Demo Games | Firm / Year | Version | Sec |
1st april jokes | Smokers'97 | author | 100 |
3D Самолёты | Sopolimer | author | 85 |
80'Puzzle | Flash | author | 144 |
Atomic 256k | Looker'04 | author | 698 |
Awaken | Rage'99 | author | trd |
Back to School | Ima Slancy'97 | author | 40 |
Bolo | Sliders'96 | author | 70 |
Brain Pressure Inside | Mr.Beeper'99 | author | trd |
Cave Master | HDS'04 | author | 107 |
Cave Master | Firestarter'01 | author | 90 |
Ceitnot | Vega/Style | author | 510 |
Citadel | Stalker'96 | author | 72 |
Citadel | n/a | author | 483 |
Civilization | Cubeckin Vitaliy'97 | Fatality | 255 |
Crime Santa Claus | ETC'95 | author | 50 |
Crime Santa Claus 2 | ETC'97 | author | 175 |
Curse of Xeen | X-Master/Crossword | author | 203 |
Cybereal | Laser Dreams | author | 81 |
Dark Square | Last Masters'98 | author | 146 |
Darkwing Duck | Virtual Masters'03 | author | 106 |
Death Valley pre-release | Green Bit'03 | author | 211 |
Demoniada | Ruins of Mankind'03 | author | 462 |
Dizzy & ZX | K-Soft'96 | Shadow Maker'09 | 103 |
Dizzy Dash | Artice'95 | author | 6 |
Dizzy in Rainbow | Nexus,Rainbow Harmfuler'96 | author | 226 |
Dizzy-XX | Megacode'95 | Magic | 110 |
Doom | Syndicate'96 | author | 105 |
Doom | Cobra | author | 42 |
Doom pre-release v1.5b | Digital Reality'97 | Smash | 570 |
Doom pre-release v1.5b | Digital Reality'97 | author | 599 |
Drunk Dizzy | Black Eagle'95 | author | 178 |
Dune 2 Battle for Arrakis v1 | Perestroika'96 | author | 270 |
Dune 2 Battle for Arrakis v2 | Perestroika'96 | author | 524 |
Dune: the Building of a Dynasty | Turbo-Space | General | 380 |
Earth War | Fanat&K | author | 96 |
Empire demo1 | Virtual Vision'97 | author | 102 |
Empire demo2 | Virtual Vision'97 | author | 78 |
Empire demo3 | Virtual Vision'98 | author | 122 |
Encouner 1 | Goblin Graphics'95 | author | 217 |
Faces | Premier'96 | author | 249 |
Flea Tales | Games Killer | Mafia | 86 |
FuFighters | Crystal Dream'99 | author | 75 |
Full Shit | CyberPunks Unity,Experience'98 | author | 384 |
Genetic Wars | X-Theme | author | 82 |
Hanoi | Without Denomination'97 | author | 68 |
HDN (?) | n/a | author | 162 |
Heroes of Might a Magic | n/a | n/a | 120 |
Heroes of Might and Magic | n/a | author | 67 |
Hook Worms | n/a | author | 138 |
Invasion | Precision'96 | author | 67 |
Iron Attack | Stas Vihrov'98 | author | 382 |
Jackals | BKA'00 | author | 219 |
Jackals v0.0 | BKA | author | 134 |
Japan Crossword | Delta | author | 70 |
Kill PC | Z-Group | author | 107 |
King's Bounty | STRG'98 | author | 95 |
King's Bounty 3 | Gore | author | 234 |
Klad | Raydac'97 | author | 185 |
Kluxer | Jeez'99 | author | 110 |
Kolobok Zoom | Asphyxia'98 | author | 119 |
Kombatris | Kingdom Dreams'96 | author | 227 |
Lady in Love | Crystal Dream'98 | author | trd |
Land of Dark | Light Future'99 | author | 111 |
Legend of Kyrandia | Nicodim | tiboh'11 | 1439 |
Life | Supervisor, High Style | author | 36 |
Little Ghost | Dr.Dash'97 | author | 69 |
Living on the Edge | M.M.A'95 | author | 94 |
LSF (?) | n/a | author | 168 |
Magic Age | Dome | author | 67 |
Margo 2 | Asphyxia'98 | author | 27 |
Margo 3. Побег | Werewolves'00 | author | 152 |
Mario | Robat_e, Clown | author | 122 |
Master of Orion | Phantom Family'97 | author | 1272 |
MechWars | n/a | author | 484 |
Megaball | Digital Reality'96 | author | 332 |
Megaboom | Alliance Team'99 | author | 154 |
Metal Man | Oleg Origin'97 | author | 191 |
Miner | MixSoft | autthor | 68 |
Mist | Rage'99 | author | trd |
Mortal Kombat | Ancah,Virt Group'97 | author | 475 |
Mortal Kombat 2 256k | Looker'04 | author | 974 |
Mr. Robo | Inferno'96 | author | 93 |
Nemesis 1 | Brothers'99 | author | 140 |
Nemesis 2 | Brothers'99 | author | 157 |
Ninth Wave | Home Masters'98 | author | 42 |
Numerical | Ellipse'00 | author | 406 |
Operation Aquatrash | PHD'97 | author | 101 |
Operation 'Oil' | Alexoft,Berseker'99 | author | 352 |
Operation Red Refregerator | Galaxy'96 | author | 377 |
Paradise Lost | Digital Reality (?) | author | 102 |
Paradise Lost | Digital Reality'96 | author | 322 |
Pell-Mell | Witchcraft | author | 364 |
Pentix | HSS | author | 34 |
Phthoros | 2DOX'00 | author | 22 |
Plasmodium. Astral Complex | CyberPunks Unity | author | 481 |
Project X + Cybereal | Laser Dreams | author | 255 |
PsyhoXor | WL/WAR'01 | author | 50 |
Push Over | Abracadabra/CRG'98 | author | 67 |
Putup | Image'97 | author | 109 |
Rescue Rangers | Fantadrom'97 | author | 201 |
Road Fighter | Surdakar'97 | author | 155 |
Robbo | ProSoft | author | 175 |
Robbo | Zero'97 | author | 149 |
Robo: the Komix Game | ETC'96 | author | 269 |
Role Playing Game | X-Theme | author | 98 |
Saski (Шашки) | Mental Inspiration Unity'00 | author | 432 |
Schlacht | Power of Sound'96 | author | 111 |
Sea Quest | Тарас'98 | author | trd |
Space Works | Soft Dreamers | author | 80 |
Special Corps | Ivan Gudkov | author | 436 |
Star Craft | Slip/Action'02 | author | trd |
Super Mario | Master HCG'99 | author | 179 |
Super Mario Bros. | Gogin'02 | author | 777 |
Swopper | U.L.G.'02 | author | 37 |
Thieves School | Worldxxisoft'08 | goodboy'09 | 448 |
TimeCop | Moonsoft'96 | author | trd |
Top Gear | AKM/U99 | author | 176 |
Total Recall (preview) | Active Minds'89, Eye'07 | riskej'08 | 158 |
Triple Triad | Трофимчук В.,etc'02 | author | 305 |
Tupik | KYO | author | 59 |
Twins,the | FX Illusion | author | 133 |
Walker | Alien Factory'98 | author | 411 |
Walker (Last Edition) | Alien Factory'00 | author | 373 |
War for Teritory | Death Moroz | author | 111 |
War Robot | Aurun | author | 137 |
WarCraft | XL-Design'97 | author | 180 |
Way Out | KYO'96 | Phantasy | 71 |
Welcome to the Hell | WL/WAR | author | 169 |
Wolf 3D | Alone Coder | author | 56 |
Wolf 3D | Phantom,Golden Dreams'97 | author | 91 |
Worms | Multyplex | author | 177 |
Worms | Silicon Brains'97 | author | 168 |
Worms | Silicon Brains'97 | Amazing | 176 |
Worms | Mythos | author | 111 |
XReversy | Creator'97 | author | 32 |
Zona the last stalker | TNT Sector | author | 319 |
Адмирал | Ice'98 | author | 864 |
Век Дракона | Wolf Pack'97 | author | 88 |
Вера | Perspective'05 | author | 211 |
Весы | n/a | author | 42 |
Винни Пух 2 (in Z80) | Softland | author | z80 |
Виселица | SYB'97 | author | 137 |
Войны Прошлого | Павел Анохин'96 | author | 405 |
Городки | Spark'96 | author | 114 |
Городки | Spark'96, RubtsOFF'06 | author | 443 |
Дикие Ангелы | Oleg Origin'97 | author | 137 |
Долина Смерти. Хождение по Трупам | Green Bit'02 | author | 77 |
Забытая Легенда | Brothers | author | trd |
Захват 0 v? | WL/WAR'98 | author | 102 |
Захват 0 v0.01 | WL/WAR'98 | author | 115 |
Змейка | Sopolimer | author | 117 |
И Наступила Тьма | Infotek | author | 336 |
Извне (from Beyond) | Sleepwalkers'97 | author | 167 |
Колобок | SoftWarrior'95 | author | 105 |
Командо | Slip'06 | author | trd |
Кроссворд | Фантом'96 | author | 231 |
Кубик Рубика | Alone Coder'99 | author | 61 |
Кубок Авиллиды | Аблаев Сергей'97 | author | 278 |
Лабиринты Смерти | O2-Soft | author | 552 |
Лунный Ветер | Нестерёнко Е.'00 | author | 421 |
Недобитые | Jurassic | author | 68 |
Неизвестный Мир. Проклятый Остров | Oberon'96 | author | 446 |
Онейроид | Action'05 | author | trd |
Пасьянс Трилистник | WWS'97 | Magic Moon | 67 |
Правила Дорожного Движения | ALS,RLS'98 | author | 123 |
Приключения Алкаша Михалыча | Ellipse'02 | author | 214 |
Путь Кланов | Orion'96 | author | 200 |
Пыль Звездных Дорог | Galaxy'97 | author | trd |
Сокровища | Sirius'96 | author | 88 |
Стань Стальной Крысой | Rome'r,Bloody Skull'97 | author | 344 |
Страна Драконов.Таинственный Замок | Virt,O-Set'96 | author | 174 |
Тайна Капитана Шелтона 256k | Wave'97 | author | trd |
Талисман | Ray'01 | author | 170 |
Цейтнот. Анархисты | GMS'97 | author | 237 |
Черный Ворон 2 demo v0.00 | Copper Feet'98 | author | 245 |
Черный Ворон 2 demo v0.02 | Copper Feet'98 | Prophecy'97 | 303 |
Черный Ворон 2 demo v0.04 (in Z80) | Copper Feet'99 | author | z80 |
Черный Ворон 2 demo v0.05 | Copper Feet'99 | Ascendancy | 316 |
Черный Ворон 2 final demo (fixed TRD) | Copper Feet'00 | Stanislav Udin | trd |
Чип и Дейл | Triumph'02 | author | 103 |
Шашлык | Dr.Dash | author | 36 |
Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 181 of 181 filez |
10.09.2011 |