GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Airwolf IIHit-Pak'87Ros Ltd'93182
  Australian Rules Football (Victorian)Again Again'89Reanimator'95104
  Battle of the PlanetsMikro-Gen Ltd'86Ros Ltd'94152
  Black LampFirebird Software Ltd'88Ros Ltd'94153
  BlasteroidsImage Works'89Ros Ltd'94219
  Blazing ThunderPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Mafia Private Corporation'96167
  Bubble Bobble 2BzykIgorek'93152
  Capitan Trueno 1Dinamic Software'89Cleopatra Ltd'91150
  Capitan Trueno 2Dinamic Software'89Cleopatra Ltd'91141'16Slider'16114
  Dan Dare III: The EscapeProbe Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Andrew Strikes Code'92119
  DingoTardis Remakes'15SG-Team'16137
  Edd the DuckImpulze'90Damage Inc, Omega Hackers Club'96115
  Everyone's a WallyMikro-Gen Ltd'85Slider'16112
  Fist-RO FighterRetrobytes Productions'16Slider'16116
  Formula One (dsk)CRL Group PLC'85Nikosoft'96112
  Fruit MachineDK'Tronics Ltd'83tiboh'1661
  Grand Prix Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'89Mafia Private Corporation'95163
  Green BeretImagine Software Ltd'86Andrew Sckachek'94189
  GunrunnerCybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Andrew Sckachek'93179
  GutzSpecial FX Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'95139
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Arkan Soft126
  Heavy on the Magick (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'86Real Software'97, Slider'16238
  Herbert's Dummy RunMikro-Gen Ltd'85Slider'16105
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Another World Software'95136
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Ros Ltd'93156
  I, Ball 2Firebird Software Ltd'87Ros Ltd, Fast Soft'94195
  I, Ball 2 (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Omega Hackers Club'95160
  Incredible Shrinking Sphere (ISS)Foursfield, Electric Dreams Software'89Arkan Soft'93110
  Knightmare 2 ZXClimacus, KgMcNeil'15Slider'16138
  Last DuelUS Gold Ltd'89Andrew Sckachek'94479
  Living Daylights, TheWalking Circles, Domark Ltd'87tiboh'16143
  Lost Tapes of Albion, TheStonechat Productions'12tiboh'1652
  Marsport (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Gargoyle Games'85Andrew Sckachek'94190
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88Andrew Sckachek'94213
  MicroballAlternative Software Ltd'88Andrew Sckachek'9372
  Murray Mouse SupercopCode Masters Ltd'92Another World Software'95129
  Mutan Zone 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Recly Company'92207
  Mythos (Mithos) (48k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90Andrew Sckachek'93193
  Navy Moves 1Dinamic Software'88Another World Software'95169
  Navy Moves 1, 2Dinamic Software'88Ros Ltd'94315
  OctopussyBytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Another World Software'95138
  Orbix the TerrorballStreetwise'86Andrew Sckachek'94151
  P.H.M. PegasusLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Ros Ltd'94141
  Pac-LandGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Another World Software'95254
  Paradise CafeDamatta'85Andrew Sckachek'93145
  PeepshowAwk Software'85Andrew Sckachek'93185
  Pi-In'EreAutomata UK Ltd'84Andrew Sckachek'94166
  Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Another World Software'95150
  ProwlerIcon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Ros Ltd'93135
  PyjamaramaMikro-Gen Ltd'84Slider'16101
  R-TypeSoftware Studios, Electric Dreams Software'88Code Busters'96360
  Red PlanetSalvakantero'15Slider'16111
  Rentakill RitaMastertronic Ltd'87Andrew Sckachek'9597
  RoboCop 3 (128k only)Probe Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'92Arkan Soft'93263
  Rogue TrooperDesign Design Software, Piranha'86Ros Ltd'94197
  Ruff and Reddy in the Space AdventureTwilight, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Reanimator'95110
  Ruff and Reddy in the Space AdventureTwilight, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Omega Hackers Club'96204
  SaboteurDurell Software Ltd'85Swajsoft'91177
  Sacred Armour of Antiriad, ThePalace Software'86Andrew Sckachek'94174
  Samantha Fox Strip PokerMartech Games Ltd'86Andrew Sckachek'93170
  Senda Salvaje 1Gamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Andrew Sckachek'94182
  Senda Salvaje 1Gamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Mafia Private Corporation'95168
  Senda Salvaje 2Gamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Andrew Sckachek'94178
  Senda Salvaje 2Gamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Mafia Private Corporation'96178
  Sex GameSoftlake, MeastrosoftAndrew Sckachek'9252
  Smash TVProbe Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91Another World Software'95136
  Stop the ExpressHudson Soft, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Andrew Sckachek'9478
  Street GangPlayers Software'89Mafia Private Corporation'95127
  Strike Force CobraFive Ways Software Ltd, Piranha'86Andrew Sckachek'93181
  Strip GameDiamond Software [uk]'84Andrew Sckachek'9393
  Task ForcePlayers Premier'89Andrew Sckachek'95131
  TiltCode Masters Ltd'90Another World Software'9587
  Toi Acid Game 1, 2, 3, 4Iber Software'89Andrew Sckachek'94685
  Wacky DartsBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'91Andrew Sckachek'92179
  War in Middle Earth (2 in 1) (dsk) (mod)Maelstrom Games Ltd, Melbourne House'89Andrew Sckachek'95280
  World Cup Challenge (dsk)Players Premier'90Another World Software'95157
  ZynapsHewson Consultants Ltd'87Swajsoft113
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 78 of 10494 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Dark CastleKas29'16author100
  Dina BlasterLegion of Steel Warriors'95Konstantin Kalantaj'0093
  Garden ZoneEpsilon'16author26
  LiruS (2 in 1)RetroSouls'15tiboh'16268
  Ordinary StoryMTV Group'95author135
  SextrisSilicon Brains'95Squizzlebond'95510
  Slab AgeTHD, Fanatic Stas'93Freddy Kruger'94152
  Turn or Xor'em All, The (km)Create Soft'95Virtual Brothers'95819
  ZX Digger 1AVR Ltd'92author160
  Зеркало (128k only) (txt)ArtWork Creative Group'98Magic Soft'982413
  Страна Мифов (256k)Fantasy'95VB'961946
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 11 of 1912 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax DemoPalace Software'88tiboh'1689
  Circus Circus DemoMartech Games Ltd'89Corpse Group'95138
  Circus Circus DemoMartech Games Ltd'89LFA'92217
  Circus Circus DemoMartech Games Ltd'89Dreams Software Inc183
  Motorbike Madness DemoBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88tiboh'1669
  Snare Demo 1, 2Enigma Software Developments'91-92Andrew Sckachek'94169
  Virus DemoFirebird Software Ltd, Sinclair User'88tiboh'1683
  War for Territory DemoDeath Moroz'98author127
  Z Demo 01Andrew771'16tiboh'1634
  Чёрный Ворон 2 Демо v0.00Copper Feet'98author273
  Чёрный Ворон 2 Демо v0.04Copper Feet'00author1026
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 11 of 757 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)Digital Integration'88Mix-Max'95158
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Makstudio'92145
  Galaxians (Вторжение на Землю)Artic Computing Ltd'82Ikar-3BT'8969
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89KNURE'91171
  Inspector Gadget and the Circus of FearBeam Software, Melbourne House'87Makstudio'92171
  King's Keep (Королевский Побег) (rus)Firebird Software Ltd'86Master A.K.'96105
  Lazy Jones (Игроман)Terminal Software'84Ikar-3BT'89, Chip&3145
  Nether EarthArgus Press Software Ltd'87Servis'88, Lensoft169
  Planetoids (Планетоид)Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Ikar-3BT'89, DimikSoft'9549
  Rapscallion (Плут Каналья)Bug-Byte Software Ltd'84Ikar-3BT'89, A.S.'95199
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 10 of 1092 filez