GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Advanced Pinball SimulatorCode Masters Ltd'88Sergey Smirnov157
  Agent X II Part 1, 2, 3Software Creations, Mastertronic Ltd'87Double Masters Company584
  Aspar GP Master (+3dos) (48/128k) (mod)Dinamic Software'88Slider, tiboh'23297
  Athena (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Imagine Software Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'23435
  Australian Games (+3dos) (48/128k)Beam Software, US Gold Ltd'90goodboy, tiboh'23607
  Averno (+3dos)P.J. Software'89tiboh'2358
  Beverly Hills Cop (+3dos) (48/128k) (pentfix)Tynesoft'90Monsters Productions, tiboh'23335
  Boss, The (dsk)Peaksoft'84tiboh'23132
  Chuckie Egg 2 (dsk)A'n'F Software'85Golden Max185
  Cosmic Pirate (dsk)MC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Maksim Maksimov'94213
  Dandy (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Electric Dreams Software'86Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'23247
  Dizzy 6: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk (128k only) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91Code Blasters'95226
  Down the Pipe (48/128k)DF Design, Phoenix Ware'23tiboh'23363
  Down to Earth (128k only) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87S.K.Soft'95210
  Down to Earth (128k only) (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Omega Hackers Group'95130
  Exiled (txt) (dsk)Andrew Hall'92MiS Studio'00135
  Great Escape, TheDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86E&M Red Army194
  Gunrunner (kemp8bit) (mod)Cybadyne, Hewson Consultants Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'23162
  Gunship (128k only) (mod)MicroProse Software Ltd'87S.K.Soft'95359
  Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (128k only) (mod)Spidersoft [2], US Gold Ltd'92Monsters Productions, tiboh'23783
  InfectionVirgin Mastertronic Ltd'89Digital Reality'97, Slider'23167
  Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Beam Software, Melbourne House'87SG-Team'08, Slider, tiboh'23298
  International Match Day (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'85SAD'95443
  International Ninja Rabbits (48/128k) (mod)Creative Edge, Micro Value'91Monsters Productions, Slider, tiboh'23334
  Little Puff (Little Puff in Dragonland) (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'89SG-Team'12, Slider, tiboh'23181
  MASK III: VENOM Strikes BackGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Tollysoft'91205
  MasterchessMikro-Gen Ltd'82Black Cat'9952
  Metro-Cross (48/128k) (bugfix) (mod) (pentfix)Probe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87goodboy, Slider, tiboh'23103
  Mutan Zone 1, 2Opera Soft S.A.'89BrokImSoft'02, Slider'23282
  Nonterraqueous (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'85tiboh'23195
  Operation Hanoi (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Players Premier'90Slider, tiboh'23224
  Pink Panther (48/128k) (mod) (pentfix)Micro-Partner, Magic Bytes, Gremlin'88Triumph'05, Slider, Tiboh'22314
  Poker Dice (48k only)Gilsoft International'82Rasoft37
  Postman PatAlternative Software Ltd'89Die Krupps Group158
  Prince Clumsy (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd, Cartoon Time'90Slider, tiboh'23325
  Pyramania16/48 Tape Magazine'84tiboh'2366
  R-TypeSoftware Studios, Electric Dreams Software'88Swajsoft475
  Real Ghostbusters, TheMr. Micro Ltd, Activision Inc'89Destroyer'95898
  RedshiftWorld XXI Soft Inc'19author318
  Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The (128k only)Arc Developments, Ocean Software Ltd'91Destroyer'95trd
  Skateboard Construction System (dsk)Players Software'88Sergey Smirnov291
  Smaily (+3dos) (48/128k)NF Stars, Zigurat Software'91tiboh'23147
  Terramex (48/128k) (mod)Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'87Slider, tiboh'23253
  Thunder Blade (128k only)Tiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Die Krupps Group294
  Total Recall (128k only) (pentfix)Ocean Software Ltd'91SG-Team'12, Slider, tiboh'23550
  Tour de ForceGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88Himik's ZxZ, Phantom Ltd'96383
  Trap Door, The; Through the Trap Door (48/128k) (kemp8bit) (mod)Piranha'86-87Slider'13, tiboh'23319
  Two-Gun TurtleMC Lothlorien Ltd'84Flash Inc'9767
  UlisesOpera Soft S.A.'89Golden Max127
  ZX TrekImpact Software [1]'83tiboh'23116
  Zybex (2 in 1) (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Condorsoft'92138
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 53 of 10495 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec Studio'23tiboh'2383
  Batty 3Alex Owsjannikov'92tiboh'2359
  BORSCH (km)Dragons Lord'23author479
  COINZ are Mine!Drunk Fly'23tiboh'2389
  Dizzy 6.5: Last Will Dizzy (48k only)Oleg Moskalenko'93ZSV116
  Dizzy X: Journey to Russia (48/128k) (eng/pol) (mod)Speed Code'94tiboh'23439
  Down to Earth 2 (Вниз к Земле 2)LDV'94author158
  Elite 2Shadow Soft [ru]'92Satan Hacker, Princess Simina236
  Homer Simpson in Russia (128k only)Mr Gluk & Company'98Jupiter 77, ERA Creative Group'23758
  PentisTony Raugas'88Pirate Software'9145
  President!Fernandes Company'93tiboh'23133
  President!Fernandes Company'93Delta Ltd'94, tiboh'23133
  Prince of Persia (128k only)Nicodim'96Destroyer1607
  Unicorn, TheUriS'23tiboh'2360
  Welcome in Adventure LifeFree Pixel Studio'23author504
  Words (Отгадай Слово)Alexander Evdokimov'92tiboh'2326
  Приключения БуратиноCopper Feet'93Dnieprsoft'93120
  Приключения БуратиноCopper Feet'93Vladimir Saveliev'93148
  Седьмой ЭлементRurkmurk'23tiboh'2343
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 20 of 1912 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Blacula DemoAngel Javier Jimenez Perez'88tiboh'23108
  Mean Machine Demo (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Ltd'91tiboh'23176
  Premier Tennis DemoPlayers Premier'91tiboh'2369
  Tau Ceti Demo v1.02b1009PLM'20author534
  Tau Ceti Demo v3PLM'14author931
  Total Recall Demo (128k only)Ocean Software Ltd'90tiboh'23152
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 6 of 757 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Ball BreakerThe Zen Room, CRL Group PLC'87Igor Cherenkov'92138
  Bomber (Бомбардир!)Spectrum Computing'83Studio K&S'9221
  EliteTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Sergey Orlov, Studia S.K.162
  Gulpman (Обжора)Campbell Systems'82List'87, tiboh'2324
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91ShiSoft'922106
  Loco-MotionMastertronic Ltd'85Magic-Studio142
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Evgeny Sardak755
  Nether EarthArgus Press Software Ltd'87Servis'88, Ershsoft'92190
  Nether EarthArgus Press Software Ltd'87Servis'88, Alien'92194
  Nether EarthArgus Press Software Ltd'87Servis'88, AVF&CH'91196
  P.H.M. PegasusLynsoft, Electronic Arts'88Logros Software'95144
  Robin of the Wood (48k only) (rus)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'85Logros Software'93147
  Sim City (dsk)Probe Software Ltd, Infogrames'90Alexander Maryshev, Viktor Maslo'94177
  Spike in Transylvania (48/128k) (bugfix) (eng/esp/rus) (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'91Jupiter 77, ERA Creative Group'23201
  Vade Retro II (kemp8bit)J.B.G.V.'17Black Cat'20, tiboh'23104
  Video Pool (Биллиард)Oxford Computer Publishing'85Oleg Boyarkin'9367
  Where Time Stood Still (Там, Где Время Остановилось) (128k only) (eng/rus) (kemp8bit)Denton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'88SG-Team, debris, TomCaT, Oleg Origin'23371
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 17 of 1092 filez