Games | Firm / Year | Version | Sec |
L.E.D. Storm | Capcom,Creations,Go'88 | SG'10 | 309 |
Outlaw | Players'90 | SG'10 | 124 |
Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 2 of 5178 filez |
10.09.2011 |
Russian Games | Firm / Year | Version | Sec |
Alcotris | Imperio'01 | Grand'02 | 73 |
Building | InterComplex'92 | author | 161 |
Dizzy Неуловимый | Jura | author | 167 |
Durak 2 | Krouwait'94 | author | 149 |
Eifory | Бульба С.'94 | author | 211 |
Labyrinth | P.A.Soft | author | 136 |
Labyrinth 8 | Mesenow S. | author | 201 |
Maksit | Igor K.'93 | author | 82 |
Ариэль | Megasoft'95 | author | 118 |
Бизнесмен | КАФ'95 | author | 199 |
Змея (48k) | Hanzis Sergey'93 | author | 72 |
Кто Быстрей | Хохлов Ю.'94 | author | 165 |
Червяк | Вашин А.'95 | author | 135 |
Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 13 of 826 filez |
10.09.2011 |