software'86tiboh'16188
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Phantom Ltd114
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Andy Steeler'95161
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91FAFAW'95132
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Shock Brigade146
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Stream Hackers'97108
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91TAW, SAW'94124
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Black Square Software'93142
  Dizzy Down the Rapids (48k only)Code Masters Ltd'91Aleksey Dupanov'92136
  Dizzy Fantastic Arcade Codemasters Kollection (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89-91Slider'15698
  Dizzy Lord (eng)Konczolsoft'90Softhouse Ltd'11, Slider'19129
  DJ Puff (DJ Puff's Volcanic Erruption) (128k only)Code Masters Ltd'92CyberPunks Unity'01164
  DJ Puff (DJ Puff's Volcanic Erruption) (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92CyberPunks Unity'01, Slider'17192
  DJ Puff Remastered (DJ Puff's Volcanic Erruption) (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'92, Ralf'23Slider, tiboh'23298
  Do Not Pass GoWork Force'82Fikus'99108
  Doc the Destroyer (pentfix)Beam Software, Melbourne House'87M.M.A'97172
  Doc the DestroyerBeam Software, Melbourne House'87LAKS'94159
  Doc the DestroyerBeam Software, Melbourne House'87Flash Inc'97174
  Doctor What!CRL Group PLC'86Viktor Drozd73
  Doctor What!CRL Group PLC'86Power of Sound'97124
  DoctumCarlos Gandarillas, Antonio Ballesteros'91Viktor Drozd103
  DoDoBlaby Computer Games'83Phantom Ltd41
  DogfightSlogger Software'84Andrew Sckachek'9451
  Dogfight: 2187Starlight Software'87Aleksey Dupanov'91195
  Dogmole Tuppowski 1, 2The Mojon Twins'13, Jarlaxe'14Slider'14230
  DogsbodyBug-Byte Software Ltd'85Flash Inc'9655
  DominatorSystem 3 Software Ltd'89LAKS'93270
  Dominator (mod)System 3 Software Ltd'89Smash Soft Inc'94353
  DominatorSystem 3 Software Ltd'89Max Iwamoto'93308
  DominatorSystem 3 Software Ltd'89Mike'92265
  Dominator (pentfix)System 3 Software Ltd'89SG-Team'11190
  DominetrisBob Smith'05Slider'1244
  DominoesCDS Microsystems'88Flash Inc'9854
  DominoesPhipps Associates'83Moment Records109
  Don't PanicFirebird Software Ltd'85Profi Code Computers Club'9568
  Donald's Alphabet ChaseWestwood Associates, Disney Software'91Power of Sound'97281
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Shock Brigade140
  Donkey KongArtonapilos'24Bedazzle'25117
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Phantom Family'98104
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Exciter Soft'95158
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Kano184
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Power of Sound'98106
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Slider'13, 22305
  Donkey KongOcean Software Ltd'86Welcome Corporation109
  Donkey Kong Jr.Thomas Busse'84tiboh'19101
  Donkey Kong Jr. 1, 2Gabriele Amore'14-16tiboh'18202
  Donkey Kong ReloadedGabriele Amore'13Slider'13147
  Donum (txt) (eng/spa)Bitfans'22Shadow Maker'23634
  Doodle BugStonechat Productions'17tiboh'2242
  Doom of the Pond, The (128k only)Furillo Productions'21Slider'23506
  Doom Pit (128k only)Alessandro Grussu'18, Zankle Soft'21Slider'19, 22307
  Doom PitAlessandro Grussu'18, Zankle Soft'21author1420
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk)Beyond Software'84FFC Computers'95317
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk)Beyond Software'84Chemist Soft'94216
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk)Beyond Software'84Cat-House'95199
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk)Beyond Software'84ZX-Legion'98183
  Doomdark's Revenge (dsk)Beyond Software'84Power of Sound'96189
  Doomsday CastleFantasy Software [1]'83tiboh'18112
  Doomsday CastleFantasy Software [1]'83Phantom Ltd111
  Doomsday CastleFantasy Software [1]'83Surdakar Group'95153
  DoomskulleCrash'89Another World Software'95252
  DoomskulleCrash'89Phantom Ltd130
  Dotathon (1k)Russell Marks'02tiboh'225
  Dotathon 2 (1k)Russell Marks'03tiboh'225
  Double BubbleMiguetelo'16tiboh'2197
  Double DareBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91Flash Inc'98199
  Double Dash (mod)Proxima Software'90Power of Sound122
  Double DashProxima Software'90Zerosoft'94190
  Double Dash (mod)Proxima Software'90New Star Ltd, Dream Team'9497
  Double DragonBinary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94690
  Double DragonBinary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Megasystem Group'94246
  Double DragonBinary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Immortal Boneman'96499
  Double Dragon (128k only)Binary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Pavel Erikov, Velsoft'96708
  Double Dragon (128k only) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89Monsters Productions, tiboh'23639
  Double DragonBinary Design Ltd, Melbourne House'89LAKS'93751
  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (128k only) (pentfix)Binary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Monsters Productions, tiboh'25445
  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (128k only)Binary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Flash Inc'96431
  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (48k only)Binary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Softstar726
  Double Dragon II: The Revenge (128k only)Binary Design Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Code Busters'96372
  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (128k only)Storm Software [2]'91Ershsoft'931250
  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (128k only)Storm Software [2]'91Monsters Productions, tiboh'25895
  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (128k only)Storm Software [2]'91Max Iwamoto'931261
  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (128k only)Storm Software [2]'91Mosh Soft'931240
  Double TakeDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'87Power of Sound'97153
  Double TennisProein Soft Line'90Flash Inc'98142
  Double, TheScanatron'87Hacker John'93161
  Double, The (dsk)Scanatron'87Igreksoft183
  Double, The (dsk)Scanatron'87Step Creative Group'96151
  Double, TheScanatron'87Kamikaze'92161
  Down the Pipe (48/128k)DF Design, Phoenix Ware'23tiboh'23363
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Code Gangsters Group'96130
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87AVL98
  Down to Earth (128k only) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Michael Patlis'93142
  Down to EarthFirebird Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd82
  Down to EarthFirebird Software Ltd'87AmoNik'0083
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Red Limited Drunkards Group'95188
  Down to Earth (128k only) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87S.K.Soft'95210
  Down to Earth (128k only) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Omega Hackers Group'95130
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Code Busters, Omega Hackers Group134
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Atlanta Hackers Group'97148
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Clevers Group'96183
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Clevers Group'96215
  DowntownThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Zer0 International Association'96141
  DowntownThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'91Code Busters'96123
  Dr Who - Surrender TimeErrazking, ThEpOpE'18tiboh'19140
  Dr. Doom's Revenge!Empire Software'89tiboh'20405
  Dr. Doom's Revenge!Empire Software'89Digital Reality'96415
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Shock Brigade'98160
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Lanex'16127
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88MKsoft'94234
  Draconus (2 in 1) (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Andy Steeler'94171
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88Oleg Moskalenko'93189
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88Paul Avilov'92150
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Silicon Brains'94220
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88Max Iwamoto'93189
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Seamans'95245
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88AmoNik114
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88Reflection Group'95182
  DraconusZeppelin Games Ltd'88John North'99, Slider'14153
  Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula) (txt) (dsk)CRL Group PLC'86Triumph'00184
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Fancysoft'92513
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Power of Sound'97364
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Paul Nosikov'91553
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Slider'06408
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90C.C.'91600
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Surdakar Group'94525
  Dragon BreedActivision Inc'90Fatality379
  Dragon Breed (bad)Activision Inc'90Paul Nosikov'91553
  Dragon NinjaImagine Software Ltd'88AmoNik241
  Dragon NinjaImagine Software Ltd'88Dmitriy Kulikov'93399
  Dragon NinjaImagine Software Ltd'88Alex Porfiryev376
  Dragon NinjaImagine Software Ltd'88Power of Sound'97277
  Dragon Ninja (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'88SG-Team'09, tiboh'23510
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Silicon Brains'94519
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89AmoNik413
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89^m00h^'01390
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Stanislav Gajdukov'92615
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89SNS Group'94480
  Dragon Spirit (256k)Consult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Alexandr Tratsevsky'95trd
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Andy Chernikov'93645
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89Power of Sound'97467
  Dragon SpiritConsult Computer Systems, Domark Ltd'89SG-Team'08434
  Dragon's LairSoftware Projects Ltd'86Pavel Nikitin'93393
  Dragon's LairSoftware Projects Ltd'86AmoNik'00331
  Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's CastleSoftware Projects Ltd'87Triumph'03262
  Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's CastleSoftware Projects Ltd'87C.C.'91380
  Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's CastleSoftware Projects Ltd'87Power of Sound'97260
  Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's CastleSoftware Projects Ltd'87Pavel Nikitin, Mosh Soft'93381
  Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's CastleSoftware Projects Ltd'87Anton Vasilyev, Dmitriy Kulikov'92408
  DragonBall: El Desafio del Doctor GeroKabuto Factory'11Slider'12111
  DragonfireCheetahSoft Ltd'84n/a27
  Dragonfire ZXLuca Bordoni'19tiboh'1957
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Digital Reality'97328
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Viktor Drozd275
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Stream Hackers, FFC Computers'97282
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Death Moroz'00264
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Beermanz, Magic Soft'97331
  Dragonia (dsk)Astros Productions'88Prophecy'97323
  Dragons of FlameUS Gold Ltd'90CyberPunks Unity'00252
  Dragons of FlameUS Gold Ltd'90Hacker Stinger'93348
  Dragons of FlameUS Gold Ltd'90Phantom Ltd234
  DragontorcHewson Consultants Ltd'85New Age Software'00115
  Drakkar (+3dos)Diabolic Software, Delta Software S.L.'89Slider'07208
  Draughts GeniusHewson Consultants Ltd'87SG-Team'11127
  Draughts GeniusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Eternity Industry'98107
  Draughts GeniusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Mike Blum104
  Draughts GeniusHewson Consultants Ltd'87VAD'9887
  Draughts GeniusHewson Consultants Ltd'87Phantom Ltd103
  Drazen Petrovic BasketTopo Soft'89New Group'96143
  Drazen Petrovic Basket (pentfix)Topo Soft'89Slider'12178
  Dream WarriorUS Gold Ltd'88Alexey Ermakov'93129
  Dream WarriorUS Gold Ltd'88Flash Inc'97137
  Dream WarriorUS Gold Ltd'88tiboh'16130
  Dredd Over EelsMalcolm Kirk'17krt17, Slider'2093
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87KSA'94166
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Create Soft'94188
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Viktor Drozd117
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Tankard218
  DrillerMajor Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Step Creative Group'94179
  DrillerMajor Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87KZS Corporation'96153
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Mafia Private Corporation'96171
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87Power of Sound'97161
  Driller (dsk)Major Developments, Incentive Software Ltd'87TAW, NAA'95201
  Driller TanksSinclair Research Ltd'83Phantom Ltd32
  Droid BusterPoe Games'19tiboh'19116
  DruidFirebird Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'97109
  DruidFirebird Software Ltd'86Andrew Leslie'93152
  Druid 1, 2Firebird Software Ltd'86-87BrokImSoft'03249
  Druid 1, 2 (2 in 1) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'86-87TAW'95321
  Druid II: EnlightenmentFirebird Software Ltd'87Welcome Corporation'96253
  Druid II: EnlightenmentFirebird Software Ltd'87LAKS'94114
  Druid II: EnlightenmentFirebird Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd104
  Duck Out!Josko Soft, Dro Soft'89Comcod Ltd368
  Duck Out!Josko Soft, Dro Soft'89Code Busters'95300
  Duck Out! (pentfix)Josko Soft, Dro Soft'89Slider'15296
  Duct, TheGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Phantom Family137
  Duct, TheGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88John M.'91163
  Duel, The: Test Drive IIAccolade Inc'89tiboh'1599
  Duel, The: Test Drive IIAccolade Inc'89AmoNik'0091
  Duel, The: Test Drive IIAccolade Inc'89Megasystem Group'94220
  Duel, The: Test Drive IIAccolade Inc'89Mike Blum93
  Duel, The: Test Drive IIAccolade Inc'89Reflection Group'96209
  DuetElite Systems Ltd'87Plade'97173
  DuetElite Systems Ltd'87Kamikaze'94161
  DuetElite Systems Ltd'87Phantom Ltd119
  Duet (2 in 1) (mod) (pentfix)Elite Systems Ltd'87tiboh'20115
  Dukes of Hazzard, TheElite Systems Ltd'85Culture Club'91166
  Dukes of Hazzard, TheElite Systems Ltd'85Phantom Ltd100
  Dun Darach (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'85Andrew Sckachek'95202
  Dun Darach (128k only) (dsk)Gargoyle Games'85Shadow Maker'01, Slider'17147
  Dundee's European Challenge (dsk)Season Soft'86tiboh'19193
  Dung DarachThe Death Squad'13tiboh'1665
  Dungeon 16KMr Rancio'21tiboh'2135
  Dungeon Adventure (txt) (dsk)Level 9 Computing Ltd'83TAW116
  Dungeon Adventure (txt) (dsk)Level 9 Computing Ltd'83Power of Sound'9789
  Dungeons of GomilandiaRetroWorks'20Slider'20125
  Dustin (mod)Dinamic Software'87Ascendancy Creative Labs'97233
  DustinDinamic Software'87Syndrome'98176
  DustinDinamic Software'87AmoNik'00134
  DustinDinamic Software'87Fedor Sedov, Kirill Dachkov'95155
  DustinDinamic Software'87CyberPunks Unity'99176
  DustinDinamic Software'87Roman Ustenko'94131
  DustinDinamic Software'87Legion of Steel Warriors'95175
  DustinDinamic Software'87Merlin'97150
  DustinDinamic Software'87Phantom Ltd148
  DustinDinamic Software'87Andrew Sckachek'93187
  DustinDinamic Software'87VALSoft'93150
  DustmanSilicon Kid, Timescape Software'84Manowar'93188
  DustmanSilicon Kid, Timescape Software'84Phantom Ltd118
  DustmanSilicon Kid, Timescape Software'84Triumph'00102
  Dyna StarBinary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'88SG-Team'14185
  Dyna StarBinary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd114
  Dyna StarBinary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'88AmoNik114
  Dynamic DuoFirebird Software Ltd'89Unreal Corporation'04122
  Dynamite Dan (mod)Mirrorsoft Ltd'85Omega Hackers Club'95206
  Dynamite DanMirrorsoft Ltd'85Sasha, Andrey197
  Dynamite DanMirrorsoft Ltd'85eYe-Q132
  Dynamite DanMirrorsoft Ltd'85Universe Software'97149
  Dynamite DanMirrorsoft Ltd'85Phantom Ltd141
  Dynamite Dan 1, 2 (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod)Mirrorsoft Ltd'85-86Slider'15, 22326
  Dynamite Dan 2Mirrorsoft Ltd'86Phantom Ltd144
  Dynamite Dan 2Mirrorsoft Ltd'86AmoNik134
  Dynamite DuxCORE Design Ltd, Activision Inc'89Flash Inc'97306
  Dynamite DuxCORE Design Ltd, Activision Inc'89Welcome Corporation'97501
  Dynamite DuxCORE Design Ltd, Activision Inc'89Diamond Software'97320
  Dynamite Dux (pentfix)CORE Design Ltd, Activision Inc'89SG-Team'11284
  DynamixMastertronic Ltd'89BrokImSoft'0266
  Dynasty WarsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90AmoNik'00268
  Dynasty WarsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Cleopatra Ltd'91430
  Dynasty Wars (+3dos)Tiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Triumph, goodboy'05378
  Dynasty Wars (2 in 1) (mod)Tiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Alexander Maryshev'95434
  Dynasty WarsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Kordial'91414
  Dynasty WarsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Viktor Drozd237
  Dynasty WarsTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Max Iwamoto'93289
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Nasty Hackers and Creative Group157
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Universe Software'98151
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Virtual Vision Group'97165
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Prophecy'97198
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Phantom Ltd139
  Dynatron MissionMastertronic Ltd'87Paradox'97170
  Dziurak - Go to Hole!'12tiboh'1374
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 708 of 10576 filez