GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Action Force 2Gang of Five, Virgin Games Ltd'88Dr.Longman'96134
  Action Force 2Gang of Five, Virgin Games Ltd'88Doctor Max'95214
  Action Reflex (2 in 1) (mod)Mirrorsoft Ltd'86Battletech Inc.'95147
  Adventures of Bouncing Bob 1, 2, 3, 4, TheDoug Bagnall'15-17tiboh'19223
  Ah DiddumsImagine Software Ltd'83tiboh'1839
  ArcadiaImagine Software Ltd'82tiboh'1981
  Astro BlasterQuicksilva Ltd'83tiboh'1833
  Astronaut LabyrinthJaime Grilo'18tiboh'18110
  AvengerGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Alexey Vagin, Artem Surunov196
  Beyond the Ice PalaceElite Systems Ltd'88Phantom Ltd107
  BreakanoidDoug Bagnall'17tiboh'1958
  Bugaboo the Flea (mod)Indescomp S.A., Quicksilva Ltd'83Lone Wolf'96131
  Casey Jones (mod)Blaby Computer Games'84Lone Wolf'97372
  Cerius 2 (Interalia: Cerius II)The Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'90Power of Sound'97106
  ColiseumTopo Soft'88Monsters Productions'94128
  Crystal Castles (mod)Andromeda Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'86Lone Wolf'95145
  Daman/aCondor Soft31
  Davey-Dudds Loves PeasGraham Blake'17tiboh'1940
  DeflektorVortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94102
  DiamantesLED Soft'87tiboh'1932
  DJ Puff (DJ Puff's Volcanic Erruption) (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92CyberPunks Unity'01, Slider'17192
  Donkey Kong Jr.Thomas Busse'84tiboh'19101
  Donkey Kong Jr. 1, 2Gabriele Amore'14-16tiboh'18202
  Escape From The SewersPrimyGames'15tiboh'18181
  Fernando Martin Basket MasterDinamic Software'87Centronics Group'95142
  Freddy Hardest 1Dinamic Software'87Tron z'03110
  Freddy Hardest 2Dinamic Software'87Tron z'03106
  Frost Byte (48/128k) (mod)Mikro-Gen Ltd'86goodboy, tiboh'18102
  Harvey HeadbangerFirebird Software Ltd'86tiboh'1853
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Phantom Ltd95
  Howard the DuckSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'87Phantom Ltd120
  Hulk, The (txt) (dsk)Adventure International'84Phantom Ltd'97134
  HumphreyZigurat Software'88Power of Sound'98109
  HunchbackOcean Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd87
  Hungry HoracePsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Phantom Ltd26
  HybridStarlight Software'87Power of Sound'97106
  Hyper SportsImagine Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd132
  Hyperlane +Enigma Software Developments, Crash'91Phantom Ltd91
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87Phantom Ltd120
  I'm in ShockArtic Computing Ltd'84Phantom Ltd14
  I, BallFirebird Software Ltd'87Andy Mokrushin'95145
  I, Ball 2Firebird Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd120
  I.C.U.P.S.Thor Computer Software'86Power of Sound'9787
  Ice Breaker (pentfix)Topo Soft'90Slider'19233
  Ice Temple, TheBubble Bus Software'86Phantom Ltd131
  iD (dsk)Nu Wave Software'86Himik's ZxZ90
  ImplosionCascade Games Ltd'87Phantom Ltd109
  ImpossaballHewson Consultants Ltd'87Phantom Ltd105
  Impossible MissionUS Gold Ltd'85Phantom Ltd'95117
  Incredible Shrinking Sphere (ISS)Foursfield, Electric Dreams Software'89Power of Sound'9796
  Inhumanos, LosDelta Software S.L.'90goodboy, tiboh'18180
  Inside OutingThe Edge'88Power of Sound'97103
  Inspector Gadget and the Circus of FearBeam Software, Melbourne House'87Phantom Ltd106
  International Karate 1System 3 Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd117
  International Karate 2System 3 Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd116
  International Karate+ (IK+)System 3 Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd135
  International SpeedwayMind's Eye Software, Silverbird Software Ltd'88Himik's ZxZ'9698
  Iron SoldierSinclair User'89Himik's ZxZ98
  Jason's GemMastertronic Ltd'85debris'19128
  KlaxTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90Monsters Productions'95423
  Komplex CityLegend'85tiboh'1989
  Lode Runner 1Platinum Productions, Software Projects Ltd'84Tron z'0384
  Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions'97511
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tron z'03195
  MoonwalkerEmerald Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94673
  MotosBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Doctor Max'94172
  Navy Moves 2 (mod)Dinamic Software'88Crasher Hacker Group'95208
  Ninja Commando (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Gladiators Group'95196
  North StarGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tron z'03124
  Out RunProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94375
  PaperboyElite Systems Ltd'86Alexey Vagin, Artem Surunov'95171
  Parabola (pentfix)Firebird Software Ltd'87BrokImSoft'03, tiboh'1962
  Pedro (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'84Lone Wolf'9682
  QuondamDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'89tiboh'18112
  Raiders of the Lost ArkLuca Bordoni'17tiboh'1986
  Rainbow IslandsGraftgold Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions343
  Ramparts (48/128k) (mod)Future Concepts, Go!'88goodboy, tiboh'18118
  RetroForceClimacus, KgMcNeil'17Slider'18298
  Rex 1The Light, Martech Games Ltd'88Tron z'03151
  Rex 2The Light, Martech Games Ltd'88Tron z'03103
  Rockman (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'85Lone Wolf'96166
  Slightly ManicThe Manic Hacker'92tiboh'18154
  Soldier of FortuneGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Tron z'03128
  Space EscapeAMC Games'17tiboh'1976
  Space IntrudersQuicksilva Ltd'82Power of Sound'9713
  Spherical (48/128k) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Rainbow Arts'89BrokImSoft'18303
  Star Raiders IIElectric Dreams Software'87Doctor Max'94170
  Twin WorldUbi Soft Ltd'90Monsters Productions'18856
  Zona 0Topo Soft'91Slider'19199
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 91 of 10576 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Euphoria (Королевство Эйфория)vBv'92author263
  Gluf (128k only) (pentfix)RetroSouls'19author232
  Help Me!Igor Oktyabrskiyauthor187
  Mighty Final Fight (128k only)SaNchez'18authortrd
  Nazoler Landg0blinish'19author67
  TetcolorKrasnoyarsk Software'93Freddy Kruger'9445
  Tetris (mod)Vladislav Baliasov'86Wlodek Black'9154
  Virus IISergey Kukoviakin'95Wlodek Black'9795
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 10 of 1927 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  krt17 Game Demokrt17'17tiboh'1821
  Postie's Peril - DemoPROSM Software'18tiboh'1862
  RetroForce DemoClimacus, KgMcNeil'17tiboh'1833
  Rodman DemoMisfit'18tiboh'1843
  Star Corps: Tales of the Kuiper Patrol DemoAMC Games'17tiboh'1946
  Worms DemoDark Souls Corporationauthor109
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 6 of 758 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  180Binary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'86SD Group224
  Bomb JackElite Systems Ltd'85Condorsoft'94, A.S.'95149
  Bomb Jack IIElite Systems Ltd'87Condorsoft, A.S.'95195
  CybernoidHewson Consultants Ltd'88Condorsoft'94, A.S.'95213
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future (Дан Даре: Пилот Будущего) (2 in 1) (mod)Virgin Games Ltd'86666 Studio, Sam [ua]'93133
  Death Zone (mod)Sinclair User'89SD Group'95209
  ExolonHewson Consultants Ltd'87SD Group'95180
  FredIndescomp S.A., Investronica S.A.'84SD Group'95121
  Full Throttle 2Zeppelin Games Ltd'90Condorsoft, A.S.'95196
  Game Over 1.1Dinamic Software'87Condorsoft162
  Game Over 1.2Dinamic Software'87Condorsoft161
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87SD Group'95227
  MiG-29 Soviet FighterCode Masters Ltd'89SD Group'95180
  Nether Earth (mod)Argus Press Software Ltd'87Servis'88, Tron z'97171
  Nether Earth (Спаси Землю) (mod)Argus Press Software Ltd'87Condorsoft, Antix'93430
  Pyjamarama (mod)Mikro-Gen Ltd'84Condorsoft'93191
  Race, ThePlayers Premier'90Condorsoft, A.S.'95177
  Ring WarsVektor Grafix, Cascade Games Ltd'89SD Group'95248
  SaboteurDurell Software Ltd'85SD Group'95186
  Video PoolOxford Computer Publishing'85SD Group'9599
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 20 of 1093 filez