Games | Firm / Year | Version | Sec |
Apple Jam | DK'Tronics'84 | Flash | 38 |
Aquaplane | Quicksilva'83 | Flash | 38 |
Aquarius | Bug-Byte'83 | Phantom | 32 |
Arcadia | Imagine'82 | Phantom | 29 |
Archon 1 | Ramjam'83 | Welcome | 90 |
Artura | Sentient'89 | Power of Sound'98 | 144 |
Astronut | Software Projects'84 | Phantom | 102 |
Athlete | Buffer Micro'84 | Phantom | 82 |
AticAtac | Ultimate,ACG'83 | Phantom | 108 |
Avenger | Gremlin'86 | Power of Sound'97 | 160 |
Awari | Unterstanding'84 | Odysseus | 29 |
Virtual TR-DOS Filez Database / 11 of 5086 filez |
16.01.2011 |