CC'2004. Demo Competition
  Demo Name Author
  1 Traum Werk 4d+Triebkraft
  2 Nature Rules JTN
  3 R CPU
  4 Childhood's innocent eyes eYe-Q
  5 Inmost sun CPU
  6 Life is infinite Volga soft
  7 Father Skrju
  out Mother Skrju
Virtual TR-DOS. CC'2004. Demo Competition // 1 file // 26.8.2004


CC'2004. 512B Intro Compo
  Intro Name Author
  1 Just Another Grass! Psb/Triumph
  2 Cool Shit Siberian group
  3 Pegas Konex/Antares
Virtual TR-DOS. CC'2004. 512B Intro Compo // 1 file // 26.8.2004


ALL music from CC'2004. AY Music Competition
  Music Name Author
  1 N0 1 can fun! Fatal Snipe/Fenomen
  2 Speccy RULEZ 4ever! Debugger
  3 Back to scene Sergant/Fishbone
  4 My Promise EA/Antares
  5 Foliage C-Jeff/Brain Wave
  6 Der epilog Kej-Jee/Triebkaft
  7 Goody Asi
  8 Ol in winter Drx
  9 Incomprehensible music Vega/Style
  10 E-Core Crash
  11 n-2k2 Nik-o
  12 Prelude Gasman/Hooy program
  13 Alien soldier Znahar
  14 Tobacco effect Risk/OCA
  15 Scetcher Kyv/Triumph
  16 no/leT ckapa6eQ Scarab/Siberian group
  17 Hey John Alone Coder/Invaders
  lost Improvisation Pink Elephant/hlw
  lost Matrix Ahim/CPU
  lost Inside_m Moran/CPU
  lost CC Scl
  lost Sharking Ulterior
Virtual TR-DOS. CC'2004. AY Music Competition // 1 file // 26.8.2004


ALL pictures from CC'2004. Graphics Competition
  Picture Name Artist
  1 Real Rion
  2 Kidsoft Kasik
  3 Mushu Breeze/Fishbone
  4 Lacert Demonik
  5 Blood. The Last Vampire Diver/4d
  6 Gordian goes ZX Critikill/Farbrausch
  7 Alarm Moran/CPU
  8 The Peaceful Submarine Aggressor/TPM
  9 Nostalgy Tasman
Virtual TR-DOS. CC'2004. Graphics Competition // 1 file // 26.8.2004


CC'2004. 640K Game Compo
  Game Name Author
  1 Wolfenstein 2004 Alone Coder
  2 Anime Story (fixed) Tasman & Sam style
  3 Ceitnot Vega/Style
  4 Translate words Znahar
Virtual TR-DOS. CC'2004. 640K Game Compo // 1 file // 26.8.2004