GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  3D Space WarsGraftgold Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'83Triumph'0024
  Agent Orange (dsk)A'n'F Software, Argus Press Software Ltd'87goodboy, Slider, tiboh'15116
  Batman: The Movie (Batman 3)Ocean Software Ltd'89Alexander Maryshev'94383
  Colour Clash (Pennellix) (ita)Romik Software'83Triumph'0024
  Espada Sagrada, La (Sacred Sword)Topo Soft'90Alexander Maryshev'95369
  Hacker 1, 2Activision Inc'85-87Alexander Maryshev'94247
  Hacker 2Activision Inc'87Step Creative Group'96103
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Alexander Maryshev'94133
  Hyper SportsImagine Software Ltd'85Survivor'97183
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (dsk) (mod)Cognito Software'89Alexander Maryshev'95181
  Kyd Cadet 1, 2, 3Paul Jenkinson'10-14Slider'15245
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Survivor'97104
  Nemesis the WarlockCreative Reality, Martech Games Ltd'87Alexander Maryshev'94184
  Omega Dimension 1, 2 (Dimension Omega 1, 2)Positive'89Alexander Maryshev'95283
  On CueMastertronic Added Dimension'87tiboh'1577
  Plexar (Roads of Plexar, The)Mastertronic Added Dimension'87Triumph'00119
  PlummetInterceptor Software'84Triumph'0080
  Pneumatic HammersFirebird Software Ltd'87Triumph'0074
  Pro Skateboard SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'89Alexander Maryshev'95143
  Professional Ski SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'87Dr.Shura135
  QuartetProbe Software Ltd, Activision Inc'87Triumph'0097
  Race Against Time, TheCode Masters Plus'88Alexander Maryshev'95145
  RasterscanBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'87Triumph'0085
  Rescate en el Golfo 1True Soft, Opera Soft S.A.'90Triumph'0088
  Rescate en el Golfo 2True Soft, Opera Soft S.A.'90Triumph'0090
  Return to Ithaca (txt) (dsk)Atlantis Software Ltd'85Immortal Boneman171
  River RescueThorn EMI Video Ltd'84Triumph'0036
  RoboCop 3 (128k only)Probe Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'92Alexander Maryshev'94340
  Sach-MatUltrasoft [sk]'92Triumph'04114
  ScumballSoftware Creations, Bulldog Software [1]'88Triumph'00115
  Shoot-OutLast Chance Conversions, Martech Games Ltd'89Alexander Maryshev'94131
  SiegePostern Ltd'83Triumph'008
  SiegePostern Ltd'83tiboh'1539
  Sinclair User Photo Album - The Game (SU Crew, The)Sinclair User'92Alexander Maryshev'95121
  SkyfoxAriolasoft UK Ltd'85Triumph'00103
  Smoog, TheAD Software'84Triumph'0064
  Sodov the SorcererSoftware Conversions Ltd, Bug-Byte Software Ltd'86Alexander Maryshev'94136
  Sol Negro 2Opera Soft S.A.'89Triumph'00134
  Space WormAndy Remic'89Triumph'00107
  SporeMastertronic Ltd'88Triumph'0040
  Star RunnerCode Masters Ltd'87Triumph'00117
  Teenage Mutant Hero TurtlesProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'90Alexander Maryshev'94175
  Tetris (dsk)Andromeda Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'88Slider'15137
  Tiro de PichonMicroHobby'85Triumph'0023
  Tiro de PichonMicroHobby'85Phantom Ltd27
  Titanic 1, 2Topo Soft'88Alexander Maryshev'95261
  TransformersDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Alexander Maryshev'94161
  Twilight ZoneNick Outram, Thor Computer Software'84Slider'1563
  ZynapsHewson Consultants Ltd'87D.S.C.177
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 49 of 10615 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Barmen (txt)C-jeffauthor140
  Boulder Dash 7T.R.U. Software Ltd'93A.S.'94156
  Ciferton (Цифертон)C-jeff, The Mask'01author283
  Countenance Man 2.0C-jeff'01author103
  Death FightC-jeff'02author154
  Elite 2Shadow Soft [ru]'92Eldar Korotkov246
  Elite 3Shadow Soft [ru]'92Die Krupps Group'99173
  Elite 3Shadow Soft [ru]'92Stars of Keladan'96170
  Elite 3Shadow Soft [ru]'92OneSOFT'96167
  Elite 3Shadow Soft [ru]'92FFC Computers'95171
  Elite III (mod)THD'93A.S.Koln'94219
  Laser SevenC-jeff'01author155
  Rangers (Рэйнджеры)Fantadrom Ltd'94Phantom Ltd133
  Shoggoth HallsDanner'15author21
  Поле ЧудесSoftland Studio'95Hacker Cris'95228
  Предсмертный ЧасC-jeff'01author150
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 18 of 1927 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  ATF (Super ATF) (dsk) (mod)Digital Integration'88Cybertronic Software'96442
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 1 of 1095 filez