GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  After the War 1 (mod)Dinamic Software'89Ralf'12, Slider'18134
  Almacen, ElMicroHobby'85tiboh'1895
  Astor MindAstor Softwaretiboh'1846
  Astor Slot MachineAstor Software'84tiboh'1829
  Auf Wiedersehen MontyGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Kot Bazilio'91237
  Auf Wiedersehen PetTynesoft'84tiboh'18172
  Australian GamesBeam Software, US Gold Ltd'90Moment Records244
  AvalonHewson Consultants Ltd'84Monsters Productions'94109
  Barbarian (Barbarian 3) (mod)Icon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'88AVL, Cooper'96154
  BlasteroidsImage Works'89Monsters Productions'94150
  BlockTriton Software, MicroHobby'89tiboh'18130
  Bomb Jack +4thRock'18Slider'18134
  BoumCzerweny Electronica S.A.I.C.'85tiboh'18196
  Buggy Ranger (48/128k) (mod)Dinamic Software'90goodboy, tiboh'18132
  Captain PlanetMindscape International Inc'91Codemonsters Hackers Group'95156
  Casanova (pentfix)Iber Software'89tiboh'18139
  Chess (Masterchess) (dsk) (mod)Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Grand'1865
  Chess (Masterchess)Psion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'82Black Cat'9952
  Corsarios 1, 2 (2 in 1)Opera Soft S.A.'89Monsters Productions'97268
  Cross ChaseFabrizio Caruso'17tiboh'1843
  Death PitDurell Software Ltd'84Slider'18160
  Death PitDurell Software Ltd'84goodboy, tiboh'18130
  Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'92Studio Scorpion Group'95223
  Draconus (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'88Silicon Brains'94220
  En Busca de MortadeloDro Soft'87Slider'1891
  Enigma Force (km)Denton Designs, Beyond Software'85Hood, tiboh'18124
  Eskimo EddieOcean Software Ltd'84Slider'1889
  Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur (Guardian Angel) (48/128k) (mod)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'89goodboy, tiboh'18162
  Goody (eng)Opera Soft S.A.'87Cooper'95198
  GothikFirebird Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'93112
  GUPJoe Burton'87tiboh'18113
  HackerActivision Inc'85Phantom Ltd113
  Hacker 2Activision Inc'87Phantom Ltd97
  Hampstead (txt) (dsk)Melbourne House'84Phantom Ltd'9790
  HardBall!Advance Software Promotions Ltd'86Phantom Ltd122
  Harrier Attack!Durell Software Ltd'83Phantom Ltd28
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Phantom Ltd'95121
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Phantom Ltd91
  HundraZeus Software, Dinamic Software'88Himik's ZxZ143
  Impact (dsk)Audiogenic Software Ltd'88Phantom Ltd, Slider'18107
  Implosion (pentfix)Cascade Games Ltd'87tiboh'1893
  Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Everlasting LifeMiezpiez'17tiboh'1865
  Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeUS Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94524
  InvestigacaoCaga na Saquinha, Francisquinho Cheira Custiboh'1874
  Judge DreddRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'90goodboy, tiboh'18618
  Judge DreddBeam Software, Melbourne House'87tiboh'18147
  KongOcean Software Ltd'83tiboh'1873
  Last Ninja Remix (Last Ninja 2 Remix)MD Software, System 3 Software Ltd'90Dr.Bars'14, ZX_Novosib'18633
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90Monsters Productions'98624
  Line of FireCreative Materials Ltd, US Gold Ltd'90AVL'95431
  Mad CarsVentamatic'84tiboh'1879
  Max Pickles Part I: The Haunted CastleWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author102
  Max Pickles Part II: The Mine Of DoomWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author102
  Max Pickles Part III: The Price of PowerWorld XXI Soft Inc'18author92
  MazezaMMalcolm Tyrrell'02tiboh'1815
  MeganovaDinamic Software'88Monsters Productions'94240
  Narco Police (+3dos)Iron Byte, Dinamic Software'90goodboy, tiboh'18291
  New York WarriorsBig Red Software Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'90Monsters Productions'18389
  New Zealand Story, TheChoice Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'89Monsters Productions'18735
  Ninja MasterTron Software, Firebird Software Ltd'86tiboh'1891
  Ninjakul in the AUIC TempleGreenweb Sevilla'18goodboy, tiboh'18178
  Oriental HeroTron Software, Firebird Software Ltd'87tiboh'18100
  Panic Dizzy (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'91Avela Software'95204
  ParabolaFirebird Software Ltd'87King of Time116
  PheenixMegadodo Software'83tiboh'1847
  Pokestripper (Hollywood Poker)Individual Software'86Power of Sound'9879
  PuzzleTriton Software, MicroHobby'91tiboh'1845
  QuahappyJaime Grilo'18tiboh'18100
  Rambo IIIOcean Software Ltd'88Monsters Productions'94401
  Rocky Horror Show, TheCRL Group PLC'85Phantom Ltd129
  Roller CoasterElite Systems Ltd'86tiboh'18136
  Ruff and Reddy in the Space AdventureTwilight, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Impetus Led'96134
  Samurai TrilogyGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94626
  Shanghai Karate 1, 2 (48/128k)One Week Productions, Players Software'88Monsters Productions'95497
  Sorceress 1, 2Payndz'17tiboh'18153
  Super Hang-On 1, 2, 3, 4Software Studios, Electric Dreams Software'87Profi Code Computers Club'96427
  TapperUS Gold Ltd'85Unicum Group'97142
  Titanic 1Topo Soft'88Unicum Group'97101
  Titanic 2Topo Soft'88Unicum Group'97109
  Trans-Europe RallyABC Soft'84tiboh'1834
  Treasure of Lumos, TheJaime Grilo'17tiboh'1880
  Video PokerProbe Software Ltd, Entertainment USA'86Kaplikov120
  Vindicator, The (128k only)Imagine Software Ltd'88Monsters Productions'95392
  W.A.R. 1 (High Photon) (ita)Creative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'86G.B.Max'86, Himik's ZxZ106
  Way of the Tiger, The (2 in 1) (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'86Monsters Productions'95437
  World Cup CarnivalUS Gold Ltd'86tiboh'1883
  World War Simulator: Part 2, TheRetrobytes Productions'18tiboh'1888
  Zynaps (pentfix)Hewson Consultants Ltd'87goodboy, Slider'18120
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 90 of 10576 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  4 Knightsg0blinish'18author18
  Fiveteens (15's)Greedy Guys Group, Silicon Brains'96Shadow Soft [ua]'96trd
  Game 40Nikolay Trius'89author55
  Grid Ig0blinish'18author26
  King's BountyEJB'95Avela Software'96411
  Lost in WorldsNihirash'18tiboh'1834
  PentisTony Raugas'88Dr.Shura25
  Rogue 2g0blinish'18author55
  Trum (txt)Patriot Club, BMCauthor134
  Днюха 2018 (txt) (km)Not-Soft'18author144
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 17 of 1927 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  After the War 1 DemoDinamic Software'89tiboh'1898
  After the War 2 DemoDinamic Software'89tiboh'1899
  Altered Beast DemoActivision Inc, Your Sinclair'89tiboh'18115
  Buggy Ranger DemoDinamic Software'90tiboh'1893
  Cybernoid II: The Revenge PreviewHewson Consultants Ltd'88tiboh'1896
  Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone DemoStorm Software [2]'91tiboh'18129
  Elon M. With a Jetpack DemoRafael Vico Costa'18tiboh'1876
  Last Duel DemoUS Gold Ltd, Your Sinclair'89tiboh'1897
  Lords of Chaos DemoTarget Games Ltd, Blade Software Ltd'90tiboh'18111
  Mini Explorer XXXI DemoRafael Vico Costa'18tiboh'1871
  Navy Moves 1 DemoDinamic Software'88tiboh'1876
  Navy Moves 2 DemoDinamic Software'88tiboh'1879
  Pac-Land DemoGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'89tiboh'1893
  Power Drift DemoSoftware Studios, Activision Inc'89tiboh'1891
  Prayer of the Warrior Demo, TheRestos Software'91tiboh'18111
  Race Demo, ThePlayers Premier'90tiboh'1857
  RoboCop 2 Demo (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90tiboh'18228
  RoboCop 3 DemoSinclair User'92Fanatic Stas97
  RoboCop 3 DemoSinclair User'92Softstar'93380
  Robot Santa BetaSimonLCFC'14tiboh'1847
  Roust DemoHighrise'18tiboh'18100
  Scramble Spirits DemoGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'90tiboh'1899
  Shanghai Warriors DemoPlayers Software, Your Sinclair'89tiboh'1855
  Silkworm DemoRandom Access, Virgin Games Ltd'89tiboh'1878
  Switchblade DemoGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'91tiboh'1874
  Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op DemoProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'91tiboh'1892
  Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles DemoProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'90tiboh'1871
  Tomcat DemoPlayers Software, Your Sinclair'89tiboh'1865
  Vradark's Sphere DemoSaNchez'18author189
  ZX Dungeon Demo v0.5Dworkin'17tiboh'1863
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 30 of 758 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Biggles 1Dalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'86Ershsoft108
  Duct, TheGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Max Iwamoto'92173
  Fighter Bomber (Пикирующий Бомбардировщик) (dsk)Vektor Grafix, Activision Inc'90Prospekt, Monsters Productions'18397
  Flintstones, TheGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88L&K'94, tiboh'18194
  Football Manager (Футбольный Менеджер)Addictive Games Ltd'82Oleg Razuvaev'91159
  Fruit Machine Simulator 2Code Masters Ltd'90Studio K&S, Litvinuyk173
  Penetrator (Воздушная Атака)Beam Software, Melbourne House'83ITP Universal'88135
  Rambo III (pentfix)Ocean Software Ltd'88Hi-Tech Group'95, tiboh'18427
  Sceptre of BagdadProductive Playtime, Atlantis Software Ltd'87Alexander Spektor'89, Ershsoft'93163
  Space Trader (Космическая Торговля)Sinclair User'85Pavel Nikitin'9374
  Zub (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Added Dimension'86Avela Software'95157
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 11 of 1093 filez