GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  4 Soccer Simulators: Street SoccerSupersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Gold'88AmoNik'0096
  Action ForceGang of Five, Virgin Games Ltd'87MT-Soft'9486
  Advanced Soccer Simulator (dsk)Mastertronic Plus'89Fanatic Stas'93180
  ArkarumUltrasoft [sk]'90tiboh'1552
  BadlandsTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90Nik Beast135
  Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge 1Martech Games Ltd'85Welcome Corporation80
  Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge 2Martech Games Ltd'85Welcome Corporation72
  Daley Thompson's Decathlon 2Ocean Software Ltd'84MT-Soft'94133
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1Ocean Software Ltd'85Max Iwamoto'93196
  Days of ThunderTiertex Ltd, Mindscape International Inc'90MT-Soft'93135
  Deja VuCrash'89MT-Soft'94142
  Destiny MissionWilliams Technology'90MT-Soft'94166
  Grange HillBinary Design Ltd, Argus Press Software Ltd'87Fanatic Stas'93191
  Grange HillBinary Design Ltd, Argus Press Software Ltd'87Mortal Kombat Hackers Group'94300
  KemshuCult Games'89MT-Soft'9450
  Knight Lore (mod)Ultimate Play The Game'84Slider'05, 15167
  Lila Diva (Spanner)Hands On Software'84tiboh'15186
  Mr. Heli (128k only) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'89VDV Corp, VT Master, New Group'96318
  Nightmare on Robinson Street (mod)Players Premier, Your Sinclair'90MT-Soft'94143
  Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorMC Lothlorien Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89Fanatic Stas'93125
  S.O.S.Mastertronic Ltd'86AmoNik'0056
  Sky RunnerOrpheus Ltd, Cascade Games Ltd'87Welcome Corporation81
  Slap FightProbe Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'87AmoNik'00104
  Snake PitPostern Ltd'83AmoNik'009
  Soldier of LightSoftek International Ltd, ACE Software'88AmoNik141
  Solomon's KeyProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87AmoNik'0068
  Sonic BoomSource Software Ltd, Activision Inc'90AmoNik212
  Space HarrierElite Systems Ltd'86AmoNik127
  SpecimenAndy Remic'90AmoNik'0078
  SpectrapedeProtek Computing Ltd'83Welcome Corporation45
  Spiky HaroldFirebird Software Ltd'86AmoNik88
  SpiritsTopo Soft'87NAA189
  SpitfireDurell Software Ltd, Encore'89AmoNik128
  Splitting ImagesDomark Ltd'86AmoNik'00121
  StargliderRainbird Software Ltd'86AmoNik'00238
  StonkersImagine Software Ltd'83AmoNik87
  Stormlord 2.1Hewson Consultants Ltd'90AmoNik122
  Stormlord 2.2Hewson Consultants Ltd'90AmoNik120
  Stormlord 2.3Hewson Consultants Ltd'90AmoNik120
  StreakerBulldog Software [1]'87AmoNik'00110
  Street GangPlayers Software'89AmoNik90
  SubmarinerAtlantis Software Ltd'88AmoNik85
  Super SoccerImagine Software Ltd'86AmoNik'00123
  Sweevo's WorldGargoyle Games'86AmoNik'0091
  Swords & Sorcery (dsk)PSS'85AmoNik'00163
  Task ForcePlayers Premier'89MSE161
  Virgin Atlantic ChallengeMillside Software, Virgin Games Ltd'86MT-Soft'94120
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 47 of 10576 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  12 Тайных Книг ДемоShadow Group'97author223
  3D-Roost DemoFenomen'98author180
  Arrow Demo, TheMGN'96author78
  Awaken DemoRage Technologies'99Sty-Detch Crew'051183
  Gallows Demo (Шибениця Демо)Taras, Fisher Ilya'00author292
  Mega Tetris 2000 DemoPush, Demos and Games Makers Software'99author79
  Snare Demo 1Enigma Software Developments'91AmoNik'0050
  Stormlord DemoHewson Consultants Ltd'89Welcome Corporation'01119
  Turbo the Tortoise DemoVisual Impact, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'92Fanatic Stas120
  Гомакс ДемоCrowd Company'94author315
  Городки ДемоSpark Creative Group'96Chemnesoft'96125
  Страна Драконов ДемоVirt Group, O-Set'97author847
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 12 of 758 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Action Force 2Gang of Five, Virgin Games Ltd'88Studio K&S, AmoNik99
  Alien (Чужой)Concept Software Ltd, Mind Games'84Omen Group'95, AmoNik84
  Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy (Страна Сказок Диззи) (48/128k)Code Masters Ltd'89KSA'94, AmoNik'01186
  ExolonHewson Consultants Ltd'87Alexey Mednonogov, AmoNik99
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Studio K&S, Welcome Corporation'0185
  ImpactAudiogenic Software Ltd'88Alexey Mednonogov, AmoNik80
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Alexey Mednonogov'92, AmoNik103
  PuzznicOcean Software Ltd'90Alexander Titkin, Remix Software'9491
  Vixen 3 (Лиса 3)Martech Games Ltd'88Alexey Mednonogov, AmoNik90
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 9 of 1093 filez