GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  2112 ADDesign Design Software'85Cat-House, Megafire Software'9592
  Action Force 2Gang of Five, Virgin Games Ltd'88Sergey Krutyko176
  ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)Digital Integration'88Cybertronic Software'95229
  Attack of the Killer TomatoesGlobal Software'86Phantom Ltd87
  BadlandsTeque Software Development Ltd, Domark Ltd'90tiboh'19160
  Bestial WarriorZeus Software, Dinamic Software'89Cybertronic Software'95159
  Brain 8IvanBasic'19tiboh'19158
  Brainstorm (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87Golden Dreams Group'9575
  Canyon WarriorFront Room Team, Mastertronic Plus'89Sergey Krutyko'94192
  Captain BloodImagitec Design Ltd, Exxos'88CZ269
  Chicago's 30Topo Soft'88Freddy149
  ColiseumTopo Soft'88Sergey Krutyko175
  Comando TracerDinamic Software'89Sergey Krutyko'94200
  Comeback Early HomePavel Letko'93tiboh'19109
  CORE (Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition)A'n'F Software'86Kirill Dachkov'94148
  Corsarios 1 (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'89Cybertronic Software205
  Corsarios 2 (mod)Opera Soft S.A.'89Cybertronic Software213
  Crazy Kong City - Episode 2: Saving KongGabriele Amore'17tiboh'1994
  Day in the Life, AMicromega'85Captain Nemo184
  DominoesPhipps Associates'83Moment Records109
  Down to Earth (mod)Firebird Software Ltd'87AVL98
  Dr Who - Surrender TimeErrazking, ThEpOpE'18tiboh'19140
  EarthlightNexus Productions Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88GMR'91161
  Elven Warrior (mod)Players Premier'89Cybertronic Software'9691
  ExplorerElectric Dreams Software'86Sergsoft'91165
  Flying SharkGraftgold Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'87Sergey Krutyko177
  Freedom FighterThe Power House'88Slider'1972
  Ghouls 'n' GhostsSoftware Creations, US Gold Ltd'89Lazy442
  H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)Vortex Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'89goodboy, tiboh'19119
  Hawk StormPlayers Premier'91Sergey Krutyko'95196
  HostagesNew Frontier, Infogrames'90Anton Vasilyev502
  Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeUS Gold Ltd'89Sergey Krutyko'94562
  Invasion of the Cloud PeopleThomas Tj Ferreira'19tiboh'19131
  It's a KnockoutOcean Software Ltd'86Phantom Ltd91
  Jet Set Willy: Willy's New Hatn/a'85DimikSoft'9499
  Kat Trap (Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men)Design Design Software, Streetwise'86Phantom Ltd101
  KemshuCult Games'89Phantom Ltd42
  Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchConsult Software Ltd, Impressions Ltd'90Phantom Ltd126
  Kesha Was Bird Remaster (txt)whoozle'19tiboh'19111
  Kikstart 2Icon Design Ltd, Mastertronic Ltd'88Phantom Ltd100
  KirelAddictive Games Ltd'86Phantom Ltd103
  KlimaxHewson Consultants Ltd'90Phantom Ltd108
  Knight LoreUltimate Play The Game'84Phantom Ltd105
  Knight RiderOcean Software Ltd'86Himik's ZxZ93
  Kobyashi Naru (txt) (dsk)Mastertronic Ltd'87Power of Sound'97111
  Kolko i KrzyzykKrajowa Agencja Wydawnicza'87Phantom Ltd50
  Kosmic KangaMicromania'84Phantom Ltd90
  KosmosThe Shaw Brothers, Atlantis Software Ltd'89Phantom Ltd106
  KraalHewson Consultants Ltd'90Power of Sound'97119
  Krakatoa (Escape from Krakatoa)Instant Products, Abbex Electronics Ltd'84Phantom Ltd46
  KrakoutGremlin Graphics Software Ltd'87Phantom Ltd118
  Krakout 2Firefly Software'88Phantom Ltd108
  Krap ParkJaime Grilo'19tiboh'19108
  Krolewna JebaczkaX-Prog'84Phantom Ltd'9549
  Kung-FuBug-Byte Software Ltd'84Phantom Ltd76
  Legend of KageImagine Software Ltd'86Golden Dreams Group'96186
  Level 5Blue Text, Mastertronic Ltd'87E&M Red Army126
  LumASCIIBob Smith'12goodboy, tiboh'1289
  Magic MeaniesCDS Microsystems'83Aleksey Dupanov'9340
  MusoJim Bentley'19tiboh'19156
  Myth: History in the MakingConcept Animations, System 3 Software Ltd'89Cybertronic Software541
  NetherworldImagitec Design Ltd, Hewson Consultants Ltd'88Cybertronic Software'95224
  Night Raider (km)Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd'88goodboy, tiboh'1995
  OrbiterSilversoft Ltd'82DimikSoft'9538
  Pac-ManAtarisoft'84Sergey Morozov'1946
  Pac-ManiaGrandslam Entertainments Ltd'88Sergey Morozov'19200
  Park PatrolFirebird Software Ltd'87Robert196
  Percy Penguin in the Present PalaverJohn Davies'19tiboh'19129
  Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo (eng) (mod)Topo Soft'89Cybertronic Software'96402
  QangScorpion [cz]'91tiboh'1948
  Real Stunt Experts, The (2 in 1) (mod) (pentfix)Enigma Variations Ltd, Alternative Software Ltd'89goodboy, Slider, tiboh'19177
  Satan 1 (2 in 1) (mod)Dinamic Software'89Cybertronic Software'96179
  Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-DooPAL Developments, Hi-Tec Software Ltd'91Himik's ZxZ165
  Spaced OutFirebird Software Ltd'87Vadim'1967
  Spaghetti Western SimulatorZeppelin Games Ltd'90Phantom Ltd'9789
  Speccy PongJulian Urbano Munoz'17tiboh'1961
  Sports HeroBeam Software, Melbourne House'84Phantom Ltd'95107
  Starship EnterpriseSilversoft Ltd'83Yegor137
  Steel EaglePlayers Premier'90Cybertronic Software'96131
  Sword of Ianna, The (128k only)RetroWorks'17goodboy'19946
  Tau Ceti - The Special Edition (dsk)CRL Group PLC'87JK Soft'91525
  Thing! (Cosa, La) (ita)Players Software'88Recly Company'92152
  Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3, 4Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Legion of Steel Warriors'94618
  Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3, 4Grandslam Entertainments Ltd'89Cybertronic Software'95523
  Thundercats (48/128k)Gargoyle Games, Elite Systems Ltd'87Cybertronic Software'95305
  Topo Mix GameTopo Siglo XXI'17Slider'19141
  TransformersDenton Designs, Ocean Software Ltd'86Sergey Krutyko162
  Trine Michelson's Hot PartsFahnn'19tiboh'19161
  Venganza de Johny Comomolo, LaJuliet Software, Dro Soft'87Hacker Killer, Norton158
  VindiusAncient Bits'18tiboh'19304
  Wells & FargoTopo Soft'88Freddy'95137
  Whole New Ball Game, A (dsk) (km)Crash'88Create Soft147
  XenonIcon Design Ltd, Melbourne House'88Pomidor274
  Yie Ar Kung-FuImagine Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd198
  Yie Ar Kung-FuImagine Software Ltd'85Phantom Ltd113
  Zybex (128k only) (mod)Zeppelin Games Ltd'89Cybertronic Software'95168
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 99 of 10604 filez

  Russian GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Apollo (txt)Jokersoft'96Batman Soft'96280
  Business Man 2, TheInvincible Soft, Igor Zakharchenko'94tiboh'19103
  Chip RescueRomancha'19creator'19120
  F102nd floorauthor70
  FlowersDmitry Zinoviev'96Smash Soft Inc'96158
  Lode Runner 3Rasoftauthor151
  Prince of Persia (128k only)Nicodim'96Smash Soft Inc1647
  Robo XonixChemist Soft'94Spectrum Warriors Corporation'96110
  Soldier of the FutureIvan Gudkov'96Spectrum Warriors Corporation'961172
  Strip PokerMikhail Pohilyuk'93author153
  Бегство на ХарханAir'97Viking'98975
  Империя (txt)Vitaly Savkin'97author140
  Квартира 17 (txt)0 OK.Studio'97author72
  Квартира 17 Часть II0 OK.Studio'97author155
  Крестики-НоликиBrothers Ltd'97Power of Sound'9753
  Кроссворд0 OK.Studio'97author54
  Кубики КоссаVadim Bodrov, Inforcom'95Phantom Ltd78
  Морской БойBilandauthor154
  Поле ЧудесVladimir Gorchilin'95author279
  Приключения Винни-ПухаSoftland Studio'96Spectrum Warriors Corporation501
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 25 of 1927 filez

  Demo GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  Alan Demo (Квартира 17 Часть 3 Демо)2nd floor'98author335
  Backpackers Guide to the Universe DemoFantasy Software [1]'84tiboh'1878
  Battle City DemoBiland'97author156
  Big Deal DemoFahnn'19tiboh'1924
  Continental Circus DemoVirgin Mastertronic Ltd'89tiboh'19113
  Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau Demo (txt)Creative Sparks'84tiboh'1939
  Digression DemoStare Group'97author327
  Dominator Demo (Mivisis Demo) (ita)System 3 Software Ltd, Your Sinclair'89G.B.Max'89, Alexey Ermakov'93112
  Fish DemoDuncanauthor36
  LED Storm Demo (pentfix)Software Creations, Go!'88tiboh'1993
  Percy Penguin in the Present Palaver DemoJohn Davies'19tiboh'1977
  Snare Demo 2Enigma Software Developments'92Aleksey Dupanov'9280
  Stormlord DemoHewson Consultants Ltd'89Alexey Lyulin'94122
  Stormlord DemoHewson Consultants Ltd'89Rasoft122
  Stormlord DemoHewson Consultants Ltd'89Andrew Strikes Code, OKO95
  Strangeloop DemoVirgin Games Ltd'84tiboh'1953
  Supaplex DemoFlyman512'98author183
  Tai Chi Tortoise DemoZeppelin Games Ltd'91Serge189
  Thunder Blade DemoTiertex Ltd, US Gold Ltd'88tiboh'1994
  Tilt DemoGenias, Linel'92Walsoft'93170
  Turbo Out Run DemoICE Software, US Gold Ltd'86tiboh'19115
  Автошкола "Без Тормозов" Демо0 OK.Studio'98author24
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 22 of 758 filez

  Translate GamesFirm / Year VersionSec
  3D-Tanx (Танк)DK'Tronics Ltd'82SKL-Keeper43
  Animated Strip PokerKnightsoft'85SKL-Keeper'94188
  Battle 1917 (Битва-1917)CCS'83SKL-Keeper'9377
  Blade WarriorCode Masters Ltd'88Freddy'95125
  Castle, The (txt)Bug-Byte Software Ltd'83SKL-Keeper'97167
  Chip Rescue (eng)Romancha'19creator'19120
  Conquest (Захват) (dsk)CheetahSoft Ltd'84SKL-Keeper'93149
  Dictator (Диктатор)DK'Tronics Ltd'83Yuri Rodionov, Nicolas Rodionov, Grand'94174
  Down to EarthFirebird Software Ltd'87TS.A.V. Microprogram Ltd'92174
  Enduro Racer (Гонщик)Activision Inc'87Nicolas Rodionov'89, DimikSoft'95164
  Fighter PilotDigital Integration'83SKL-Keeper'94138
  Gonzzalezz 1Opera Soft S.A.'89Freddy138
  Joe Blade 3Players Premier'89Serge176
  Johnny Reb II (Джонни Рэб 2)Choice Software Ltd, MC Lothlorien Ltd'86SKL-Keeper'95199
  Johnny Reb II (Джонни Рэб 2) (dsk) (mod)Choice Software Ltd, MC Lothlorien Ltd'86SKL-Keeper'95, Immortal Boneman'96277
  MaziacsDK'Tronics Ltd'83SKL-Keeper'95109
  Ocean Conqueror (Подводная Война)OCTA Soft'86SKL-Keeper'96184
  Savage 1Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Alexey Mednonogov'92, Compact-Studio'93165
  Savage 2Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Alexey Mednonogov'92, Compact-Studio'93176
  Savage 3Probe Software Ltd, Firebird Software Ltd'88Alexey Mednonogov'92, Compact-Studio'93145
  War in Middle Earth (Война в Средиземье) (dsk)Maelstrom Games Ltd, Melbourne House'89SKL-Keeper'97264
  Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 21 of 1094 filez