Games | Firm / Year | Version | Sec | |
C5 Clive | Scorpio Gamesworld Ltd'85 | Maxi Software Ltd | 190 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Laptevsoft | 351 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Serge Software'93 | 331 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Shock Brigade'98 | 337 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Vladimir Belyaev, Anton Vasilyev'91 | 336 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Flash Inc'96 | 276 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94 | 314 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Microspace'94 | 321 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 292 | |
Cabal | Special FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89 | SG-Team'10 | 477 | |
Cadaverion | The Mojon Twins'13 | Slider'13 | 118 | |
Caesar the Cat (mod) | Andromeda Software Ltd, Novotrade Rt.'84 | Korund | 53 | |
Caesar the Cat | Andromeda Software Ltd, Novotrade Rt.'84 | AmoNik'01 | 49 | |
Caesar the Cat (mod) | Andromeda Software Ltd, Novotrade Rt.'84 | Himik's ZxZ'94 | 115 | |
Caesar the Cat (mod) | Andromeda Software Ltd, Novotrade Rt.'84 | Power of Sound'96 | 74 | |
Caesar's Travels | Mirrorsoft Ltd'85 | Phantom Ltd | 100 | |
Cagara | Players Software'86 | n/a | 124 | |
Cage Match (Intergalactic Cage Match) | Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'88 | Phantom Ltd | 101 | |
Cage Match (Intergalactic Cage Match) | Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'88 | Welcome Corporation | 110 | |
Cage Match (Intergalactic Cage Match) | Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'88 | SG-Team'08 | 91 | |
Cage Match (Intergalactic Cage Match) | Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'88 | Rapeware Corporation'95 | 136 | |
California Games (dsk) | Choice Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88 | Power of Sound'96 | 462 | |
California Games | Choice Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88 | C.C. | 809 | |
California Games | Choice Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88 | Fanatic Stas, Alexey Ermakov'92 | 731 | |
Call Me Psycho | Binary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'87 | Prophecy'97 | 110 | |
Call Me Psycho | Binary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'87 | AmoNik'01 | 89 | |
Call Me Psycho | Binary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd | 100 | |
Call Me Psycho | Binary Dynamics, Pirate Software Ltd'87 | SG-Team'08 | 113 | |
Camelot Warriors | Dinamic Software'85 | Phantom Ltd | 122 | |
Camelot Warriors | Dinamic Software'85 | SG-Team'08, Slider'21 | 253 | |
Cannibals from Outer Space | Summit Software [1]'87 | Power of Sound'97 | 92 | |
Cannibals from Outer Space | Summit Software [1]'87 | TomCaT'06 | 127 | |
Cannibals from Outer Space | Summit Software [1]'87 | Triumph'99 | 128 | |
Cannon Ball | Hudson Soft'83 | Phantom Ltd | 19 | |
Cannon Bubble | Computer Emuzone'07 | goodboy'07 | 318 | |
Cansino Pac | alboran70'17 | tiboh'18 | 80 | |
Cantona Football | Putneyman Productions'94 | tiboh'19 | 112 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Sliders Creative & Hackers Group | 126 | |
Canyon Warrior (mod) | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | TAW, SAW'94 | 132 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Unit Design Group'99 | 152 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Brainwave'01 | 149 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Mike Blum'99 | 170 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Andy Steeler'95 | 246 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | Sergey Krutyko'94 | 192 | |
Canyon Warrior | Front Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89 | KZS Corporation'96 | 127 | |
Cap'n Rescue 1, 2, 3 | Stephen Nichol'14-16 | tiboh'16 | 354 | |
Capitan Sevilla 1 | Hi Score, Dinamic Software'88 | Max Iwamoto | 156 | |
Capitan Sevilla 1, 2 | Hi Score, Dinamic Software'88 | MiS Studio'99 | 233 | |
Capitan Sevilla 1, 2 | Hi Score, Dinamic Software'88 | Flash Inc'97 | 279 | |
Capitan Sevilla 2 | Hi Score, Dinamic Software'88 | Max Iwamoto | 155 | |
Capitan Trueno 1 | Dinamic Software'89 | Cleopatra Ltd'91 | 150 | |
Capitan Trueno 1 | Dinamic Software'89 | Alexey Ermakov'93 | 142 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Volga Soft'95 | 349 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Brainwave'02 | 239 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Amiga Must Die'98 | 276 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Arty'95 | 336 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Merlin'98 | 263 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Rest In Peace Software'95 | 358 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Dr.Shura | 266 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 (2 in 1) (mod) | Dinamic Software'89 | Andy Steeler'95 | 324 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Overmaster'93 | 277 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod) | Dinamic Software'89 | SG-Team'09, Slider, tiboh'23 | 536 | |
Capitan Trueno 1, 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Fanat'93 | 306 | |
Capitan Trueno 2 (2 in 1) (mod) | Dinamic Software'89 | Cooper'96 | 172 | |
Capitan Trueno 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Cleopatra Ltd'91 | 141 | |
Capitan Trueno 2 | Dinamic Software'89 | Alexey Ermakov'93 | 131 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Aleksey Popushin'95 | 643 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Pro Hackers Dynasty'97 | 162 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Children Infatuated Computers | 135 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Chung Software | 113 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix) | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | goodboy, tiboh'22 | 139 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Jurassic Park Hackers Group'95 | 201 | |
Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr Megalomann | Adventuresoft UK Ltd, Go!'88 | Squizzlebond | 135 | |
Captain Blood (dsk) | Imagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88 | danner'11 | 486 | |
Captain Blood (dsk) | Imagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88 | Jupiter 77'97 | 276 | |
Captain Blood | Imagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88 | Varp'93 | 245 | |
Captain Blood (dsk) | Imagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88 | Oldman, KSA'96 | 293 | |
Captain Blood | Imagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88 | CZ | 269 | |
Captain Dynamo | Code Masters Ltd'92 | Hackers Squad'94 | 217 | |
Captain Dynamo | Code Masters Ltd'92 | Max Iwamoto'93 | 209 | |
Captain Fizz (kemp8bit) | Psyclapse'89 | goodboy, tiboh'22 | 185 | |
Captain Fizz | Psyclapse'89 | Anton Vasilyev | 323 | |
Captain Fizz | Psyclapse'89 | AVF'90 | 294 | |
Captain Fizz | Psyclapse'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 186 | |
Captain Kelly | Icon Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86 | Flash Inc | 102 | |
Captain Kelly | Icon Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86 | AmoNik'01 | 89 | |
Captain Kelly | Icon Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86 | Brissoft'93 | 181 | |
Captain Kelly | Icon Design Ltd, Quicksilva Ltd'86 | Power of Sound'99 | 81 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Welcome Corporation'98 | 140 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Triumph'02 | 158 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Syndrome | 151 | |
Captain Planet (48/128k) (mod) | Mindscape International Inc'91 | goodboy, tiboh'18 | 134 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Flash Inc'97 | 132 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Vitaly Melnichuk'94 | 143 | |
Captain Planet | Mindscape International Inc'91 | Codemonsters Hackers Group'95 | 156 | |
Captain Pytron | New Breed Developments, Sinclair User'90 | Syndrome'98 | 97 | |
Captain Pytron | New Breed Developments, Sinclair User'90 | Fatality'97 | 82 | |
Car Journey | Heinemann, Hill MacGibbon'83 | Viktor Drozd | 76 | |
Car Race | E.T. Soft'87 | tiboh'19 | 61 | |
Car Wars | Salvakantero'16 | tiboh'16 | 164 | |
Cards | 16/48 Tape Magazine'84 | Flash Inc | 21 | |
Cargo | Five Ways'85 | T.A.W.'95 | 79 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | Triumph | 189 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | LFA'92 | 175 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | Sergey Smirnov | 208 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | AmoNik | 110 | |
Carlos Sainz (48/128k) (mod) | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | Beermanz'96 | 158 | |
Carlos Sainz (128k only) (mod) | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | CPS Hackers Group | 158 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | Phantom Ltd | 126 | |
Carlos Sainz | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90 | TMA'95 | 127 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'95 | 362 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | Softstar'95 | 458 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | FFC Computers'95 | 398 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | XL Design Inc'95 | 273 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | LAKS, Smasher'95 | 383 | |
Carrier Command (dsk) (km) | Rainbird Software Ltd'89 | Crash Team, Comcod Ltd'94 | 350 | |
Casanova | Iber Software'89 | Phantom Family'97 | 171 | |
Casanova | Iber Software'89 | BrokImSoft'99 | 141 | |
Casanova | Iber Software'89 | Power of Sound'99 | 138 | |
Casanova (pentfix) | Iber Software'89 | tiboh'18 | 139 | |
Casanova | Iber Software'89 | Hacker John'94 | 193 | |
Cascade | Equinox'94 | n/a | 25 | |
Casey Jones (mod) | Blaby Computer Games'84 | Lone Wolf'97 | 372 | |
Casey Jones | Blaby Computer Games'84 | Phantom Ltd | 66 | |
Casey Jones | Blaby Computer Games'84 | Triumph'00 | 69 | |
Cash Dash | Tynesoft'87 | tiboh'19 | 75 | |
Castaway |'16 | Slider'16 | 114 | |
Castle Capers | Monument Microgames'17 | tiboh'17 | 88 | |
Castle Master (Prince Nelson) (ita) | Incentive Software Ltd'90 | Alexey Ermakov'93 | 151 | |
Castle Master (dsk) | Incentive Software Ltd'90 | Step Creative Group'94 | 149 | |
Castle Master 1, 2 (dsk) | Incentive Software Ltd'90 | Tankard'94 | 351 | |
Castle Master 1, 2 (dsk) | Incentive Software Ltd'90 | Max Iwamoto'93 | 333 | |
Castle Master II: The Crypt (dsk) | Incentive Software Ltd'90 | Step Creative Group'94 | 145 | |
Castle Of Dr Game, The | Paul Jenkinson'20 | Slider'21 | 91 | |
Castle of Dreams | Widgit Software Ltd'84 | n/a | 182 | |
Castle of Sorrow | ZXman48k'17 | Slider'18 | 104 | |
Castle, The (txt) | Bug-Byte Software Ltd'83 | Fanatic Stas | 150 | |
Castles of Oktogonia | Oktogonia'20 | tiboh'20 | 93 | |
Catacombs of Balachor | Lasasoft Ltd'12 | SG-Team'12 | 116 | |
Catch 23 | Martech Games Ltd'87 | LAKS'93 | 128 | |
Catch 23 | Martech Games Ltd'87 | Fatality | 131 | |
Cats | Poxoft'92 | tiboh'20 | 56 | |
Cattivik | Gabriele Amore, Alessandro Grussu'13 | Slider'13 | 293 | |
Catwalk | PowerSoftware'84 | Triumph'02 | 119 | |
Cauldron (mod) | Palace Software'85 | Phantom Ltd | 125 | |
Cauldron (mod) | Palace Software'85 | TomCaT'19 | 145 | |
Cauldron (mod) | Palace Software'85 | TomCaT'19 | 146 | |
Cauldron (mod) | Palace Software'85 | Fantomassoft'94 | 261 | |
Cauldron | Palace Software'85 | Freddy Kruger'93 | 175 | |
Cauldron | Palace Software'85 | Phantom Ltd | 101 | |
Cauldron (mod) | Palace Software'85 | qSOFT'92 | 189 | |
Cauldron 1, 2 | Palace Software'85-86 | Slider'16 | 240 | |
Cauldron 1, 2 | Palace Software'85-86 | Shadow Maker | 227 | |
Cauldron 1, 2 | Palace Software'85-86 | Nikola Company | 201 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Michael Patlis | 111 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Phantom Ltd | 114 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Freddy Kruger'93 | 172 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Hacker John'93 | 196 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Welcome Corporation | 104 | |
Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back | Palace Software'86 | Dmitriy Kulikov | 160 | |
Cavelon | Ocean Software Ltd'84 | BrokImSoft'03 | 76 | |
Cavelon | Ocean Software Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd | 51 | |
Cavelon (Wizard, The) (ita) | Ocean Software Ltd'84 | ZX Soft'84 | 144 | |
Cavelon (Wizard, The) (ita) | Ocean Software Ltd'84 | ZX Soft'84, AmoNik | 55 | |
Cavemania | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90 | BrokImSoft'02 | 117 | |
Cavern Chaos (txt) (dsk) | 5D Software'85 | Poyo'21 | 217 | |
Cavern Fighter | Bug-Byte Software Ltd'83 | n/a | 33 | |
Caves of Doom | Mastertronic Ltd'85 | Phantom Ltd | 73 | |
Caves of Doom | Mastertronic Ltd'85 | AmoNik'00 | 75 | |
Caves of Doom | Mastertronic Ltd'85 | Flyman512'13 | 73 | |
Caveted Against the Darkness 2022 | Star Computer Games'91,22 | Slider'23 | 97 | |
Ceasefire | Divide by Zero, Sinclair User'91 | Alex Plusov'94 | 156 | |
Ceasefire | Divide by Zero, Sinclair User'91 | Phantom Family'97 | 194 | |
Ceasefire | Divide by Zero, Sinclair User'91 | Softstar'94 | 157 | |
Ceasefire 2: Night Run | Divide by Zero, Sinclair User'92 | TAW, SAW'94 | 163 | |
Ceasefire 2: Night Run | Divide by Zero, Sinclair User'92 | Aleksey Dupanov'92 | 140 | |
Centipedes | EMM Software'83 | n/a | 52 | |
Centipod | Challenge Software'90 | BrokImSoft'99, Slider'22 | 119 | |
Centurions, The | Reaktor'87 | Welcome Corporation'98 | 133 | |
Cerius | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'88 | Code Bastards Hackers Group'95 | 134 | |
Cerius | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'88 | Phantom Ltd | 102 | |
Cerius 1, 2 | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'88-90 | ZDW'95 | 276 | |
Cerius 1, 2 | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'88-90 | Slider'05 | 247 | |
Cerius 2 (Interalia: Cerius II) | The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90 | Power of Sound'97 | 106 | |
Cesta Bojovnika | Ultrasoft [sk]'92 | Flash Inc'99 | 142 | |
Cesta Bojovnika | Ultrasoft [sk]'92 | BrokImSoft'99 | 147 | |
Chain Reaction | Durell Software Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd | 94 | |
Chain Reaction | Durell Software Ltd'87 | Triumph'03 | 160 | |
Chain Reaction (pentfix) | Durell Software Ltd'87 | tiboh'14 | 177 | |
Challenge of the Gobots | Reaktor'87 | Digital Reality'97 | 120 | |
Challenge of the Gobots | Reaktor'87 | Flash Inc'97 | 118 | |
Champ, The (dsk) | Linel'91 | Andy Chernikov'92 | 354 | |
Championship 3D Snooker (2 in 1) (mod) | Zeppelin Games Ltd'92 | tiboh'23 | 79 | |
Championship Darts | Shadow Software'83 | Grand'06 | 35 | |
Championship Jet Ski Simulator 1, 2 | Code Masters Ltd'89 | Flash Inc'98 | 219 | |
Championship Jet Ski Simulator 1, 2 | Code Masters Ltd'89 | Welcome Corporation'98 | 250 | |
Championship Run | Impulze'91 | Magic Soft, Megacode'97 | 159 | |
Championship Run | Impulze'91 | TAW, SAW'94 | 90 | |
Championship Run | Impulze'91 | Ascendancy Creative Labs'97 | 92 | |
Championship Sprint (mod) | Electric Dreams Software'88 | Gladiators Group'95 | 211 | |
Championship Sprint (dsk) | Electric Dreams Software'88 | Pavel Nikitin'93 | 350 | |
Chaos | Games Workshop'85 | Flash Inc'97 | 119 | |
Chaos | Games Workshop'85 | eYe-Q'00 | 98 | |
Chaos 1, 2 | Games Workshop, Blindmouse Ltd'85 | Screamer'01 | 316 | |
Chaos 2 - Battle in Future | Blindmouse Ltd | Viktor Drozd | 106 | |
Chard, The | Salpicao Soft'91 | tiboh'18 | 105 | |
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1, 2 | Soft Option Ltd, Hill MacGibbon'85 | tiboh'20 | 189 | |
Charm, The | RetroWorks'14 | tiboh'18 | 384 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Anton Vasilyev | 453 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Maxsoft'95 | 450 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Silicon Brains'94 | 448 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 381 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | VAD'99 | 345 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Aleksey Popushin'94 | 457 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Evgeny Mazanov, Yuri Kverznev'92 | 317 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | Flash Star Software'94 | 494 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | LAKS | 510 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | TMA'94 | 459 | |
Chase H.Q. | Ocean Software Ltd'89 | KSA | 370 | |
Chase H.Q. 1, 2 (kemp8bit) (pentfix) | Ocean Software Ltd'89-90 | tiboh'22 | 703 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | Phantom Ltd | 291 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | Sergey Smirnov | 386 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | Navy Syndicate of Dungeon Fantasy'96 | 306 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | Laptevsoft | 379 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | AmoNik | 285 | |
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation | ICE Software, Ocean Software Ltd'90 | S.K.Soft'95 | 349 | |
cheeeese (256b) | Joker'21 | tiboh'21 | 2 | |
Cheekah's Exploits | Your Computer'86 | DimikSoft'95 | 46 | |
Cheesy Chase: Moritz and the Mildewed Moon | Sebastian Braunert, Uwe Geiken'19 | tiboh'20 | 123 | |
Che-Man | The Mojon Twins'19 | Slider'19 | 124 | |
Chequered Flag | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | Power of Sound'97 | 92 | |
Chequered Flag | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | Viktor Kaplinski'93 | 180 | |
Cheril of the Bosque | The Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'10 | SG-Team'10 | 106 | |
Cheril of the Bosque en otro Bosque | The Mojon Twins'18 | Slider'20 | 117 | |
Cheril Perils | The Mojon Twins, Ubhres Productions'10 | SG-Team'10 | 102 | |
Cheril the Goddess (ula+) | The Mojon Twins'12 | Slider'21 | 120 | |
Chernobil | Startgame Soft'90 | n/a | 188 | |
Chess (Masterchess) | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82 | Power of Sound | 32 | |
Chess (Masterchess) | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82 | VAD'98 | 31 | |
Chess (Masterchess) | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82 | Black Cat'99 | 52 | |
Chess (Masterchess) (dsk) (mod) | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82 | Grand'18 | 65 | |
Chess (Masterchess) | Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82 | NRS Soft'91 | 142 | |
Chess - The Turk (dsk) | Oxford Computer Publishing'83 | Grand'02 | 143 | |
Chess - The Turk (dsk) | Oxford Computer Publishing'83 | Kordial'91 | 187 | |
Chess - The Turk (dsk) | Oxford Computer Publishing'83 | Viktor Drozd | 96 | |
Chess Player, The (dsk) | Quicksilva Ltd'82 | Grand'19 | 119 | |
Chessboard Attack | LCD'11 | tiboh'18 | 85 | |
Chessmaster 2000, The (dsk) | Dro Soft'90 | Perestroika Software'94 | 175 | |
Chessmaster 2000, The (dsk) | Dro Soft'90 | KSA | 130 | |
Chessmaster 2000, The | Dro Soft'90 | Oleg Moskalenko'93 | 112 | |
Chevy Chase | PAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'91 | Max Iwamoto'93 | 284 | |
Chevy Chase | PAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'91 | Softstar | 352 | |
Chevy Chase | PAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'91 | AmoNik | 179 | |
Chibi Akumas | Akuyou'18 | author | 728 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Slider'17 | 141 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Freddy | 149 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Phantom Ltd | 114 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Varp'93 | 167 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Flash Inc'98 | 136 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | Andrew Sckachek'94 | 155 | |
Chicago's 30 | Topo Soft'88 | UMDPower'95 | 136 | |
Chickin Chase | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Fatality | 117 | |
Chickin Chase | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Himik's ZxZ'96 | 117 | |
Chicks&Bricks | Ralf'07 | SG-Team'12 | 73 | |
Chiller | Mastertronic Ltd'85 | n/a | 90 | |
Chimera | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Dak Soft Ltd'95 | 117 | |
Chimera (pentfix) | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | tiboh'15 | 110 | |
Chimera | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | TAW, SAW'94 | 149 | |
Chimera | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | AmoNik'00 | 92 | |
Chimera | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Light Future Group'98 | 149 | |
Chimera | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | The Hot Heads'98 | 89 | |
Chinese Patience | Atlantis Software Ltd'85 | Flash Inc | 144 | |
Chip's Challenge | Images Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90 | Slider'13 | 365 | |
Chip's Challenge | Images Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90 | Flash Inc'96 | 399 | |
Chiron (mod) | Crash'88 | Jack Kudaev'94 | 133 | |
Chiron | Crash'88 | Slider'99 | 70 | |
Chiron | Crash'88 | Fatality | 93 | |
Chiron | Crash'88 | Phantom Ltd | 78 | |
Cholo | Solid Image Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87 | Alx | 103 | |
Chopper Chase | Spectrum Computing'84 | tiboh'21 | 25 | |
Chopper Drop | Paul Jenkinson'11 | SG-Team'11 | 92 | |
Chopper Mission | Rai Software, Your Sinclair'86 | Il_Decameron'17 | 47 | |
Chopper Mission | Rai Software, Your Sinclair'86 | tiboh'21 | 38 | |
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior | Positive'90 | Beermanz'97, Slider'19 | 145 | |
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior | Positive'90 | Softstar'93 | 201 | |
Christmas Cracker | Eurogamer'07 | SG-Team'07 | 57 | |
Christmas Crapmas | Andrew Gillen'17 | tiboh'22 | 35 | |
Christmas Gift Hunt | Stephen Nichol'15 | tiboh'16 | 189 | |
Christmas Magazine Hunt | Stephen Nichol'16 | tiboh'21 | 70 | |
Christmas Puddings Attack | Neal Rycroft'17 | tiboh'22 | 110 | |
Christmaze | Stonechat Productions'16 | tiboh'21 | 23 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Light Future Group'00 | 97 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) (128k only) (mod) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Avalon'96 | 246 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Lion17'94 | 172 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | MiS Studio | 94 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd | 98 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Dmitriy Kulikov'93 | 187 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) (km) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Velesoft'05, TomCaT'10 | 99 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) (mod) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Golden Disk Corporation, KDF Software'94 | 198 | |
Chronos (Chronos: A Tapestry of Time) | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Slider'14 | 97 | |
Chronos | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Vitaly System'93 | 175 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Brain'94 | 190 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Brainwave'02 | 110 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Alexey Ermakov'92 | 155 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Flash Inc'97 | 153 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Omega Hackers Group'97 | 144 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | Alx'01 | 112 | |
Chubby Gristle | Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88 | LAKS'94 | 131 | |
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer | Electronic Arts'89 | Logros Software'93 | 210 | |
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer | Electronic Arts'89 | Sergey Izotin | 178 | |
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer | Electronic Arts'89 | Varp'93 | 211 | |
Chuckie Egg (mod) | A'n'F Software'83 | Pavel Nikitin'92 | 128 | |
Chuckie Egg | A'n'F Software'83 | DRSS | 88 | |
Chuckie Egg | A'n'F Software'83 | tiboh'18 | 63 | |
Chuckie Egg | A'n'F Software'83 | AmoNik'00 | 46 | |
Chuckie Egg | A'n'F Software'83 | Universe Software'97 | 66 | |
Chuckie Egg | A'n'F Software'83 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 44 | |
Chuckie Egg 2 (dsk) | A'n'F Software'85 | Golden Max | 185 | |
Chuckie Egg 2 (dsk) | A'n'F Software'85 | Creative Corporation Zhuki'06 | 180 | |
Chuckie Egg 2 (dsk) | A'n'F Software'85 | Flyman512'13 | 124 | |
Chuckman | Custom Cables International Ltd'83 | Bad Boys Company'95 | 68 | |
Chuckman (mod) | Custom Cables International Ltd'83 | Lone Wolf'96 | 81 | |
Chuckman | Custom Cables International Ltd'83 | AmoNik | 35 | |
Chunk Zone | Gabriele Amore'16 | tiboh'16 | 32 | |
Church of Death (txt) (dsk) | Sinclair User'92 | tiboh'19 | 107 | |
Church of Death (txt) | Sinclair User'92 | Dmitriy Kulikov'93 | 112 | |
Cicibanova Abeceda | ZOTKS'84 | MiS Studio | 100 | |
Cid, El | Dro Soft'87 | BrokImSoft'01 | 99 | |
Circus Games | Tynesoft'88 | Power of Sound'97 | 388 | |
Circus Games | Tynesoft'88 | IN Company'93 | 717 | |
Circus Games (+3dos) | Tynesoft'88 | tiboh'18 | 323 | |
Cisco Heat (128k only) | Image Works'91 | Max Iwamoto'94 | 316 | |
Cisco Heat (128k only) | Image Works'91 | Slider'13 | 240 | |
Cisco Heat (128k only) | Image Works'91 | Sergey Manchenko'92 | 327 | |
City Connection (48/128k) | Manuel Lemos'88 | BrokImSoft'99, Slider, tiboh'23 | 403 | |
City Connection (48k only) | Manuel Lemos'88 | Mike Blum | 124 | |
City Slicker | Hewson Consultants Ltd'86 | Mike Blum | 182 | |
City Slicker | Hewson Consultants Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd | 168 | |
City Slicker | Hewson Consultants Ltd'86 | SG-Team'11 | 162 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Mafia Private Corporation'95 | 223 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | S.Bitman, I.Byteman'93 | 243 | |
CJ in the USA (128k only) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | MegaStars Hackers Group'95 | 199 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Bitmunchers'95 | 186 | |
CJ in the USA (48k only) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Night Hunter'97 | 180 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Phantom Ltd | 190 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | VAD'99 | 220 | |
CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | KSA | 236 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Mafia Private Corporation'95 | 227 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Hacker 3OH'93 | 188 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48k only) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Aceton'02 | 94 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | KIA'94 | 143 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Alexey Ermakov'92 | 226 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (128k only) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | AY Group, MV-Rave | 246 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Dr Titus, Softstar'95 | 172 | |
CJ's Elephant Antics; CJ in the USA (48/128k) | Big Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91 | Flash Inc'96 | 351 | |
Classic Axiens | Bubble Bus Software'88 | Flash Inc'98 | 100 | |
Classic Muncher | Bubble Bus Software'88 | Flash Inc'98 | 94 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | #FF Soft, Azzimandius Soft'94 | 197 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | Slider'12 | 186 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 112 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | C.D.L. Laboratory'00 | 93 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | Welcome Corporation | 99 | |
Cliff Hanger | New Generation Software'86 | Jupiter 77'96 | 104 | |
Clock Chess '89 | CP Software'89 | Flash Inc | 94 | |
Cloud Hopper | Adrian Longland'85 | krt17'17 | 58 | |
Clovece | Manic Software | tiboh'20 | 32 | |
Clovece, nehnevaj sa... | RM-Team'15 | tiboh'16 | 67 | |
Clovek, nehnevaj sa | Noro'91 | tiboh'20 | 37 | |
Cluedo | Leisure Genius'85 | Phantom Ltd | 113 | |
Cobra (pentfix) | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Intense'16 | 94 | |
Cobra (pentfix) | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Intense'16, Slider'17 | 106 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | John North'00 | 113 | |
Cobra (pentfix) | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | KZS Corporation'97 | 116 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd | 114 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Shadowman'94 | 204 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Jupiter 77 | 114 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | Black Stalker'93 | 188 | |
Cobra | Ocean Software Ltd'86 | AmoNik | 101 | |
Cobra Force (pentfix) | Players Premier'89 | goodboy'03 | 116 | |
Cobra Force | Players Premier'89 | MT-Soft'94 | 171 | |
Cobra Force (2 in 1) (mod) | Players Premier'89 | LZB/Jupiter 77'97 | 113 | |
Cobra Force (128k only) (mod) | Players Premier'89 | Kano'94 | 347 | |
Cobra Force | Players Premier'89 | Phantom Family | 104 | |
Cobra Force (mod) | Players Premier'89 | Shock Brigade | 150 | |
Cobra's Arc | Dinamic Software'86 | Nat'19 | 459 | |
Cocoa and the Time Machine | Minilop Retroware'20 | Slider'20 | 175 | |
Code Zero | Paul Jenkinson'17 | tiboh'17 | 71 | |
Code, The (txt) (dsk) (mod) | Interceptor Software'86 | Cat-House'95 | 121 | |
Code, The (txt) (dsk) | Interceptor Software'86 | Jupiter 77'95 | 127 | |
Code, The (txt) | Interceptor Software'86 | Max Iwamoto'92 | 167 | |
CODE-112 | PCNONOGames'20 | tiboh'20 | 101 | |
Codename MAT | Micromega'84 | Oleg Klauson'90 | 201 | |
Codename MAT | Micromega'84 | TomCaT'06 | 171 | |
Codename MAT | Micromega'84 | Himik's ZxZ'96 | 123 | |
Codename MAT II | Domark Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 124 | |
Codename MAT II | Domark Ltd'84 | Perestroika Software'95 | 148 | |
Codename MAT II | Domark Ltd'84 | ^m00h^'01 | 103 | |
Codename MAT II | Domark Ltd'84 | Vlad | 187 | |
Colditz Story, The | Atlantis Software Ltd'87 | Viktor Drozd | 72 | |
Colin the Cleaner | IJK Software Ltd, Tynesoft'87 | Andrew Sckachek'94 | 107 | |
Colin's Crimbo Caper! | Stonechat Productions'16 | tiboh'21 | 47 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | Brainwave'02 | 114 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | Sergey Krutyko | 175 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | Grodnosoft'97 | 136 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | Flash Inc'97 | 140 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | AmoNik'00 | 111 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | Monsters Productions'94 | 128 | |
Coliseum | Topo Soft'88 | T&S Soft'93 | 171 | |
Collision Course | Americana Software Ltd'87 | BrokImSoft'02 | 74 | |
Collywobbles | Pirate Software Ltd'87 | n/a | 54 | |
Coloco | Tuxedo Games'20 | tiboh'20 | 101 | |
Colony | Bulldog Software [1]'87 | Eldar Agaev'94 | 113 | |
Colony | Bulldog Software [1]'87 | Phantom Ltd | 114 | |
Colony | Bulldog Software [1]'87 | Alexey Vagin, Artem Surunov'95 | 161 | |
Colony | Bulldog Software [1]'87 | BrokImSoft'02 | 100 | |
Colony | Bulldog Software [1]'87 | Triumph'00 | 104 | |
Coloris | WoMo-Team'90 | Himik's ZxZ | 33 | |
Coloris | WoMo-Team'90 | AmoNik | 29 | |
Coloris | WoMo-Team'90 | Queen Software Inc'97 | 29 | |
Coloristic | SinDiKat'20 | tiboh'20 | 65 | |
Colossal Adventure (txt) (dsk) | Level 9 Computing Ltd'82 | Energy Minds'98 | 163 | |
Colossal Cave Adventure (txt) (dsk) | Anubis Software'85 | Dio-Gen'98 | 108 | |
Colossus Chess 4 | CDS Microsystems'86 | Pomidor | 190 | |
Colossus Chess 4 | CDS Microsystems'86 | Phantom Ltd | 102 | |
Colour Clash | Romik Software'83 | Flash Inc'97 | 70 | |
Colour Clash (Pennellix) (ita) (mod) | Romik Software'83 | D-Love'95 | 33 | |
Colour Clash (Pennellix) (ita) | Romik Software'83 | Triumph'00 | 24 | |
Colour of Magic, The (txt) (dsk) | Delta 4 Software, Piranha'86 | MiS Studio'99 | 376 | |
Colour of Magic, The (txt) (dsk) | Delta 4 Software, Piranha'86 | n/a | 757 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Max Iwamoto'93 | 198 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Extreme Entertainment'98 | 164 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Rom Corp'96 | 194 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Profi Code Computers Club'95 | 184 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | BrokImSoft'02 | 145 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Accept Corp | 185 | |
Comando Quatro | Zigurat Software'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 151 | |
Comando Tracer (+3dos) (48/128k) (bugfix) | Dinamic Software'89 | Intense'17, Slider'19 | 169 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Andy Steeler'94 | 207 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Sergey Krutyko'94 | 200 | |
Comando Tracer (cvx) (sd) (eng) (mod) | Dinamic Software'89 | Omega Hackers Group'98 | 270 | |
Comando Tracer (+3dos) | Dinamic Software'89 | Intense'17 | 163 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | OAV'98 | 177 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Phantom Family | 112 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Phantom Ltd | 130 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Stever Graphics'93 | 210 | |
Comando Tracer | Dinamic Software'89 | Universe Software'97 | 127 | |
Combat Lynx | Durell Software Ltd'84 | LAKS'95 | 144 | |
Combat Lynx | Durell Software Ltd'84 | Logros Software'93 | 199 | |
Combat Lynx | Durell Software Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd'96 | 141 | |
Combat Lynx | Durell Software Ltd'84 | SKL-Keeper'95 | 139 | |
Combat School | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | Silicon Brains'95 | 382 | |
Combat School | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | Dmitriy Kulikov'92 | 485 | |
Combat School | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | Himik's ZxZ | 240 | |
Combat School | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | Magic Soft'93 | 475 | |
Combat School | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | Nicolas Rodionov, Kirill Panyushkin'90 | 460 | |
Combat School (pentfix) | Ocean Software Ltd'87 | tiboh'21 | 561 | |
Combat Zone (M.E.N.T.O.R.) | The Firm, Alternative Software Ltd'87 | AmoNik | 88 | |
Combat Zone (M.E.N.T.O.R.) | The Firm, Alternative Software Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd | 103 | |
Combat Zone (M.E.N.T.O.R.) (pentfix) | The Firm, Alternative Software Ltd'87 | Slider'22 | 125 | |
Comeback Early Home | Pavel Letko'93 | tiboh'19 | 109 | |
Comercio Cosmico (Cosmic Commerce) | ZX-SOFT Brasil Ltda'87 | tiboh'15 | 63 | |
Comet Game, The | Firebird Software Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd | 107 | |
Comet Game, The (pentfix) | Firebird Software Ltd'86 | tiboh'17 | 147 | |
Comet Game, The | Firebird Software Ltd'86 | TAW, SAW'94 | 140 | |
Commando | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Andrey Malyshev'93 | 182 | |
Commando | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Ascendancy Creative Labs'97 | 157 | |
Commando (mod) | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Fuxoft, Mega Byte Group'94 | 251 | |
Commando (mod) | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Fuxoft, Triumph'03 | 195 | |
Commando | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Mike Blum | 130 | |
Commando (48/128k) (mod) | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | tiboh'24 | 272 | |
Commando | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Dmitriy Kulikov'92 | 203 | |
Commando | Elite Systems Ltd'85 | Phantom Ltd | 141 | |
Computer Bridge (Super Bridge) | Buffer Micro Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd | 30 | |
Computer Bridge (Super Bridge) | Buffer Micro Ltd'84 | M.M.A'95 | 37 | |
Computer Maniac's 1989 Diary (dsk) | Domark Ltd'89 | HF'96 | 109 | |
Computer Scrabble | Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | Serge | 172 | |
Computer Spiele Museum's, The | The Mojon Twins'17 | tiboh'22 | 94 | |
Confused | Crash'91 | Himik's ZxZ'96 | 64 | |
Confused | Crash'91 | AmoNik | 54 | |
Confuzion | Incentive Software Ltd'85 | Triumph'00 | 36 | |
Confuzion | Incentive Software Ltd'85 | Phantom Ltd | 108 | |
Connect 4 | Atlantis Software Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd | 64 | |
Con-Quest | Mastertronic Added Dimension'86 | TAW, SAW'94 | 140 | |
Con-Quest | Mastertronic Added Dimension'86 | LAKS | 164 | |
Conquest | CheetahSoft Ltd'84 | V. Rogathev | 226 | |
Con-Quest | Mastertronic Added Dimension'86 | Varp'93 | 220 | |
Conspiralove | Martian Devel'14 | tiboh'14 | 63 | |
Contact Sam Cruise | Microsphere'86 | Logros Software'93 | 226 | |
Contact Sam Cruise | Microsphere'86 | LAKS'94 | 165 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | ASV Corp'93 | 318 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 285 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | Anton Vasilyev'91 | 326 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | Jaroslav Trubinov'91 | 319 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | AmoNik'00 | 204 | |
Continental Circus | Virgin Mastertronic Ltd'89 | Delta Hackers Group'99 | 279 | |
Conveyor-Belt Capers | Spectrum Computing'84 | Triumph'00 | 17 | |
Convoy Raider | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 88 | |
Convoy Raider | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87 | tiboh'19 | 100 | |
Cookie | Ultimate Play The Game'83 | Phantom Ltd | 42 | |
Cookie | Ultimate Play The Game'83 | Slider'05 | 79 | |
Cookie | Ultimate Play The Game'83 | Intense'17 | 39 | |
Cookie | Ultimate Play The Game'83 | Andrew Sckachek'94 | 70 | |
Cool Spot | Thunderstorm Software'93 | tiboh'19 | 157 | |
Cop-Out | Mikro-Gen Ltd'86 | Andrew Sckachek'95 | 94 | |
Cop-Out | Mikro-Gen Ltd'86 | Smokers'97 | 111 | |
Cop-Out | Mikro-Gen Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd | 86 | |
Copro Trilogy | Davey Sludge'14 | tiboh'15 | 181 | |
CORE (Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition) | A'n'F Software'86 | Kirill Dachkov'94 | 148 | |
Corona Encantada, La | Karoshi Corporation, RELEVO Videogames'09 | Slider'09 | 102 | |
Corona Magica, La (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) | OMK Software S.L.'90 | Monsters Productions, tiboh'21, Slider'22 | 406 | |
Corona Magica, La | OMK Software S.L.'90 | C.C.'91 | 511 | |
Corridors of Genon | New Generation Software'83 | DimikSoft | 69 | |
Corsarios 1 (mod) | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Cybertronic Software | 205 | |
Corsarios 1 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Expert Computer Company'92 | 322 | |
Corsarios 1 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Phantom Ltd | 100 | |
Corsarios 1 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Triumph'00 | 111 | |
Corsarios 1 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | goodboy'02 | 106 | |
Corsarios 1, 2 (2 in 1) | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Monsters Productions'97 | 268 | |
Corsarios 1, 2 (+3dos) (48/128k) (bugfix) | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Slider'13 | 423 | |
Corsarios 1, 2 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | LAKS'95 | 245 | |
Corsarios 2 (mod) | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Cybertronic Software | 213 | |
Corsarios 2 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Expert Computer Company'92 | 202 | |
Corsarios 2 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Phantom Ltd | 109 | |
Corsarios 2 (mod) | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Scorpion Soft'94 | 135 | |
Corsarios 2 | Opera Soft S.A.'89 | Triumph'00 | 105 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | AmoNik'00 | 86 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | Andrew Sckachek'94 | 157 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | Infosoft Group'94 | 147 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | Master Software Ltd'96 | 196 | |
Cosa Nostra (48/128k) | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | BrokImSoft'02 | 190 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | AY Group'94 | 182 | |
Cosa Nostra | Opera Soft S.A.'86 | Phantom Ltd | 101 | |
Cosmic Cruiser | Imagine Software Ltd'84 | LAKS | 101 | |
Cosmic Cruiser | Imagine Software Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd | 100 | |
Cosmic Debris | Artic Computing Ltd'83 | n/a | 33 | |
Cosmic Guerilla | Crystal Computing'83 | DimikSoft'95 | 43 | |
Cosmic Payback | PROSM Software'20 | tiboh'20 | 150 | |
Cosmic Pirate | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | Sergey Toropkin'91 | 181 | |
Cosmic Pirate (dsk) | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | Power of Sound'97 | 115 | |
Cosmic Pirate | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | Monsters Productions'98 | 116 | |
Cosmic Pirate | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | Pavel Nikitin'92 | 149 | |
Cosmic Pirate | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | KZS Corporation | 120 | |
Cosmic Pirate (48/128k) (dsk) (mod) | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | tiboh'23 | 210 | |
Cosmic Pirate (dsk) | MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89 | Maksim Maksimov'94 | 213 | |
Cosmic Sheriff | Dinamic Software'90 | AmoNik'01 | 89 | |
Cosmic Sheriff | Dinamic Software'90 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 101 | |
Cosmic Sheriff | Dinamic Software'90 | BrokImSoft'02 | 104 | |
Cosmic Shock Absorber | Martech Games Ltd'86 | LAKS | 148 | |
Cosmic Shock Absorber | Martech Games Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 93 | |
Cosmic Shock Absorber | Martech Games Ltd'86 | tiboh'21 | 129 | |
Cosmic Wartoad | Denton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'85 | Power of Sound'98 | 99 | |
Cosmic Wartoad | Denton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'85 | Triumph'99 | 136 | |
Cosmo Thunder | Ninja Soft'92 | tiboh'20 | 42 | |
Costa Capers | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Transman'07 | 129 | |
Costa Capers | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Power of Sound'97 | 175 | |
Costa Capers | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Slider'08 | 110 | |
Count Duckula | Enigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89 | Dmitriy Kulikov'93 | 134 | |
Count Duckula | Enigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89 | Power of Sound'98 | 118 | |
Count Duckula | Enigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89 | Flash Inc'98 | 124 | |
Count Duckula 1, 2 | Alternative Software Ltd'89-92 | SG-Team'20 | 326 | |
Count Duckula 2 | Alternative Software Ltd'92 | Zer0 International Association'97 | 105 | |
Count Duckula 2 | Alternative Software Ltd'92 | FFC Computers, Softstar'96 | 180 | |
Count, The | Mirrorsoft Ltd'85 | Slider'21 | 98 | |
Countdown | Macsen Software'86 | Flash Inc | 113 | |
Countdown to the Death | Crash'90 | Fatality | 119 | |
Countdown to the Death | Crash'90 | Brainwave'03 | 132 | |
Countdown to the Death | Crash'90 | Rapeware Corporation'95 | 151 | |
Cousin Horace | Alessandro Grussu'19 | tiboh'19 | 459 | |
Covenant, The | PSS'85 | Alexey Ermakov'92 | 164 | |
Covenant, The | PSS'85 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 137 | |
Covenant, The | PSS'85 | tiboh'16 | 142 | |
Covenant, The | PSS'85 | TAW, SAW'94 | 170 | |
Cowboy Kidz | Byte Back'89 | Slider'05 | 104 | |
Cra'k the JAM | SmileGames'14 | tiboh'14 | 87 | |
Crack Down | US Gold Ltd'90 | Zer0 International Association'96 | 434 | |
Crack Down | US Gold Ltd'90 | Softstar'96 | 658 | |
Crack Down | US Gold Ltd'90 | Magic Soft'96 | 553 | |
Crack-Up | Atlantis Software Ltd'89 | Flash Inc'97 | 69 | |
Crack-Up | Atlantis Software Ltd'89 | Slider'13 | 79 | |
Crack-Up | Atlantis Software Ltd'89 | Vega Group'99 | 77 | |
Crappy Crates (pentfix) | The Death Squad'16 | tiboh'21 | 170 | |
Crawler | CRL Group PLC'83 | tiboh'18 | 11 | |
Cray_5 (128k only) | RetroWorks'11 | SG-Team'11, Slider'21 | 190 | |
Crazy Bugs! (Beetlemania) | AWA Software'83 | n/a | 26 | |
Crazy Cars | Titus'88 | Dmitriy Kulikov'93 | 162 | |
Crazy Cars | Titus'88 | Kano | 184 | |
Crazy Cars | Titus'88 | KSA'93 | 176 | |
Crazy Cars | Titus'88 | AmoNik'00 | 99 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | Phantom Ltd | 213 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | Adia'96 | 225 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | Megacode'96 | 261 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | Sliders Creative & Hackers Group | 217 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | TAW, SAW'94 | 341 | |
Crazy Cars 1, 2 | Titus'88 | The Hot Heads | 293 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | Andrew Sckachek'95 | 124 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | Universe Software'98 | 131 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | goodboy, tiboh'19 | 223 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | OYSoft'91 | 167 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | Perestroika Software'96 | 172 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | Tornado Virtual Group'98 | 158 | |
Crazy Cars 2 | Titus'88 | Delta Hackers Group'98 | 130 | |
Crazy Castles | Automata UK Ltd'85 | Flash Inc'97 | 74 | |
Crazy Caverns | Firebird Software Ltd'84 | Phantom Ltd | 15 | |
Crazy Golf | Jonathan Cauldwell'93 | Triebkraft'01 | 31 | |
Crazy Kong City - Episode 2: Saving Kong | Gabriele Amore'17 | tiboh'19 | 94 | |
Crazy Pingoin | Magic Team'86 | BrokImSoft'02 | 49 | |
Cribbage | Spectrum Computing'85 | Flash Inc | 67 | |
Crimbo | Little Shop of Pixels'10 | SG-Team'10 | 127 | |
Crime Busters | Players Software'88 | Flash Inc'97 | 170 | |
Crimebusters inc. | Strobe [A Flash of Brilliance]'86 | Phantom Ltd | 121 | |
Critical Mass | Durell Software Ltd'85 | AmoNik | 104 | |
Critical Mass | Durell Software Ltd'85 | Alx'01 | 106 | |
Critical Mass | Durell Software Ltd'85 | Andy Mokrushin'95 | 129 | |
Critical Mass | Durell Software Ltd'85 | Universe Software'97 | 131 | |
Crom Kruack (txt) | Bromba'86 | n/a | 108 | |
Cromwell at War 1642-1645 | CCS'91 | tiboh'20 | 115 | |
Cronopios y Famas | Alessandro Grussu'13, Zankle Soft'21 | Slider'21 | 205 | |
Cross Chase | Fabrizio Caruso'17 | tiboh'18 | 43 | |
Crossfire | Atlantis Software Ltd'89 | Fatality | 89 | |
Crossfire | Atlantis Software Ltd'89 | Flash Inc'98 | 107 | |
Crosswize | Firebird Software Ltd'88 | Andrew Leslie'93 | 231 | |
Crosswize | Firebird Software Ltd'88 | AmoNik'01 | 109 | |
Crosswize (pentfix) | Firebird Software Ltd'88 | Intense'12 | 121 | |
Crosswize | Firebird Software Ltd'88 | Andy Chernikov'91 | 201 | |
Crosswize | Firebird Software Ltd'88 | Jupiter 77 | 128 | |
Crozet | MicroHobby'87 | Slider'05 | 76 | |
Crozet | MicroHobby'87 | Viktor Drozd | 29 | |
Cruising on Broadway | Solarsoft'83 | DimikSoft'95 | 25 | |
Cruising on Broadway | Solarsoft'83 | TAW, SAW'94 | 22 | |
Crusader (mod) | Genesis Soft, SPE'88 | krt17'17, Slider'08, 23 | 70 | |
Crusher | Magnum Computing'86 | tiboh'16 | 39 | |
Crusoe | Automata UK Ltd'84 | TAW'95 | 171 | |
Crusoe (dsk) | Automata UK Ltd'84 | tiboh'17 | 256 | |
Crux 92 | Ultrasoft [sk]'92 | Studio Vitaly & Oleg | 138 | |
Crux 92 | Ultrasoft [sk]'92 | FFC Computers, Softstar'96 | 165 | |
Crux 92 | Ultrasoft [sk]'92 | SoftLight'03 | 140 | |
Crystal Castles | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | Abrahaz'04 | 58 | |
Crystal Castles | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | Grodnosoft'97 | 114 | |
Crystal Castles | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | AmoNik'00 | 83 | |
Crystal Castles | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | Phantom Family'98 | 74 | |
Crystal Castles | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | Phantom Ltd | 83 | |
Crystal Castles (mod) | Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86 | Lone Wolf'95 | 145 | |
Crystal Quest (txt) (dsk) | Pocket Money Software'85 | Chaos A.D. | 108 | |
Crystal Quest (txt) (dsk) | Pocket Money Software'85 | Desalex | 172 | |
CSU | alboran70'13 | Slider'14 | 122 | |
CSU | alboran70'13 | tiboh'18 | 83 | |
Cube Game | Spectec'91 | tiboh'15 | 27 | |
Cue Boy | Code Masters Ltd'92 | Flash Inc'98 | 148 | |
Cue Boy | Code Masters Ltd'92 | Fatality | 144 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | King of Time'94 | 136 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | Petr, Michael'93 | 111 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | LAKS | 103 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | Phantom Ltd | 96 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | BrokImSoft'00 | 150 | |
Curro Jimenez (bw/col) (mod) | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | Ralf, SG-Team'12 | 220 | |
Curro Jimenez | Arcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'89 | Sergey Krutyko'95 | 169 | |
Curse of Oddville, The (mod) | Stonechat Productions'13 | tiboh'13 | 37 | |
Curse of Sherwood, The | Mastertronic Ltd'87 | Phantom Ltd | 121 | |
Curse of Trasmoz, The | Volcanobytes'19 | Slider'20 | 157 | |
Cyber Rats | Silversoft Ltd'82 | Phantom Ltd | 18 | |
Cyber Zone | Softsync Inc, Crystal Computing'84 | Phantom Ltd'95 | 34 | |
Cyber Zone | Softsync Inc, Crystal Computing'84 | Intense'16 | 33 | |
Cyber Zone | Softsync Inc, Crystal Computing'84 | debris'08 | 43 | |
Cyber Zone | Softsync Inc, Crystal Computing'84 | The Hot Heads'99 | 29 | |
Cyber Zone | Softsync Inc, Crystal Computing'84 | Triumph'00 | 32 | |
Cyberball | Domark Ltd'90 | Code Busters | 263 | |
Cyberbig (Zamonarr) (bugfix) | Animagic S.A.'89 | Slider'22 | 354 | |
Cybermania | Payndz'16 | tiboh'19 | 53 | |
Cybernation (pentfix) | Players Software'87 | tiboh'20 | 93 | |
Cybernoid | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | AmoNik'00 | 102 | |
Cybernoid | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Black Valley Corp'95 | 197 | |
Cybernoid | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | John North'99 | 142 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Merlin'98 | 282 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | New Group'96 | 254 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Anton Vasilyev'92 | 388 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | SG-Team'07 | 377 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Brainwave'04 | 262 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2 | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Power of Sound'96 | 254 | |
Cybernoid 1, 2; Cybernoid: The Remix | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | goodboy, Slider'19 | 463 | |
Cybernoid II: The Revenge | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Cooper'96 | 177 | |
Cybernoid II: The Revenge | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Universal Company Incorporated'94 | 164 | |
Cybernoid II: The Revenge | Hewson Consultants Ltd'88 | Universe Software'97 | 131 | |
Cybernoid: The Remix | Velesoft'07 | SG-Team'12 | 137 | |
Cyberun | Ultimate Play The Game'85 | Power of Sound'98 | 118 | |
Cyberun | Ultimate Play The Game'85 | Slider'05 | 160 | |
Cybex | Pirate Software Ltd'87 | BrokImSoft'02 | 100 | |
Cybo Run | Calisto'84 | Jupiter 77'96 | 44 | |
Cybotron | Micromania'83 | tiboh'16 | 30 | |
Cycles, The | Accolade Inc'89 | Ascendancy Creative Labs'97 | 115 | |
Cycles, The | Accolade Inc'89 | Amiga Must Die'98 | 111 | |
Cycles, The | Accolade Inc'89 | Beermanz'97 | 111 | |
Cycles, The | Accolade Inc'89 | Softstar'96 | 137 | |
Cyclone | Vortex Software'85 | Code Gangsters Group'96 | 113 | |
Cyclone | Vortex Software'85 | Power of Sound'97 | 73 | |
Cyclone (2 in 1) (mod) | Vortex Software'85 | SEV | 84 | |
Cyclone | Vortex Software'85 | Alex Porfiryev | 168 | |
Cyclone | Vortex Software'85 | Brainwave'03 | 98 | |
Cyclone | Vortex Software'85 | Jupiter 77 | 88 | |
Cygnus: Alpha | ILFORD'20 | tiboh'20 | 273 | |
Cylu | Firebird Software Ltd'85 | Brainwave'02 | 77 | |
Cyrox | The Power House'86 | Phantom Ltd | 68 | |
Cyrox | The Power House'86 | Triumph'00 | 62 | |
Cyrus 1, 2 (dsk) | Sinclair Research Ltd, Alligata Software Ltd'83-86 | Jupiter 77 | 237 | |
Cyrus 2 (dsk) | Alligata Software Ltd'86 | Triumph'03 | 148 | |
Cyrus 2 (dsk) | Alligata Software Ltd'86 | Merlin'98 | 81 | |
Cyrus 2 (dsk) | Alligata Software Ltd'86 | Power of Sound'97 | 110 | |
Cyrus 2 (dsk) | Alligata Software Ltd'86 | THD | 191 | |
Cyrus IS Chess (dsk) (mod) | Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | SN-Software Ltd'95 | 148 | |
Cyrus IS Chess | Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | Plutonsoft'92 | 68 | |
Cyrus IS Chess (dsk) | Sinclair Research Ltd'83 | Arcadiy Gobuzov | 59 | |
Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 710 of 10484 filez |
06.12.2024 |