GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  BMX FreestyleSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'89Phantom Ltd135
  Brain Sport (dsk)Your Sinclair'91Army Group'96209
  Carlos SainzArcadia Soft, Zigurat Software'90TMA'95127
  Chase H.Q.Ocean Software Ltd'89TMA'94459
  DeviantsPlayers Software'87Spectrum World111
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Lanex'16127
  Fairlight I, IIThe Edge'85-86Phantom Ltd277
  Falcon Patrol 2Virgin Games Ltd'85Phantom Ltd76
  Fase Bonus The GameThe Mojon Twins'16krt17'17154
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83Phantom Ltd90
  Fighting SoccerSprytes Ltd, Activision Inc'89Phantom Ltd230
  Fighting WarriorStudio B Ltd, Melbourne House'85Phantom Ltd126
  FirelordHewson Consultants Ltd'86Phantom Ltd152
  FireTrapSource Software Ltd, Electric Dreams Software'87Phantom Ltd74
  FlakUS Gold Ltd'84Phantom Ltd'9582
  FlashpointDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd86
  Flight SimulationPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Phantom Ltd'9568
  Flintstones, The (128k only)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Phantom Ltd221
  FlunkyPiranha'87Power of Sound'98113
  Flyer FoxGame Gems'84Phantom Ltd93
  Footballer of the Year 2 (dsk)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd125
  Forbidden PlanetDesign Design Software'86Phantom Ltd102
  Formula OneSpirit Software'84Phantom Ltd60
  Fox Fights BackDenton Designs, Image Works'88Phantom Ltd115
  Freez'BeesSilversoft Ltd'84Phantom Ltd37
  FrenzyQuicksilva Ltd'82Power of Sound'9719
  Friday the 13thDomark Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'97106
  Front-Line (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Phantom Ltd137
  Front-LineZeppelin Games Ltd'88Power of Sound'97101
  Frost ByteMikro-Gen Ltd'86Power of Sound'9979
  Fruit Machine SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Phantom Ltd110
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90Phantom Ltd115
  Full ThrottleMicromega'84Phantom Ltd76
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Phantom Ltd'94117
  Future Games 1Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd126
  Future Games 2Insight Software, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd120
  Grumpy SantaPaul Jenkinson'17tiboh'1768
  Head over HeelsOcean Software Ltd'87DAB Laboratory'95221
  HyperlaneEnigma Software Developments, Crash'89tiboh'1758
  Jet Set WillySoftware Projects Ltd'84Big Bag Soft139
  Johnny RebMC Lothlorien Ltd'83tiboh'17107
  Jumping JackImagine Software Ltd'83Power of Sound31
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90TMA'96302
  Mundo de Mister Emulator, ElTony Brazil'98krt17'17115
  Pixel Quest 2000Einar Saukas'17tiboh'17127
  Psycho SoldierSource Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87goodboy, Slider'17221
  Pub TriviaSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90^m00h^'00275
  Pub Trivia (pentfix)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'90Flash Inc'97, tiboh'17309
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84^m00h^'00179
  RampartsFuture Concepts, Go!'88Dr.Longman212
  Rastan (Rastan Saga) (128k only)Icon Design Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87^m00h^'01297
  Red HeatSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Golden Disk Corporation'93509
  RoboCop (48/128k)Ocean Software Ltd'88TMA'94392
  RoboCop 2 (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90TMA'02271
  Seto Taisho to KazanAlessandro Grussu'17goodboy, Slider'17195
  Shadow of the BeastGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90^m00h^'01378
  Snakes and HazardsGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87ZK-Soft'94177
  Strip LogikDouble-Pig-Soft'90tiboh'1746
  Stunt Car Racer (dsk)Micro Style'89TMA'95166
  Super Bike TransAm (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'89Flash Inc'97, Slider'17122
  Teenage Mutant Hero TurtlesProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'90Scorp Software'95199
  Turbo Out RunICE Software, US Gold Ltd'86^m00h^'01986
  Way of the Exploding Tits, The (txt)Shattered Dreams'88Demiurge Ash'9979
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 64 of 10606 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  4 from 88JeRrS'12tiboh'1730
  BoxeS (ЯщикИ)Kas29'17author175
  Cave, The (Пещера)Michael Zhuchkov'17author127
  CollisionSirius Corporation Ltd'93tiboh'1724
  Cosmic Battle (Космическое Сражение)Michael Zhuchkov'17author79
  Gunfright Returns - Reloaded (km)Ultimate Play The Game'85, TomCaT'17author139
  International Sokoban (Интернациональный Сокобан)Michael Zhuchkov'17author104
  King's BountyEJB'95Real Software'98409
  Matthew Cranston BattlesOleg Origin'14goodboy, Slider'17119
  Numb CarsTriumph'01author204
  RoofmaniaC (Без Крыши) (txt)Techno Lab'02author90
  Sea Rescue (Морское Спасение)Michael Zhuchkov'17author64
  Sex Show 1990, TheD. Rovenko, O. Borovik'90author146
  Star Patrol (Звёздный Патруль)Michael Zhuchkov'17author72
  Super Bridge (Супермост или Рейд по Вододелителю)Michael Zhuchkov'17author123
  Super Udav (Супер Удав)Michael Zhuchkov'17author92
  Warlord Fantasy (Полководцы Фентези)Boris Makurin'17author744
  WatermanSGO'06Konstantin Kalantaj'1777
  WormSirius Corporation Ltd'93tiboh'1740
  Солнышко ГаммиVyacheslav Novobranchenko'92DimikSoft'95174
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 22 of 1927 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show DemoTynesoft, Your Sinclair'89Phantom Ltd'9589
  Cattivik II: Cattivik Never Dies Level 1Gabriele Amore'17tiboh'17106
  Double Dare DemoBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91Walsoft130
  Football Manager 3 DemoAddictive Games Ltd'91tiboh'1775
  Galax DemoAER'12author29
  Gazza II DemoActive Minds, Empire Software'90tiboh'1733
  Gazza's Super Soccer DemoEmpire Software, Crash'89tiboh'1773
  Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the Movie DemGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'91tiboh'1781
  Italia '90 - World Cup Soccer DemoProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89tiboh'1787
  New 3D-Game DemoPower of Sound'97author91
  Robozone DemoArc Developments, Image Works'91tiboh'1780
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 11 of 758 filez