GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Assault CoursePlayers Premier'90BrokImSoft'96124
  Back to the Future Part III (+3dos) (pentfix)Probe Software Ltd, Image Works'91SG-Team'11591
  Bored of the Rings 1, 2, 3 (txt) (dsk)Delta 4 Software'85^m00h^'01269
  Break NeckLusitania'90TomCaT'11120
  California Games (dsk)Choice Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Power of Sound'96462
  Dynamite Dux (pentfix)CORE Design Ltd, Activision Inc'89SG-Team'11284
  HammerfistVivid Image, Activision Inc'90SG-Team'09457
  Kayleth (txt) (dsk)Adventuresoft UK Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86^m00h^'00139
  Mickey MouseGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88M&U Sinclair Club'95291
  MinesNo Operation'94Kvazar'97105
  Motor Massacre (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89SG-Team'11331
  Platoon (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Choice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88SG-Team'11314
  Reckless RufusAlternative Software Ltd'92Volga Soft162
  Space Crusade (+3dos) (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'92TomCaT'11289
  Xecutor (pentfix)Cybadyne, ACE Software'87SG-Team'09149
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 16 of 10479 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Mega XonixChempion Soft, DIA, Oleg Deynichenko'94Alex Norman231
  Soko-BanCrack Soft'92author67
  Страна Мифов (256k) (km)Fantasy'95Stars of Keladan'96, Dart Alver'10trd
  Таинственный Остров (txt)Druid Software'99author136
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 4 of 1909 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Cage Match (Межгалактические Драки) (mod)Icon Design Ltd, Entertainment USA'88Cache'94255
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Scorpion Software'92, baxter'11185
  SanxionSoftstorm Developments, Thalamus Ltd'89Zerosoft91
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 3 of 1081 filez