GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  1943 (48/128k) (mod)Tiertex Ltd, Go!'88goodboy, tiboh'18124
  3D Stock Cars IIChallenge Software'92tiboh'1897
  Air Traffic Control RomeLuca Bordoni'14tiboh'1859
  All Hallows: Rise of PumpkinRucksack Games'18tiboh'18117
  AmoebaAlchemist Research'95tiboh'1823
  Artura (48k only)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89Light Future Incorporation'95133
  Astor GamaoAstor Softwaretiboh'1860
  Autostopista Galactico v1 (Stopista Galactico)Ventamatic'83tiboh'1861
  Autostopista Galactico v2 (Stopista Galactico)Ventamatic'84tiboh'1863
  Backpackers Guide to the Universe (dsk)Fantasy Software [1]'84tiboh'18243
  Barmy BurgersBlaby Computer Games'83Light Future Incorporation'9654
  Batalha NavalAstor Softwaretiboh'1837
  Beyond the Ice PalaceElite Systems Ltd'88Monsters Productions'93139
  Biggles 1, 2Dalali Software Ltd, Mirrorsoft Ltd'86tiboh'18183
  Birds and the Bees, TheBug-Byte Software Ltd'83Light Future Incorporation'9658
  Captain Planet (48/128k) (mod)Mindscape International Inc'91goodboy, tiboh'18134
  Chessboard AttackLCD'11tiboh'1885
  Chibi AkumasAkuyou'18author728
  ChimeraFirebird Software Ltd'85Light Future Group'98149
  Chuckie EggA'n'F Software'83tiboh'1863
  Circus Games (+3dos)Tynesoft'88tiboh'18323
  Comando QuatroZigurat Software'89Rom Corp'96194
  Cosmic PirateMC Lothlorien Ltd, Byte Back'89Monsters Productions'98116
  CrawlerCRL Group PLC'83tiboh'1811
  Daley Thompson's Super-Test 1, 2Ocean Software Ltd'85Rom Corp'96342
  Dan Dare: Pilot of the FutureVirgin Games Ltd'86Rof Soft'92163
  Dark Fusion (128k only) (mod) (pentfix)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'18208
  Doomsday CastleFantasy Software [1]'83tiboh'18112
  Duck Out!Josko Soft, Dro Soft'89Comcod Ltd368
  Eidolon, The (48/128k)P.A.W. Software, Activision Inc'86Monsters Productions'18865
  F.I.R.E.Fuxoft'88Anton Vasilyev163
  Feed the WormAlchemist Researchtiboh'1818
  Feud (48/128k) (mod)Binary Design Ltd, Bulldog Software'87goodboy, tiboh'18150
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87VMG217
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Rom Corp'96129
  Game Over 1.1, 1.2Dinamic Software'87Reanimator'95240
  GandalfCristian M. Gonzalez'18tiboh'18220
  Gauntlet IIGremlin Graphics Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88Monsters Productions491
  GhostbustersJames Software Ltd, Activision Inc'84AW Studio'92160
  Golden AxeVirgin Games Ltd'90Alcoholica Software735
  Grand NationalElite Systems Ltd'85tiboh'18217
  Gregory Loses His ClockMastertronic Plus'89Light Future Incorporation'96123
  Grime Z80Akuyou'18tiboh'1817
  H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation)Software Conversions Ltd, Activision Inc'84Phantom Ltd67
  Hammer Boy 2Dinamic Software'91Power of Sound'97133
  Hamte DamteCross Technics'88Phantom Ltd144
  Harvey HeadbangerFirebird Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd'9742
  HeartbrokenThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd119
  Heartland (Kimera)Odin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Power of Sound'99110
  HellfireMelbourne House'85Phantom Ltd122
  Helter SkelterAudiogenic Software Ltd'91Light Future Incorporation'95140
  High FrontierActivision Inc'87Phantom Ltd82
  Highlander 1, 2, 3Canvas, Ocean Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd263
  Highway EncounterVortex Software'85Phantom Ltd112
  HijackParadise Software [2], Electric Dreams Software'86Phantom Ltd122
  Hong Kong PhooeyPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'90Phantom Ltd107
  Hopping MadElite Systems Ltd'88Phantom Ltd102
  Horace & the SpidersPsion Software Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd'83Power of Sound'9736
  HotshotMaxwell Technology Ltd, Addictive Games Ltd'88Phantom Ltd93
  Human Killing MachineUS Gold Ltd'88Power of Sound'97295
  Humpty Dumpty in the GardenArtic Computing Ltd'84Phantom Ltd65
  HydrofoolFaster Than Light'87Phantom Ltd131
  Hypa RaidAtlantis Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd83
  HypaballOdin Computer Graphics Ltd'86Phantom Ltd88
  HyperbowlBinary Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'86Phantom Ltd75
  HysteriaSpecial FX Software Ltd, Software Projects Ltd'87r0m'95150
  I, Ball 2Firebird Software Ltd'87Monsters Productions'94124
  Icecream FactoryEquinox'95tiboh'1815
  Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeUS Gold Ltd'89Reanimator, Andy 2'95447
  Jet Set Willy 64: Manic Miner: James BondBroadsoft'09tiboh'18126
  Jungle WarriorTrue Soft, Zigurat Software'90Hacker John'93168
  Last Duel (48/128k) (mod)US Gold Ltd'89goodboy, Slider'18374
  LED Storm (48k only)Software Creations, Go!'88AVV318
  LemmingsDMA Design Ltd, Psygnosis Ltd'91Sudden Prodigy Incorporated'97659
  MagnetronGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Monsters Productions'94133
  Meteor ManiaHighrise'18tiboh'1823
  MinderDK'Tronics Ltd'85tiboh'18127
  Minesweeper 16/48Blerkotronic Software'17tiboh'1846
  Ninja Massacre (pentfix)Code Masters Ltd'89Flash Inc'97, Slider'18145
  North Star (48/128k) (mod)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'18124
  Octopussy (eng) (mod)Bytepack, Ultrasoft [sk]'92tiboh'18192
  Operation WolfOcean Software Ltd'88Seamans'96467
  Pac-ManAtarisoft'84Rom Corp'9562
  Pedro na Ostrove Piratov (slk)Gold Storm, Ultrasoft [sk]'92Mafia Private Corporation'96166
  Piggy (cez)Excellent Spectrum Aces'97tiboh'0092
  PlaydaysFriendly Learning'93tiboh'18206
  Poker AbertoAstor Softwaretiboh'18196
  Power MagicGamesoft [3], Zigurat Software'90Light Future Incorporation'96161
  Pumpkin PoePoe Games'17tiboh'1893
  Purple Saturn Day (+3dos)Exxos'89goodboy, tiboh'18437
  Pyramid, TheFantasy Software [1]'83tiboh'1896
  QuazatronGraftgold Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'86Monsters Productions'9495
  R.A.M.Topo Soft'90goodboy, tiboh'18180
  Race Against Time, The (48/128k) (mod)Code Masters Plus'88goodboy, tiboh'18173
  RampageCatalyst Coders, Activision Inc'88Seamans124
  Raw BattleKabuto Factory'17tiboh'1867
  Red Sphere, TheMartin Tosas Bautista'88tiboh'18477
  Renegade III (mod)Imagine Software Ltd'89Ralf'15, Monsters Productions, Slider'18271
  Robot FactoryVentamatic'84tiboh'1889
  Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The (48/128k) (mod)Palace Software'86goodboy, tiboh'18148
  Savage 1, 2, 3, IntroProbe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Intense'18278
  Shadow of the BeastGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'90Monsters Productions'97556
  Shanghai Karate 1, 2 (128k only)One Week Productions, Players Software'88Light Future Incorporation'96418
  Shanghai Karate 2One Week Productions, Players Software'88Mike Blum285
  ShinobiSales Curve Ltd, Virgin Games Ltd'89Monsters Productions896
  Smash TV (48/128k) (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Ocean Software Ltd'91goodboy, tiboh'18138
  Soviet (+3dos) (128k only)Opera Soft S.A.'90goodboy, tiboh'18275
  SovietOpera Soft S.A.'90Monsters Productions'96294
  Spectrum PokerSosoft'84tiboh'1852
  Spherical (mod)Probe Software Ltd, Rainbow Arts'89Ralf'15, Monsters Productions, Slider'18263
  Star Raiders IIElectric Dreams Software'87Monsters Productions'93168
  Storm (48/128k) (mod)Mastertronic Ltd'86goodboy, tiboh'18103
  Stormlord 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, DemoHewson Consultants Ltd'89-90Sepultura Soft, Rom Corp'96583
  Stormlord 2.1Hewson Consultants Ltd'90Antony'93221
  Stormlord 2.2Hewson Consultants Ltd'90Antony'93221
  Stormlord 2.3Hewson Consultants Ltd'90Antony'93219
  StriderTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'89Monsters Productions'94459
  Super Serif BrosRobin Allen'18tiboh'1819
  Super Stuntman (48/128k) (mod)Supersonic Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'18140
  Super Wonder BoyImages Ltd, Activision Inc'89Monsters Productions'94733
  Superman: The GameFirebird Software Ltd'85tiboh'1878
  Sweevo's WorldGargoyle Games'86Light Future Incorporation'96118
  Teenage Mutant Hero TurtlesProbe Software Ltd, Image Works'90Intense'18103
  Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op (128k only)Probe Software Ltd, Image Works'91Monsters Productions'99357
  TronPedro Damazio'91tiboh'1865
  Type-RopeMastertronic Ltd'85Light Future Incorporation'96115
  Vegas SlotFuat Kenan Cakir'18tiboh'1861
  Vixen 1, 2, 3Martech Games Ltd'88Light Future Incorporation'96344
  War MachinePlayers Premier'89Monsters Productions'98135
  Warlock of Firetop Mountain, TheCrystal Computing, Puffin Books'84tiboh'1882
  Wells & FargoTopo Soft'88Monsters Productions'94138
  WelltrisInfogrames'91Rom Corp'96195
  XeviousProbe Software Ltd, US Gold Ltd'87Light Future Incorporation'95114
  Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2James Software Ltd, Imagine Software Ltd'86Light Future Incorporation'96112
  ZynapsHewson Consultants Ltd'87Monsters Productions'93177
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 141 of 10576 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  48 Irons (48 Утюгов)Galaxy Inc'95LeoSoftware'95935
  Dizzy Y: Return to RussiaSpeed Code'95Hacker Shurik203
  Down to Earth 2 (Вниз к Земле 2)LDV'94tiboh'1866
  Log Cabin DizzyVerm-V'18author756
  Mr. RoboInferno Software Inc'96GPV'9674
  Old TowerRetroSouls'18tiboh'18352
  Pasyance "Four Row's"Premier Corp'97Smash Hackers Band'9781
  PentisTony Raugas'88Makstudio'9250
  PentisTony Raugas'88Makstudio'92, DimikSoft'9545
  Операция Р.Р.Galaxy Inc'97Reflection Group'98500
  ЭрудитGrob Research'14tiboh'18168
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 14 of 1927 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Circus Circus DemoMartech Games Ltd'89Serge246
  Circus Circus DemoMartech Games Ltd'89Dr.Shura144
  Double Dare DemoBizarre Developments, Alternative Software Ltd'91Aleksey Dupanov'92122
  Ice Breaker DemoTopo Soft'90tiboh'1865
  Maze Death Rally-X DemoTom Dalby'18tiboh'1860
  Playdays DemoFriendly Learning'93tiboh'18112
  Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants Demo, The (128k only)Arc Developments, Ocean Software Ltd'91tiboh'18156
  Snare Demo 1Enigma Software Developments'91Aleksey Dupanov'9260
  Steg DemoBig Red Software Ltd, Code Masters Ltd'92Aleksey Dupanov'92113
  Tai Chi Tortoise DemoZeppelin Games Ltd'91Crystal Dream, Grunge'96177
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 10 of 758 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)Digital Integration'88Sergey Orlov'92, Delta Ltd'94179
  Battle Ships (2 in 1)Hit-Pak'87Sliders Creative & Hackers Group108
  Dogfight: 2187 (Сражение 2187)Starlight Software'87Dale139
  EliteTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Sergey Orlov175
  EliteTorus, Firebird Software Ltd'85Sergey Orlov, Valery'93182
  High SteelIntelligent Design Ltd, Screen 7 Ltd'89Igor Tatarintsev'93157
  Joe Blade 3Players Premier'89Dmitry Simakin'92, KeV_master, Alex'94167
  Sim City (dsk)Probe Software Ltd, Infogrames'90Chip'93120
  Telly Wise (dsk)Fastback'90Teenager Software'93165
  WheelieMicrosphere'83White Lake Soft'92159
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 10 of 1093 filez